Mindat.org (original) (raw)

Benavides, J., Kyser, T. K., Clark, A. H., Oates, C. J., Zamora, R., Tarnovschi, R., Castillo, B. (2007) The Mantoverde Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold District, III Region, Chile: The Role of Regionally Derived, Nonmagmatic Fluids in Chalcopyrite Mineralization. Economic Geology, 102 (3) 415-440 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.102.3.415 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mantoverde Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold District, III Región, Chile: The Role of Regionally Derived, Nonmagmatic Fluids...CASTILLO** Anglo American Chile Ltda, Avenida Pedro de Valdivia 291, Santiago, Chile Abstract Located in...in the Cordillera de la Costa of northern Chile, the mines of the Mantoverde district exploit supergene...subsidiary segments of the plate boundary-parallel Atacama fault system. They are hosted by Middle to Upper...regional scapolitization in the area between the Atacama fault system and the marginal basin. Chalcopyrite
(1992) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 55. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
"'· f·,,or.-i ti.s cd: send a 1 ist of th,;'! mine"i",;• L, that price for ~ach piece There is no... C191 AJOITE fairly (New Cornelia well covered~ Mine,Ajo,Pima greenish (Belstone light County blue...A) Cl92 ANDRADITE location. brown crystals on Mine near Okehampton Cl93 ARSENOPYRITE Arsenopyrite...location pieces, about a third covered (Bedford Consols Mine near Tavistock, Devon) B) for micros lx 1/2 ins...brassy masses matrix. (Ramsley Mine Devon) lxl fl good covering (Ramsley Mine lx2 f3 C201 COLUMBITE pure
(n.d.) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 57. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
rece~tly bEen reidcntified Mina Pedro de Valdivia as Chile) Cumengeite. lem f3.60 C261 AGARDITE...ARSENIOSIDERITE orange brown crusts on Hidalgoite (Gold Hill Mine Tooele County Utah USA) lxl f2.5O lx2 f5.OO 2x2...purple-brown crystalline masses (Colebrook Hill Mine,Roseberry, Tasmania) lxl fl.5O lx2 f3 2x2 f6.OO...BOKITE black to dark brown masses (Monumnt No 2 Mine Apache County 1/2 x 1/2 f3.5O lxl f5 C266 DEFERNITE...C269 CHABAZITE good covering location. (Ramsley Mine lxl fl.5O lx2 f3 of glassy micros Devon) 2x2 f6
Cook, Robert B. (2005) Connoisseur's Choice: Aurichalcite, 79 Mine, Gila County, Arizona. Rocks & Minerals, 80 (6) 434-439 doi:10.3200/rmin.80.6.434-439 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mason University] at 01:02 21 December 2014 79 Mine, Gila County, Arizona E veryone likes blue minerals...including the Harborside mine at Brooksville, Hancock County, and the Lubec lead mine and prospects at Pembroke...Hampshire County, Massachusetts; the old Gorham (Mascot mine), Coos County, New Hampshire; as pale blue rosettes...cutting trap rock at Moore, the long-abandoned iron mine at Andover, and as an accessory mineral at Franklin...grouping of aurichalcite sprays on matrix from the 79 mine, Gila County, Arizona. The 6.5-cm specimen is in
Perez del Villar, L., Moro, M. C., Cembranos, M. L. (1992) Allophane in weathered zones of barite ore deposits (Vide de Alba and San Blas, Zamora, Spain): mineralogy and genesis. Clay Minerals, 27 (3) 309-323 doi:10.1180/claymin.1992.027.3.04 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Departamento de Tecnicas Geoldgicas del CIEMA T, 28040 Madrid, and *Departamento de Geologia de la Universidad...Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain (Received 2 June 1991; revised 2 February 1992) A B S T...in the barite ore deposits of Vide de Alba and San Bias (Province of Zamora). These ore deposits are...of the barite ore deposits of Vide de Alba and San Bias (Province of Zamora), which were studied by Moro...deposits of Vide de Alba and San Bias are situated on the middle-western zone of the province of Zamora. The
Wang, Bo, Bauer, Sebastian (2019) Induced geochemical reactions by compressed air energy storage in a porous formation in the North German Basin. Applied Geochemistry, 102. 171-185 doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.02.003 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
required to heat the expanding gas. Studies on acid mine drainage 12 indicate that pyrite oxidation with...oxidation are selected based on studies on acid mine drainage. The chemical reaction for 30 induced...continuously transform to other mineral forms, such as goethite (see Eq. (8)), ferryhydrite, 34 schwertmannite...jarosite (see Eq. (9)). Among these minerals, goethite is the most stable 35 mineral phase over the...iron-related minerals, therefore, we consider goethite as 6 representing the minerals containing oxidized
(1999, November) High Quality Mineral List - November 1999. Mineral Lists. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
blue xtls. GRF. Ml. £4.00 4 MALACHITE, Killie Mine, Elko Co., Nevada, USA. Very rich with fibrous edges...xtls. GRF. Ml. £5.00 10 SMITHSONITE, San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico. Pale blue botryoidal...GRF. SMI. £5.00 11 UVSW. ALLOPHANE, Hawks Wood Mine, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall. SW green. Ml. £5.00 12...matrix. GRF. C. £5.00 14 SPHALERITE, Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, nr Alston, Cumbria. Glistening black...pyrite. GD. C. £6.00 18 NATIVE COPPER, White Pine Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan, USA. Heavy pure copper
(1999, November) Mineral News Vol. 15 (11) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
from the Brown Monster Mine Inyo County, California Paul M. Adams 126 S. He/berta Ave. #2 Redondo Beach...Beach, CA 90277 The Brown Monster mine is located at an elevation of 4,500 feet on the western Dank of the...Gulch as the Brown Monster Mine, and those on the south side as the Reward Mine. Continued on page 6 Fig...eventually found ~he trail head to the mine. The trip up to the mine started off badly, I got stung by a...is that steep. Arriving at the top, I found the mine tailing area, which would have been a good place
Bernstein, Lawrence R, Waychunas, Glenn A (1987) Germanium crystal chemistry in hematite and goethite from the Apex Mine, Utah, and some new data on germanium in aqueous solution and in stottite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 51 (3) 623-630 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90074-3 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Germanium crystal chemistry in hematite and goethite from the Apex Mine, Utah, and some new data on germanium...revisedform December 5, 1986) Abstract-At the Apex Mine in southwest Utah, fine-gin&d hematite contains...as much as IO wt. percent Ge, and fine-grained goethite contains as much as 0.7 wt. percent Ge. The mode...octahedral metal sites of the studied hematite and goethite, with average Ge-ligand bond lengths of 1.88 A...series hematite-ilmenite. The solid solution in goethite probably occurs by the loss of an H atom Tom an
BRANDONI, DIEGO, FERRERO, BRENDA S., BRUNETTO, ERNESTO (2010) Mylodon darwiniOwen (Xenarthra, Mylodontinae) from the Late Pleistocene of Mesopotamia, Argentina, with remarks on individual variability, paleobiology, paleobiogeography, and paleoenvironment. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30 (5) 1547-1558 doi:10.1080/02724634.2010.501449 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Paleobiogeography, and Paleoenvironment Author(s) :Diego Brandoni, Brenda S. Ferrero and Ernesto Brunetto...PALEOENVIRONMENT DIEGO BRANDONI,* BRENDA S. FERRERO, and ERNESTO BRUNETTO Laboratorio de Paleontologı́a de Vertebrados...Vertebrados, Centro de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Transferencia de Tecnologı́a a la Producción (CICYTTP-CONICET)...vicinity of the city of Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province, was described by Reinhardt (1879). Outside Argentina...Uruguay (Perea and Martı́nez, 1984; Perea, 1998), and Chile (Alberdi et al., 1987; Borrero et al., 1988; Lopez
Campbell, Finley A. (1962) Lazulite from Yukon, Canada. American Mineralogist, 47 (1-2) 157-159 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Celrpsnn, Department of Geology,Uniaersity of Al,berta,Edmonton, Alberla, Canad,o. LocarroN Lazulite, a...euhedral quartz crystals up to 2 mm in Iength and goethite in grains with 7 mm maximum dimension. CuBlrrcer-
MacFadden, Bruce J., Anaya, Federico, Argollo, Jaime (1993) Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Inchasi: a Pliocene mammal-bearing locality from the Bolivian Andes deposited just before the Great American Interchange. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 114 (2) 229-241 doi:10.1016/0012-821x(93)90027-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
USA b Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 8706, La Paz, Bolivia " Centro de Investigaci6nes Geol6gicas...Geol6gicas, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia Received March 29, 1992; revision accepted...to the southeast of the city of Potosi in the Province of Linares, Department of Potosi at latitude 19°43'15"S...high-coercivityminerals, probably hematite and/or goethite. zation in greater applied fields exceeding 3...coercivity minerals; that is, hematite a n d / o r goethite, dictated that the AF treatment was not sufficient
Mora, Germán, Surge, Donna M. - Eds. (2005) Isotopic and elemental tracers of Cenozoic climate change. GSA Special Paper 395. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/0-8137-2395-7 Report (issue)
isotope composition of karst-fill calcite and goethite to evaluate whether these two minerals can provide...provinces are evident from the data: an “Atlantic” province, the North Pacific, and the Caribbean. Sites in...thus these are grouped together as the “Atlantic” province. The occurrence of more radiogenic εNd values...radiogenic than the values for the North Pacific province. Such a signature was most likely imparted by...and Kent, R.W., 1997, The North Atlantic Igneous Province, in Mahoney, J.J. and Coffin, M., eds., Large
(1995) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 64. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
* Plancheite, * : Diamond cry!>tal Kasal province * cancels No 63 Roasaite * scction, Zaire...crystals on dar~ matrix. (not radioactive) (Leonie Mine, huerbach, Oberpfal Genany) Sto 10mmf3 l/2in;; ES...Silicate pinkish massiv~ with black Allanite (Bastnas Mine, Riddarhytt2n Vastm~~l2nd,Sw2deri) Cu/2 Se 039...(Ti Nb 0 rich black nasses in matrix (Karnasurt Mine, Revda, Kola Peninsula, Russia) lxl E2.50 lx2 ins...PO/~ • yellowish plates on mauvEUssingit~ (UmDa Mine, Reuda, Kola Peninsula • Russia) (6a pure plate
(1964, April) The Mineralogist Vol. 33 (2) The Mineralogist Pub. Co. Journal (issue)
Somers, Connecticut -.-----Garnet, Lulubell Mine, Son Diego County, California. low in silica. Biotite...Smoky quartz with cleovelondite cluster, Himoloyo Mine, Mesa Grande, Col i forn,o APRIL l 96� ll \I...tourmoline and cteavelandite, Little Three Mine, San Diego County, California. and with a hardness of...of 7.5 to 8. Phenacite Epidote in quartz ,Son Diego County, Calif. THE MI NERALOGIST See corundum....terminated tourmaline, Son County, California. Diego gane..«e occurs rather rarely crystallized in gray
Yigit, O. (2009) Mineral Deposits of Turkey in Relation to Tethyan Metallogeny: Implications for Future Mineral Exploration. Economic Geology, 104 (1) 19-51 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.104.1.19 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
[Mainly]-Jurassic Kabatas 0 42°E kilometers 100 Berta Yuksekoba Guzelyayla Gumushane Balcili Durusu Esendal...porphyries with breccia zones. Yuksekoba, Durusu, Berta, Inanmis, and Kabatas are other porphyry prospects...reported unmineralized pebble dikes in the Pontides. Berta is a newly discovered porphyry Cu-Au/epithermal...limestone and marble contact, called the Manganese mine zone (previously mined for Mn); and 3) the Marble...resources have not Notes: D = development, M = mine, P = prospect Granodiorite, granite and granite
Castroviejo, Ricardo (2023) A Practical Guide to Ore Microscopy Vol. 2 - Ore textures and automated ore analysis. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-18954-8 Book (volume)
Ricardo Castroviejo E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid, Spain...6330 Cham, Switzerland Dedico este libro, fruto de un esfuerzo compartido, a Antonia, mi amiga, esposa...Engineering (collected successively by Profs. I. Roso de Luna, T. Febrel, F. Vázquez and J. Samper), and those...Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía, ETSIME, of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM....Nevada. To Prof. Hartmut Beurlen, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Recife (Brazil), I owe the Nb,
Cantarero, Irene, Parcerisa, David, Plata, Maria Alexandra, Gómez-Gras, David, Gomez-Rivas, Enrique, Martín-Martín, Juan Diego, Travé, Anna (2020) Fracturing and Near-Surface Diagenesis of a Silicified Miocene Deltaic Sequence: The Montjuïc Hill (Barcelona) Minerals, 10 (2) 135 doi:10.3390/min10020135 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gomez-Rivas 1 , Juan Diego Martín-Martín 1 and Anna Travé 1 1 2 3 * Departament de Mineralogia, Petrologia...i Geologia Aplicada, Facultat de Ciències de la Terra, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), C/Martí i Franqués...Superior d’Enginyeria de Manresa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Av. Bases de Manresa 63-71, 08242...dparcerisa@epsem.upc.edu Departament de Geologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola...the Neogene extension: the Camp dels Ninots (Caldes de Malavella) and the Montjuïc Hill (in the city of
(2003) ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23. 1-124 doi:10.1080/02724634.2003.10010538 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sampson Mode Peyer Smith Parke Martz Downs Hanke Berta Demere Smith Grogan Coates Stewart Lund Hilton...Albright Eberle Fox McKenna Goodwin Dawson Stanton de Ricqles Fordyce CurryRogers Rybczynski 5:00 5:1...ONTOGENETICSERIES OF THE HADROSAURIANDINOSAUR EDMONTOSA de Ricqles, A., and Yans, Y.: BERNISSART'SIGUANODON:THE...SITU CLUTCHESAT THE AUCA MAHUEVO LOCALITY,NEUQUEN PROVINCE,ARGENTINA AND Schweitzer, M., Channing, A., Horner...LATECRETACEOUSOF SHIXIN, NANXIONG BASIN OF GUANGDONG PROVINCE,SOUTHERNCHINA Headden, J.: HENRYFAIRFIELDOSBORN
(2018) The relevance of dawsonite precipitation in CO2sequestration in the Mihályi-Répcelak area, NW Hungary. Special Publication, 435. Geological Society of London. 405-418 doi:10.1144/sp435.15 Report (chapter)
experiments (Kaszuba et al. 2003; Carroll & Knauss 2005; Berta et al. 2012; Armitage et al. 2013), (2) numerical...2%), plagioclase (c. 0.9%), gypsum (c. 0.4%) and goethite (c. 0.4%). Thermal analysis The carbonate minerals...Journal of Sedimentary Research, A65, 522–530. Berta, M., Király, Cs., Lévai, Gy., Falus, Gy. & Szabó
Pirajno, Franco, Ünlü, Taner, Dönmez, Cahit, Şahin, M. Bahadır - Eds. (2019) Mineral Resources of Turkey - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 16. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02950-0 Book
(4th from left; grey jacket) to the Ergani Copper Mine (Elazığ-Türkiye) in 1937. In the early years of...Aslihan Yener and the support from MTA, an ancient tin mine was located at Kestel near Çamardı, Niğde, along...were exploited in antiquity, such as the copper mine at Ergani being. The geology of Turkey is complex...Mining Rocks and Minerals............... Prentiss S. de Jesus 2 A Review of the Geology and Geodynamic Evolution...Antiquity of Mining Rocks and Minerals Prentiss S. de Jesus Abstract The history of mining can be written
(1953) Club and Society Notes. Rocks & Minerals, 28 (3) 164-174 doi:10.1080/00357529.1953.11767975 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
abandoned Silver Queen Mine where we had the pick of a huge scrap pile, the mine shafts being full of water...the same day was devoted to the Lyndhurst Quartz Mine at Black Rapids. Here we found Quartz crystals varying...Mineralogical Society was held at the home of Bob and Berta Boyler. John and Eula Short were in charge of the...Mexicali. The petrified wood, wonder stone and goethite crystals of this area are unlike those found in...producers and having large payrolls. The Holden mine has produced over $30,000,000. With his wife he
Staude, Sebastian, Göb, Susanne, Pfaff, Katharina, Ströbele, Florian, Premo, Wayne R., Markl, Gregor (2011) Deciphering fluid sources of hydrothermal systems: A combined Sr- and S-isotope study on barite (Schwarzwald, SW Germany) Chemical Geology, 286 (1) 1-20 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.04.009 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the formation of secondary minerals (e.g., Clara mine or Menzenschwand; Hofmann and Eikenberg, 1991; Walenta... Oberwolfach, Wenzel mine, barite-IIa (SWN2) Central, Oberwolfach, Wenzel mine, barite-IIb (SWN6) Central...Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 7–8 (SG5) Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 4 (SG6) Central...Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 6 (SG30) Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 14.1 (SG32) Central...Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 11 (SG33) Central, Oberwolfach, Clara mine, level 14.2 (SG38) Central
(2007, November) Environmental Geology Vol. 53 (4) Springer Science and Business Media LLC Journal (issue)
Hudson, Applied Geology, Sequim, WA, USA Anne Marie De Grosbois for submittal of items for: Views and news...anhydrite, oxide minerals such as hematite, and goethite, and phyllosilicate minerals such as illite and...indicates that goethite and palygorskite are the main impurities (Fig. 13). Goethite crystals are acicular...member (FeOOH) goethite and selected are: electron diffraction (SAED) indicates the goethite crystals varies...from the Reforma Dolomite. a shows aggregates of goethite with size distribution of of the bottoms of the
(1993) The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511529375 Book
Acknowledgments Introduction vii Peru 129 Argentina and Chile 131 Paleogeography 147 Antarctica 151 x 1 7 G...Gasparini Division Paleontologia Vertebrados, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata...Saskatchewan S7N OWO, Canada C. A. Gulisano Casilla de Correo 25, 8300 Neuquen, Argentina J. H. Callomon... Cione Division Paleontologia Vertebrados, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata...Damborenea Division Paleontologia Vertebrados, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata