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Ferroberaunite from

Leveäniemi Mine, Svappavaara, Kiruna, Norrbotten County, Sweden

Locality type: Open-Cast Mine
Species: Ferroberaunite
Formula: Fe2+Fe53+(PO4)4(OH)5 · 6H2O
Comments: Beraunite was originally defined as a fully oxidised mineral, but was redefined by Fanfani and Zanazzi (1967), on the basis of a crystal structural analysis, as a mixed-valence iron phosphate and they left the original fully oxidized end-member unnamed. In essence, Fanfani and Zanazzi (1967) had discovered a new mineral species (ferroberaunite) but re-used a previous name. In the 19th century, both beraunite and eleonorite had been applied to the fully oxidized mineral. Eleonorite had been re-applied by the IMA to the oxidized end-member of the beraunite-eleonorite series. In the IMA 21-D redefinition the name beraunite was reapplied to the oxidised phase and the name ferroberaunite was created for the mixed-valence phase (Tvrdy et al., 2021).
Validity: Believed Valid
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Strengite 22 photos of Ferroberaunite associated with Strengite at this locality.
Goethite 4 photos of Ferroberaunite associated with Goethite at this locality.
Rockbridgeite 3 photos of Ferroberaunite associated with Rockbridgeite at this locality.
Magnetite 3 photos of Ferroberaunite associated with Magnetite at this locality.
Cacoxenite 2 photos of Ferroberaunite associated with Cacoxenite at this locality.
Martite 1 photo of Ferroberaunite associated with Martite at this locality.
Mineral Data: Click here to view Ferroberaunite data
Locality Data: Click here to view Leveäniemi Mine, Svappavaara, Kiruna, Norrbotten County, Sweden
Photo Gallery View Gallery (16 photos)
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: 1470476
Long-form Identifier: 1:3:1470476:9
GUID (UUID V4): c2bc195f-b842-4f7e-8265-a26daf96b2c4
Bjällerud, Carl-Gustav (1989) Phosphate Minerals from the Leveäniemi Iron Mine, Svappavaara, Sweden. The Mineralogical Record, 20 (5) 343-346 Augsten, R. (2009): Lapis 34, 20-23. [as beraunite, IMA 21-D redefinition = ferroberaunite]