percent NH3 solution was used. Internal Cr/CrN and graphite/methane buffers fixed the fugacity of NH3 during...muscovite (Higashi 1982). They used the Cr/CrN and graphite/methane buffers and proved that relatively high...buddingtonite in the T6shichi Spa, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. The mineral occurs as a replacement of plagioclase...chromium nitride powder (Ventron No. 49112) and graphite (Norit) were applied for the buffering of the...welded on one side and containing a known amount of graphite. The gold capsule was welded under cooling from |
Echigo, T., Kimata, M., Maruoka, T. (2007) Crystal-chemical and carbon-isotopic characteristics of karpatite (C24H12) from the Picacho Peak Area, San Benito County, California: Evidences for the hydrothermal formation. American Mineralogist, 92 (8) 1262-1269 doi:10.2138/am.2007.2509 |
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of Tsukuba, Tennoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan Integrative Environmental Sciences, Life and Environmental...of Tsukuba, Tennoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan ABSTRACT Karpatite from the Picacho Peak Area,...diffractometer system (Rigaku RAXIS-RAPID, MoKα radiation, graphite monochromator). Intensity data were corrected...signiÞcantly longer than interplanar distance in graphite, 3.35 Å (Fig. 8b: Hart, 1991). This elongation...the coronene molecule has hydrogen atoms though graphite only TABLE 2. 1265 consists of carbon atoms |
NISHIDA, Norimasa, KIMATA, Mitsuyoshi (1997) Electron Probe Micro-Analysis of Minerals for Light Elements: Carbon and Nitrogen. Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan, 26 (4) 203-210 doi:10.2465/gkk1952.26.203 |
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研 究 で分 析 に使 用 した 機 種 は,筑 波 大 学 分 析 セ ン ター 305,Japan. 筑 波 大 学 地 球 科 学 系 Institute Ibaraki of Geosciences...of Tsukuba, 散 形X線 分 光 器 を3台 装 備 して い る. 305,Japan. 203 置 で,波 長 分 204 EPMAに よる鉱物 中の軽 元 素分析 Fig...representation of C-Ka X-ray intensities measured on graphite and calcite, with different Al coating thicknesses...シ ョナ ル ・カ ウ ン タ ー)の前 面 に付 い て い る diamond and graphite. 比(PIB)も 大 きい ほ ど良 い,す な わ ち これ らの 積(P×P/B) C-Ka X-ray intensity on polished sections of graphite and calcite . す と言 わ れ て い るが,今 回 の測 定 で は初 め |
Bos, Ariejan, Duit, Willem, van der Eerden, Ad M.J, Jansen, J.Ben H (1988) Nitrogen storage in biotite: An experimental study of the ammonium and potassium partitioning between 1M-phlogopite and vapour at 2 kb. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 52 (5) 1275-1283 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(88)90281-5 |
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Some geologic implications of equilibrium between graphite and a C-O-H gas phase at high temperatures and...(1986) Ammonioleucite, a new mineral from Tatarazawa, Fujioka, Japan. Amer. Mineral. 71, 1022-1027. JUSTERT |
Harlov, D. E., Andrut, M., Pöter, B. (2001) Characterisation of buddingtonite (NH 4 )[AlSi 3 O 8 ] and ND 4 -buddingtonite (ND 4 )[AlSi 3 O 8 ] using IR spectroscopy and Rietveld refinement of XRD spectra. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 28 (3) 188-198 doi:10.1007/s002690000145 |
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generally buered to highly reducing conditions using graphite/CH4-buered setups. Buddingtonite can also be...(1986) Ammonioleucite, a new mineral from Tatarazawa, Fujioka, Japan. Am Mineral 71: 1022±1027 Johannes W |
Echigo, T., Kimata, M. (2010) Crystal Chemistry and Genesis of Organic Minerals: a Review of Oxalate and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist, 48 (6) 1329-1357 doi:10.3749/canmin.48.5.1329 |
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Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan Abstract Organic minerals are natural organic compounds...moléculaires, dans lesquels § Current address: Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences...Sciences, 1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8686, Japan. E-mail address: 1330 the...SixOyZ–, or lack of an anion, e.g., native gold, graphite, and diamond (Mills et al. 2009). According to...1995, Franceschi & Nakata 2005). In this review, graphite is excluded from the list of organic minerals |
Bobos, I. (2012) Characterization of smectite to NH4-illite conversion series in the fossil hydrothermal system of Harghita Bai, East Carpathians, Romania. American Mineralogist, 97 (5) 962-982 doi:10.2138/am.2012.3801 |
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occurrences of NH 4-I are known around the world: Japan (Yamamoto 1967; Higashi 1978, 1982; Kawano and Tomita...series automated diffraction system equipped with a graphite monochromator and CuKα radiation. Samples were...Philips X’Pert MPD diffractometer. CuKα radiation, a graphite monochromator, an automatic divergence slit and...(HB-15), 6 (HB-17), 7 (HB-18), 8 (HB19); T (Tobe, Japan). Characteristics of N-H stretching and bending...100 %S 40 %S 30 %S 20 %S 15 %S 10 %S 5 %S 5 %S Japan Slov. –110 m –63 m –68 m –75 m –79 m –84 m –95 m |
Loucks, Robert R. (1991) The bound interlayer H2O content of potassic white micas: Muscovite-hydromuscovite-hydropyrophyllite solutions. American Mineralogist, 76 (9-10) 1563-1579 |
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very fine€rained tobelite from Tobe, Ehime Prefecture,Japan, reported by Higashi (1982). FeFt/Fep.not...but the high NHo content and association with graphite require that Fe- = p"z*, with negligibleuncertainty...(1986) Arnmonioleucite, a new mineral from Tatarazawa,Fujioka, Jaof cookeite and hydromuscovite associated...(1978) An outline ofclays and clay rninerals in Japan. Developments in Sedimentology,26, l-103. Tardy...metamorphic rocks in the Ryoke and the Sanbagawabelts, Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,97, 313-319 |
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 |
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Bicchu-cho, near Takahashi city, Okayama prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan (type locality). Description:...Bicchu-cho, near Takahashi city, Okayama prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan. Description: Grey granular...Bicchu-cho, near Takahashi city, Okayama prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan. Description: White granular...Bicchu-cho, near Takahashi city, Okayama prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan (type locality). Description:...Bicchu-cho, near Takahashi city, Okayama prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan (type locality). Description: |
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. |
Book (edition) |
uncombined state in nature (e.g., carbon as diamond or graphite). nesosilicate A type of silicate crystal structure...more than one form (e.g., carbon as diamond and graphite, FeS2 as pyrite and marcasite). polytype A type...Canada, Scotland, England, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Tanzania, Madagascar, and New Zealand. Outstanding...Washington; and reported from the Comstock Lode, Virginia City, Nevada. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache et al., Dana's...OCCURRENCE: Occurs at the Akagane mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan; White Island volcano, New Zealand; near the |
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. |
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uncombined state in nature (e.g., carbon as diamond or graphite). nesosilicate A type of silicate crystal structure...more than one form (e.g., carbon as diamond and graphite, FeS, as pyrite and marcasite). polytype A type...Canada, Scotland, England, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Tanzania, Madagascar, and New Zealand. Outstanding...Washington; and reported from the Comstock Lode, Virginia City, Nevada. SELECTED REFERENCES: Palache et al., Dana’s...OCCURRENCE: Occurs at the Akagané mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan; White Island volcano, New Zealand; near the |
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. |
Book |
in southwestern Arizona. When used with a town or city this designation indicates the direction in which...Just, Perth, Australia; Richard Thomssen, Carson City, Nevada, USA; Peter Embrey, London, England; Jessie.../3-FeO(OH,Cl), E Tet. Brown. Akagane mine, Iwate, Japan. H=?, Dm=3.0, D(.= 3.6, IVF 04. Nambu, 1961. Min...Tet. Resinous/vitreous white. Fujioka, Tatarazawa, Sanbagawa, Gunma, Japan. H=?, Dj44=2.29, D(.= 2.24,...B Orth. Metallic bluish-grey. Ani mine, Akita, Japan. H=3, Djjj=?, D(.= 5.68, IIA Ola. Morimoto et ah |
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. |
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discovery locality, at the Akagané mine, Iwate, Japan. Nambu, M. (1961) In MacKay, A.L. (1962): Mineral...leucite. Tatarazawa, Steadman, R. & Nuttall, P.M. (1962): Acta Crystallogr. 15; 510. Fujioka, Gunma, Japan...its discovery locality, at the Ani mine, Akita, Japan. From Gk. an, not, plus orthos, right, plus klan...(Ca,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)2O6, mon., C2/c. mine, Uranium City, Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan, Canada. From Gk...its discovery locality, at Bicchu, Okoyama Prefecture, Japan. Bohemia, Czech Republic. Sebor, A. (1914): |
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. |
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(province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept. (departement), dept. (departamento),...Mineralogical Abstracts MJJ - Mineralogical Journal of Japan MM - Mineralogical Magazine MP - Mineralogy and...Lode, Virginia City, Storey co., and at Tonopah, Nye co., both Nevada, at Silver City, Owehee co., Idaho...xenothermal veins at the Hade mine, Okayama pref., Japan. At the Kaltenberg mine, Turtmanntal Valley, Valais...1990. (Mg,Fe 2+)[Si0 3] Akagane mine. Iwate pref.. Japan. In the Case peg- Akimotoite matite. ~fiddlesexco |
Bish, D.L., Ming, D.W. - Eds. (2001) Natural Zeolites. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 45. Mineralogical Society of America |
Report (volume) |
Meier 1963, Vezzalini 1984) and from Hokiya-dake, Japan (Quartieri et al. 1990) give sharp single-crystal...(1986) Ammonioleucite, a new mineral from Tatarazawa, Fujioka, Japan. Am Mineral 71:1022-1027 Howard DG (1994)...metamorphosed basaltic tuffs from the Tanzawa Mts, Japan (Seki and Oki 1969). Sr and Ba are almost absent;...generally absent, although in a sample from Sagashima (Japan) it reaches 0.42 (Harada et al. 1972). Samples associated...Na/(Na+Ca) ratio (0.03) are in wairakite from Toi, Japan (Aoki and Minato 1980) and the highest values (0 |
Clark, A. M. (1993) Hey's Mineral Index - Mineral Species, Varieties and Synonyms (3rd ed.) Natural History Museum, London. |
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York NY llXl0I. US;\ Chapman & Hall Japan. Thomson Publishing Japan. I lirakawacho Nc.:n101u Building....6F. 1-7-11 Hirakawa-cho. Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo !02. Japan Chapman & Hall Aus1rnlia. Thomas Nelson Aus1r.1lia...34, 1 0 1 8. From (TL) Abukuma range, Fukushima. Japan. Named for locality. Regarded as yttrium silicate...synth. material]. (TL) Akaganc mine. Iwate Pref., Japan. Named for locality. 9 Akalidavyne. syn. of natrodavyne...Pyrochlore group. T. Kawai ( 1 960) J. Chem. Soc. Japan. Pure Chem. Sect. 81. 1 2 19. Regarded as an aluminian |
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 |
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California. Akira Kato: National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan. Petr Korbel: Dept. of Mineralogy, National Museum...Orthoclase a Quartz Soft, greasy feel like tale and graphite, and flakes of the mineral will be left on the...including Siberia ae SS shes] TM REED eS SL China and Japan 10. India 11. South east Asia 12. Middle East 13...Crytal Structure Communications Chemical Society of Japan Bulletin Colorado School of Mines Quarterly Crystal...International (English translation) Geochemical Journal (Japan) Geokhimiya Mineralogiya & Petrologiya Geophysical |
(1988) Studies of the early Mesozoic Basins of the Eastern United States. Bulletin Vol. 1776. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1776 |
Report (volume) |
Dorf, E., ed., Guidebook for field trips, Atlantic City meeting: Geological Society of America Guidebook...and associated societies annual meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey: New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press...Depositional sedimentary environments: New York City, New York, SpringerVerlag, 549 p. Scnafer, A., above the Palisades sill from 34 near Jersey City to Alpine, New Jersey, and another discontinuously...with the upper Lockatong sequence north of Jersey City provide indirect evidence to suggest that they may |