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(1911, October 7th) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 92 (15) Hill Publishing Company Journal (issue)
including ostage in the United Vol. 92. States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, or the Philip- OCTOBER...Production. ..........+++ The Mining Industry in Mexico....... Chine and BlIVEF... .cccccccvvsccceses Continuous...Mining Labor in in Conditions Northern the in Mexico. Bruno Newman Chihuahua......... 686 686 Pearce...*Concrete Jigs at Cananea,. Frank J. Strachan *La Noria Mine in Zacatecas. Arthur 691 This issue of the JouRNAL...*Tllustrated: conditions this year phases Mexico. The are unusual owing to the business and
Litherland, M., Aspden, J. A., Jemielita, R. A. (1994) The metamorphic belts of Ecuador. Overseas Memoir 11. British Geological Survey Report (issue)
silica minerals 103 Sil1i1nanite minerals 103 Sulphur 103 Talc 104 Energy minerals 104 Coal 104 Oil 104...deposits (Schneider and Lehmann, 1977). In New Mexico epithermal gold de­ posits have been demonstrated...reported to have been collected from Guaysimi Alto mine, south of Nambija in the main skarn bell. This bi­...0 km v.ri.de. Accessible outcrops occur ac Peggy Mine, near Sigsig; below the Agoyan dam near Barios;...within the bedded Piuntza sequence of Ca1npan­ l � Mine. The petrography of the skarns ( Beddoe-Stephens
Brading, D. A. (1971) Miners and Merchants in Bourbon Mexcio 1763-1810. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Book
JOHN STREET 10 miners and merchants IN BOURBON MEXICO 1763-1810 THE SERIES 1 SIMON COLLIER. Ideas...1808-1S33 2 M. P. COSTELOE. Church Wealth in Mexico: A Study of the Juzgado de 3 PETER CALVERT. The...Diplomacy Capellanias in the Archbishopric of Mexico, 1800-1856 of Anglo-American Conflict 4 RICHARD...Economic Development: The River Basin Approach in Mexico 8 CELSO FURTADO. Economic Development of Latin...Merchants in Bourbon Mexico, 1763-1810 11 JAN BAZANT. Alienation of Church Wealth in Mexico, Social and Economic
Adorable, Rizal G., Soriano, D. H. - Eds. (1936) Philippine Mining Guide. S. Gancayco & Co., Manila. Book
mining engineer stating the ore possibilities of the mine and such other information in connection therewith...registration statement above referred to, deter­ mine, by order, whether or not the security sought to..... ,--------·--: I !. : . :coNSOLI0ATfO: MINE S i i._______: ;JOSE Pl>UHA, L_________J :--------·-----·---1...(g) Conduct geologic investigations relative to mine en­ gineering, construction, and planning. (k) Have...the work done in said mine, the amount of ore ex­ tracted, from what part of mine taken, the amount sent
Cediel, Fabio, Shaw, Robert Peter - Eds. (2019) Geology and Tectonics of Northwestern South America - The Pacific-Caribbean-Andean Junction. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-76132-9 Book
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Querétaro, Qro., Mexico Cristina I. Pereira Area de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad...presently exposed in the Yucatan Peninsula and NE Mexico (e.g., Gonzales and Holguin 1991; Villaseñor et...Buffer RT, Blickwede J (eds) The circum—Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: hydrocarbon habitats, basin...Geologisches Jarbuch 5:1–56 Gleeson SA, Herrington RJ, Durango J, Velasquez CA, Koll G (2004) The mineralogy and...Holguín QN (1991) Geology of the source rocks of Mexico. Source rock ­geology. XIII World Petroleum Congress
(1955) New Mexico Historical Review Vol. 30. The Historical Society of New Mexico Journal (volume)
72 THE NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW is published jointly by the Historical Society Mexico and the University...University of New Mexico. Subscription to the quarterly is $3.00 a year in advance; single numbers, except...addressed to Prof. Frank D. Reeve, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. Museum, Santa Entered as...matter at Santa Fe, New Mexico UNIVERSITY PRESS, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW Editors...THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CONTENTS Page [BER 1, JANUARY
(1971) Bibliography of North American geology, 1968. Bulletin Vol. 1268. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1268 Report (volume)
Asociaci6n Mexicana de Ge6logos Petroleros. Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Asoc. Venezolana Geologia, Minerfa y Petroleo...la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Geog. Annaler - Geografiska Annaler...Universidad Aut6noma Potosina. San Luis Potosf, S.L.P., Mexico. Periodico dell'Istituto di Geologia e Geologica...Diritto. lngenierfa Hidraul. Mexico - Ingenierfa Hidrfwlica en Mexico. Publicacion tecnica de Ia Secretaria...Secretaria de Recursos Hidraulicos. Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Inorganic Chemistry- Inorganic Chemistry. American
del Hoyo, Josep, Elliott, Andrew, Sargatal, Jordi - Eds. (1992) Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol. 9 - Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Book (volume)
did with Myiarchus pertinax of Baja California, Mexico. Such “conditional” names are not valid if proposed...unirufus P. L. Sclater, 1860, Playa Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico. Geographical variation in colour over most of...Distribution. L. u. unirufus P. L. Sclater, 1860 - S Mexico (E from N Oaxaca) E to N Honduras and E Nicaragua...treated as conspecific. Monotypic. Distribution. SE Mexico (from S Veracruz and N Oaxaca) E to N Honduras...mentalis P. L. Sclater, 1857, Córdoba, Veracruz, Mexico. May form a superspecies with P. erythrocephala
(1987) African Geology Reviews. Geological Journal Vol. 22. Wiley Journal (volume)
(Homa Bay Rept. No 32 1944). The closure of the mine in 1966 was 1nainly a result of the decrease of...Kuja rivers and in the open-cast section of the mine. The width of metabasalt and pillow lavas decreases...along the bank of the Migori river , east of the mine. These rocks contain pillow-shaped n1asses that...agglomerates are well exposed on the southern part of the mine, above the bank of the Migori river. Two types of...porphyrites, which occupy the southern portion of the mine and andesitic- dacitic porphyrites, which have good
Chan, Marjorie A., Archer, Allen William - Eds. (2003) Extreme depositional environments: mega end members in geologic time. GSA Special Paper 370. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/0-8137-2370-1 Report (issue)
western North America (central Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada) stacked successions of shoaling-upward...(López-Gamundí et al., 1994); (16) Chaco–Paraná Basin (Vergel, 1991; López-Gamundí, 1997; López-Gamundí et al...Geological Society of America Memoir 184, p. 331–353. Vergel, M., d.M., 1991, Palynostratigraphy of the Neopaleozoic...by the modern Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. The bulk of the sand is a quartzarenite, reflecting...lakes. Thick (>1 m) loess has not been reported in Mexico or most parts of the southwestern United States
Tankard, A. J., Soruco, R. Suárez, Welsink, H. J. (1995) Petroleum Basins of South America. AAPG Memoir 62. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Report (issue)
private collections in Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, United States, Italy, and The Netherlands...were made by national oil companies in Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil. The probability of finding large oil...Energy Database.) includes all countries from Mexico to the southern tip of Latin America, including...Suriname, Trinidad, and Venezuela; data from Cuba and Mexico not available). (b) Wildcat well field discovery...Guatemala, and Surinam. No data were available for Mexico and Cuba. The average “success ratio” for wildcat