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Locality type:




'Amphibole Supergroup' (not an IMA approved species)


A B2C5((Si,Al,Ti)8O22)(OH,F,Cl,O)2



Believed Valid


Mineral Data:

Click here to view Amphibole Supergroup data

Locality Data:

Click here to view Magnetite occurrence, Wollanig, Villach, Carinthia, Austria

Data Identifiers

Mindat Occurrence Record ID:


Long-form Identifier:




Nearest other occurrences of Amphibole Supergroup

15.2km (9.4 miles)

Diabase quarry (Jakomini quarry), Bad Bleiberg, Villach-Land District, Carinthia, Austria

24.9km (15.5 miles)

Magnesite Mine, Millstätter Alpe, Millstatt, Spittal an der Drau District, Carinthia, Austria

31.3km (19.5 miles)

Kogler quarry, Stattenberg, Sankt Urban, Feldkirchen District, Carinthia, Austria

44.8km (27.8 miles)

Zeiselberg, Magdalensberg, Klagenfurt-Land District, Carinthia, Austria

46.9km (29.1 miles)

Silver mines (incl. Altenberg District; Dürrenrain District; Haderbau), Ramingstein, Tamsweg District, Salzburg, Austria

55.8km (34.7 miles)

Pleschitzkogel (Pleschitzen; Pleschutz; Knappenloch), Hirt, Micheldorf, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

59.1km (36.7 miles)

Törlkopf - Törlspitz area, Seebach valley, Mallnitz, Spittal an der Drau District, Carinthia, Austria

61.1km (38.0 miles)

Diabase quarry, Ebriachgraben (Ebriach gorge), Ebriach, Eisenkappel-Vellach, Völkermarkt District, Carinthia, Austria

61.2km (38.0 miles)

Politzberg, Lamnitz valley, Rangersdorf, Spittal an der Drau District, Carinthia, Austria

66.0km (41.0 miles)

Prickler Halt, Eberstein, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria


Reference Search (possible matching items)

Locock, Andrew J. (2014) An Excel spreadsheet to classify chemical analyses of amphiboles following the IMA 2012 recommendations. Computers & Geosciences, 62. 1-11 doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.09.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
more than 650 amphibole analyses taken from the literature. 22 23 Keywords: amphibole, electron microprobe...and Leake, 2004). Continued investigation of amphibole 29 crystal chemistry has necessitated revisions...has culminated in the establishment of the amphibole supergroup (Hawthorne et al., 31 2012; Oberti et...developed in parallel with ongoing changes in amphibole nomenclature. Several programs and 33 spreadsheets...program 37 is the official tool endorsed for amphibole nomenclature by the IMA-CNMNC Subcommittee on
Nesse, William D. (2018) Introduction to Mineralogy (3rd ed.) Oxford University Press. Book (edition)
Wollastonite • 319 Rhodonite • 320 Pectolite • 321 Amphibole Group • 322 Structure and Classification • 322...• 405 XY2O4 Minerals • 405 Spinel Group • 405 Magnetite • 406 Box 18.2 Sedimentary Iron Formations •...on the structure, chemistry, properties, and occurrence of common minerals. The same authors also have...Chemical Formula Major World Sources Iron Magnetite Hematite Fe2O3 Fe3O4 Australia, Brazil, China...asbestos minerals are chrysotile (Chapter 13) and amphibole (Chapter 14). While many uses of asbestos have