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Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
should preferably be more detailed, e.g. walls of a quarry, or refuse heap specimen, so that one could find...Nickel Pyrites, Nickel Glance) Harzgerode, Harz, Germany tin-white to light steel-grey metallic opaque...Mountains, Germany ARSENOPYRITE FeAsS (Arsenical Py- rite, Mispickel) Freiberg, Ore Mountains, Germany tin-white... Gerinany CARNALLITE KMgCl; .6H,O Stassfurt, Germany INYOITE Ca[B;03(OH)s] . 4H Mount Blanco on Furnace...Na»Ca(COs3)o . 5H,O (Natrocalcite) Sangerhausen, Germany columnar, flattabular crystals, with dull crust;
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
dept. (departement), dept. (departamento), dist. (district). Less common terms are not abbreviated, e.g....Scbwarzwald Mts., in the Sailauf quarry, Spessart Mts., Bavaria. both Germany, and from the Rabejac deposit... = = = = = Acanthite, x 16 mm, Freiberg, Germany, H Abernathyite, 12 mm, Ririera/, France, H Abhurite...the Himmelsftirst mine, Freiberg, both Saxony, Germany. In the subtropical areas acanthite may occur on...Sankt Christoph mine, near Breitenbrunn, Saxony, Germany, and many localities in the Alps, e.g. on Grossgreiner
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
should preferably be more detailed, e.g. walls of a quarry, or refuse heap specimen, so that one could find...Harzgerode, Harz, Germany - CHLOANTHITE . NiAs3 (W hite Nickel) Schnee berg, Ore Mountains, Germany - ARSENOPYRITE...Pyrite, Mispickel) >-Freiberg, Ore Mountains, Germany S K UTTERUDITE CoAs (Smaltite) Bou Azzer, Morocco...-anhydrite, kainite, - - SYLVITE KC! Stassfurt, Germany - - tabular crystals, with orthorhombic habit... - - CARNALLITE KMgCl 3 • 6H 2 0 Stassfurt, Germany lNYOITE Ca[B~03COH)6]. 4H 20 Mount Blanco on Furnace
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
should preferably be more detailed, e.g. walls of a quarry, or refuse heap specimen, so that one could find...Nickel Pyrites, Nickel Glance) I Lu erode, Harz, Germany tin-white to light steel-grey greyish black metallic...Py­ rite, Mispickel; Freiberg, Ore Mountains, Germany tin-white to grey greyishblack metallic opaque...NiAs, (White Nickel) Schneeberg, Orc Mountains, Germany Table 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 & ?-T...kainite & o. rock salt SYLVITE KC1 Stassfurt, Germany thick-tabular crystals, coarsclygranular masses
Heinrich, E. William (1958) Mineralogy and Geology of Radioactive Raw Materials. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Book
1,834 g (Meen, 1948) (Fig. 2.1); Rock Landing Quarry, Hadclam Neck, Conn., 6 X 7 X 10 cn1, 1,200 g (Ingerson...deposit, Great Bear Lake, Canada; Gold.fields district, Canada) (Fig. '2.7). Brecciated pitchblende 111ay...Canada. Cracks and borders of spherulites contain covellite; gangue is quartz ( X80) ( Kidd, 1932A; Econ....Canada and Schneeberg, Saxony. In the Blind River district of Ontario :fine-grained euheclral uraninite occurs...( octahedra up to 7 in. on edge); Rock Landing Quarry, Haddam Neck, Conn.; Ruggles mme, Descriptions
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Colorado at the Pelican Dives m.ine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia; Czechoslovakia; Norway; Germany; Tsumeb;...occurrences are found in Chile, Italy, France, Germany, Turkey, and Algeria. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache...Califo1nia; in sodalite-syenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island...also found at Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, East Germany. SELECTED REFERENCE: Davis, R. J., Hey, M. H .
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Rapp, George Robert Jr., Weber, Julius (1974) Encyclopedia of Minerals (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Mexico (#2, column 1) and TENNANTITE, Dresser quarry, Walton, Nova Scotia, Canada (13, column 2). ...Prof. of Mineralogy, University of Cologne, West Germany; Curator of The Mineralogical Museun1. A dear friend... Mineralogical Museum, University of Cologne, Germany Mineralogical Museum , University of Berne, Switzerland...Colorado at the Pelican Dives rnine , Silver Plun1e district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...also found in Canada, Mexico, Czechoslovakia, and Germany. Acanthite is stable below 179°C. (Argentite is
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Colorado at the Pelican Dives mine, Silver Plume district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County;...Cripple Creek district. It is also found in Canada; Mexico; Bolivia; Czechoslovakia; Norway; Germany; Tsumeb;...occurrences are found in Chile, Italy, France, Germany, Turkey, and Algeria. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache...California; in sodalite-syenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland; in the liparite lavas of the island...also found at Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, East Germany. SELECTED REFERENCE: Davis, R. J., Hey, M. H.,
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Fritz: Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Saxony, Germany. Donald B. Hoover: U.S.G.S., Federal Center, Lakewood...Institut fur Mineralogie, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Germany. Duane Mellor: Geology Library, Yale University...Berlin, Germany. Peter Susse: MINABS, Inst. of Mineralogy, Univ. of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany. C. Sheldon...Pennsylvania. Hans J. Wilke: Eppertshausen/Hessen, Germany. Wendell E. Wilson: The Mineralogical Record, Tuscon...1 A085 = 10:50) =? 121.1.2 3.615 SOA Les A951) Saale eA. 4.049 Z.O9fala eles Note: Taenite (
O'Donoghue, Michael (1994) The Colour Dictionary of Gemstones & Minerals. The Black Cat, London. Book
sometimes as fine, large speci¬ mens; at Freiberg, E. Germany; Pribram, Czechoslovakia; Broken Hill, New South...'branches' form a mesh. From the Harz Mountains, Germany 11 ELEMENTS AND ALLOYS and some may luminesce...Mount Avala, Yugoslavia and near Landsberg, W. Germany. It also occurs in the United States, in California... Localities. Fine crystals from Landsberg, W. Germany; and Coquimbo, Chile. Diamond C The transparent...areas in the vicinity of La Paz; also found in E. Germany. There are important deposits in North Queens¬
Dallmeyer, R.D., Franke, W., Weber, K. - Eds. (1995) Pre-Permian Geology of Central and Eastern Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77518-5 Book
Justus-Liebig-Universität Senckenbergstrasse 3 35390 Giessen Germany K. WEBER Institut für Geologie und Dynamik der...Göttingen Goldschmidtstrasse 3 37077 Göttingen Germany Cataloging-in-Publication D a t a applied for...international conference in G6ttingen/Giessen, Germany. Discussions were focused on the Tectonothermal...Geological Survey of Hessen Leberberg 9 65193 Wiesbaden Germany V. BACHTADSE Institut fur Allgemeine und Angewandte...Ludwig-Maximilians-U niversitat Theresienstr. 41 80333 Munchen Germany M. BANAS University of Mining and Metallurgy AI
O'Donoghue, Michael - Ed. (1976) The Encyclopedia of Minerals and Gemstones. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
catastrophic. If the locality is, for example, a working quarry, this may be of little consequence, but if it consists...should also be taken when hammering at the base of quarry faces and cliffs not to dislodge loose boulders...this way. Minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, bornite and chalcocite are deposited in the zone...magne¬ tite, realgar, pyrite, molybdenite and covellite. A particular manifestation of mineral depo¬ sition...visible EXTRACTION Above: Blasting the terraced quarry faces of one of the world's largest copper workings
Duda, Rudolf, Rejl, Lubos (1989) Minerals of the World. Arch Cape Press, New York. Book
to new sulphides (eg chalcosine, bornite and covellite). Products of chemical weathering which are deposited...description of the actual place where it was found (ie quarry, erosion furrow, etc.), and the date of collection...15cm have been found at Pernek (Czecho- 1. Covellite — granular aggregate from oxidation zone of ore...Linares (Spain), Poniky (Czechoslovakia), Tintic district — Utah (USA). 1. Sideronatrite — long prismatic...e Occurrence: rare; Schneeberg, Saalfeld and Thuringia (GDR), Richelsdorf, Hessen, Bieber and Wittichen
(1950, April) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 151 (4) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
compressor service, air hoists, ore mining and quarry service. There are many other types Engineering...Rhodes-Haverty Bidg.; St. Louis 8, Continental District Managers: New York, T. KE. Alcorn, Roets; Philadelphia...drilling costs, for bigger tonnage, equip your mine quarry with modern Bucyrus- Erie blast hole BUCYRUS-ERIE...donkey-engined trains used carry laboriously from quarry plant. The connical Man—is %-mile long, instead...have electric shovel effi- from every Electric quarry and mining shovel. complete electric shovel with
O'Donoghue, Michael - Ed. (1976) The Encyclopedia of Minerals and Gemstones. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
catastrophic. If the locality is, for example, a working quarry, this may be of little consequence, but if it consists...should also be taken when hammering at the base of quarry faces and cliffs not to dislodge loose boulders...way. Minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, bornite and chalcocite are deposited in the primary...magnetite, realgar, pyrite, molybdenite and covellite. A particular manifestation of mineral deposition...wisible EXTRACTION Above: Blasting the terraced quarry faces of one of the world's largest copper workings
Duda, Rudolf, Rejl, Lubos (1989) Minerals of the World. Arch Cape Press, New York. Book
to new sulphides (eg chalcosine, bornite and covellite). Products of chemical weathering which are deposited...description of the actual place where it was found (ie quarry, erosion furrow, etc.), and the date of collection...have been found at Pernek (Czechoslovakia). 1. Covellite - granular aggregate from oxidation zone of ore...Linares (Spain), Poniky (Czechoslovakia), Tintic district - Utah (USA). 1. Sideronatrite - long prismatic...• Occurrence: rare; Schneeberg, Saalfeld and Thuringia (GDR), Richelsdorf, Hessen, Bieber and Wittichen
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
MineralogicalRecord.com I IIMORIITE-(Y) EUROPE FRANCE Trimouns quarry, Luzenac, Ariege. Operated for talc since the beginning...beginning of the 20th century, the Trimouns quarry became well known to collectors around 1990 for the...Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series of incompletely...1991). Simdeled, Aust-Agder. Early in 1999, in a quarry near S~ndeled, collectors opened a pocket containing...PORTUGAL Montijos quarry, Monte Redondo, Leiria Estremadura. The Montijos gabbro quarry at Monte Redondo
Mellor, J. W. (1923) A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry Vol. 3 - Cu, Ag, Au, Ca, Sr, Ba. Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, London. Book (volume)
smelt copper almost as well as the Romans. In Germany, copper mining began at Rammelsberg (Harz) about...about 968 A.D., and at Hettstedt in the Mansfeld district (Harz) about 1199. Although the Romans obtained...Franeis, The Smelting of Copper in the Swansea District of South Wales from the time of Elizabeth to the...The most important mines in Europe occur in the district about Huelva, extending into Spain and 6 INORGANIC...South Africa . . Peru . . . . Spain and Portugal Germany . . . Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . Metrie Tons
(1911) Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.) Vol. 18 - Medal to Mumps. The Encyclopedia Britannica Company, Ltd, Cambridge. Book (volume)
On the Staff of the Carl Zeiss Factory, Jena, Germany. P. A. K. Prince Peter Alexeivitch Kropotkin...only other artists who have risen to eminence. Germany.—A characteristically florid style is here cultivated...formerly called aft-er St Boniface, the apostle of Germany, was once the richest in Friesland, and belonged...the east (Khorasan, Parthyaea) only by a narrow district (Choarene and Comisene), where human dwellings...of the mountainous highland of Paraetacene, the district of Isfahan, and the Magoi, i.e. the Magians, the
(1912) The Mining Magazine S. 3 Vol. 6 Journal (volume)
worked will stimulate operations Good assays district. are being obtained from the lode in the cross-cut...from the Kolar of special interest except that district, small increases in output at several of the...others have 'come in ' as to indicate that this district may be 10% to Co., which is Two more than...Bering Sea, there are than 22 dredges at work. district, In the Klon- the feverish digging of boom...soldiers Nerchinsk in the and the subsequent district working of alluvium on the Yenisei. Since then
(1998) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 143. Universität Innsbruck Journal (volume)
described from the Toroioaga vein systems, Baia Bo�a district (COOK, 1 997). Both occurrences are restricted...mineralisation types are observed in the B äiut district, which are rarely found together; l . Au-Ag; 2...to modelling Toroioaga ore deposit in Maramures District, Roma­ nia. In: Terranes of Serbia - The Fonnation...GERL, MOZART and the resident theatre composer HENNEBERG. In par­ ticular, the opera entitled 'The Philosophers'...von BORN (Figure 9), bom in 1 742 in the mining district of Kapnis in Transylvania, was the son of a Saxon
Gorsel, J. T. van (2020) Bibliography of the Geology of Indonesia and Surrounding Areas (7th ed.) Book (edition)
the so-called vitrified sandstones of Central _Germany_’. Cordierite mineral in andesites from Soputan...Report STR/14, Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, Germany, p. 313-339. (Tomography data general agreement...Xizang, then possibly extends through Baoshan District of W. Yunnan to link up with Pham Sore and Bentong-Raub...cm of gray pumice and ash on slopes mainly over district W of volcano. On 11 April 8 pyroclastic surges...7/227) (Epithermal Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in district Limapuluh Kota, NNE of Padang, in metasediments
Ahrens, L. H. - Ed. (1968) Origin and Distribution of the Elements. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-02126-3 Book
of the Lower Mesozoic rocks of the Wellington district, N.Z. Geol. Survey Bull. 57, 1-60. SAPPER, K....of Rop-dome Str. of Bucuru Structure of Rop-dome Quarry Rafield Sn Complexes, occurrence 9-4 1620 ...Hydroxyde de fer Marcassite Chalcopyrite Bornite Covellite Chalcocite Blende Molybdenite Mispickel Tétrahédrite...1960; Sosedko and Telesheva, 1964), Henneberg granite near Wurzbach, Thüringen (Heide, 1953), Tittling...HEIDE, F. (1953) Berylliummineralien vom Henneberg bei Wurzbach in Thüringen. Chem. Erde 16, 295-296. HÜGI
Partington, J. R. (1933) A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry (4th ed.) Macmillan and Co., London. Book (edition)
the subject in Europe were Albertus Magnus in Germany (1193-1260), Roger Bacon in Lxher Geber, British...independently, by Hampson in England and by Linde in Germany, who made in bulk use of a new principle, viz...which have a cubic cleavage are in the Cheshire district, at Northwich and Winsford, in the Upper Trias...put forward independently by Lothar Meyer in Germany m 1870. Mendelecff from the first was convinced...Fleitmann meric varieties appear to exist and Henneberg (1848), who regarded them as derived from polymerised
Partington, J. R. (1939) A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry (5th ed.) Macmillan and Co., London. Book (edition)
the subject in Europe ,vere Albertus Magnus 1n Germany (1193-1260), Roger Bacon in c( * Liber Geber,...pendently, by Hampson in England and by Linde in Germany, who made use of a new principle, viz. , the Joule...The richest English deposits are in the Cheshire district, at Northwich and Winsford, in the Upper Trias...occur in sea water, in certain mineral springs in Germany and America, and in the Stassfurt salt deposits...was put forward independently by Lothar Meyer in Germany in 1870. :\1endeleeff from the first ,vas convinced