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(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology ................................Photo courtesy of Peter Megaw. _Mexico_-II December, will be _Mexico_-III, covering a selection of several...and we are now turning our attention to plans for _Mexico_-V. This series will continue until we have covered
Hoffmann, Victor Joseph (1968) The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico, University of Arizona. Thesis/Dissertation
The mineralogy of the Mapimí mining district, Durango, Mexico Item Type text; Dissertation-Reproduction...MINERALOGY OF THE MAPIMl' MINING DISTRICT, DURANGO, MEXICO by Victor Joseph Hoffmann A Dissertation...Mineralogy of the Mapimi Mining District,______ Durango, Mexico______________________________ be accepted...anglesite barite brochantite celestite chalcanthite copiapite gypsum hydrous sulfates jarosite melanterite plumbojarosite...Map of a Portion of the Torreon Quadrangle, Durango, Mexico showing the Location of the Mines of the Mapinn