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Mousivand, Fardin, Rastad, Ebrahim, Peter, Jan M., Maghfouri, Sajjad (2018) Metallogeny of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 95. 974-1007 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.01.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Metallogeny of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of Iran a Fardin Mousivand , Ebrahim Rastad a b c b,⁎...University of Technology, Shahrood 3619995161-316, Iran Department of Geology, Faculty of Basic Sciences...Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-175, Iran Central Canada Division, Geological Survey of Canada...A C T Keywords: Volcanogenic massive sulfide VMS Iran Tectonic setting Metallogeny There are a lot of...mineral occurrences of this type of mineralization in Iran. VMS deposits can be subdivided into different types
Slotta, T. , Stollner, R., Vatandoust, A. (2004) Persian Antiques Splendor ( Mining Crafts and Archeology in Ancient Iran ). Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum. Book
Splendor mining crafts and archaeology in ancient Iran Editors: T. Stollner, R. Slotta, and A. Vatandoust...                Iran - General Part ...Abdolrasool Vatandoust Old Mining and Metallurgy in Iran – Past and Future of a Research Perspective. 2...mineral resources of Iran, mined in ancient times. A brief review (contributed by: Ali Hajisoltan & Mahsa...Archaeological Research in Iran. 22 04 Vincent Pigott On the Importance of Iran in the Study of Prehistoric