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Kleinkauf, John H. (1975) Theft of Mineral Specimens at Union College Schenectady, N. Y. Rocks & Minerals, 50 (1) 34-36 doi:10.1080/00357529.1975.11762182 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Landes, France Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico A t a c a m a...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona...Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Chessy, France with Uranophane and Mangan-Apatite, Ruggles Mine, Grafton...America Conception del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico Herodsfoot Mine, Cornwall, England Franklin, New Jersey
(1977, January) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
Calcite. 2xl". £4.50. 4. NATIVE ARSENIC. Bidi Mine, Borneo. Choice, silvery grey, pure solid mass showing...£16.50. 5. ARSENOPYRITE. Parrall, Chihuahua, Mexico. Fine, bright, sharp silvery crystals to It" in...display. 4x~x2". £28.00. ATACAMITE. Duke of Cornwall Mine, Kadina, S. Australia. Pure, bright green, botryoidal...Specimen B - Itxlxi". £2.50. AZURITE. Henderson Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. Bright blue, botryoidal...specimen. ~x2txli". £13.00. AZURITE. South Caradon Mine, st. Cleer, Cornwall. Rich, bright blue, lustrous
(1965, March) Mineral Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~enish-gray to reddish-brown crystalled...limonit'e ...................... . Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela White to very pale yellow sheave-like...on limonite .................. . Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~lliant lime-yellow prismatic orthorhombic....... . Utah Toelle County, Gold Hill, Gold Hill mine --=.rransparent micro crystals on limonite gossen...silicate' Arizona Pima County, Ajo, New Cornelia mine Sky blue micro xls and coatings on monzonite .
Johnson, Paul Willard (1965) A Field Guide to the Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Gembooks, Mentone, CA. Book
K FIELD GUIDE to the GEMS and MINERALS of MEXICO (Exclusive of Baja California) A guide to the...Information............ Driving in Mexico................... Trailcring in Mexico ............. 5 6 6 7 8 8........ A Word to the Wise ............. Jade in Mexico......................... Manto and Chimney Deposits...Eulalia District....... El Potosi Mine............. San Antonio Mine....... Cusihuiriachic District....... Minerals of Ojuela Mine .... . Velardena District........................ Durango ...............
(2002) Index Volume 76 (2001) Rocks & Minerals, 77 (1) 68-74 doi:10.1080/00357529.2002.9926660 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
JanuaryFebruary: Ferro-axinite on calcite, Dodo mine, Puiva Mountain, KhantyMansi Avt. Okrug, Tyumen’...MarcNApril: Pyromorphite on quartz, Manhan River mine, Easthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Marvin...shaft, South Hecla branch of the Calumet and Hecla mine, Houghton County, Michigan. A. E. Seaman Mineral...JulyIAugust: Vanadinite and wulfenite, Old Yuma mine, Pima County, Arizona. Les Presmyk specimen, Jeff...November/December: Rhodochrosite, area 28, level 20, Eagle mine, Gilman County, Colorado. Dave Bunk specimen on
(2018) Musonoi!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 49 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
M. Gressm an tgressman@comcast.n et The Musonoi mine, Kolwezi District, Lualaba Province, Democratic...COVER: METATORBERNITE, 6.6 cm, from the Musonoi mine, Kolwezi District, Democratic Republic of the Congo...and on the best grossular garnets from the Jeffrey mine (2015). The Yukon Territory has been one of Rod's...west of the Mackenzie River Delta. The Nanisivik mine on Baffin Island was another prolific locality pioneered...Nanisivik mine, at Rapid Creek in the Yukon, at the El Bonanza mine, at the Society Girl mine, and at Emerald
(1990, December 1st) Mineral List. David H. Garske Catalog/List
at very low pricesl 1 ADAMITE Mexico,Durango,Mapimi, Ojuela Mine Lustroussharp transparentcolor!essxls...00236-$5.00 AllA~\HTE Canada, Quebec, Sandy Creek,Yates Mine Portion of a crude xl showing broad faces Co/I.by...3x2 Allan Inge/son 00162-$20.00 ARSENOPYRITE Mexico,Chihuahua,Parral Fairly sharp striated single xl...00_ U.S.A., Arizona, Tiger, Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine T/N 23xl.5xl.l Group of dark, rather crude xls...00117- $5.00 f8ERVl Beryl, Minas Gerais, Taquari Mine MUSEUMQUALITYsingle xl, transparentpale sea green
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
anc MINERALS OF MEXICO 7 | : = Pras #0 AaprTTARE ; MINERALS OF MEXICO William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy— Collectors and collecting— Mexico. 2. Mines and...and mineral resources— Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This book...Jalisco; D. Santiago Ramirez’s La Riqueza Minera de Mexico, and his translation of Dana’s Tratado de Mineralogia...a. ie = Maes Lie Auadado = ae MINERALS OF MEXICO Vv Oona tA. IMPORTANT MINING DISTRICTS
(1979) May - June 1979. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 10 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Articles Famous mineral localities: the Taewha mine, K orea...........................................The Collector’s Library, part III: Minerals of Mexico .................................................with mimetitefrom the San Francisco mine near Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. The large crystal is 28 mm across...Himalaya mine, Mesa Grande, California Tourmaline Queen mine, Pala, California Pala Chief mine, Pala, California...Ledge mine, Washington, California Benitoite Gem mine, San Benito Co., California U.S. Borax mine, Boron
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
"'<' ~/ BOUNDARIES U A Mo<'« u~ o V :¾ MEXICO r - ·•-.. ·-··-··-··-·· < •• ....... V S TATES...org/details/mineralsofmexico0000panc MINERALS OF MEXICO • ERALS OF ~XICO M ______ William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy-Collectors and collecting-Mexico. 2. Mines and mineral...mineral resources-Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This boo i...i.. is deJicated tu the people of Mexico and to the three people who directly affected me and this project
Fejer, E. E., Hey, M. H. (1984) Thirty-third list of new mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine, 48 (349) 569-586 doi:10.1180/minmag.1984.048.349.22 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
529. As blue spherulitic aggregates at the Arhbar mine, Bou-Azzer district, Morocco. Monoclinic. Optically...given. Composition Cu2AsO4(OH )- 6H20. Named for the mine. [A.M. 68, 1038.] Arsendeseloizite. P. Keller and...809. Crystals up to 8 mm, from the Benitoite Gem mine, San Benito Co., California, are orthorhombic, pseudotetragonal...A black monoclinic mineral from the Kornerupine mine near Lasamba Hill, Kwale dist., S. of Voi, Kenya...1983. Chemic der Erde, 42, 77. At the Clara mine and on the mine dumps at Neubulach, Black Forest, Germany
(1966, December) Earth Science Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc Mexico Durango, Mapimi, Mina Ojuela ~lliant lime-yellow prismatic orthorhombic......... Utah Toelle County, Gold Hill, Gold Hill mine ~ransparent micro crystals on gossen with minor...Cornelia mine Sky blue micro xls and coatings on monzonite ... ALABANDITE Mar.ganese sulfide Mexico Puebla...Derby mine White xlline lamellar mass with minor lepidolite . Virginia Amelia, Rutherford mine !r2 Lustrous...Lead telluride Colorado Saguache County, Klondike mine Cleavage plates in quartz with pyrite .........
(1973, July) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
at all times. JULY 1973 1. ADAMITE. Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Mexico. Choice well-formed yellowish green doubly...gossan. lxl lT • £1- 6. ARTHURITE. Hingston Down Mine, Gunnislake, Cornwall. Rich green crystaline to...Li~ht green 2tx2t". £1. AUTUNITE. South Terras Mine, st. Stephens, Cornwall. Light yellowish green platy...Quartz matrix. 2xlt". £2.50. A?1JRITE. Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. Bright blue cellular mass...crystals. 3tx2t". £10. 10. A?1JRITE. Carharrack Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall. Fine bright blue platy crystals
crystals at New Cornelia, Arizona and Santa Rita, New Mexico. Also found as cavity fillings in basalts and in...silver is found at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Mexico has been a big producer, particularly in Batopilas...of Chihuahua; also at Guanajuato, and Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas. 16 10 X Silver 17 ELEMENTS ...Homestake Mine, South Dakota; in Montana and Arizona. Also in Ural Mts., U.S.S.R.; and at Waihi Mine, New...New Zealand. In Australia, at Mount Morgan Mine, from Chartres Towers district, from Hillgrove, from Hill
Green, Richard D. (1978) What's New in Micromounts?. Rocks & Minerals, 53 (6) 271-272 doi:10.1080/00357529.1978.11764784 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
locales. A mine near Telluride, Colorado is represented by leaf and ribbon wire gold. The Merger Mine in Nevada...Mr. Goudy also has specimens from Sierra Pinta, Mexico; the Dun Glen Mining District and Manhatten, Nevada;...addition representa­ tive mounts from Mina Ojuela, Mexico and Tsumeb, S.W. Africa are grouped into suites...vanadinite from the Princess Mine Arizona; and orange vanadinite from the old Yuma Mine, Arizona. He also has...wulfenite from the Glove Mine, Mystery Mine, Red Cloud Mine, Total Wreck Mine and Rowley Mine, all in Arizona
(1962) Catalogue. Scott Williams Mineral Company, Inc. Catalog/List
Back Cover COVER PHOTOGRAPH: _ VANADINITE Apache mine, near Globe, Gila County, Arizona. Sharp hexagonal...ADAMITE A basic arsenate of zinc. Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. Green-gray to red-brown crystalled...rich ................. 1.50 . 25 Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. White-to-pale yellow sheave-like...groups on limonite ................ Mexico Durango, Mapimi, mina Ojuela. Brilliant lime-yellow prismatic...Gold Hill mine. .50 2.50 Transparent xls on limonite with austinite CUPROADAMITE Mexico Durango, Mapimi
Tennissen, Anthony C. (1973) Colorful Mineral Identifier (2nd ed.) Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Book (edition)
crystals at New Cornelia, Arizona and Santa Rita, New Mexico. Also found as cavity fillings in basalts and...silver is found at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Mexico has been a big producer, particularly in Batopilas...of Chihuahua; also at Guanajuato, and Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas. 16 x 2 Silver 17 ELEMENTS NAME:...Homestake Mine, South Dakota; in Montana and Arizona. Also in Ural Mts., U.S.S.R.; and at Waihi Mine, Mine...and Cuprite in Nevada; at Sulphur Bank mercury mine and at Lassen Peak, California. Sharp well-shaped
(1999, July) Mineral News Vol. 15 (7) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
Kladno on the dumps of a long time closed uranium mine at Slavkovicc, western Moravia, Czech Republic....mineral is associated with wolsendorlite and uranophane. Samplcitc was found on a specimen from Aurora...Company labelled as lavendulan from Santa Catalina Mine. Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta Province, Chile. The...News, March, 1997 issue from the El Guanaco gold mine near Taltal, Antofagasta Province, Chile. Wolscndorlite... July 1999 t/rom Mincrnl New~ the Editor New Mexico locality access information John Lucking provided
Korbel, Petr, Novak, Milan (1999) Minerals Encyclopaedia. Rebo Productions. Book
Crystals up to 140mm (5½ in) long occurred in the Ray mine and in Bisbee, Arizona, USA. Very fine spinel-law...Dendritic aggregates from Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico, reached up to 150 mm (6 in). Crystals and aggregates...100 mm (4 in) long, come also from the San Genaro Mine in Huancavelica and Uchucchaqua, Peru. New finds...Dorado, California, US.A. Gold, 68 mm, Eagle's Nest Mine, California, US.A. Gold gold on it. Typical aggregates...many localities in California, USA (Colorado Quartz mine, Nigger Hill and others). Fine leaf gold comes from
(1973, May) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
in phosphatic nodule. 2-}xlt". £2. Virtuous Lady Mine, Nr. Tavistock, Devon. Sharp, Blt\ish-black crystals...lix!". 5Op. aN'fll-iONY. Arechuyho, Chihuohua, Mexico. Tin \-1hite metallic mass with minor micro Kermesite...gossan. 2xl·2- 1I • £2. li. AZU~ITE. 12. BETa-URANOPHaNE. M1:lrgnac, R'1ute Vienne, France. Fine, micro...£3·5°· BOULaNGN~ITE. 14. BOlJ1\NONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanrcath, Corn\1all. Steel grey tabular crystals...QUMine, st. Just, Cornwall. Creamy coloured, modified cubic
(1956) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 31 (3) 131-141 doi:10.1080/00357529.1956.11767658 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
been collecting minerals in the Southwest and old Mexico for over 20 years." ARKANSAS — Tallow clay, in...Morning Star zinc mine near the little village of Rush, Marion Co., Ark. CALIFORNIA—From a mine in Darwin, Inyo...letter from him he writes: "The Darwin, Calif., mine is lead and zinc, with occasional high grade silver...Colorado School of Mines, I heard of an active uranium mine or quarry a couple of miles from town. Following...the owner drove up and told me I could visit the mine. On the way, I stopped to collect specimens of malachite
(1965, October) Geology Catalog. Southwest Scientific Company Catalog/List
···· 36 2 Fl/R ALABANDITE Manganese sulfide Mexico Puebla, Mina Preciosa Sangue de Cristo ~rly pure...White xlline with cymatolite, good study ... New Mexico Taos County, near Dixon Nearly pure white xlline...sodium and iron California San Benito River, Gem mine Black prismatic xls imbedded in syenite CROSSITE...iron silicate California San Benito County, Gem mine Compact blue-gray mass with natrolite ..... . GRUNERITE...GRUNERITE Basic iron silicate Michigan Champion, Spons mine White-tan fibrous aggregates in magnetite with stilpnomelane
(1982, Summer) Summer 1982 List (British) No. 13. Sam Weller Minerals. Sam Weller Minerals Catalog/List
otherwise instructed. 1. ADAMITE.Mina Ojuela,Mapimi,Durango,Mexico. • .. • Specimen special A.Choioe...with red cavity. 2. 3. ALSTONITE, Fallowfields Mine,Hexham,Northumberland. Sharp,creamy,small spikey...00. 11 length) ;'cross". ANGLESITE. Tsumcorp Mine,Tsumeb 1 0tavi,S.W.Africa. Choice,gemmy,flattened...3x2x11; 1', 25. 00. 16. ARSENOPYRITE.P endarves Mine , Camborne , Cornwall . Si 1 very ~e ll. ••f oraie...11 ,~15.oo. • .. 18. 19 • AURICHALCITE. 79 Mine, Gila Co.,Arizona,U.SrA, Lustrous turquoise-blue
98 uranium phosphates 74 uranocircite 73, 74 uranophane 84, 85 uranopilite 62 uranotile 84, 85 vauquelinite...most famous deposits of silver are in the North Mexico, American continent, the western United in...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...brown opaque octahedrons in clay at Destricella Mine near Raddusa (Enna) in Italy. A brief mention should
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
17 uranium phosphates 74 uranocircite 73, 74 uranophane 84, 85 uranopilite 62 uranotile 84, 85 uvarovite...most famous deposits of silver are in the North Mexico, Plates of gold on quartzite. California American...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...brown opaque octahedrons in clay at Destricella Mine near Raddusa (Enna) in Italy. A brief mention should