sylvite, and anhydrite. Quebec Francon quarry The large Francon quarry in Montreal is located in a residential...little or no land available for expanding the quarry. The economics of dig ging deeper for the construction-grade...mining offsets transportation costs. The Francon quarry is world-famous for being the first (or only) producing...dawsonite are found at the Francon quarry. Dawsonite was first found in a quarry near the Francon. The city of...agreement with the Fran con company to use the quarry as a landfill. Reports from several collectors |
(1917) Tungsten minerals and deposits. Bulletin Vol. 652. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b652 |
Report (volume) |
......................................... 21 Ferberite........................................................................................... 45 Graphite.................................................Wedge-shaped ferberite crystals from "Crow patent," Nederland, Colo.; B, Crystallized ferberite with elongated...Wedge-shaped ferberite crystals from Hoosier mine, Nederland, Colo.; B, Cuboid ferberite crystals from.................. III. A very fine specimen of ferberite with rhombic crystal faces, from Nugget mine, |
(1950) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 25 (5) 272-279 doi:10.1080/00357529.1950.11768319 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Co., where turquoise is found as thin veins in graphite schists (Carboniferous). The Erin occurrence is...Please Send Them In. calcite from the West End quarry, Inyo Co., Calif., and the other is a bluishwhite...M a very fine specimen of black, crystallized ferberite from the Conger Mine, near Nederland, Boulder...Can anyone supply information on the occurrence? District oí Columbia—On a recent visit to Washington, the...grayish cephalopod from the world's largest limestone quarry, located in Rogers City, Presque Island Co., Mich |
Denisenko, V. K., Rundkvist, D. V. (1978) New prospective types of stratiform tungsten mineralization. International Geology Review, 20 (5) 575-586 doi:10.1080/00206817809471425 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
particular, the paper of Professor E. F. Stumpfl (Austria) was devoted to a comparative description of the...and molybdenite) and also an increased amount of graphite in the ore segregations are characteristic. Scheel...actinolite, epidote, graphite, quartz, and sulfides in minor amount. In the lower part of the skarn segregation...numerous layers of _graphite_-bearing amphibolite bodies). The stratiform horizon of _graphite_-bearing amphibolites...scheelite min eralization has been developed in the lower horizon of skarned rocks, bounded by the gran ite |
(2007) Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy: Part 2 31st, 32nd & 33rd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. Rocks & Minerals, 82 (3) 232-244 doi:10.3200/rmin.82.3.232-244 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
that have not previously been reported. The Gole quarry, approximately 80 kilometers north of Bancroft...positive identification of kamotoite-(Y) from the Gole quarry was confirmed. In 1999, coauthor Fodi found some...granite quarry is located approximately 0.4 kilometer west of the Ladick East (or Charneski) quarry in the...A greisenlike assemblage was discovered in this quarry in 2003 with topaz, ferberitehübnerite, and possible that wolframoixiolite or niobian ferberite may be present. Pb-bearing ferrotapiolite was |
(1935, August) Rocks and Minerals Vol. 10 (8) Peter Zodac |
Journal (issue) |
....................... 12 3 Lake City Mining District, Colorado. By David Seaman ........... 124 Club...production 110tll, during the war, more Hubnerite, Ferberite, Wolfrnmite and than 2,000 tons of concentrate..., Nederland almost joined the ranks of wi th Ferberite containing mostly tung"Ghost Towns." From 1928...mines of iron tungstates, and Hubnerite containA lower grade ore. Now, despite fluctuat- ing mostly manganese...tungsten area is located in the remainder FeWO, .... Ferberite hlgh country of Boulder County, Color20-80 % Mn |
(n.d.) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 86. Richard Tayler Minerals |
Catalog/List |
5mm£3 Hannover Cove.St Agncs, Comwall Wagholi Quarry,Poona,India lxl £3 Funauchi Mine, Aikta on CASSITERITE, 731 NATIVE GOLD some with ferberite. Microprobcd material Au White acicular 'puflballs'... Brosso Minc,lvrca.ltaly lxl £5 Boghill Road Quarry, Glengonnley, County Antrim, Yaknl Mine,Bigndic...£10 OH Claims, Gila County, Arizona U.S.A Haury Quarry, Black Forest, Germany Ayama Bolivia ½x½£1.50...colour with veins of brown Bementite. (Greystones Quarry, Lezant,Comwall) a) 3x4 inches £ 1 5 b) 3x2.5 £ |
Raith, Johann G., Prochaska, Walter (1995) Tungsten deposits in the Wolfram Schist, Namaqualand, South Africa; strata-bound versus granite-related genetic concepts. Economic Geology, 90 (7) 1934-1954 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.90.7.1934 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Geowissenschafien, Montanuniversitiit Leoben,A-8700Leoben,Austria Abstract Several tungsten deposits, fromwhichca...3percent WOawas produced, occur in theOkiepcopper district, South Africa, whichispartofa high-temperature...exogranitic veins arecharacterized byMsupperamphibolite-lower granulite facies assemblages (biotite-sillimanite...thewesternpartof the Namadeposits (e.g.,EasternAlps,Austria, H/fill,1975,1977;Raith, qualand Metamorphic Complex...Lombaard et al.,1986)andlocation oftheOkiepcopper district, NorthCapeprovince, SouthAfrica.Onlymajorsupracrustal |
(2005) The Rochester Mineralogical Symposium Program 32, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. |
Show/Event (guide) |
1 Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy Graphite! Revealing Its Secret Beauty by John A. Jaszczak...unexplainable interest in collecting and studying graphite for over 16 years. John's participation in theRMSgoesback...Carolina by M. A. Wise 3:45 N a n o - and micro-scale graphite cones and tubes from Hackman Valley, Khibiny Massif...Morgan 2 4:15 Natromontebrasite from the Meyers quarry, Fremont County, CObyM. I. Jacobson,.1, W Nizamoff...geology for the Parishville-Hopkinton Central School District in the town of Parishville, St. Lawrence County |
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 |
Book (edition) |
of pyrite (creme) is much higher than that of graphite (brownish grey), which shows grooves at the contact...main axes of the lattice, while the hexagonal graphite is made up of carbon sheets with very little bonding...(continued) Pressure twins are commonly found in graphite or molybdenite, where they are easily identified...grains. Left: Simple (upper right) and complex (lower left) twinning of gudmundite (blue and brown anisotropy)...longer fit into the same crystal lattice at the lower temperature; examples are, for instance, surplus |
Lovering, T.S., Tweto, Ogden (1953) Geology and ore deposits of the Boulder County tungsten district, Colorado. Professional Paper 245. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp245 |
Report (issue) |
and Ore Deposits of the Boulder County Tungsten District Colorado GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER...and Ore Deposits of the Boulder County Tungsten District Colorado By T. S. LOVERING and OGDEN TWETO GEOLOGICAL...__________________________ Principal rocks of the district.________________________ Pre-Cambrian rocks__...22 22 22 23 24 Pag-e Principal rocks of the _district_— Continued Early Tertiary igneous rocks— Continued...tungsten. _____________ _______ Deposits within the district ________ _______ _______ Outlying occurrences |
Pracejus, Berhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (1st ed.) Elsevier. |
Book (edition) |
01-50 V 76 78 80 82 Mineral Strunz-Group Graphite Sulfur Selenium Tellurium I/B.02-10 I/B.03-10...14-10 Wolframite IV/D.16-00 Hübnerite IV/D.16-10 Ferberite IV/D.16-20 Ferrocolumbite IV/D.18-30 Ferrotantalite...matrix (brownish grey), skutterudite (light grey, lower right corner); Core Drilling near Orahovac, Kosovo...(brownish pleochroism), silicates (dark grey); Basalt Quarry Bühl near Kassel, Germany [j]; Nic. // C Iron (dark...(brown and multicolour internal reflections); Basalt Quarry Bühl near Kassel, Germany [j]; Nic. + 20 Iron |
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. |
Book |
A CHANGING PLANET 11 Vanadinite, San Carlos district, Chihuahua, Mexico * 8 x 4 x 2 cm Mineral Species...see it as being very dark or black (for example, graphite). Alternatively, if very little of the color in...anything at all through an opaque mineral such as graphite. Density is the mass per unit volume of a mineral...both diamond and graphite are made of carbon (C), diamond feels heavier than graphite because its carbon...centimeter of diamond than in the same volume of graphite. So although both minerals are made of the same |
Lavinsky, Robert, Theo Kloprogge, J. (2017) Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism. Elsevier. |
Book |
more crystal structures. Carbon as diamond or graphite is a familiar example. A mineral material called...called cliftonite found in certain meteorites is graphite pseudomorphing diamond, alpha (low temperature)...alpha quartz. b. Monotropic (irreversible); e.g., graphite after diamond or low (alpha) quartz after stishovite...composition into an opaque amorphous mass with much lower properties, such as refractive index and specific...significantly reduced 18O content (down to <10%), much lower than the 18O composition of the solution after reaction |
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. |
Book |
periods of stability PLANET | 114 San Carlos district, Chihuahua, Mexico * 8 x 4 x 2 om are uncommon...each other. very dark or black (for example, graphite). Alternatively, if very little of the color...anything at all through an opaque mineral such as graphite. Transparent 25 Density Density is the mass...both diamond and graphite are made of carbon (C), diamond feels heavier than graphite because its carbon...centimeter of diamond than in the same volume of graphite. So although both minerals are made of the same |
(2011, January) Tungsten. Mineral Profile. British Geological Survey |
Report (issue) |
(WO3 %) 76.3 Specific gravity (g/cm3 ) 7.5 Ferberite FeWO4 Wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 76.5 7.1-7.5...isomorphous6 substances ferrous tungstate or ferberite (FeWO4), and manganous tungstate or hübnerite...intermediate 20-80 per cent range between the ferberite and hübnerite end-member compositions. Some basic...sulphidic or carbonaceous rocks such as black shales, graphite shales and banded iron formations. Calcic skarns...their metamorphic equivalents, and commonly in _lower_-temperature environments (Guilbert and Park, 1986) |
Poirier, G., Tait, K. T., Rowe, R. (2011) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 96 (5) 936-945 doi:10.2138/am.2011.576 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
03. Powder diffraction data were obtained using graphite monochromated CuKα radiation. The ten strongest...discovered in miarolitic cavities in the Aris phonolite quarry, central Namibia. It was confirmed as an unknown...single-crystal refinement). The name is for the Arisite quarry. Mineral and name have been approved by the IMA...Stráž and Osečná deposits, North Bohemian Uranium District, Liberec Region, Bohemia, Czech Republic. Here...the pavonite homologous series, from Erzwies, Austria. Can. Mineral., 48, 467–481. 940 NEW MINERAL |
Pohl, W., G�nther, M.A. (1991) The origin of Kibaran (late Mid-Proterozoic) tin, tungsten and gold quartz vein deposits in Central Africa: a fluid inclusions study. Mineralium Deposita, 26 (1) doi:10.1007/bf00202365 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Archean Tanzania nucleus in the East as well as Lower Proterozoic metamorphic rocks to the West and North...either to a source from subcontinental mantle to lower crust or to hydrothermal disturbance of the isotope...kaolinization may be very pronounced. The tin mining district of Rutongo/Rwanda was chosen as an example of...granite bodies (G4); white with black b a n d - Lower Group of Kibaran sediments; coarse stippling Middle...bedding and schistosity planes. The Nyakabingo ferberite mine at Shyorongi/Rwanda was studied as a representative |
(2013) The Rochester Mineralogical Symposium Program 40, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. |
Show/Event (guide) |
Wonders from one of the World’s Richest Flake Graphite Deposits - Dr. John Jaszczak Dr. John Jaszczak...already know, John has a particular affinity for graphite, both as a collectible mineral and as the subject...morning’s talk will feature one of the finest specimen graphite occurrences in the world and just might have some...secondary beryllium phosphates from the Collins Quarry, Georgetown, Maine - J. W. Nizamoff, A. U.’s largest reddingite crystal from the Bennett Quarry, Oxford Co., Maine? - M. Felch, A. U. Falster. |
Spencer, Leonard J. (1916) The World's Minerals - US Edition. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. |
Book (edition) |
Plate i. 2. NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS: Diamond, Graphite, Sulphur METALLIC ELEMENTS: Arsenic, Antimony...Fig. 14 the vertical axis joining the upper and lower apices of the pyramid is longer than the two (equal)...until finally its four upper faces and its four lower faces coincide in one plane or pair of proportions 0.89). cheaper* heavy with the lower specific gravity gr. bromoform, A all If fragments...into methylene iodide, fluor-spar and all those of lower specific gravity will float on the surface of the |
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert W. (1960) Supplement to Minerals of California For 1955 Through 1957. Bulletin 173a. California Division of Mines |
Report (issue) |
, M. D.) L. D. Clark (1) p. 17. Inyo County: district, 2, As radial clusters near Lippincott mine...3, Watters (p.c. '58). Mendocino County: 1, A quarry 5.1 miles north of Longvale on U.S. 101 has furnished...riebeckite crystals occur in glaucophane schist in a quarry 5.1 miles north of Longvale on Highway 101, associated...found, after an aerial survey of the Mojave Mining district where an anomaly appeared in section 10. aquamarine, has been colfrom the S. P. Silica quarry near Nuevo, Knowlton (p.c. '57). lected BETAFITE |
(2004) Index Volume 78 (2003) Rocks & Minerals, 79 (1) 73-78 doi:10.1080/00357529.2004.9925680 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Mineralogy Cahill, C., Ferroaxinite from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey, 252-56 Cairncross, B., see...minerals from Chile, 56 Chimney, 351 Chips from the Quarry, M. E. Huizing, 5-7, 85-86,149-50,213-15,293-95...type minerals from Colombia, 57 Colorado, Gilman district, Eagle mine, 298-328; Godsend claim, 220-24 Colorful...from the Blanchard Mine Group, Hansonburg Mining District, Socorro County, New Mexico, 380-89 de Vries,..., Pinch Award, 149 Ferberite, Colorado, 31 1 Ferroaxinite from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey |
(1998) International strategic mineral issues summary report: tungsten. Circular 930-O. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir930o |
Report (issue) |
For each country having a tungsten deposit or district listed in the ISMI tungsten inventory...........output from individual deposits in Australia, Austria, and Portugal and the opening of new mines in Canada...Group has published studies on chromium, cobalt, graphite, lithium, manganese, nickel, niobium (columbium)...wolframite ranges from the iron-rich variety, ferberite, containing 60.5 percent tungsten, to the manganese-rich...percent of world tungsten production. Mittersill, Austria, and possibly Damingshan, China, where the current |
Theo Kloprogge, J., Lavinsky, Robert (n.d.) Introduction. In Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism. Elsevier. p.1-115. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-803674-7.00001-3 |
Book (chapter) |
more crystal structures. Carbon as diamond or graphite is a familiar example. A mineral material called...called cliftonite found in certain meteorites is graphite pseudomorphing diamond, alpha (low temperature)...alpha quartz. b. Monotropic (irreversible); e.g., graphite after diamond or low (alpha) quartz after stishovite...composition into an opaque amorphous mass with much lower properties, such as refractive index and specific...significantly reduced 18O content (down to <10%), much lower than the 18O composition of the solution after reaction |
Talla, Dominik, Beran, Anton, Škoda, Radek, Losos, Zdeněk (2017) Polarized FTIR spectroscopic examination on hydroxylation in the minerals of the wolframite group, (Fe,Mn,Mg)[W,(Nb,Ta)][O,(OH)]4. American Mineralogist, 102 (4) 867-875 doi:10.2138/am-2017-5664 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Universität Wien, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien, Austria Department of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University...between two dominant end-member compositions—FeWO4 (ferberite) and MnWO4 (hübnerite). Sporadically, Zn forms...hübnerite component, and five samples by the ferberite component. In addition, three synthetic single...corresponding M 2+-nitrate hydrate; Fe(NO3)2·9H2O for ferberite, Mn(NO3)2·4H2O for hübnerite and Mg(NO3)2·6H2O...prevent Fe-oxidation during the FeWO4 synthesis, a graphite crucible inserted into a baked fireclay container |