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Mehrabi, Behzad, Siani, Majid Ghasemi, Goldfarb, Richard, Azizi, Hossein, Ganerod, Morgan, Marsh, Erin Elizabeth (2016) Mineral assemblages, fluid evolution, and genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 78. 41-57 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.03.016 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran Behzad Mehrabi, Majid Ghasemi Siani, Richard...genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran, Ore Geology Reviews (2016), doi: 10.1016/j...genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran PT Behzad Mehrabia,*, Majid Ghasemi...of Earth Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran RI a United States Geological Survey, Box 25046...Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Leiv Eirikssons
Kotková, Jana, Kullerud, Kåre, Šrein, Vladimír, Drábek, Milan, Škoda, Radek (2018) The Kongsberg silver deposits, Norway: Ag-Hg-Sb mineralization and constraints for the formation of the deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 53 (4) 531-545 doi:10.1007/s00126-017-0757-1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
GmbH Germany 2017 Abstract The Kongsberg silver district has been investigated by microscopy and electron...from the northern area of the district. Elsewhere, the only Sb-bearing minerals are polybasite and tet...has been documented only in the central-western area. Myrmekite of freibergite and chalcopyrite reflects...upon heating, characterizes the Kongsberg silver district. Based on the stabilities of minerals and mineral...between 180 and 250 °C. Keywords Kongsberg silver district . Ag-Hg-Sb relationships . Ni-Co-Fe sulfarsenides
Whitehead, Walter Lucius (1919) The veins of Chanarcillo, Chile. Economic Geology, 14 (1) 1-45 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.14.1.1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
................. The Future of Mining in the District .................................. Bibliography...elapsedbefore careful prospectors, combingthe northern barren deserts,were successful, but early in the...depthsof 50o to 6o0 metersin the southernpart of the district; but the methods of mining•inusewere not adaptedto...bibliography. THE VEINS OF CHAI•ARCILLO, CHILE. of the district were flooded. A few tentative efforts have s•ince...aeted some attention in Chile;but•itpresent the district on the whole is in a state of decay. Production
Warren, William J. Jr., Pedersen, Ed (2003) Minerals of the Gilman District and Eagle Mine - Eagle County, Colorado. Rocks & Minerals, 78 (5) 298-323 doi:10.1080/00357529.2003.9926740 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
01:02 01 January 2015 Minerals of the Gilman District and Eagle Mine Eagle County, Colorado WILLIAM...pedersencpg@aol.com 298 ROCKS & MINERALS T he Gilman district, in Eagle County, Colorado, and its premier mineral...Denver. The Gilman district was originally known as the Battle Mountain district and was later referred...as the Red Cliff district. Much of the older (pre-1940s) literature refers to the area by one, or both...both, of these names. The district is famous for its once-prolific production of well-crystallized and aesthetic
Friedrich, G. H., Hawkes, H. E. (1966) Mercury as an ore guide in the Pachuca-Real del Monte District, Hidalgo, Mexico. Economic Geology, 61 (4) 744-753 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.61.4.744 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MERCURY DEL AS AN MONTE G. H. ORE GUIDE DISTRICT, FRIEDRICH AND IN THE HIDALGO, H. PACHUCA-REAL...silver-producingdistrict of Mexico. Soils from the northern area, which is underlain by an extensivesystemof...mercury over a backgroundof 50 ppb. Soils from the area south of the town, also well mineralizedbut with...blind ore depositsin the Pachuca-Realdel Monte district. KURZFASSUNG Im Silber-Distrikt yon Pachuca-Real...of North America. The Pachuca-Real del Monte district, situated about 100 km northeast of Mexico City
(1940) Structural control of ore deposition in the Uncompahgre district, Ouray County, Colorado, with suggestions for prospecting. Bulletin Vol. 906. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b906e Report (volume)
STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF ORE DEPOSITION IN THE UNCOMPAHGRE DISTRICT OURAY COUNTY, COLORADO WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR PROSPECTING...classification and control._____________________________ Northern division______________________________________________...associated with fissures.___-____-__-__--_--___-_ Area north of the Ouray fault...........____________________...Structure map and sections of the Uncompahgre district..-.-54. Types of structural control of ore de..._____ FIGURE 32. Index map of the Uncompahgre district and western San Juan Mountains. _____________
Burbank, Wilbur Swett, Luedke, Robert G. (2008) Geology and ore deposits of the Uncompahgre (Ouray) Mining District, Southwestern Colorado. Professional Paper 1753. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1753 Report (issue)
Ore Deposits of the Uncompahgre (Ouray) Mining District, Southwestern Colorado Professional Paper 1753...prospects that constitute the Uncompahgre mining district are located mostly within the cliffy slopes surrounding...Ore Deposits of the Uncompahgre (Ouray) Mining District, Southwestern Colorado By Wilbur S. Burbank and...ore deposits of the Uncompahgre (Ouray) mining district, southwestern Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey...ore deposits of the Uncompahgre (Ouray) mining district, southwestern Colorado / by Wilbur S. Burbank
(1915) Some mining districts in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada. Bulletin Vol. 594. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b594 Report (volume)
veins Origin of the shoots Milling High Grade district, Modoc County, Cal Location History of mining...replacements in glassy rhyolite Future of the district Winters district, Modoc County, Cal Location and accessibility...64 Future of the districts 64 Battle Mountain district, Lander County, Nev 2 Location and accessibility... Mining districts—Continued. Battle Mountain district, Lander County, Nev.—Continued. Geology—Continued...deposits 2 Properties at north end of Battle Mountain district, including Cottonwood Canyon, Licking Canyon,
Salas, Guillermo P. (1991) The Geology of North America Vol. P-3 - Economic Geology, Mexico. The Geological Society of America. Book (volume)
173 15. Baja California Peninsula Metallogenic Province . 177 16. Summary of structural and stratigraphic...Monterrey Formation outcrops of the San Hilario area, Baja California Sur . 179 Guillermo P. Salas...deposits of the El Boleo copper mine, Santa Rosalia district, Baja California Sur . Ivan F. Wilson and Victor...195 18. Sierra Madre Occidental Metallogenic Province . Guillermo P. Salas 197 19. Cananea copper...Topia Mining District . H. Monje H. 215 23. Geology of the Tayoltita Mine, San Dimas District, Durango
Pirajno, Franco, Ünlü, Taner, Dönmez, Cahit, Şahin, M. Bahadır - Eds. (2019) Mineral Resources of Turkey - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 16. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02950-0 Book
Turkish Taurus mountains: the Bolkardağ mining district. Antiquity 61:64–71 Yener KA, Kulakoğlu F, Yazgan...chalcedonies, may originate from sources to the east in Iran or India. The distant source of this material should...Ubaid Period (ca. 5500–4000 B.C.) at many sites in Northern Mesopotamia (Wright 1969). Some of the finest...Höyük (Fig. 1.3). The spread of obsidian over a wide area of the Near East attests to its desirability as...Gourgaud et al. 1998). The other is in Lake Van area and comprises a site near the lake itself, and another
(1992) 29th IGC Field Trip Guide Book Vol. 6 - Mineral Deposits of Japan and the Philippines. Book (volume)
Kyushu 3. Kuroko Deposits and Geothermal Fields in Northern Honshu 4. Mineral Deposits of Japan and the Philippines...B25) are held. Maps show the approximate route or area of each field trip; there may be some changes in...(C01 - C36). Maps show the approximate route or area of each field trip; there may be some changes in...Geological Setting of Eastern Hokkaido The eastern area of Hokkaido includes the southwest¬ ern extension...deposition and are poor in volcanic material. The northern part is dominated by Neogene sediments containing
(1926, June 12th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 121 (24) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
natural concentration, also, is in a limited district lying in northwestern Kentucky and southern Illinois...danger, if there be any, to the mining industry district: on the other hand, the unprospected portion in...is known by nearly every one of consequence in Northern Mexico) joined them there when he was fourteen...and from a comparatively small area. This shows how little the province has been systematically explored...$5,977,875; the Vancouver and New Westminster district, in which the Britannia mine is situated, contributed
(1955) Lead-zinc deposits of Cordillera Blanca and northern Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru. Bulletin Vol. 1017. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1017 Report (volume)
Lead-Zinc Deposits of Cordillera Blanca and Northern Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru Prepared in cooperation...REPUBLICS LEAD-ZING DEPOSITS OF CORDILLERA BLANCA AND NORTHERN CORDILLERA HUAYHUASH, PERU By ALFRED J. BODENLOS...central and southern Cordillera Blanca and the northern Cordillera Huayhuash comprise 6 mineral districts...districts and copper sulfldes in the Antamina-Contonga district contain large reserves of possibly minable material...INTRODUCTION The Andean mineral province, a major metallogenic area of the world, comprising thousands
(2005) China. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 36 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Dadongla (Yunchangping) mine near Tongren, Guizhou Province, China. Marcus Budil specimen; Jeff Scovil photo...of Tonglushan, near the city of Daye in Hubei Province, have revealed important historical information...tonnes of ancient slag were found, covering a surface area of 20,000 square meters. The ancient Tonglushan...limited availability of water in the relatively dry northern plains has historically been a further hindrance...being put into practice (Sommerlatte, 1985). The province of Yunnan, in the southwestern part of the Chinese
Dunning, F. W., Mykura, W., Slater, D. - Eds. (1982) Mineral Deposits of Europe Vol. 2 - Southeast Europe. The Mineralogical Society, London. Book (volume)
prounce The Dinaric metallogenic province The western Macedonian district Iron ore deposits . Manganese...rock ; ‘ ; : Serbo—Macedonian _—_metallogenic The province The pre-Devonian merallGeeuie epoch The Hercynian...Osogovo—Ograzden ore district The West Rhodope ore district The East Rhodope ore district The Srednogorié...Sofia ore district The Panagyurishté ore district The Yambol ore district . The Burgas ore district The Malko...Malko Tirnovo ore district structiralemersllogents The _ Kraishtide zone 189 xi The Balkan structural—metallogenic
Hauptmann, Andreas (2020) Archaeometallurgy – Materials Science Aspects. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50367-3 Book
have accumulated over millennia close to a mining area can contain hundreds of thousands of tons (cf. Sect...his team to countries of Western and Central Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey). Their goal had been, among...of the quality of mined ores in the near-surface area (“Gossan”). The isotope analyses of lead have a...from the Alps across the Balkans and Turkey and Iran to the Himalayas and Southeast Asia (Jankovič 1997)...smelting sites and metal workshops in a mining district in certain periods. This book focuses on ores
Spurr, Josiah Edward (1923) The Ore Magmas Vol. 2. MacGraw-Hill , New York. Book (volume)
termination of veins 87. 88. .... platinum district Mountains. Pyroxene-olivene-magnetite rock, showing...of 93. 94. 95. 96. Haggerty mine, Encampment district, Wyoming Bonanza, Zacatecas, Mexico. Surface geology...geology 98. Beatrice ore chimney. Bonanza district 99. Providencia tunnel. Bonanza mine 100. Bonanza...Bonanza, Zacatecas, Mexico. Chief mineralized area 101. Empire mine. White Knob, Idaho. Replacement of . 577...arriving at such a of copper ual and strongly — province or, in other words, that an addition of copper
Ridge, John D. (1972) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in the Western Hemisphere. GSA Memoir 131. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem131-p1 Report (issue)
MEXICO-ARIZONA) ... 323 A. Rifle area, Colorado «0s... 323 B. Uravan District, Colorado 324 Cope tick Rock...324 DeeGkante District, New sMext Comer. clecetsls cused cists! 0/0 326 E. Shiprock District, Utah—Arizona...Utah—Arizona ....vccccsnens F. Monticello-Moab-Thompsons District, Utah .....secvceee 326 327 ee eeseeee Gig GE...Mines p. 970-984 Ltd., 1970, Snow Geology Lake area, E. F., 1970, of the copper-zinc N. Manitoba:...and Stumpfl, Lake Pro, McIlwaine, and W. H., Northern ONTARIO Thomson, James Bur. 1970, Affairs
(1999) Fractures, Fluid Flow and Mineralization. Special Publication Vol. 155. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
vein size: an example from the Guanajuato mining district (Central Mexico) Fluid flow and fracture systems...controls of Uranium deposits in the Rum Jungle area, Northern territories. His subsequent research focused...the explosion in research interest in the subject area in the last 10-15 years. In the period from 1975...included in this volume reflect how knowledge in this area has moved on significantly since Lindgren's text...further advances are to be made in this research area. This volume arose from a joint meeting of the Tectonic
Smirnov, V. I. - Ed. (1977) Ore Deposits of the USSR Vol. 3. Pitman Publishing. Book (volume)
4025/6942 4810/13050 Krai Buryat Kitelya, Northern region Kiyalykh-Uzen', 5030/10320 ASSR Ladoga...Peninsula Kazakhstan Malo-Kholtoson, ASSR Obl, Northern Kuranakh, Maikain, Urals 4700/7500 5846/1253)...Vishnévogorsk, Urals Vostok-2, Middle 5600/6040 Northern 2% 4800/13800 Primor'e Voznesensk, Primor'e...(Myao-Chana) ore ore ore region, Near-Amur (267) area Festival'noe deposit (273) zone ore region, ...Middle Asia, and the Devonian volcanogenic belts of Northern and Southern Kazakhstan). The Mesozoic gold metallogenesis
Ransom, Jay Ellis (1964) A Range Guide to Mines and Minerals - How and Where to Find Valuable Ores and Minerals in the United States. Harper & Row, New York. Book
importance even humanity that a major planet was given province over occupations connected with Mother Earth....imputed to the gods. Gold was well known over a wide area of the Near East as early as 5000 B.C., and by the...the heart of the then most prolific metal-mining district of Central Europe. He had grown up with a boy’s...melt during the action of igneous intrusions. The area surrounding Table V Metamorphic Rock Types Consolidated...may be rich in collectible minerals. In almost any area, outcropping rocks are most likely to catch your
Brown, R.E., Henley, H.F., Stroud, W.J. (2001) Geology, Mineral Occurrences, Exploration and Geochemistry, in Warwick-Tweed Heads 1:250 000 Sheet Area (New South Wales Portion). Vol 1. Exploration Data Package, Geological Survey of New South Wales. Report (Issue volume)
DATA PACKAGE WARWICK-TWEED HEADS 1:250 000 SHEET AREA (New South Wales Portion) Northeasterly vista from...Boonoo Boonoo area. Map 4 - Geology, mines and mineral occurrences of the Boorook area. Map 5 - Geology...Downfall area. Map 6 - Geology, mines and mineral occurrences of the Mount Carrington area. Map 7 – Geology...Geology and workings of the Red Rock area Disclaimer :- This report and accompanying maps are not guaranteed...portion of the WarwickTweed Heads 1:250 000 sheet area lies in northeastern New South Wales and extends
Schneider, Hans-J. - Ed. (1983) Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68988-8 Book
Even though the mineral production of the Alpine province has lost its significance as compared with other...economic geology extended far beyond the Alpine area, as in Europe no similar symposium had ever been...conceptions of oreforming processes from this adjacent area. Besides the regional aspect, a further reason dictated...Mining and Trading in the Berchtesgaden and Salzburg Area. An Introduction to the Historical Background of...Mineralization in Middle Permian of Tregiovo (Province of Bozen/Trient, Italy) (With 6 Figures). . .
Ries, Heinrich (1916) Economic Geology (4th ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Book (edition)
tipple, bituminous coal mine, Spring Valley, 111 Northern Interior coal field Composite section showing...structure of western field of Los 104 Angeles district 106 Section of Spindle Top oil field near Beaumont...Galveston, Tex 32. Hypothetical section in same district as Fig. 31 33. Map showing lines of sections in...by and gas 42. Section across portion of oil district of southwestern of Alaska, showing areas in which...sedimentary clay deposit Geologic map of the Vlightberg area, Rondout, N. Y 58. Section in slate 60. 61. 62
Johnsson, Erik - Ed. (2013) 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, 1. Conference Proceedings (Volume)
regional scale 3D-model of the Skellefte mining district, northern Sweden ...................................89 Ga VHMS-type deposits, Kristineberg area, Skellefte District, Sweden . . ............................modelling for VMS exploration in the Pyhäsalmi district, Central Finland ..............................Co-Ni-Cu-Au- mineralization in the Siegerland district, Rhenish Massif, NW Germany ....................Reflection seismic imaging in the Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden Mahdieh Dehghannejad, Christopher