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Heinrich, E. Wm., Vian, R. W. (1967) Carbonatitic barites. American Mineralogist, 52 (7-8) 1179-1189 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
as barite-rich carbonatite breccia zones. Mbeya (Panda Hill) Tanganyika Chilwa Island, Malawi Late quartz-calcite...(rare species):celestite,strontianite, ancylite, goyazite,svanbergite. 5. Minerals containing chiefly Sr...Other localities are Nano-Vara, U.S.S.R.; Mbeya, Tanzania; and Kangankunde, Malawi. Aw.q.r,ytrcar,'Iecurvrqur...Black Forest, Germany 1.60(s6) Starke, 1964 Ruhr Region, Germany 0.3e(e0) Starke,1964 Forest, (Continued
Mitchell, Roger H. (2015) Primary and secondary niobium mineral deposits associated with carbonatites. Ore Geology Reviews, 64. 626-641 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.03.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
re-evaluated [e.g. Oka (Canada); Fen (Norway); Panda Hill (Tanzania)] for their economic potential. Although...and metamorphosed carbonatites of the Blue River region, British Columbia (Chudy, 2013; Pell, 1994, 1996)...linear Songwe Scarp and Sangu-Ikola carbonatites, Tanzania (Brown, 1964; Coetzee, 1963). 4.2. Carbonatite-bearing...focus has been on carbonatites in the Cordilleran region of British Columbia with most activity by Commerce...are Mrima Hill, Kenya (Pacific Wildcat Resources), Mabounié, Gabon (ERAMET) Panda Hill, Tanzania (Cradle
McKie, Duncan (1962) Goyazite and florencite from two African carbonatites. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 33 (259) 281-297 doi:10.1180/minmag.1962.033.259.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
281 Goyazite and florencite from two African carbonatites. By DUNCANMcKIE, M.A., B.Sc., A.R.I.C., F...the Kangankunde carbonatite in :Nyasaland, and goyazite with G 3.38s, a 6.982J-0-00l A, c 16-54• •, and...thermal analyses. The crystal chemistry of the goyazite series is discussed in the light of the two new...dimensions for four other members of the goyazite series. Goyazite, florencite, and gorceixite appear to...supergene conditions in carbonatites. INERALS of the goyazite or plumbogummite isostructural series of rhombohedral
Heinrich, E. William (1980) The Geology of Carbonatites - Reprint Edition with Supplementary Material. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc. Book (edition)
and A. Holmes (1950) : Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) : Tanzania Geological Survey and...Tidsskrift and K. S. Heier (1961) Figure 15-9: Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) Figure...Jr., completed most of the field work on the Iron Hill complex of Gunnison County, Colorado, in 1912-1913...accepted the idea of an igneous origin for the Iron Hill carbonatite. In 1924 Bowen, who had visited the...pyrochlore-rich carbonates (e.g. in Oka, Araxa, Fen, Mbeya) has removed Nb from the category of “rare’’ elements
Harris, P. M. (1965) Pandaite from the Mrima Hill niobium deposit (Kenya) Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 35 (270) 277-290 doi:10.1180/minmag.1965.035.270.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
277 Pandaite from the Mrima Hill niobium deposit (Kenya) By P. M. HARRIS, B.A. Warren Spring Laboratory...barium pyrochlore (pandaite) has been found at Mrima Hill (Kenya) in a residuum consisting mainly of goethite/limonite...of niobium in the weathered residuum of the Mrima Hill (Kenya) carbonatite in association with Overseas...described from only two other localities, P a n d a Hill (Tanganyika) the type locality (J~ger et al., 1959)...The purpose of this paper is to describe the Mrima Hill pandaite and to compare it with the other reported
Wall, F., Williams, C. T., Woolley, A. R., Nasraoui, M. (1996) Pyrochlore from Weathered Carbonatite at Lueshe, Zaire. Mineralogical Magazine, 60 (402) 731-750 doi:10.1180/minmag.1996.060.402.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the high cliffs on the northeastern side of Mutoro Hill contain up to 50% feldspar while some are rich in...found and sampled from the upper parts of Mutoro Hill. lxtterite The lower part of the weathering profile... r o a d or track ~ river + Lulime+ + + ~ + Hill + + + 500 m + ++~ ~++Q~+++ +++ + ~ + +~+ + + +...biotite rock at a carbonatite contact at Panda Hill, Tanzania (J~iger et al., 1959), and is also reported...carbonatite. Low levels of REE in abundant crandallite-goyazite and grains of rhabdophane found as inclusions
Lottermoser, B. G., England, B. M. (1988) Compositional variation in pyrochlores from the Mt Weld carbonatite laterite, Western Australia. Mineralogy and Petrology, 38 (1) 37-51 doi:10.1007/bf01162480 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 2Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, Central Research Laboratories...SEDIMENTS GOEIHIIE, HEMAIITE LATERITE CRANDALLIIE GOYAZITE GORCEIXIIE = FLORENCIIE MONAZIIE m: KAOLINITE...Western Australia Finland, Brazil, Guyana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire and Uganda (McNeil, 1979; Erdosh, 1979;...Appreciation is expressed to the Management, Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, Central Research Laboratories...Engineering. Appreciation is also expressed to the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, as well as CSBP and
Simandl, George J., Paradis, Suzanne (2018) Carbonatites: related ore deposits, resources, footprint, and exploration methods. Applied Earth Science, 127 (4) 123-152 doi:10.1080/25726838.2018.1516935 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Cax)2–x(CO3)], known from Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania). A refinement to the IUGS chemical classification...natrocarbonatitic lavas from Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania that contain 38–40 wt.% combined Na2O and K2O...Roberts 1984; Zaitsev et al. 2013); Kerimasi, Tanzania (Hay 1983; Zaitsev 2010; Guzmics et al. 2011);... 2010) to very recent (e.g. Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania, which is considered an active volcano). Frequency...carbonatite provinces: (a) East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and one occurrence in Zambia); (b) Namibia and
Tkachev, A. V., Rundqvist, D. V., Vishnevskaya, N. A. (2020) Comparison of Supercontinent Cycles in the Metallogeny of Niobium. Geology of Ore Deposits, 62 (1) 49-68 doi:10.1134/s1075701520010067 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Baerzhe; (35) Bonga; (36) Kaluwe; (37) Mrima Hill; (38) Panda Hill; (39) Oka; (40) Araxa; (41) Catalão I; (42)...Chuktukon Toongi Baerzhe Bonga Kaluwe Mrima Hill Panda Hill Oka Araxa Catalão I Catalão II Salitre Tapira...redeposited fine-grained pyrochlore–crandallite–_goyazite_–monazite ores having high concentrations of rare...in the Congo Craton, and the Kaluwe, Panda Hill, and Mrima Hill complexes in the influence zone of the...interest in the thick lateritic crust of the Mrima Hill massif, but hypergene-altered pyrochlore can also
Hey, M. H. (1961) Twenty-second list of new mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 32 (255) 941-991 doi:10.1180/minmag.1961.032.255.02 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
per unit cell]. From Dzhuzumli, Mt. Zirabulaksk region, Bukhara. Named after the alchemist Avieenna (Abu...phlogopite deposit of the Medviezhy river, Aldan region, Yakutia. Named from the composition. [M.A. 14-280...Anderson, G. F. Claringbull, R. J. Davis, and D. K. Hill, 1961. Nature, vol. 190, p. 997. (Th,U)(Ca,Fe,Pb)~SisO20;...chlorite, apparently a thuringite, from the Kremenchug region, Ukraine. Named from the locality. [M.A. 14-141...name for a pseudomorph of gypsum from Orda, Perm region ; named for the locality. [M.A. 14-277.] An unnecessary
(1964) Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 9 (3) Overseas Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
Large breccia ball at C 900 Sketch map of the Accra region . . . page View of road sections from north-western...base, and (3) the seismic activity in the Accra region, which may have accelerated the development of...Fig. 1. 3 MIL.t~ '2 Sketch map of the Accra region showing the location of the newly-cut roads near...highly improbable in such recent material in this region. Lateral extension, as in gulls, could be a factor...(Boswell, 1948, 1951, 1955). In the Giffard Camp region mechanical disturbance might have been due to differential
O'Donoghue, Michael (1994) The Colour Dictionary of Gemstones & Minerals. The Black Cat, London. Book
Freiberg, E. Germany; Pribram, Czechoslovakia; Broken Hill, New South Wales; Chanarcillo, Atacama, Chile; and...Cornwall; at Wallaroo, South Australia and Broken Hill, New South Wales. Found in sandstone at Corocoro...Jagersfontein in the Orange Free State. Also found in Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Zaire, Botswana, South-West...Colombia, near the river Pinto. It occurs in the Broken Hill area of New South Wales and in New Zealand and the...localities are Atacama, Chile and Cobalt, Ontario; Broken Hill, New South Wales. Treatment. Any dilute acid apart
(1991) Magmatism in Extensional Structural Settings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-73966-8 Book
volcanic regions (e.g. Rungwe in Southwestern Tanzania) are poorly known, hence the need to increase...Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Southwest Uganda Region of the African Rift: Implications from Experimental.... . . ... 3 The Crust Under the Canary Islands Region ............. 4 Network of Fractures and Identity...Identity of Vertical Movements in the Canary Islands Region ........................... 4.1 Transoceanic and...periods: 1. Ordovician-Devonian times in the Garoua region, northern Cameroon. Lavas have been associated
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and oblast (Russia). The country...by Mobutu, and is now the Katanga administrative region again. The former Kivu province is now divided...United States or of the Upper Silesian historical region in Poland, where the importance of ore-bearing...Rare-with scorodite in U-bearing lignite in the Caves Hill and Slim Buttes areas, both Harding Co .. South...exocontact, e.g. at Drahonfn, Smrcek, and on Zd'ar hill, near Ruda nad Moravou, all Moravia, Czech Rep.
(1971) November - December 1971. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 2 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
to Crystal Geometry, by Martin J. Buerger, McGraw Hill, New York, 1971, 204 pp., ($12.50) When the author...casual inventory disclosed such things as golden goyazite in thin rhombohedra; green platy fuchsite crystals;...books, for references were made to reddingite, goyazite, the sulfo­ salts and others. Even so, there were...Algeria, Mineral Mag. 28, 29-30. Cady, J. G., W. L. Hill, E. V. Miller, and R. M. Magness (1952) Occurrence...California, 166 C larkson, J. F., hidalgoite from G old Hill, U tah, 212 Classic locality: the A pache m ine
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gmelinite-(Na) Goethite Gold native Goldfieldite Gorceixite Goyazite Graphite Gratonite Greenalite Greenockite Gregoryite...the Alpine region, and (3) Mid-Triassic to early Jurassic extension in the extra-Alpine region. Isotope...make a contribution to the cultural heritage of a region and may successfully be used in exploration (Mascaro...two years. The economic potential of a particular region or mining camp can be deduced from the economic...about 50% of them concentrated in the Steelpoort region of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Stratiform deposits
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gmelinite-(Na) Goethite Gold native Goldfieldite Gorceixite Goyazite Graphite Gratonite Greenalite Greenockite Gregoryite...the Alpine region, and (3) Mid-Triassic to early Jurassic extension in the extra-Alpine region. Isotope...make a contribution to the cultural heritage of a region and may successfully be used in exploration (Mascaro...two years. The economic potential of a particular region or mining camp can be deduced from the economic...about 50% of them concentrated in the Steelpoort region of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Stratiform deposits
(1971) September - October 1971. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 2 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
rated barium strontium m em ber of the pyro- • Panda Hill, T an za n ia chlore-m icrolite series l x....... 203 J. Douglas Scott Hidalgoite from Gold Hill, U t a h .........................................down u nder,” Dundas, Tasm ania crocoite and Broken Hill, Australia rhodonite crystals. M any European specimens...will be under water in spring. Climb over the low hill just south of the parking place and descend its...the creek walls and dips some 20° east into the hill. In the small bend in the creek it is well exposed
O'Donoghue, Michael - Ed. (1976) The Encyclopedia of Minerals and Gemstones. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
formation and distribution of the minerals of the region are believed to be related to the intrusion of...radioactivity, or represent the geology of a particular region, so a collection can be made up of specimens from...and recently even a colour change variety from Tanzania. No real problems are likely to arise during fashioning...ornaments. Then a new gemstone variety was found in Tanzania, which when faceted produces beauti- Right: A...Freiberg, E. Germany; Pribram, Czechoslovakia; Broken Hill, New South Wales; Chanarcillo, Atacama, Chile; and
O'Donoghue, Michael - Ed. (1976) The Encyclopedia of Minerals and Gemstones. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
formation and distribution of the minerals of the region are believed to be related to the intrusion of...radioactivity, or represent the geology of a particular region, so a collection can be made up of specimens from...and recently even a colour change variety from Tanzania. No real problems are likely to arise during fashioning...Then a new gemstone variety was found in ‘Tanzania, which when faceted produces beauti- Above: A...mens; at Freiberg, E. Germany; Pfibram, Broken Hill, New South In Mexico. Keweenaw, the USA silver
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
localities: Baveno, Italy 14:157168 ALBITE Davis Hill near Bancroft, Ontario: an occurrence of large nepheline...18:185187 ALLACTITE AJlactite from Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey (by P. J. Dunn) 14:251-252 ALLCHAR Famous...ALLEGHANYITE A highly magnesian alleghanyite from Sterling Hill, New Jersey (by 0. V. Petersen, J. BoUhorn & P....Rare-earth minerals in the Alpine ar,d Subalpine region [Switzerland,Austria and Iti:Jy](by C. M. Gramaccioli)...L. Barreto) 22: 183-185 ALTO BERNARDINO Burian goyazite from [Alto Bernardino, Paraiba,] Brazil (by J
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
grey in reflected light. Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, USSR. H= 2.3, Djjj=?, D(;=7.80...Mn5(Si04)2(0H)2, E Mon. Translucent bright/greyish pink. Bold Hill, Alleghany Co., North Carolina, USA. H= 5.5, Djj4=4...medium grey in reflected light. Aurora mine. Treasure Hill, Hamilton, Nevada, USA. H= < 3, Djjj=?, D(,= 3.88...Cub. Translucent yellowish-grey. Panda Hill, Mbeya (near), Tanzania. H= 4.5-5, Djj3=4.1, D{.= 4.01, IVC...K)2BaTi2(Si207)2, (SI Orth. Dark brown. Inagli massif, Aldan Region, Yakutiya, USSR. H= 5.9, Djjj= 3.432, Dq=3.46,
Mitchell, Richard Scott (1979) Mineral Names - What do they Mean?. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book
nyerereite is for Julius K. Nyerere, president of Tanzania. Several names were derived from members of early...of Moneta, in the Caribbean Sea. scawtite, Scawt Hill, County Antrim, Ireland. vesuvianite, Mount Vesuvius...The Papago Indian tribe, which once inhabited the region around the mining center of Ajo, Arizona, has its...and growing plants. The mineral was found in the region of Italy where the god was worshiped. 5 Names...Yakutian language. tyuyamunite is from the name of a hill (Tyuya Muyun, meaning camel’s humps) in Ferghana
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
of Canada. Clay Mineralogy, by R. E. Grim (McGraw-Hill, 1968). Crystal Chemical Classification of Minerals...Tsumeb; Namibia; Chanarcillo, Chile; and Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. It also occurs at various...Scotland, England, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Tanzania, Madagascar, and New Zealand. Outstanding crystals...mine, Juab County, and with austinite at the Gold Hill mine, Tooele County, Utah; in Inyo, San Bernardino...864-866, New 4 ADELITE GROUP York, Wiley, 1951. Hill, R. J., Am. Min., 61:979-986 (1976). ADELITE GROUP
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. Book
of anions and anionic groups upon introduced by Hill (1748), and was followed by the which modern chemical... (1801): Traité de Minéralogie. Paris, France. HILL, J. (1748): History of Fossils. London, U.K. LEVINSON...(1869). Friedel, C. (1866): CR. Acad. Sci. 62, 692. Hill, RJ. (1976): Am. Mineral. 61, 979. Adelite Aerugite...discovery locality, at the Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, Russia. Lipovetskil, A.G. et al...Named after its discovery locality, at Brownley Hill mine, Alloclasite Alston, Cumberland, England