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Gottardi, Glauco, Galli, Ermanno (1985) Natural Zeolites - Minerals and Rocks No. 18. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-46518-5 Book
Fibrous Zeolites .......................... Natrolite, Tetranatrolite, Paranatrolite, Mesolite, Scolecite...Analcime: Haiiy (1801) Harmotome: Haiiy (1801) Natrolite: Klaproth (1803) Laumontite: Werner (in Karsten...(1960) Roggianite: Passaglia (1969) Tetragonal natrolite: Krogh Andersen et al. (1969) named tetranatrolite...chains are represented as in Fig. O.2Bb. c - Natrolite 0.2.1 The Frameworks of the Fibrous Zeolites...Thomsonite P42 1m or P2 12121 Pcnn 141 /amd Natrolite Fdd2 THO NAT Note: reviews of real and possible
Peng, C. J. (1955) Thermal analysis study of the natrolite group. American Mineralogist, 40 (9-10) 834-856 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
OF THE NATROLITE GROUP C. J. PnNc* AssrRlcr The ttrree members of tle natrolite group, natrolite, scolecite...ttrree zeolites show different thermal behavior. Natrolite gives off its water rapidly in a single temperature...that there is only one type of water molecule in natrolite, while t}le water molecules in scolecite and mesolite...stability also is different for the three zeolites. Natrolite will not break down completely until about 940o...investigation of the thermal behavior of the natrolite group by both static dehydration and difierential
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
mineralogy was done, at that time, in Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain. Because of differences...composition was found between the fibrous zeOlites, natrolite, mesolite, and scolecite because intergrown samples...chabazite rather than willhendersonite or disordered natrolite rather than tetranatrolite. Application of the...bikitaite, edingtonite, ferrierite, mordenite, natrolite, thomsonite, tschernichite, and wairakite. Species...and gobbinsite), heulandite (clinoptilolite), natrolite (mesolite and scolecite), harmotome (phillipsite
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
mineralogy was done, at that time, in Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain. Because of differences...composition was found between the fibrous zeOlites, natrolite, mesolite, and scolecite because intergrown samples...chabazite rather than willhendersonite or disordered natrolite rather than tetranatrolite. Application of the...bikitaite, edingtonite, ferrierite, mordenite, natrolite, thomsonite, tschernichite, and wairakite. Species...and gobbinsite), heulandite (clinoptilolite), natrolite (mesolite and scolecite), harmotome (phillipsite
Guastoni, Alessandro, Appiani, Roberto (2005) Minerals - A Firefly Guide. Firefly Books, Buffalo, NY. Book
Guastoni; Roberto Appiani. Originally published: Italy : Mondadori, 2003. [256] p. : col. photos. ; cm...Susa Valley, Piedmont, Italy Pages 8-9: Beryl from the Codera Valley, Lombardy, Italy Pages 42-43: Silver...Mount Bregaceto, Liguria, Italy Pages 104-105: Azurite crystals from Sardinia, Italy Pages 118-119: Boracite...160-161: Elbaite crystals from the island of Elba, Italy Pages 244-245: Whewellite crystals from the Czech...crystals on quartz from Brusson, Valle d'Aosta, Italy NOTE TO THE READER The 288 mineralogical species
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
2013). MALAWI Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series... flattened crystals to 1 cm with crystals of natrolite and richterite (Menezes and Martins, 1984). EUROPE...Administered Tribal Areas and North West Frontier Province. Ilmenite crystal clusters to 12 cm across have...Mountain, Warsak district, North West Frontier Province. Surface diggings worked by local people on Zagi...onalcommunication, 2007). 4 ITALY Rio Marina area, Island of Elba, Tuscany. Elba (Latin:
Mottana, Annibale, Crespi, Rodolfo, Liborio, Giuseppe (1988) Simon and Schuster's Guide to Rocks and Minerals. Simon and Schuster Inc., New York. Book (edition)
dome SPHENOIDAL sphenoid mesolite pinacoid natrolite pedion 2 A2P & sphenoid TRICLINIC SYSTEM...sample of scheelite, coming from Traversella (Turin, Italy), in light natural (above) and exposed Other...small deposits are found near Pisa and Florence (Italy). Uses Native copper rarely occurs in large enough...day. Found in southern Europe on the island of Sardinia. Uses An excellent ore of the metal silver, but...Formerly mined in a small district near Monte Rosa (Italy). The main source of the commercial metal, used
Bish, D.L., Ming, D.W. - Eds. (2001) Natural Zeolites. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 45. Mineralogical Society of America Report (volume)
T5010 UNITS: THE FIBROUS ZEOLITES Natrolite group (NAT): natrolite, scolecite, mesolite, gonnardite,.............................................95 Natrolite: N a16[A116Si24080]·1 6H20 . . .. . . ... ............. 552 Historical use of zeolitic tuff in Italy ..................................................to the channel cations. An example of this is natrolite Na16[Al16Si24O80]·16H2O, mesolite Na16Ca16[Al48Si72O240]·64H2O...given priority in the naming. The frameworks of natrolite, mesolite, scolecite, and gonnardite are all identical
Respino, Daniele (2022) Minerali d'Italia Vol. 1. Giove Editrice srl. Book (volume)
di rnin rali e rocce provenienti dalle , arie province del Regno Sardo (avviata intorno al 1825),raccolta...dell'Università di Padova A cura di Alessandro Guastoni Natrolite aciculare su pectolite. Val di Some, Trento. Campione...Claudio Beschin e Roberto Battiston Campione di natrolite di Altavilla Vicentina (VI). Foto: Archivio Fotografico...l'heulandite, ecc. Particolarmente estetica anche la natrolite che in genere si presenta in cristalli aggregati...museo conserva anche un a trentina di campioni di natrolite provenienti dalla cava di basalto di Altavilla
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Short Hills, New Jersey. Renato Pagano: Milan, Italy. Ole V. Petersen: Geologisk Museum, Copenhagen,...British Columbia NF Labrador (part of Newfoundland Province) MB Manitoba NB New Brunswick NF Newfoundland...and Schemnitz, Czech Republic; Monte Narba, Sardinia, Italy; Smeingorsk, Semenowsky, and Altai, Siberia...metallic luster. G = 3.147. Mt. Etna and Mt. Vesuvius, Italy. Bm DI:126, ZK 74:511(1930). Named Roaldite...well-developed crystals; Vulecano, Lipari Is., Italy, in fumaroles. BM DI:145, ACB 30:1396(1974), ABI:4L6
(1995, August) Rivista Mineralogica Italiana Vol. 1995 (3) Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Journal (issue)
Peretai1e, a new minerai from Pereta, Tuscany, Italy. American Mineralogisr. 65, 936-939. • COQUAND...a11gespom1, Mo111ecati11i V. d. C., Pisa; Libethenil Montresta, Nuoro, Mcguinnesit Cogoleto, Ge11ova; Orthobra1111eril...thomsonite e calcite in geodi o fessure nella natrolite fibroso-compatta . In questa pegmatite di Saga...bromellite. li politipo 21-1è tato trovato con natrolite, fluorite e calcite nelle geodine in una matrice... 5965. SONI M. (1982). Paleokar tic ore in SW Sardinia. some conclu ive remaik . Res. Ass. Mi11. Sarda
Respino, Daniele (2022) Minerali d'Italia Vol. 2. Giove Editrice srl. Book (volume)
particolarmente interessanti nel territorio emiliano, nelle province di Piacenza e Reggio Emilia e nell'appennino modenese...numerose località dell'appennino emiliano nelle province di Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena e Bologna. In...heulandite from Campegli (Eastern Ligurian ophiolites, Italy). Neues Jalubuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, pagg...calcite, con rare zeoliti (come l'analcime e la natrolite), e soprattutto di datolite, in bei cristalli...HESSONITEGARNET Mussa Alp, Balme Ala Valley, Piedmont Italy QQ'Nf2455 l'R\~T<\I. Cl,A.\'ilC.'--'-""·r.-_, I\Rl~TAI