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(1914) Bulletin of the Imperial Institute Vol. 12 (4) The Imperial Institute Journal (issue)
Congress. Experiments in cotton growing in this region have been undertaken already on behalf of the Department...knowledge of the character of the soil in this region is of considerable importance in this connection...Malabar coast. The Cochin oil produced in the latter region is on the whole more carefully prepared than Ceylon...south-eastwards from Kilimanjaro are the Pare and Usambara Mountains, the latter almost reaching the sea. To the south-west...west of the Protectorate are the Livingstone Mountains, where the highest peak is over 9,000 ft. Portions
Palache, Charles, Berman, Harry, Frondel, Clifford (1944) The System of Mineralogy (7th ed.) Vol. 1 - Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Book (volume)
especially since these language groups. ^^ and the region or country is Roumania. Alteration 9. In the...shallow vein deposits with tellurides, pyrite, bismuthinite (Goldfield; Cripple Creek). In placer deposits...Urals, the Balkans, and the less important Alpine region reaching from Carinthia through the Austrian Tirol...Transylvania, in the southeast portion of the Bihar Mountains. The important centers are Verespatak (Rosa Montana)...gold is found on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains for a distance of 500 miles. The important districts
Korbel, Petr, Novak, Milan (1999) Minerals Encyclopaedia. Rebo Productions. Book
dendritic aggregates come fron1 Mednorudnyansk, Ural mountains, Russia; crystals up to 30 mm ('3/i6in) were found...Fine crystals were also found in Berezovsk, Ural mountains and in the Lena River basin, Siberia, Russia....15 mm (1 9h2 in) come from Konder in Khabarovsk Region, small crystals, but mainly nuggets, weighing up...found in the Tora River basin near Turiinsk, Ural Mountains. Primary platinum is known from deposits in the...the vicinity of Nizhn iy Tagil, Ural Mountains, Russia; from the Onveiwacht mine, Bushvekl, South Africa
Korbel, Petr, Novák, Milan (2001) The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals. Grange Books. Book
dendritic aggregates comc from Mednorudnyansk, Ural mountains. Russia; crystals up to 30 mm ( : Vie in) were...Fine crystals were also found in Berezovsk. Ural mountains and in the Lena River basin, Siberia. Russia....to 15 mm ("/» in) come from Konder in Khabarovsk Region, small crystals, but mainly nuggets, weighing up...found in the Tura River basin near Turiinsk, Ural Mountains. Primary platinum is known from deposits in the...the vicinity of Nizhniy Tagil, Ural Mountains, Russia; from the Onvcrwacht mine, Bushveld, South Africa
(2011, December) Gems & Gemology Vol. 47 (4) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
316 Gem News International Chondrodite from Tanzania • Blue dolomite from Colombia • Fluorite from...Culture Yellowish Green Diopside and Tremolite from Tanzania Polymer-Impregnated Turquoise Fall 2007 The Transformation...GIA Laboratory Rubies and Sapphires from Winza, Tanzania The Wittelsbach Blue Spring 2009 The French Blue...Polymer-Filled Aquamarine Yellow-Green Haüyne from Tanzania Aquamarine from Masino-Bregaglia Massif, Italy...Chrysoprase and Prase Opal from Haneti, Central Tanzania Demantoid from Val Malenco, Italy Spring 2010
(1953) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 3 (3) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
speed of magnetometric work. In the particular region where the present writer has carried out his researches...pronot1nced and produce an eluvial cover; in such a region, however, it is maintained that geophysics, and...encouraging, as the first traverse appeared to reveal a region of low resistivity over a stretch of about 200...200 ft. Details of the traverses in the anomalous region are shown in Fig. 3, the individual anomalies being...strata. On the more southerly line, line Zero, a region of low resistivity was speedily disclosed, but
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Birnessite Bischofite Bismite Bismuth native Bismuthinite Bixbyite Blödite Boehmite Boracite Bornite Boulangerite...the Alpine region, and (3) Mid-Triassic to early Jurassic extension in the extra-Alpine region. Isotope...make a contribution to the cultural heritage of a region and may successfully be used in exploration (Mascaro...two years. The economic potential of a particular region or mining camp can be deduced from the economic...about 50% of them concentrated in the Steelpoort region of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Stratiform deposits
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Birnessite Bischofite Bismite Bismuth native Bismuthinite Bixbyite Blödite Boehmite Boracite Bornite Boulangerite...the Alpine region, and (3) Mid-Triassic to early Jurassic extension in the extra-Alpine region. Isotope...make a contribution to the cultural heritage of a region and may successfully be used in exploration (Mascaro...two years. The economic potential of a particular region or mining camp can be deduced from the economic...about 50% of them concentrated in the Steelpoort region of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Stratiform deposits
Ramdohr, Paul (1969) The Ore Minerals and their Intergrowths. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1174pp. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-10027-x Book
("solutions", "melts", and " v a p o r s ' " in this region are not sharply distinguishable). However, this...fluid (supercritical), pass below 400 °C into the region of liquid aqueous solutions. At the same time their...veins also carry abundant bismuth minerals (bismuthinite and native bismuth). Chalcopyrite-siderite formation:...Chemnitz, and several of the veins of the Freiberg region are distinguished by predominant lead-zinc ores...occurrences of pyrite, galenobismuthite and bismuthinite in Vulcano, Italy, described by B E R NAUER
(1917) The enrichment of ore deposits. Bulletin Vol. 625. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b625 Report (volume)
deeper circulation _____ _ _____ _________ The region of nearly stagnant waters _ Pulsating movements...Arizona________________________ 228 San Francisco region, Utah, by B. S. Butler_________ 229 Yerington,...Island, Alaska_____________________ 330 Berners Bay region, Alaska_________________ 331 Georgetown quadrangle...quadrangle, Colorado_______________ 331 San Juan region, Colorado_________________ 332 Summit district, Co...Nevada_______________________ 339 Little Burro Mountains, New Mexico______________ 340 Annie Laurie mine
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
localities for good ilmenite crystals exist in the region (Brunet, I 977b ). NEW YORK Amity, Orange County...in Switzerland, it is only in the Maderanertal region of east-central Canton Uri that clefts bearing...clefts are found fairly commonly throughout this region, such that only a handful of notable finds during...Discoveries, 1960-2015 ILMENITE AFRICA (Cherry) Mountains (Drnitriy Belakovskiy, personal communication...contact-metamorphic skarn rocks in the High Atlas mountains around the town of Imilchil began in the 2000s
Heinrich, E. William (1980) The Geology of Carbonatites - Reprint Edition with Supplementary Material. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc. Book (edition)
and A. Holmes (1950) : Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) : Tanzania Geological Survey and...Tidsskrift and K. S. Heier (1961) Figure 15-9: Tanzania Geological Survey and N. J. Guest (1954) Figure...(Heinrich and Levinson, 1961), and the Bearpaw Mountains, Montana (Pecora, 1962). In Canada examples include...in the near-by Gem Park stock. In the Bearpaw Mountains of Montana dikes and stockworks of carbonatite...miascitic composition (Langesundfjord, Bearpaw Mountains, Magnet Cove). Thus, it may be concluded: 1. That
O'Donoghue, Michael (2006) Gems : their sources, descriptions and identification (6th ed.) Butterworth-Heinemann. Book (edition)
an inner solid region of diameter 2440 km and density about 8 gcm3, and an outer region about 2260 km...alumina, alkalis and the rarer elements. If the region is quiescent and all the magma solidifies in the...if about half way through crystallization, the region becomes 8 Rocks and the Processes That Formed...Miarolitic cavity in granite from the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland. A topaz with good crystal form...one example being Mount St Helens in the Rocky Mountains. At the felsic end of the range are rhyolites
Overstreet, William C. (1967) The geologic occurrence of monazite. Professional Paper 530. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp530 Report (issue)
site of its discovery near Miask in the limen Mountains of Russia. Other names by which it has been known...the tenor of the least altered monazite in the region) and if the composition of the monazite changed...titanite, andalusite, and gold. Streams in the Tambani region mentioned by Dunstan were later reported to be...964 concentrates from streams in the Ankaizina Mountains in the northern part of the island disclosed local...Th02 (Behier, 1960, p. 50). Around Marotolana in a region of migmatites having no visible granite, monazite
(1958) Systematic mineralogy of uranium and thorium. Bulletin Vol. 1064. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1064 Report (volume)
described from uranium deposits in the Colorado Plateau region. Many of these 4 SYSTEMATIC MINERALOGY OF URANIUM...intensive mining activities in the Colorado Plateau region and associated geologic and mineralogic studies... Uraninite. Crystal from pegmatite. Morogoro, Uluguru Mountains, East Africa. Average of 3 analyses....solid-solution regions, separated by a 2-phase region, with isometric U0 2 containing up to about 52...Placerville, Colo. -----------------------------(2) Morogoro, Tanganyika ---------------------(3) Martha E
(1958) Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 7 (1) Overseas Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
18 Argentite ••• 19 Arsenopyri te ••• ..' 20 Bismuthinite .' ' 21 Bornite .' . 22 Chalcocite 23 Chalcopyri...Mpwapwa and Kilosa Districts; Uluguru Mountains; Mikese area east of Morogoro; and the Mbeya Range and Lupa...Lake Chilwa, the Ncheu District and the Kirk Mountains was continued until the onset of the rains brought...Habgood and Bloomfield spent a week in the Kirk Mountains area. Early in April Mr. K. Bloomfield began work...carried 011t in the Lebung area in the Kalahari region of the Southern Bamangwato Reserve by Mr. Jenning·s
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
grey in reflected light. Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, USSR. H= 2.3, Djjj=?, D(;=7.80...Translucent yellowish-grey. Panda Hill, Mbeya (near), Tanzania. H= 4.5-5, Djj3=4.1, D{.= 4.01, IVC 09a. Hogarth...K)2BaTi2(Si207)2, (SI Orth. Dark brown. Inagli massif, Aldan Region, Yakutiya, USSR. H= 5.9, Djjj= 3.432, Dq=3.46,...IB 01. Agricola, 439. ZVMO 95 (1966), 489. Bismuthinite, B^Sg, HI Orth. Metallic grey/white. H= 2,...Greasy/vitreous reddish-brown. Bassick mine. Wet Mountains, Custer Co., Colorado, USA. H=?, Djjj= 3.9, D(
Okrusch, Martin, Frimmel, Hartwig E. (2020) Mineralogy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-57316-7 Book
nodule, xenolith in basalt, Bauersberg, Rhön Mountains, Germany In the accessible part of Earth’s crust...coccoliths. From plankton sample of the Kimberley region, Australia, kindly provided by CSIRO Tasmania (picture...uranium mines in the Saxonian Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) and in Thuringia, Germany, where high doses of...which the transport medium can move from the source region to the locus of ore precipitation; 5 an energy...deposits of the Namib Desert and in the offshore region of Namibia. Many occurrences of diamond are known
Sinkankas, John (1989) Emerald and other Beryls. Geoscience Press, Prescott, AZ. Book
Coast, 462 Sweden, Japan, 462 Switzerland, 510 Tanzania 463 Madagascar (Malagasy Republic), Malawi ...discouragingly on of events scientific-geological the region inwas and mineral- feasibility of working profit...aquamarines the as type in discovery could have region stated unequivocally the been found in Antiquity... territory coincides Mountains, prehistoric turquoise,” gemstones, region is mining activity. ...distribution of New World emeralds, it authorities as region and flood of emeralds and a jewels of Spain
Sinkankas, John (1964) Mineralogy for Amateurs (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Book (edition)
low temperature region quartz is called low quartz; in the higher temperature region, with slightly different...in “beams.” As waves grow shorter in length, a region just below visible light is approached where the...radiations, but they exist nevertheless. In this region occur the shorter-than-light wavelengths of ultra-violet...measure many feet between crests; in the light region, they are very short and must be measured in correspondingly...narrow wavelength bands in the ultra-violet light region, this can be used for a source, after the
Sinkankas, John (1964) Mineralogy for Amateurs (1st ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Book (edition)
low temperature region quartz is called low quartz; in the higher temperature region, with slightly different...in "beams." As waves grovv shorter in length, a region just belovv visible light is approached ,vhere...radiations, but they exist nevertheless. In this region occur the shorter-than-light wavelengths of ultra-violet)...measure many feet bet,veen crests; in the light region, they are very short and must be measured in correspondingly...narro,v ,vavelength bands in the ultra-violet light region, this can be used for a source, after the visible
Blackburn, William H., Dennen, William H. (1997) Encyclopedia of Mineral Names - Special Publication No. 1. The Canadian Mineralogist, Ottawa. Book
Glasgow, U.K. Chromian Amesite, Sarani, Ural Mountains, Russia a ae| Abelsonite C3,H32N4Ni, known as...orthoclase and microcline. Named after the Adula Mountains, Graubunden, Swit- zerland, erroneously considered... Milano, 57. its constituents. Miask, IImen Mountains, Russia. Berzelius, J.J. (1828): Jahres. Fortsch...discovery locality, at the Akhtenskii deposit, Ural Mountains, Russia. Visser (1979) In Chukhrov, F.V. et al...discovery locality, at the Alekseev mine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, Russia. Lipovetskil, A.G. et al