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Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z...e old emerald Venediger and Hohe Tauern form the Mine is about 7 M i from Habach. T h e trail leaves the...Alpenrose going E and then N . The crystalline Alps. Mine is a few hundred yards beyond the I f we come in...and then runs into the main highway. resembling graphite; Scheelite X l s (clear) (up to 3 " ) ; Q X l...Across the valley is an old foot of cliff. copper mine, 2 M i S from the main Kapruntal. Extensive work
H�ller, W., Gandhi, S. M. (1997) Origin of tourmaline and oxide minerals from the metamorphosed Rampura Agucha Zn-Pb-(Ag) deposit, Rajasthan, India. Mineralogy and Petrology, 60 (1) 99-119 doi:10.1007/bf01163137 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
anti Petrology © Springer-Verlag1997 Printed in Austria Origin of tourmaline and oxide minerals from the...1 Institute of Geosciences, University of Leoben, Austria 2 Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur, India With...with biological activity is indicated by high graphite contents and light 6 asc values (Deb, 1992; Deb...structure of elliptic shape. The orebody, hosted by _graphite_-mica-sillimanite schists, is lens-shaped with...Petrography and mineralization The ores are hosted by a _graphite_-mica-sillimanite schist enclosed in paragneisses
Höller, W., Touret, J. L. R., Stumpfl, E. F. (1996) Retrograde fluid evolution at the Rampura Agucha Pb-Zn-(Ag) deposit, Rajasthan, India. Mineralium Deposita, 31 (3) 163-171 doi:10.1007/bf00204024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Geowissenschaften, Montanuniversit/it Leoben, Peter-Tunner-Strasse 5, A-8700 Leoben, Austria gInstitute of Earth Sciences...Abstract. F l u i d inclusions in mineralized _graphite_-silliman i t e - m i c a schist from the R a m...of elliptic shape, comprising sillimanite-and _graphite_-bearing mica schists within garnet-biotite-sillimanite...(alkalifeldspar and plagioclase), sillimanite, graphite and various micaceous minerals (muscovite, biotite...subrounded grains of feldspar, quartz and sillimanite. Graphite is a common gangue mineral, occurring as flakes
Abstracts, zur Tagung MinPet 2021 (Wien, 19., -. 21. September 2021) (2021) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 167. Universität Innsbruck. Journal (article/letter/editorial)
University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria Present address: Geoscience Center, Georg-August-University...5020 Salzburg, Austria 4 Department of Hard Rock Geology, Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38...Vienna, Austria 5 NAWI Graz Geocenter, University of Graz, Heinrichstraße 26, 8010 Graz, Austria e-mail:...Mineralogy and Petrography, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria e-mail: max.albertus@student.uibk.ac.at 1 The...MINERALIZATION AT LIENZER SCHLOSSBERG, EASTERN TYROL, AUSTRIA: EVIDENCE FROM MICRO-TEXTURES AND LA–ICP–MS ANALYSES
Abstracts, of the MinPet 2017, Innsbruck (2017) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 163. Universität Innsbruck. Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINPET 2017 INNSBRUCK / AUSTRIA SEPTEMBER, 6th - 9th 29 MITT.ÖSTERR.MINER.GES. 163 (2017) HIGH-TECH...Innsbruck, Austria. Department of Applied Geological Sciences and Geophysics, Montanuni, 8700 Leoben, Austria...all Tösens district ore (except Hochjoch) defines a low-Mn/high-Hg group. Most Nauders district ore (Knappental...(2017) MANTLE XENOLITHS FROM THE LETHLAKANE DIAMOND MINE, BOTSWANA Belohlavek, L.1, Hauzenberger, C.1, Proyer...University of Graz, Univesitätsplatz 2, 8010, Graz, Austria 2 Department of Geology, University of Botswana
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
latter is better known in two forms as diamond and graphite. The basic element of the commonest mineral —...occur are called modifications, e.g. diamond — graphite, calcite — aragonite, pyrite — marcasite, quartz...hit with a hammer. Soft minerals like talc or graphite split into powder under a hammer blow. Ductile...unchangeable colour, malachite is always green, graphite always black, and sulphur always yellow. In these...includes such physiological properties as the feel. Graphite and talc, for instance, feel greasy and smooth
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
latter is better known in two forms as diamond and graphite. The basic element of the commonest mineral quartz...occur are called modifications, e.g. diamond — graphite, calcite — aragonite, pyrite — marcasite, quartz...hit with a hammer. Soft minerals like talc or graphite split into powder under a hammer blow. Ductile...unchangeable colour, malachite is always green, graphite always black, and sulphur always yellow. In these...includes such physiological properties as the feel. Graphite and talc, for instance, feel greasy and smooth
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
latter is better known in two forms as diamond and graphite. The basic element of the commonest mineral -...occur are called niodifications, e.g. diamond - graphite, calcite - aragonite, pyrite - marcasite, quartz...hit with a hammer. Soft minerals like talc or graphite split into powder under a hammer blow. Ductile...unchangeable colour, malachite is always green, graphite always black, and sulphur always yellow. In these...includes such physiological properties as the feel. Graphite and talc, for instance, feel greasy and smooth
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 Book (edition)
of pyrite (creme) is much higher than that of graphite (brownish grey), which shows grooves at the contact...main axes of the lattice, while the hexagonal graphite is made up of carbon sheets with very little bonding...(continued) Pressure twins are commonly found in graphite or molybdenite, where they are easily identified...weak to moderate, grey, yellow, brown, blue Ullmannite Arsenolamprite Montbrayite Matildite Herzenbergite...platelets 44 Duftite Mimetite Zircon Hübnerite Graphite Anglesite Neltnerite Kentrolite Armalcolite Manganosite
37, 37 gold 5,5 goslarite 59 grandidierite 85 graphite 5 greenockite 11 greenovite 81 grossularite 78... turquoise 73, 73 tyrolite 73 ulexite 54, 54 ullmannite 17 phosgenite 47, 47, 50 serpentine, precious... and at Sudbury, Ontario. New in Zealand, Graphite, C: hexagonal system; sg 2.09—2.21; hardness 1-2...system; sg 3.50; hardness 10. Though diamond and graphite have the same chemical composition — pure carbon...modifications of the same chemical element. While graphite is black, opaque, and soft, the diamond is lustrous
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
37 gold 5, 5 goslarite 59 grandidierite 85 graphite 5 greenockite I1 greenovite 81 grossularite 78...7 sylvite 20 synchisite 49 szaibelyite 54 ullmannite 17 uranium phosphates 74 uranocircite 73, 74...in the Urals, discovered New in Zealand, Graphite, C: hexagonal system; sg 2.09-2.21; hardness ...system; sg 3.50; hardness 10. Though diamond and graphite have the same chemical composition — pure carbon...modifications of the same chemical element. While graphite is black, opaque, and soft, the diamond is lustrous
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43...dept. (departement), dept. (departamento), dist. (district). Less common terms are not abbreviated, e.g....Rice, Dolores co., both Colorado, at the Questa mine, Taos co., New 1994. Abernathyite K2[(UOJ 2l(AsO_J2]•6HzO...Harding Co .. South Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald...mainly in crystals to 5 cm at the Himmelsftirst mine, Freiberg, both Saxony, Germany. In the subtropical
Bonazzi, Paola, Menchetti, Silvio, Caneschi, Andrea, Magnanelli, Stefano (1992) Bottinoite, Ni(H2O)6[Sb(OH)6]2, a new mineral from the Bottino mine, Alpi Apuane, Italy. American Mineralogist, 77 (11-12) 1301-1304 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ni(HrO)6[Sb(OH)61,a new mineral from the Bottino mine, Alpi Apuane, Italy Paole BoNlzzr, Srr.vroMnNcrrnrrr...occursat the Bottino mine, Alpi Apuane, Italy. Associated minerals are ullmannite, siderite, calcite,...N(HrO)6[Sb(OH)Jz. The mineral is named for the Bottino mine, which is the type locality. INrnooucrroN In 1987...blue-greenmineral was collected from the Bottino mine, Alpi Apuane, Italy, by Andrea Dini of Lucca (Italy)...Bottinoite is named for the famous Bottino di Seravezza mine, which has long been exploited for Pb, Ag, and,
Rao, B. Govinda, Parihar, Rachit, Pruseth, Kamal Lochan, Mishra, Biswajit (2017) The Occurrence of Breithauptite and Nisbite-Like Sb-Ni Phases At Sindesar-Khurd, Rajasthan, India: Implications For Melt-Assisted Sulfide Remobilization. The Canadian Mineralogist, 55 (1) 75-87 doi:10.3749/canmin.1600025 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
is confined to 600 8C. Breithauptite along with ullmannite (NiSbS) is related to sulfide melt immiscibility...25803 0 N:74808 0 to 74810 0 E) in the Rajsamand District of Rajasthan, India (Fig. 2), are hosted in a...calc-silicate rocks, quartzite, _graphite_-bearing mica schist, staurolitekyanite-graphite mica schist, garnetiferous...calc-silicate rocks, carbonaceous metapelite, and _graphite_-bearing mica schist, are of sedimentary exhalative...breithauptite (NiSb), dyscrasite (Ag3Sb), and ullmannite (NiSbS) in the strata-transgressive vein ore
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
37, 37 gold 5, 5 goslari te 59 grandidierite 85 graphite 5 greenockite 11 greenovite 81 grossularite 78...63 turquoise 73, 73 tyrolite 73 ulexite 54, 54 ullmannite 17 uraninite 36 uranium phosphates 74 uranocircite...59 zippeite 62 zircon 77, 78, 78 zoisite 88 THE MINE LKINGDOM All physical bodies in Nature can be...or slightly rotated Vitreous. Like glass 3 THE MINE Class I: native ·elements Chemical elernents found...New Zealand, Alaska, and at Sudbury, Ontario. Graphite, C: hexagonal system; sg 2.09-2.21; hardness 1-2
Schneider, Hans-J. - Ed. (1983) Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68988-8 Book
Salt miners at work in the Diirrnberg-Hallein mine (1756) (see also comment on copyright page) Mineral...work in the Durrnberg-Hallein mine (1756). Oil painting in the ancient mine office at Hallein Salzburg....Werkstiitter (1708-1772) on the occasion of a visit to the mine by the Prince Bishop Sigmund III. of Salzburg on...At the top of the painting and on the steps are mine surveyors and a miner at work. Note the romantic...1971,heldatBled/Yugoslavia 3-7, 1977, held at Leoben/ Austria 5-10,1981, held at Berchtesgaden/Bavaria, FRG
Bath, Adam B., Walshe, John L., Cloutier, Jonathan, Rotherham, Jackie, Hutchison, Rob, Hollebeck, Eva, Verrall, Michael, Schmitt, Leanne (2020) Alteration patterns linked to high-grade gold mineralization at the Wattle Dam deposit, Western Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 125. 103471pp. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103471 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
selvages of sodicgedrite, riebeckite, aegirine and ullmannite ± sulfates (barite and anhydrite) ± magnetite...arsenopyrite, nickeline, gersdorffite, breithauptite and ullmannite occur as wide halos (up to 300m) around the main...which includes the Depot Granite to the north of the mine and the Widgiemooltha Dome to the south (Hutchison... 2010). In some areas the shale unit contains graphite (Hutchison, 2010). Drill core and underground...sodicgedrite (Table 2) ─ gold ─ riebeckite ─ aegirine ─ ullmannite ─ rutile ─ catapleiite ± pilsenite ± chalcopyrite
Pracejus, Berhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (1st ed.) Elsevier. Book (edition)
01-50 V 76 78 80 82 Mineral Strunz-Group Graphite Sulfur Selenium Tellurium I/B.02-10 I/B.03-10...Geversite Insizwaite Padmaite Cobaltite Gersdorffite Ullmannite Hollingworthite Irarsite Marcasite Ferroselite...(yellowish white), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // Anhedral electrum...(greenish grey), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // Anhedral electrum...(bluish grey shades), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // 8 Gold A
Berry, L. G., Thompson, R. M. (1962) X-Ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: the Peacock Atlas. GSA Memoir 85. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem85 Report (issue)
oentoharsbenca LO WHae SNS ATS Ole OPAC (CHO MN) cc oe an ob ur asturees ne esapecdon doa scenes Naeee FORMATS...080; Z = 4 2496Q (Cu/Ni)—East Gold mine, Bowser River district, Portland Canal area, B.C. Composition...silver Cell Studies, the same (a) 0, 0, S Z = mine, Coantimony). edge by Peacock (Univ. Toronto Geol...11; Z = 4 521 (Cu/Ni)—Germanson Landing, Omineca district, B.C. (about 80 per cent silver). Pattern similar...(Cu/Ni)—Calumet mine, Michigan; same pattern given by copper filings and material from Tamarak mine, Michigan
Collins, J. H. (1878) IV. On Mineral Classification. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, 2 (9) 65-81 doi:10.1180/minmag.1878.002.9.02 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
certain slags ? or the crystals of alum formed in old _mine_-workings from those produced by Mr. Spence, in his...COT.LINS0N 3. Carbon ~ Silicon grouT. Diamond. Graphite. Iron. Zinc. Lead. 3. Tin GrouT . Tin. The...Selen-sulphur. Tellm'ium. Carbon Group. Diamond. Graphite. Cr.ASS II.--P~alTOlnS. With regard to this class...As,` _Ullmannite_ a Ni (S Sb)2 Dana, anal. 3, 4 _Ullmannite_ fl Ni (20 S ~ Sb),` ,, ,, 5 Ullmannite 7 Ni...S ~ S D ) , ` ,, ,, 2 _Ullmannite_ ~ Ni (:0 As 2o S 2o Sb),` . . . . 1 Ullmannite e Ni (r As ,~ Sb 2o S)
Duda, Rudolf, Rejl, Lubos (1989) Minerals of the World. Arch Cape Press, New York. Book
extent, important deposits of iron, manganese and graphite are formed. In metamorphic rocks veins, of what...differences are found in polymorp hic minerals, such as graphite and diamond, t he size of their atoms and ions...into thin laminae usually in one direction (eg graphite, gypsum, chlorite and muscovite, see Fig. 7a)...called polymorphs. For example, diamond (602) - graphite (2); calcite (217) - aragonite (221 ); rutile... * >t,;: ..,. '"' ' 33 Native element Graphite (Plumbago, Black lead) 2 From the Greek grafein
Burchard, Ulrich, Bode Rainer (1986) Mineral Museums of Europe. Walnut Hill Publishing Co. Book
Frontcover Upper left: The observatory at Kremsmunster. Austria. which houses the mineral collection. Upper right:...mineralogical cabinet of the convent at Kremsmunster, Austria. The . specimens a~e displayed m baroque furniture...important mineralogical museums in Western Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany (Federal...half are in Germanspeaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The reasons for this are partly...universities, 14 by town or city councils, 13 by district councils or regional boards, and 16 form part
(2010) Belorechenskoye Deposit. Mineralogical Almanac Vol. 15 (2) Journal (issue)
duced specimens with wonderful cubes and twins of ullmannite (although not in great number). big intergrowths...The surface of nickeline is overgrown by cubic ullmannite crystals. 5 cm. Fersman Mineralogical Museum...minerals of the system kru1ovite-gers­ dorffite-ullmannite are given here for the first time as well. We...breithauptite, mem­ bers of the gersdorffite-ullmannite series, as well as by pyrargyrite and a number...muscovite, chlorite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, graphite, and also quartz veinlets with molybdenite. They
Egleston, Thomas (1871) Tables for the Determination of Minerals arranged for the Students of the School of Mines of Columbia College (4th ed.). Book (edition)
Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. STEPHEN...Alabandite, Linnreite, Smaltite, Cobaltite, Ullmannite, Sphalerite, Lead, Galenite, Clausthali te, Arsenolite...Chalcan thite. HEXAGON A.L. Water, Tellurium, Graphite, Quartz, Beryl, Willemite, Phenacite, Biotite...Aluminite, Arseniosiderite, Bromyrite, Calomel, Graphite. H.= 1- 2•6 Sulphur. H .= l•:i Arseno1ite, Brucite...Lirnonite, Natrolitc, Niccolite, Titanite, Triplite, Ullmannite, W olframite. ' H.=~-6 H.=4 Barytocalcite, Fl11orite
(1888) Mineralogical chemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts, 54. 30pp. doi:10.1039/ca8885400030 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
meteoritic iron found on 5th January, 1884, in the district of Youndegin, Western Australia, contains a remarkable...remarkable form of carbon resembling graphite but crystallising in the cubic form. Four fragments of the...Chemical tests show that the residue resembles graphite, but it is harder and occurs in definite cubic...modification of carbon distinct from diamond and graphite, and names it B. H. B. cZiftonite after Professor...formations, and in the paper, analyses are given of graphite, of 33 specimens of coal, and of 4 specimens of