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(1991) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 49. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
f4,20 17 ANALCITE white crystals, well cov2ring Basalt. (Talisker Bay,Skye SC•:;tland) . ~:;1 5C;J 1x2...pale green phenocrysts of this Felspar in grey Basalt. (Eycott Cumbria) 2x2 60p 2x4 tl.20 79 CALCITE...Italy .. lem t3.80 88 CHABAZITE white crystais on Basalt.(N.Ireland) 1 x '4 ins f 1. 10 89 CHABAZITE sharp...sharp white small crystals in cavities in basalt (Quirang Skye Scotland) 1x1ins 60p 91 CHALCOCITE rich...of clear micro crystals on l"C'ck. (Weitendorf,Steiermark,Austria) ~ x ~ ins !2.80 101 CLINOZOISITE pink
(1995) British - Cornish - Northern - World Display - Reference. Mineral Specimen List. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
no matrix. Good RF Ml £2 59. BARITE,Coldstones Quarry,Patley Bridge,Yorkshire.Attractive xtl groups of...very rich infilling in a pinky brown weathered basalt matrix.Rather pretty RF or D SPC.C.£15 70 TENNANTITE...with ADULAR,Schwarzkopf,Anlauftal.Pongau,Salzburg,Austria. PU mass of greenish black earthy clinochlore coated...prisms of brochantite to 4mm, minor limonitic matrix almost completely obscured by rich brochantite druses...90mm in length Good RF or D SPC Ml to C £5 88 BROCHANTITE & minor BAYLDONITE,Tsumeb.Otavi,Namibia Pretty
Bowell, Rob, Cook, Robert B. (2009) Chalcophyllite. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (5) 434-441 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.5.434-441 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sparingly in ores of the Tucson mine in the Leadville district of Lake County, Colorado (Eckel 1997). In Arizona...identified widely throughout the Warren mining district but always in small amounts (Palache and Merwin... Elsewhere it has been observed as crystals in basalt vesicles in the Turtle Mountain area of Graham...other mines in the Pyramid district, also north of Reno. In the latter district, chalcophyllite occurs with...microcrystals is the 3 Metals mine in the Weepah district of Esmeralda County. Utah boosts two specimen-quality
(1993) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 56. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Apophyllite on Prehnite. Also Gyrolite No 224. From Austria, Nitrobarite micros in Slag (No 312).Kinoite in...f4.80 017 ANALCITE white crystals well covering Basalt.{Talisker Bay,Skye Scotland). lxl 60p lx2 El.20... grey-green somewith Serpentine. (CountyBridge Quarry, Lizard) lxl 90p lx2 fl.50 2x2 f3.00 024 NATIVE~...BYTOWNITE palegreen phenocrysts of this Felspar in grey Basalt. (Eycott Cumbria) 2x2 60p 2x4 El.20 OJ3 CACOXENITE...italy. lem n.BO 03& CHABAZITE white crystals on Basalt.(N.Ireland) 1 x ½ J ns El.10 069 CHABAZITE sharp
(1994) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 62. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
ANALClTE. Zeolite Group White crystals well covering Basalt. {Talisker Bay, Skye ,. Scotland) lxl 60p lx2 fl...creamywhite micro crystals in cavities in Natrolite (Saga Quarry,TvedalenNorway} lxl E2.60 062 BORNITE Cu/5 FeS/~...CHABAZITE sharp small white crystals in cavities 1n Basalt. (Quirang, Skye, Scotland) ·lxl 60p .J 092 CHIAVENNITE...BAZI'i'E Zeolite qroup s111allwhite crystals on Basalt (N.!reland) lem 0.80 1 x ½ fl.10 119 CHALCOSTIEI'l'ECu...ITE Feldspar group pale green phenocrysts :n qrey Basalt. (Eycott Cumbria) 2x2 60p 2x3 El.OO 080 ClJ..CITE
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 100. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
-- ·- · ~~1 ~0/~ 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 1073 AMBL YGONITE Eitarama,Ruanda, Central...colourless to white crystals , quite well covering Basalt. ½" £4 ____ lx! _£_6_. __________ ____ 5_Na 5=u~~<...------------6 ALBITE Kragero Norway 933 ANATASE Hingston Quarry,Comwall Black micro crystals in crystalline feldspar...rock grey bleby small botryoidal with possible Brochantite on matrix. ½x½£2.5 Ix½£4 lxl£6 ALSiO lxl £3 lx2...rich variety) ½ x ½ £5 Ni AsO H/20 7 ANNITE Saga Quarry, Tvedalen near Larvik, Norway Pure black mica plate
(1996, June) Australian Journal of Mineralogy Vol. 2 (1) The State Mineralogical Societies in Australia Journal (issue)
Page Feature Articles: Some mines of the Mt Isa District, Queensland Part 3 - The Mount Oxide mine ......rhomb. The crystals underlie cyanotrichite and brochantite on metasediments. It was identified by microprobe...been observed associated with and growing on brochantite crystals in quartz vughs in a boulde, of massive...have been identified by X-ray diffraction as brochantite. The crystals are stout prismatic, up to 4 mm...termination was significantly sharper on the brochantite specimens. No early specimens of Mt Oxide material
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx½£5 ZnAs0/4 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Rich mass ofblnck crystal sections ,on...TaliskerBay, Skye, Scotland White crystals well covering Basalt. Zeolitc Ix! £1.50 lx2 £3 -----------'-----------------...£5 -------------------------933 ANATASE Hingston Quarry,Comwall Black micro crystals in crystalline feldspar...England grey bleby small botryoidal with possible Brochantite on matrix. X0X!._£~·.?______ __~_ -----••·•·1:"...with minor calcite or matrix ½"£4 7 ANNITE Snga Quarry, Tvedalen near Larvik, Norway Pure black mica plate
(2013) Mineral Up Vol. 3 (2) Mineral Up Journal (issue)
(mainly tennantite). It is mainly associated with brochantite and devilline among other secondary minerals...Villahermosa de! Rio and from Brixlegg-Schwaz(Tyrol, Austria) a mining area studied by Schnorrer ( 1994), Kolitscb...October 13' 11 Brochantite. Level 4. 5 mrn. FOV. . Vinyo!es coll. Brochantite,with linarite and malachite...coll. . . . 9 mm rv'/. J. L. Garrido col!. Brochantite. J. Rosell coll. Devilline. Level 3. 5.5 mm...pale bluish green. SuIf ates Brochantite Cui(OH) 6 I SO4 ] Brochantite is fairly common and widespread
(1996) Auction of Mineral Specimens from the Collection of the Late Maurice J. E. Grigg Esq. of Indian Queens, Cornwall. Jones, J. A. Catalog/List
(1874) Notices of Memoirs. Geological Magazine, S. 2 Vol. 1 (3) 135-138 doi:10.1017/s0016756800169195 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
part, to a discussion of the crystallography of Brochantite. Several minerals, differing from one another...them to four distinct types, namely:—(1). The Brochantite of Eezbanya in Hungary, of which two varieties...a third variety (c) from Bezbanya. (3). The Brochantite of Nischne-Tagilsk, in Siberia. (4). TheKonigin...the relation between the crystalline forms of Brochantite and those of Malachite. Just as Malachite was... so it appears that careful measurements of Brochantite tend to remove it from the prismatic system.
(2007, April) List of Minerals from the Merritt Collection for Sale Catalog/List
Sicilv Elba Glen Strathfarrat Scotland Zambia Austria Ecton Hill, Staffs Cloqau Wales (Barstow) Ow...Crag, Cumbria Geevor, Cornwall Chalocite with brochantite Carrock Mine Cumbria Arsenooyrite Sphalerite...Merehead Quarrv Somerset Rauris Austria Vitifier Mine, Dartmoor Austria (Weller) ex Prisk Collection Hemerdon...£1 £5 £12 £3 75p 75p 50p Colorado, USA Dulcote Quarry, Somerset Pentire, Cornwall A9 A9 A9 50p 75p...A10 £2 4.50 £2 50p £4 £12 £1 75p £1 Rauris, Austria Florence Mine Cumbria North Carolina, USA Gunheath
(2007) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 104. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
THAUSITE Modum, Buskerud,Norway 59 BOEHMITE Saga Quarry, Tvedalen, Norway Brown-purple mass in matrix Creamy...--· - . . - - ------ -·-··-·-· ---·7 ANNITE Saga Quarry, Tvedalen near Larvik, Norway 696 CHROME DIOPSIDE...lx2 £15 lxl £4 lx2 £8 2x2 £16 126 DIASPORE Saga Quarry, Tvedalen. Norway 1060 KORNERUPINE Bjordammcn,...lxl 90p lx2 £1.80 2x2 £4 Mica 295 NATROLITE Saga Quarry, Tvedalen, Norway Orange to red in feldspar.(Hydrothcrmal...ofNcpheline) lxl £1 lx2£2.SO Zcolite 296 NATROLITE · Saga Quarry, Tvedalcn Norway · Rich creamy masses with possible
(1996, Summer) World Display - Reference. Mineral Lists. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
epistilbite xtls to 12mm covering dark grey amygdaloidal basalt matrix Good RF SPC C £12 9. EPIDOTE,St Gothard...or D SPC. C. £10 41 WOLLASTONITE-2NI,Crestmore Quarry,CalifomialISA. Greenish vitreous rather massive...reddy brown tenorite riddled with bright green brochantite vcinlets. Interesting RF MI £ 4 57. STRONTIANITE...Pretty RF or D NI1 £ 4 58 PERICLINE,Habachtal,Austria. Fine aggregate of pure milky white albite xtls...Interesting RF SPC C. £3 94. NATIVE BISMITM,Knappenberg,Austria Rich dendrites of greyish native bismuth embedded
(1998) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 76. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Scandium minerals.(Klausen Qry.Gleichenberg Styria Austria) 1mm sphere on 1cm £3.50p 239 DYSCRASITE Ag/3...closed some years ago. 1x1 80p 1x2 £2.00 513 BROCHANTITE Cu SO/4 OH green micro crystals on matrix. (Levant...Quartz with micro spots of Native Copper. (Kingston Quarry,Cornwall) 1x1 £2 - 553 TETRAHEDERITE (Cu ?e) ;'L...cleavages with cerussite and or Pyrolusite (Merehead Quarry, Mendips,Somerset) 54 x 54 £2 269 MENDIPITE Pb/3...metallic fibrous on 2cm white dolomite. (Lengenbach Quarry,Binn Valley Switzerland) £4.50 Lead Sulphide 250
(1986) November - December 1986. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 17 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Famous mineral localities: Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria .......................................................................355 by G. Niedermayr Brochantite and other minerals from the Paoli, Oklahoma,...from the Stefanie mine at Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria. Photo by Werner Lieber. For a detailed review... famous mineral localities: Bleiberg Carinthia, Austria Gerhard Niedermayr* Department of Mineralogy-Petrology...History Museum of Vienna Burgring 7, A-1014 Vienna, Austria leiberg is among the most famous o f European
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 101. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
£6 BaCa .C0/3 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 975 ALTHAUSITE Modum, Buskerud,Norway...colourless to white crystals , quite well covering Basalt. lxl £4 lx2 £8 2x2 £16 Feldspar Ix I £1.50 lx2...ALLOPHANE Hawkswood Mine, Cornwall 933 ANATASE Hingston Quarry,Cornwall Black micro crystals in crystalline feldspar...England grey bleby small botryoidal with possible Brochantite on matrix. colourless micro crystals on 3mm matrix...with minor calcite or matrix ½" £4 7 ANNITE Saga Quarry, Tvcdalcn near Larvik, Norway Pure black mica plate
(2005, December) Mineral News Vol. 21 (12) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
Kanad (Maharashtra. India) and originates from basalt - these specimens come from a deposit we would...barite in about 278 lots. only one of these is in a basalt and it is by no means spectacular. Though not the...Af1er: An Excep1ional Calcile from !he Mill Creek Quarry. Polk Co., Oregon, 21-6: IO. Dague, Joe: Lininger...Haas, Dennis W.: Barrel Calci1es from the Lohr Quarry, 21-6:1. Haynes, Patrick E.: Microminerals from...21-7: 10. The Southweslem Arkansas Mercury Mining District, 21-11:10. Wa!Son. John: New Pricing Standards
(1880) Reviews and Notices. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 4 (17) 45-78 doi:10.1180/minmag.1880.004.17.06 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
occurrence of Chlorite . . . . in the English L a k e District, ''~ and to the writings of V o a Cotta, who,...N.W. of Hungary. I t was at first taken for Brochantite and for Langite. Morphological relations :--The...physico-ehemical distinctions now to be spoken of. Brochantite in powder under the microscope always appears...none with Brochantite or Langite. The flame reactions are still more characteristic, Brochantite and Langite...flame and the blue copper flame. Cleavage of Brochantite under the microscope has "been observed in three
(2017) November - December 2017. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 48 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
(“Hat Yai”) mine near Tham Thalu, Bannang Sata District, Yala Province, Thailand .......................supplement showing many details of the Berezovsk mining district, the subject of the July–August 2016 issue. We...occurrences in the larger Ekaterinberg district (including the Berezovsk district). Figure 26. The gold mining...Figure 30. Overview of gold occurrences in the Mias district, southern Urals. Figure 31. Map of alluvial gold...Figure 35. Overview of the Nizhny Tagil platinum district, middle Urals. The Mineralogical Record, volume
(2010, October) Richard Tayler Individual Minerals Catalogue 113. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
5 to !cm stilbite crystals. Vambor Ahmedhafar district, Maharashtra India 4x2.5 inch £40 Also one smaller...short wave, UV large Ix2 inch Bleiberg Carinthia, Austria £7 49. CALCITE pseudomorph after GLAUBERITE white...52. CHABAZITE sharp micro crystals in vughs. in basalt Ix½ £6 b) ½" £3 La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean...this location closed many years ago. Boyleston quarry Barrhead Scotland £6 54. ANALCIME good coverage...white crystals over about a 4x1.5 inch surface of Basalt. Talsiker Bay Skye Scotland £18 55. NATROLITE intergrown
(1992) Journal of the Russell Society Vol. 4 (2) The Russell Society Journal (issue)
Connellite from Col vend, Kirkcudbrightshire, and brochantite from Auchencat Burn, Dumfriesshire S. Moreton...Botallack mine (SW 363 336) in the St Just mining district, Cornwall (Fig. I), although not renowned for... .F lGURE 1. Schematic geology of the St Just district (after Jackson et 01., 1982). The origin of the...again abandoned. GEOLOGY Geologically, the St Just district can be di vided into two units (Fig. I): an eastern...consists of an interbedded sequence of sediments and basalt lavas of possibly Devonian age (Miller and Mohr
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I., Cámara, Fernando, Uvarova, Yulia (2020) New Mineral Names*,†. American Mineralogist, 105 (8) 1275-1284 doi:10.2138/am-2020-NMN105819 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the abandoned Plavno mine in the Jáchymov ore district, western Bohemia, Czech Republic. The uranium...baryte, olivenite, middlebackite, moolooite, brochantite, cuprite, devilline, malachite, azurite, zeu...focused on the mining history of the Jáchymov ore district. The holotype specimen is deposited in the Natural...discovered at the In den Dellen (Zieglowski) pumice quarry, near Mendig, Laach Lake (Laacher See) paleovolcano...Paddlewheelite, a new uranyl carbonate from the Jáchymov District, Bohemia, Czech Republic. Minerals, 8(11), 511
braunite 81 brazilianite 67, 67 breunnerite 39 brochantite 59, 59 bronzite 98 brookite 34 brucite 36, 37...accumulated around a point Diabase. An altered form of basalt Druse. A rock lined with crystals Ductile. Capable...found at Butte, Montana, and the Copper River district of Alaska. A much rarer mineral is covellite,...obtained in crystal form at Pragratten in the Tyrol (Austria), Redruth in Cornwall (England), and Bristol,...Saxony, Cavnic in Romania, Schwaz in the Tyrol (Austria), and Cornwall, England. In the United States good
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
braunite 81 brazilianite 67, 67 breunnerite 39 brochantite 59, 59 bronzite 98 brookite 34 brucite 36, 37...accumulated around a point Diabase. An altered form of basalt Druse. A rock lined with crystals Ductile. Capable...found at Butte, Montana, and the Copper Rjver district of Alaska. A much rarer mineral is covellite,...obtained in crystal form at Pragratten in the Tyrol (Austria), Redruth in Cornwall (England), and Brist'ol,...Saxony, Cavnic in Romania, Schwaz in the Tyrol (Austria), and Cornwall, England. In the United States good