Yelan lopolith, Voronezh Oblast, Russia
Locality type: |
Deposit |
Classification |
Species: |
Zircon |
Formula: |
Zr(SiO4) |
Confirmation |
Validity: |
Believed Valid |
Data |
Mineral Data: |
Click here to view Zircon data |
Locality Data: |
Click here to view Yelan lopolith, Voronezh Oblast, Russia |
Data Identifiers |
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: |
1313135 |
Long-form Identifier: |
1:3:1313135:5 |
9ab81c17-9350-420a-ab67-0a6c6e485ab5 |
References |
Gillen, C., & Rundqvist, D. V. (Eds.). (1997). Precambrian ore deposits of the East European and Siberian cratons (Vol. 30). Elsevier. |
Reference Search (possible matching items) |
**Rundqvist, D.V., Gillen, C. - Eds. (1997) Precambrian Ore Deposits of the East European and Siberian Cratons - Developments in Economic Geology No. 30. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/s0168-6178(97)x8002-4**BookInstitute of Precambrian Geology, St. Petersburg, _Russia_and C. Gillen The University of Edinburgh, Centre...over many years of research in the Precambrian of Russia, as well as the published data listed in the references...89 100 102 103 Section 2. Ukrainian Shield and Voronezh crystalline massif Chapter 5. The Ukra&ian ShieM...130 132 141 145 149 150 151 152 Chapter 6. The Voronezh crystalline massif V.B. Dagelaysky .............deep faults. The intrusion consists of a layered lopolith within an Archaean granite-gneiss and tonalite-gneiss |