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Mehrabi, Behzad, Siani, Majid Ghasemi, Goldfarb, Richard, Azizi, Hossein, Ganerod, Morgan, Marsh, Erin Elizabeth (2016) Mineral assemblages, fluid evolution, and genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 78. 41-57 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.03.016 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran Behzad Mehrabi, Majid Ghasemi Siani, Richard...genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran, Ore Geology Reviews (2016), doi: 10.1016/j...genesis of polymetallic epithermal veins, Glojeh district, NW Iran PT Behzad Mehrabia,*, Majid Ghasemi...of Earth Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran RI a United States Geological Survey, Box 25046...Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Leiv Eirikssons
(2013) Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits Vol. 86 (1) Institutul Geologic al României Journal (issue)
Săcărâmb, and in the waste dumps of the old mine area. Telluride bearing gold and silver ore deposit at...Săcărâmb is included in the Golden Quadrilateral area and it is the largest telluride mineral accumulation...Dobrogea province, I.1. District with phosphorites and glauconite, II. Central Dobrogea province, III. North...North Dobrogea province, III.1. Măcin district, III.2. Tulcea district. Carpathians Realm, IV. South...South Carpatians province, IV.a. Getic subprovince, IV.b. Danubian subprovince, IV.c. Mehedinţi subprovince
Kuleshov, V. N. (2011) Manganese deposits: Communication 2. Major epochs and phases of manganese accumulation in the Earth’s history. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 46 (6) 546-565 doi:10.1134/s0024490211060095 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
vredenburgite, and less common spessartine and rhodonite. Rocks of the Rio das Velas Group (Minas Gerais...rhodochrosite, manganocalcite, tephroite, spessartine, rhodonite and pyroxmangite. The pri mary rocks were represented...and pyroxene. The Khoshchevat deposit (Odessa district, Ukraine) is assigned to the marble weathering...alternate with the main crystal line schists and _rhodonite_–spessartine. Manganifer ous rocks are also known...known in the Lapponian carbon aceous shales (northern Finland) and some other Late Archean basins. Thus
Hewett, D. F. (1966) Stratified deposits of the oxides and carbonates of manganese. Economic Geology, 61 (3) 431-461 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.61.3.431 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Nikopol district ................................................. 444 Chiatura district ............................................. Polounotch district ................................................StanfordUniversity has submitted samplesfrom the Autlan District, Mexico, and from CoquimboProvince, Chile. The...andesiteand basalt. On the southeast,this district mergeswith the Boleo district(44), withinwhichseveralbedsof copper-bearing...and the lead contentfrom 0 to 0.23 percent. In the area that includesthe two districts,there appearsto be
(1930) Reports and Proceedings. Geological Magazine, 67 (1) 43-47 doi:10.1017/s0016756800002740 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the massive Chert formation which occupies an oval area from Voelnant to Llanasa. The structural features...and the chert knolls. The fault-system of the district has two chief components, respectively peripheral...most conspicuous topographical feature of the district. MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary Meeting,...optical properties with chemical composition in the _rhodonite_-bustamite series. " A complete optical study of...of three analysed members of the _rhodonite_-bustamite series, together with the data available from the
Brusnitsyn, A. I., Zhukov, I. G. (2005) The South Faizuly manganese deposit in the southern Urals: Geology, petrography, and formation conditions. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 40 (1) 30-47 doi:10.1007/s10987-005-0004-1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
distal zones of the hydrothermal solution discharge area are considered. INTRODUCTION The South Faizuly...paleovolcanic belt (Fig. 1). The geological setting of this area is rather well known from many special publications...paleoisland-arc belt and (b) the Faizuly manganese deposit area. Modified after Zaikov (1991). (1) Paleogeodynamic...(8) Tubinsk, (9) Bakr-Uzyak; (18) Faizuly deposit area; (19) towns. eroded and overlapped by edaphogenic...grouped in the Baimak ore district (in the west) and the Sibai ore district (in the east). A great number
Brusnitsyn, A. I. (2006) Mineralogy and metamorphism conditions of manganese ore at the South Faizulino deposit, the southern Urals, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 48 (3) 193-214 doi:10.1134/s1075701506030032 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
calcite, kutnahorite, alleghanyite, spessartine, rhodonite, clinochlore, and parsettensite are second in...the Magnitogorsk paleovolcanic belt (Fig. 1a). The area is composed of Devonian volcanic and volcanosedimentary...Faizulino 12 4 3 b 2 1 53° Northern area (b) Southern area 10 m 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Fig....established in the southern and northern areas of the deposit. The southern area is the most promising. The...m down the dip, reaching 3 m in thickness. The northern flank of the manganese ore layer directly overlaps
(2008, October) Rock & Gem Vol. 38 (10) JMiller Media Journal (issue)
2008 Green and pink elbaite from Paprook, Kunar Province, Afghanistan, gets its color from manganese in...the upper lefthand side. The bottom of the drilled area was smoothed using a 1/8 inch core drill to remove...pink to red minerals, including rhodochrosite, rhodonite and its variety fowlerite, pink serandite, roeblingite...the Argentinian Andes near Capillitas, in the province of Catamarca. This is a remarkable hydrothermal...Colorado and the Kalahari Desert in North Cape Province, South Africa. The world's finest scalenohedral
Bon, Roger L., Riordan, Richard F., Tripp, Bryce T., Krukowski, Stanley T. (2001) Proceedings of the 35th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals - The Intermountain West Forum, 1999. Miscellaneous Publication 01-2. Utah Geological Survey Report (issue)
detailed studies of these resources including mining district and field studies; develops computerized resource...activity was a full-day tour of the Park City, Utah area to experience it metals mining heritage via an underground...the scenery and amenities of a world-class resort area. The second guest activity was a tour of the Salt...included industrial mineral sites of the Salt Lake City area and salt and magnesium plants on the south shore...second two-day, postmeeting field trip through northern Utah and southern Idaho emphasized Idaho phosphate
Kuleshov, V. N., Brusnitsyn, A. I. (2005) Isotopic Composition (δ13C, δ18O) and the Origin of Carbonates from Manganese Deposits of the Southern Urals. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 40 (4) 364-375 doi:10.1007/s10987-005-0034-8 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
occurs in the southern and northern areas of the deposit. The southern area is most interesting. Manganese...Manganese ores in this area make up a lenticular-flattened sheetlike body (length 220 m along the strike...150 m along the dip, thickness up to 3m). The northern flank of the orebody overlaps jasperites and,...the southern area where the red silicites rapidly pinch out. The second (northern) area is much smaller...well-preserved remains of vent fauna in a small area at the roof of jasperite lens (Zhukov et al., 1998;
(1955) Lead-zinc deposits of Cordillera Blanca and northern Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru. Bulletin Vol. 1017. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1017 Report (volume)
Lead-Zinc Deposits of Cordillera Blanca and Northern Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru Prepared in cooperation...REPUBLICS LEAD-ZING DEPOSITS OF CORDILLERA BLANCA AND NORTHERN CORDILLERA HUAYHUASH, PERU By ALFRED J. BODENLOS...central and southern Cordillera Blanca and the northern Cordillera Huayhuash comprise 6 mineral districts...districts and copper sulfldes in the Antamina-Contonga district contain large reserves of possibly minable material...INTRODUCTION The Andean mineral province, a major metallogenic area of the world, comprising thousands
Brusnitsyn, A. I. (2010) Mineralogy of metamorphosed manganese deposits of the South Urals. Geology of Ore Deposits, 52 (7) 551-565 doi:10.1134/s1075701510070044 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
hausmannite, braunite, tephroite, andradite, epidote, rhodonite, caryopilite, calcite, and rhodochrosite. The...epidotegroup minerals, piemontite, pyroxenes, rhodonite, pyroxmangite, and winchite are considered. The...hausmannite, braunite, tephroite, andradite, epidote, rhodonite, caryopilite, calcite, and rhodochrosite. The...are com posed of Mn2+ silicates (tephroite, rhodonite, caryopi lite, parsettensite, etc.) and andradite...Ca2Mn2+Fe3+(Si5O14)(OH) + + + + + CaMn4(Si5O15) 37 Rhodonite MnMn6(Si7O21) + (Na,Ca,Mn)(Fe3+,Mg,Mn)(Si2O6)
Fetherston, J. Michael, Stocklmayer, Susan M., Stocklmayer, Vernon C., Fetherston, J.M., Stocklmayer, S.M., Stocklmayer, V.C. (2013) Gemstones of Western Australia. Mineral Resources Bulletin 25 (1st ed.). Geological Survey of Western Australia Report (edition)
................... 21 East Kimberley Diamond Province.................................................................... 24 East Kimberley Diamond Province................................................................... 24 North Kimberley Diamond Province ................................................................... 26 West Kimberley Diamond Province.......................................................................... 31 Wandagee Diamond Province .............................................
Fetherston, J. Michael, Stocklmayer, Susan M., Stocklmayer, Vernon C. (2017) Mineral Resources Bulletin (25), Gemstones of Western Australia (2nd ed.) Geological Survey of Western Australia Report (edition)
Brockman tiger eye jasper from the Mount Brockman area, Pilbara region. The sphere, approximately 35 cm................. 15 Halls Creek Orogen — Lamboo Province.................................................................... 15 East Kimberley diamond province ................................................................... 20 East Kimberley diamond province .................................................................. 20 North Kimberley diamond province .............................................
Ransom, Jay Ellis (1964) A Range Guide to Mines and Minerals - How and Where to Find Valuable Ores and Minerals in the United States. Harper & Row, New York. Book
importance even humanity that a major planet was given province over occupations connected with Mother Earth....imputed to the gods. Gold was well known over a wide area of the Near East as early as 5000 B.C., and by the...the heart of the then most prolific metal-mining district of Central Europe. He had grown up with a boy’s...melt during the action of igneous intrusions. The area surrounding Table V Metamorphic Rock Types Consolidated...may be rich in collectible minerals. In almost any area, outcropping rocks are most likely to catch your
Firsoff, Val Axel (1971) Gemstones of the British Isles. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Book
though some small books dealing with this or that area may be found useful and are listed at the end of...of the best Cornish amethysts have come from the area of St. Austell, which also has to offer a variety... eastwards along the seashore.*? The St. Ives district in the north is less productive, but it has yielded...Carnmenellis granite, south of the Camborne- Redruth district, which is rich in old tin and copper mines. Camborne...crystals, too, have come from the Gwennap-Redruth area, known for its amethyst. Green tourmaline may be
Pemberton, H. Earl (1983) Minerals of California. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. Book
data for the borates chapter; members of the Bay Area Mineralogists Society who provided many personal...abundant borate and saline species. The Coast Ranges province, dominated by the Franciscan formation and associated...oxidation products. And from the Peninsular Ranges province have come the numerous pegmatitic and associated...PENINSULAR RANGES XI ~ COLORADO DESERT GOLD-BEARING AREA Map 1-1. Map of California showing geomorphic provinces...dominant ma.fie mineral; adj. noritic. oxidized zone An area of mineral deposits modified by surface waters.
Botticelli, Michela, Calzolari, Laura, De Vito, Caterina, Mignardi, Silvano, Medeghini, Laura (2021) Aqua Traiana, a Roman Infrastructure Embedded in the Present: The Mineralogical Perspective. Minerals, 11 (7) 703 doi:10.3390/min11070703 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Volcanic District. It also confirms the exploitation of red pozzolan from the Roman Magmatic Province, specifically...specifically from the Alban Hills district. OM also proves a high compatibility with local supplies for...microanalysis; red pozzolan; Sabatini Volcanic District https://doi.org/10.3390/min11070703 Academic...the Sabatini Volcanic District, which belongs to the Roman Comagmatic Province [22]. The high-K feature...and sub-Plinian to Plinian fallout, the activity area (ca. 1800 Km2 ) having originated the Bracciano
Habashi, Fathi, Bassyouni, Foad A. (1982) Mineral Resources of the Arab Countries. Chemecon Publishing Ltd, London. Book
Hathor, the miners’ Goddess was excavated in the area. The Arab countries extend from the Atlantic Ocean...increase to 350 million by the year 2000. They cover an area of about 14 million km? (see Table 1.1). The United...San‘a national : product per capita |Growthrate% Area (US$) 1979 km? 0.4 32 7.1 28,940 2,381,700...the Tunisian border, East Tebessa, in the same area as the Ouenza and Abu Khadra deposits and is geologically...the most important producing mines in the Telmesan area. The ore is found as impregnations in dolomitic
Pemberton, H. Earl (1983) Minerals of California. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. Book
data for the borates chapter; members of the Bay Area Mineralogists Society who provided many who reviewed...species. The Coast Desert provinces have Ranges province, dominated by the Franciscan formation and associated...oxidation products. And from the Peninsular Ranges province have come the numerous pegmatitic and associated...PENINSULAR RANGES XI COLORADO DESERT GOLD-BEARING AREA I U Map 1-1. Map of California showing geomorphic...associated materials which, when mixed with water, form area of mineral deposits modified A mudstone pelite
(1950, January) Rocks and Minerals Vol. 25 (1-2) Peter Zodac Journal (issue)
in the s~nd dunes along currence in the Tintic District, Utah ." He Lake Michigan. won a $25 Savings Bond...(for example the almandites of the Broken Hill district) or as secondary formations due to the action...ranges, the Kimberly " Division" and the Wodgina District. In general, exact localities are hard to get...of New South Wales, the OberonTarana-Yetholme district in New South Wales, the Lucknow gold field in...Australia, the Wodgina tantalum district in Kimberly in the northern area of Western Australia, and King
(1984) Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress Vol. 15 - Non-metallic Mineral Ores. VNU Science Press. Book (volume)
formation were found in Mimecha-Kotui carbonatite province. This deposits are not mining yet for their difficult...modern quartz sand from iron in Pinar-del-Rio province, Cuba. Quartz sand places on the lowland derived...operation in Khingan brucite =magnesite= bearing province, Khabarovsk Territory, USSR. There are small brucitite...part in the Khingan brucite =magnesite= bearing province within Bureinskii old massif . The Amurskaya (presumably...but it is absent in the coetaneous sediments of _Northern_= Western part of the massif , the sediments are
(1940) Structural control of ore deposition in the Uncompahgre district, Ouray County, Colorado, with suggestions for prospecting. Bulletin Vol. 906. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b906e Report (volume)
STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF ORE DEPOSITION IN THE UNCOMPAHGRE DISTRICT OURAY COUNTY, COLORADO WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR PROSPECTING...classification and control._____________________________ Northern division______________________________________________...associated with fissures.___-____-__-__--_--___-_ Area north of the Ouray fault...........____________________...Structure map and sections of the Uncompahgre district..-.-54. Types of structural control of ore de..._____ FIGURE 32. Index map of the Uncompahgre district and western San Juan Mountains. _____________
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
British Columbia NF Labrador (part of Newfoundland Province) MB Manitoba NB New Brunswick NF Newfoundland...Saskatchewan YT Yukon States, Australia New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania...Co., Bonanza mine, Trinity Co., Michigan Bluff district, Placer Co., in AK, placers at Fairbanks, Iditarod...and quartz veins at Juneau. In Canada, Noranda district, PQ; Porcupine, Kirkland Lake, and Larder Lake...deposits, ON; Atlin and Caribou, BC; and Klondike district, YT. In Mexico, Altar and Magdalena, SON; Parral
Burbank, W.S., Henderson, C.W. (1932) Geology and ore deposits of the Bonanza mining district, Colorado, with a section on history and production. Professional Paper 169. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp169 Report (issue)
GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE BONANZA MINING DISTRICT, COLORADO BY W. S. BURBANK WITH A SECTION ON...Geography _ ______________ ___-__-__ Situation of the district _ _ _________________ Topographic features. ....Previous geologic and topographic work in the district. ____ ___________._-__-______--__. Field work..._________________. Southern part of district._____-______--_ Future exploration in the district.________---__._ Mines...mine_________________________ Mines of the southern part of the _district_-_______ Eagle mine.--____-------___________--_--__