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Locality type:









Believed Valid

Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:


1 photo of Clinochlore associated with Hemimorphite at this locality.


Mineral Data:

Click here to view Clinochlore data

Locality Data:

Click here to view Barbara adit, Meiselding, Mölbling, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

Data Identifiers

Mindat Occurrence Record ID:


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Nearest other occurrences of Clinochlore

1.9km (1.2 miles)

Meiselding, Mölbling, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

10.0km (6.2 miles)

Serpentinite quarry, Griesserhof (Gulitzen; Gullitzen), Hirt, Micheldorf, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

12.1km (7.5 miles)

Marble quarry (Bürgergilt quarry; Bürgergilde quarry), Olsa, Friesach, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

13.2km (8.2 miles)

Stegsdorf, Sankt Salvator, Friesach, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

17.0km (10.6 miles)

Plankogel, Knappenberg, Hüttenberger Erzberg, Hüttenberg, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

18.2km (11.3 miles)

Kogler quarry, Stattenberg, Sankt Urban, Feldkirchen District, Carinthia, Austria

18.2km (11.3 miles)

Spitzwiesen quarry, Kleinglödnitz, Glödnitz, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

19.6km (12.2 miles)

Steiner Hütte, Eberstein, Sankt Veit an der Glan District, Carinthia, Austria

26.2km (16.3 miles)

Hohenwart, Bad Sankt Leonhard im Lavanttal, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria

32.4km (20.1 miles)

Gold mines, Kliening, Bad Sankt Leonhard im Lavanttal, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria


Puttner, M.: Namuwit, Ramsbeckit, Schulenbergit und andere neue Mineralnachweise aus der Blei- und Silbergrube Meiselding, Kärnten.- Carinthia, II, 104, Mitt. Naturwiss. Ver. f. Ktn., 184, S. 49-57, 3 Abb., Klagenfurt, 1994.

Reference Search (possible matching items)

Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
tion of the Eastern Alps towards the East forming an arching bow-shaped mountain chain of 1,500 km in...Carpathians, with its more than 1,000 mineral species, is an extremely interesting area. Its geological forma­...Geographical Names English Czech Hungarian Polish adit štóla táró sztolnia brook potok patak potok...telér žila English Romanian Slovak Ukrainian adit galerie štôlňa shtoľnya brook pârâu potok...develop. The major Tethysian Suture tl-'ig. 3) played an important role, with its central position, in the
Szakáll, Sándor - Ed. (2002) Minerals of the Carpathians. Granit, Prague. Book
Marincscu: CB = C aba Bak a; DP= Dusan Peterec. DS = Du~an Slivka; ES = Eva Sitasova: GK= Geza Kulc fir; GN...continuation of the Easte rn Alps towards the East forming an arching bow-shaped mountain chain of 1,500 km in...Carpathians, with its more than 1,000 mineral species, i an extremely interesting area. Its geological formations...of the text regarding the Tatra . Prof. Wojciech an;b ki (Mu eum of the Earth. Poli. h Academy of Sciences...l'eka proud. lOk udoli zila Eng lish Romanian adit brook cave high. height hill lake lillle. smal l