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Cabri, Louis J., Wilhelmij, Harry R., Eksteen, Jacobus J. (2017) Contrasting mineralogical and processing potential of two mineralization types in the platinum group element and Ni-bearing Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania. Ore Geology Reviews, 90. 772-789 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.04.009 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in the PGE metal and Ni-bearing Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania Louis J. Cabri, Harry R. Wilhelmij...in the PGE metal and Ni-bearing Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania, Ore Geology Reviews (2017), doi:...in the PGE metal and Ni-bearing Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania 4 5 Louis J. Cabri*, Harry R...Perth, WA 6845, Australia 12 13 Keywords: Kapalagulu Intrusion; laterite; harzburgite; platinum group mineralogy;... 2 19 ABSTRACT 20 The Kapalagulu layered ultramafic and mafic intrusion is emplaced between the 21
Maier, W. D., Peltonen, P., Livesey, T. (2007) THE AGES OF THE KABANGA NORTH AND KAPALAGULU INTRUSIONS, WESTERN TANZANIA: A RECONNAISSANCE STUDY. Economic Geology, 102 (1) 147-154 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.102.1.147 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
AGES OF THE KABANGA NORTH AND KAPALAGULU INTRUSIONS, WESTERN TANZANIA: A RECONNAISSANCE STUDY W. D. MAIER...FI-02151 Espoo, Finland AND T. LIVESEY Barrick Gold Corporation, P.O. Box 212, Toronto, Ontario M5J...M5J 2S1, Canada Abstract The Kabanga North and Kapalagulu intrusions form part of a >500-km belt of intrusions...at Kabanga and Ni laterites at Musongati and Kapalagulu. Despite the economic significance of the intrusions...for the Kabanga North intrusion (1403 ± 14 Ma) and for the Kapalagulu intrusion (1392 ± 26 Ma). These
Wilhelmij, Harry R., Cabri, Louis J. (2016) Platinum mineralization in the Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania. Mineralium Deposita, 51 (3) 343-367 doi:10.1007/s00126-015-0603-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Platinum mineralization in the Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania Harry R. Wilhelmij 1,2 & Louis...of a layered gabbro complex known as the Kapalagulu Intrusion, emplaced between the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian...within the southeastern extension of the Kapalagulu Intrusion (known as the Lubalisi Zone) that is covered...deep drilling in the Lubalisi Zone of the Kapalagulu Intrusion shows that the folded harzburgite can be...dissolution of Pt tellurides. Keywords Tanzania . Kapalagulu Layered Intrusion . PGM-bearing harzburgite and laterite
Maier, W.D., Barnes, S.-J., Bandyayera, D., Livesey, T., Li, C., Ripley, E. (2008) Early Kibaran rift-related mafic–ultramafic magmatism in western Tanzania and Burundi: Petrogenesis and ore potential of the Kapalagulu and Musongati layered intrusions. Lithos, 101 (1) 24-53 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.07.015 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
magmatism in western Tanzania and Burundi: Petrogenesis and ore potential of the Kapalagulu and Musongati layered...du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada G7H 2B1 c Barrick Gold Corporation, PO Box 212, Toronto, Ontario, Canada...Available online 17 August 2007 Abstract The Kapalagulu and Musongati intrusions are differentiated mafic–ultramafic...Kabanga–Musongati belt of intrusions in western Tanzania and Burundi. The intrusions of the Kabanga–Musongati...assimilated ca. 5% of sedimentary material, whereas the Kapalagulu magma assimilated ca. 15% of sediment. Contamination
Barkov, Andrei, Cabri, Louis (2019) Variations of Major and Minor Elements in Pt–Fe Alloy Minerals: A Review and New Observations. Minerals, 9 (1) 25 doi:10.3390/min9010025 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Layered Complex; South Africa Kapalagulu Layered Intrusion; western Tanzania Tulameen Alaskan-type Complex;...(South Africa), and by the Kapalagulu Layered Intrusion of western Tanzania. Alaskan-Uralian-(Aldan)-type...Complex represents a giant Alkaline Gabbro-Syenite intrusion located in Ontario (Canada); Ophiolitic Chromitites...Complex represents a giant Alkaline Gabbro-Syenite intrusion located in Ontario (Canada); Ophiolitic Chromitites...intrusions(Bushveld (Bushveld and Kapalagulu) and from Coldwell Pt–Fe alloys intrusions and Kapalagulu) andthefrom the
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I., Gagne, Olivier C., Uvarova, Yulia (2016) New Mineral NamesGeschieberite and SvornostiteImayoshiitePalladosilicidePlášiliteRaisaiteShchurovskyite and dmisokoloviteVanackerite. American Mineralogist, 101 (11) 2570-2573 doi:10.2138/am-2016-nmn1011121 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Pd2Si, a new mineral from the Kapalagulu Intrusion, Western Tanzania and the Bushveld Complex, South...horizon of the Kapalagulu Intrusion near the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika, western Tanzania, as well as...pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, acanthite, gold, hessite, petzite, altaite, and coloradoite. Raisaite...anglesite, brochantite, linarite, posnjakite, secondary gold and acanthite, chlorargyrite, brucite, goethite...Raman spectra of both minerals strong bands in the region 750–950 cm–1, with a maximum at ~840 cm–1 corresponding
Laufek, František, Vymazalová, Anna, Grokhovskaya, Tatiana Lvovna, Plášil, Jakub, Dušek, Michal, Orsoev, Dmitryi Anatolevich, Kozlov, Vladimir V (2017) The crystal structure of sopcheite, Ag4Pd3Te4, from the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, Karelia, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29 (4) 603-612 doi:10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2664 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sopcheite, Ag4Pd3Te4, from the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, Karelia, Russia 1 2 3 4 PrePub Article Special...data for a crystal from the  Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, Karelia. The crystal structure is orthorhombic...structure of sopcheite from the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion. Electron backscatter diffraction data obtained...telluride; X-ray diffraction data; Lukkulaisvaara intrusion. 31 1. Introduction 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39...also reported from the Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion, northern Karelia, Russia (Grokhovskaya et al
(2018) INTERESTING PAPERS IN OTHER JOURNALS. Economic Geology, 113 (2) 545-551 doi:10.5382/econgeo.113.2.ip01 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
K.N. Malitch Microinclusions of ore minerals in gold from the Miass placer zone (South Urals): Evidence...399 477 Pb-Pb isotopic systematics of orogenic gold deposits of the BaikalPatom fold belt (northern...geochemical features of fluids of Precamrbian [sic] gold deposits—V.Yu. Prokofiev, V.B. Naumov, and O.F.... A unique ore-placer area of the Amur region with high-Hg _gold_— A.V. Melnikov, V.A. Stepanov, and V.G...ENVIRONMENT, ANALYSIS Vol. 55, No. 6, Nov 2017 Gold mineralizing efficiency during hydrothermal alteration
(2016) INTERESTING PAPERS IN OTHER JOURNALS. Economic Geology, 111 (5) 1291-1294 doi:10.2113/econgeo.111.5.1291 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
No. 1, 2015 Monzonitoid magmatism of the Glukhoe gold ore deposit (Primorye): U-Pb, SHRIMP dating, petrochemical...A. Bogdanov, and A.P. Lisitzin 40Ar/39Ar age of gold mineralization of the Malomyr deposit (eastern part...GONDWANA RESEARCH Vol. 31, 2016 298 Vol. 178, 2016 Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots...material, gold and other trace elements in polyframboids: Implications for the source of orogenic gold deposits...INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW Vol. 58, No. 7, 2016 143 Gold mineralization paragenesis to tectonic structures
Kaminsky, Felix V., Wirth, Richard, Anikin, Leonid P., Schreiber, Anja (2019) “Kamchatite” diamond aggregate from northern Kamchatka, Russia: New find of diamond formed by gas phase condensation or chemical vapor deposition. American Mineralogist, 104 (1) 140-149 doi:10.2138/am-2019-6708 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Beard and Drake 2016) and in Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania) natrocarbonatites (Mitchell 1997). The stability...Province, South Africa and of the Kapalagulu intrusion, western Tanzania (Cabri et al. 2015). Recently Dobrzhinetskaya... B. (1958) An investigation of the Me5Si3–MeSi region of the Mn-FeSi and related systems. Acta Chemica... Pd2Si, a new mineral from the Kapalagulu Intrusion, Western Tanzania and the Bushveld Complex, South...occurrence of natural ferrosilicon in the northern Azov region. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 185, 416–418 (in Russian)
Boniface, Nelson, Schenk, Volker, Appel, Peter (2014) Mesoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism in pelitic rocks of the northwestern Ubendian Belt: Implication for the extension of the Kibaran intra-continental basins to Tanzania. Precambrian Research, 249. 215-228 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
extension of the Kibaran intra-continental basins to Tanzania Nelson Boniface b,∗ , Volker Schenk a , Peter...Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35052, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received...Available online 28 May 2014 Keywords: Zircon Monazite Tanzania Ubendian Belt Wakole Terrane Mesoproterozoic ...form the northwestern end of the Ubendian Belt in Tanzania that disappears towards the north below a Mesoproterozoic...Uganda, bound by the Angola-Kasai and Bangweulu-Tanzania Cratons (Fig. 1). In the current usage in the
Haldar, S. K. (2017) Platinum-Nickel-Chromium Deposits - Geology, Exploration and Reserve Base. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2014-0-00851-9 Book
Haldar is recipient of “Dr. J. Coggin Brown Memorial (Gold Medal) for Geological Sciences” by MGMI. He has...Chr Cr Ir Ni Os PGM/E Pd Pt Rh Ru xiii Silver Gold Cobalt Copper Chromite Chromium Iridium Nickel Osmium...Nickel 1.2.3 Chromium 1.2.4 Copper 1.2.5 Gold and Silver 1.2.6 Cobalt 1.3.4 Minerals of Copper...00001-8 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 1.3.5 Minerals of Gold and Silver 15 Sylvanite Calaverite...chromium. The associated metals include copper, gold, silver, and cobalt. The platinum group consists
Rappenglück, Michael A. (2022) Natural Iron Silicides: A Systematic Review. Minerals, 12 (2) 188 doi:10.3390/min12020188 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Iron Age sites at Kemondo Bay on Lake Victoria (Tanzania), in particular, at site KM3 [19–21]. 3. Irons...Yimeng Mountains, (12) Donghai Co., (13) Shandong Gold Province, (14) Longquan, (15) Ir-Tash Stream Basin...silica in gneisses connected with gold ores, was found in the Shandong Gold Province (eastern Laizhou Bay...source is associated with the rapid upwelling and intrusion of superdeep and super-compressed high-temperature...Štiavnica (Banská Štiavnica district, Banská Bystrica region, Slovakia, 48◦ 270 2900 N 18◦ 530 4700 E), the
Barkov, Andrei Y., Zaccarini, Federica - Eds. (2019) New Results and Advances in PGE Mineralogy in Ni-Cu-Cr-PGE Ore Systems. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03921-717-5 Book
from the Midcontinent Rift-Related Echo Lake Intrusion in Northern Michigan, USA Reprinted from: Minerals...Martin Mineralogy of Platinum-Group Elements and Gold in the Ophiolite-Related Placer of the River Bolshoy...from the Talnakh and Oktyabrsk Deposits, Noril’sk Region, Russia Reprinted from: Minerals 2018, 8, 339,...ophiolite, stratiform complexes and Ural-Alaskan type intrusion, and sulfides deposits and sulphide deposits in...porous and altered rims that contain secondary PGM, gold, and rare Cu-rich bowieite and a Se-rich sulfarsenide
Dobrzhinetskaya, Larissa, Mukhin, Pavel, Wang, Qin, Wirth, Richard, O'Bannon, Earl, Zhao, Wenxia, Eppelbaum, Lev, Sokhonchuk, Tatiana (2018) Moissanite (SiC) with metal-silicide and silicon inclusions from tuff of Israel: Raman spectroscopy and electron microscope studies. Lithos, 310. 355-368 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2017.04.001 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
compound, and has been reported as inclusions in gold (Novgorodova et al. 1989) and SiC (Di Pierro et...central part of the Easternmost Mediterranean (EMM) region. It is located between the stable Arabian shield...(e.g. amorphous). The nature of this amorphous region is not understood, and we will study it in further... which is where the alkaline basalts from this region formed, and temperature ranges from ≥ SC 1000-1150...Mineralogical Magazine 79, 295-307. NU Kapalagulu Intrusion, Western Tanzania and the Bushveld Complex, South
Dehaine, Quentin, Filippov, Lev O., Glass, Hylke J., Rollinson, Gavyn (2019) Rare-metal granites as a potential source of critical metals: A geometallurgical case study. Ore Geology Reviews, 104. 384-402 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.11.012 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
quartz-tourmaline veining associated with 139 greisening, intrusion of rhyolite dykes, quartz-hematite veining. Kaolinisation...platinum group element and Ni-bearing Kapalagulu Intrusion, western Tanzania. Ore Geol. Rev. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev...diagnostic leaching in the characterisation of visible gold in complex ores. Miner. Eng. 18, 877–886. doi:10
Charlier, Bernard, Namur, Olivier, Latypov, Rais, Tegner, Christian - Eds. (2015) Layered Intrusions. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9652-1 Book
the layered intrusions scene is the Panzhihua intrusion (SW China) that has been intensively studied recently...of Major Layered Intrusions 10 The Panzhihua Intrusion, SW China ����������������������������������������������������...���� R. Grant Cawthorn 517 13 Kiglapait Intrusion, Labrador ����������������������������������...horizon at near-solidus conditions across the intrusion. Rapid cooling (~ 125 °C/Ma) down to temperatures...layering (­Irvine 1982) (e.g., Muskox layered intrusion, Fig. 1.1). They consist of cumulates (e.g., Figs