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Raade, Gunnar (2007) Minerals of Norway- the (almost) complete inventory. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift, 35. 69-96 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Minerals of Norway - the (almost) complete inventory Gunnar Raade Preamble A monographic survey of the...the minerals of Norway (Norges Mineraler) was published by Neumann (1985), covering all minerals recorded...and synonyms. A large number of minerals new to Norway have been recorded since the book appeared. The...attempt to list all accepted mineral species from Norway, including those from Neumann (1985) and later...& Nickel 2001). Names of minerals discovered in Norway after the edition of Neumann's monograph are in
Hyršl, Jaroslav, Bernard, Jan (2013) Minerals and their Localities - Supplement - Minerals described since 2004. Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
pegmatite at Tvedalen, Langesundsfjord, Vestfold, Norway. EJM 21 893-900, 2009. Alfredstclznerite CaiH 2O)4...Halsjober- men, S of Halden, 0stfold, southern Norway. CM 50, get, near Eksharad, Varmland prov., Sweden...nodules in metasediments from the Grubepentidy Nordland, Norway. EJM 24, 1053-1060, 2012. Lake cirque, NE...Tysfjord, near Narvik, Nordland, - 1.637(2). 1n tabular dendritic microcristallites to Norway. EJM 25, 187-191...Lapplaegeret granite pegmatite, Tysfjord, Nord land, Norway. LMA2011-094. MM 76,814, 2012. C 22 CERCHIARAITE-(AL)
(2012, July) Mineralien Welt Vol. 23 (4) Bode Verlag GmbH Journal (issue)
Migmatitc, granitic gneiss • Chlorite schist, talc schis~ amphibolitc, quartzitc, 8J8Phile schist ...verknüpft sind. Seine Holotyplokalität ist Lagmannsvik, Haman,y, Nordland, Norwegen. Das Mineral fand sich aber...bekannt aus Östanmossa, Bergslagen, Schweden. In Lagmannsvik bildet Fluorbritholit-(Y) unregelmäßige Körner
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
Hydroxylbastnäsite-(Ce) (Ce,La)(CO3)(OH,F) Locality: Crosetto talc mine, Level 1440, Prali, Germanasca valley, Torino...Mg6Al2(CO3)(OH)16·4H2O Locality: Solvverkets Kisgrube, Snarum, Norway (type locality). Description: White platy grain...495sh, 407. O64 Brookite TiO2 Locality: Crosetto talc mine, Prali, Germanasca valley, Torino province...Namibia (type locality). Description: White flexible _talc_-like plates. Identified by IR spectrum and qualitative...U)2Nb2O6O Locality: Bjørkedalen, Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norway. Description: Brown grain from pegmatite. The empirical