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(1955) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 30 (5) 255-265 doi:10.1080/00357529.1955.11767819 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
donated 3 interesting minerals from the Castle Dome District of Yuma Co., Ariz. The specimens are fluorite...marl near Delaware City, New Castle Co., Del. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—The following notes, dated Dec. 25...excellent goethite géodes I have found in the Oxon Run district. The goethite ranges from 1/8" to 1/2" thick as...is Doodletown, Rockland Co., N.Y. The other was spinel (beautiful, little dark green xls) with brownish...Mineral Minutes of the Mineralogical Society of the District of Columbia (French Morgan, Editor, 2601 Brentwood
Barkov, A. Y., Martin, R. F., Shi, L., LeBarge, W., Fedortchouk, Y. (2008) Oscillatory zoning in stanniferous hematite and associated W-and Bi-rich minerals from Canadian creek, Yukon, Canada. The Canadian Mineralogist, 46 (1) 59-72 doi:10.3749/canmin.46.1.59 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
W- AND Bi-RICH MINERALS FROM CANADIAN CREEK, YUKON, CANADA Andrei Y. BARKOV, Robert F. MARTIN§ and Lang...2A7, Canada William LeBARGE and Yana FEDORTCHOUK¶ Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological...Geological Survey, PO Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6, Canada Abstract We document the first natural...7 mm) from a deposit located in Canadian Creek, Yukon, characterized by electronmicroprobe analysis (EMP)...mineralization, placer deposits, Canadian Creek, Yukon., Canada. Sommaire Nous décrivons le premier exemple
Morin, James A. - Ed. (1986) Mineral Deposits of Northern Cordillera. Special Volume 37. The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Report (issue)
INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY COPYRIGHT (1986) BY THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY...400, 1130 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2M8 ISBN 0-919086-15-2 PRINTED BY HARPELL'S...symposium held December 5-7, 1983, in Whitehorse, Yukon. Co-sponsored by the Geology Division of CIM, the...Division (MDD) of the Geological Association of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern...Stratiform, Sediment-hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits in Yukon and Northeastern British Columbia J.G. ABBOT, S
Traill, R. J. (1970) A Catalogue of Canadian Minerals. Paper 69-45. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
PAPER 69-45 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES A CATALOGUE OF...MINERALS R. J. Traill ' GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA CANADA PAPER 69-45 A CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS...n's Printer, Ottawa from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa and Canadian Government bookshops...to change without notic e Queen ' s Printer for Canada Ottawa 1970 A CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS...has elapsed since T . Sterry Hunt in Geology of Canada, 1863 , presented the first descriptive list of
Mair, J. L., Farmer, G. L., Groves, D. I., Hart, C. J. R., Goldfarb, R. J. (2011) Petrogenesis of Postcollisional Magmatism at Scheelite Dome, Yukon, Canada: Evidence for a Lithospheric Mantle Source for Magmas Associated with Intrusion-Related Gold Systems. Economic Geology, 106 (3) 451-480 doi:10.2113/econgeo.106.3.451 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Postcollisional Magmatism at Scheelite Dome, Yukon, Canada: Evidence for a Lithospheric Mantle Source for...British Columbia, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 Geologic Survey, Box 25046, Mail Stop...occur in the TombstoneTungsten belt of Alaska and Yukon, on the eastern side of the Tintina gold province...exemplified at Scheelite Dome, located in central Yukon. Similar to other spatially and temporally related...Paleozoic. In the northern Cordillera of Alaska and Yukon, extensive mid-Cretaceous plutonism followed collision
(1950, October) The Earth Science Digest Vol. 5 (3) Earth Science Publishing Company Journal (issue)
postage. Subscriptions: U. S. and possessions, Canada, Philippine Is Latin America and Spain year, $3...Range Iron Formation POTENTIAL MINERAL RESOURCES OF YUKON TERRITORY H. S. Bostock New Jade Occurrence in California...Becker, Otter Tail, Itasca and Ajitkin counties. Mining engineers are now exploring some of these promising...at the eastern end of the range that the Reserve Mining Company plans to mine taconite which will be concentrated...DIGEST MINERAL YUKON H. S. | og RESOURCES TERRITORY BOSTOCK Geological Survey of Canada INTRODUCTION
Berry, L. G., Thompson, R. M. (1962) X-Ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: the Peacock Atlas. GSA Memoir 85. Geological Society of America doi:10.1130/mem85 Report (issue)
Ontario, Canada and R. M. THOMPSON The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada NEW YORK...and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC); Mines Branch, Ottawa, Canada; E. D. Taylor, Ottawa; Frank...identification of minerals by means of x-rays, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans., 35, [4], 105-113 —— (1947): Indexed...pattern given by gold from the Klondike River, Yukon Cell edge by Owen & Yates (Phil. Mag., 15, 472...4 2496Q (Cu/Ni)—East Gold mine, Bowser River district, Portland Canal area, B.C. Composition close
Schroeter, T.G. - Ed. (1996) Porphyry deposits of the northwestern Cordillera of North America. Special Volume 46. The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Report (volume)
Columbia, Canada Published for the Geological Society of CIM as VOLUME 46 by the OF MINING, METALLURGY...PETROLEUM COPYRIGHT © 1995 BY CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING, METALLURGY AND PETROLEUM Suite 1210, 3400 de Maisonneuve...Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3Z 3B8 ISBN 0-919086-56-X PRINTED BY HARPELL’S...PRESS COOPERATIVE Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada Preface CIM Special Volume 46 is organized into...regional overviews of Washington, British Columbia, Yukon, and Alaska; Part B — porphyry copper (+ Au+Mo)
Johnston, Robert A. A. (1915) A List of Canadian Mineral Occurrences. Memoir 74. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES HoN. Loms CODERRE, MlNISTER ; R. G. McCONNELL, D EPUTY M lNISTE R GEOLOGICAL...localities. .. Part II. Names of municipal and mining divisions and localities in which mineral8 occur... Science, and Art, Toronto. C. M. J.--canadiao Mining Journal. Can. Nat.-Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly...and Min. Joum.-Engineering and Mining Journal. Geol. Can.-Geology of Canada, Report of Progress from its...-Reports of progress of the Geological Survey of Canada from 18631884, inclusive-14 volumes. G. S. C.,
(2004) INTERESTING PAPERS IN OTHER JOURNALS. Economic Geology, 99 (2) 413-420 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.2.413 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
dating of host rocks at Mallery Lake, Nunavut, _Canada_—William A. Turner, Larry M. Heaman, and Robert...America: a petrogenetic study from the southwestern _Yukon_—George A. Morris and Robert A. Creaser Re–Os and...the Clear Creek, Dublin Gulch, and Mactung deposits, Tombstone gold belt, Yukon, Canada: absolute timing...2003 3 He/4He ratios in well gases in the Kinki district, SW Japan: Surface appearance of slab-derived...Central Range of west New Guinea: Ertsberg Mining District, Indonesia—Benyamin Sapiie and Mark Cloos Petrogenesis
Nevolko, Peter A., Pham, Thi Dung, Fominykh, Pavel A., Tran, Trong Hoa, Tran, Tuan Anh, Ngo, Thi Phuong (2019) Origin of the intrusion-related Lang Vai gold-antimony district (Northeastern Vietnam): Constraints from fluid inclusions study and C O S Pb isotope systematics. Ore Geology Reviews, 104. 114-131 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.10.019 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of the intrusion-related Lang Vai gold-antimony district (Northeastern Vietnam): Constraints from fluid...of the intrusion-related Lang Vai gold-antimony district (Northeastern Vietnam): Constraints from fluid...of the intrusion-related Lang Vai gold-antimony district (Northeastern Vietnam): Constraints from fluid...: +7-913-717-54-02 Abstract The Lang Vai ore district, located in the central part of the Lo Gam domain...the Tintina Gold Province of Alaska USA and Yukon Canada. The fluid inclusion studies and laser Raman
Voudouris, Panagiotis, Melfos, Vasilios, Spry, Paul, Bindi, Luca, Moritz, Robert, Ortelli, Melissa, Kartal, Tamara (2013) Extremely Re-Rich Molybdenite from Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Prospects in Northeastern Greece: Mode of Occurrence, Causes of Enrichment, and Implications for Gold Exploration. Minerals, 3 (2) 165-191 doi:10.3390/min3020165 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
deposits in mafic–ultramafic complexes in Sweden [4], Canada [5], Montana [6], Karelia [7], and Finland [8]...samples were performed at ACME Labs, Vancouver, Canada using aqua regia digestion and Ultratrace ICP-MS...Bronson Slope Endako 1 Endako 2 Gibraltar Glacier Gulch (Davidson) Granisle Huckleberry Ingerbelle Island...700 200 470 4,100 1,200 1,100 340 28 35 11 Canada 8 22 67 215 190 980 49 157 95 145 4 1 4 3 7 12...reduced intrusion-related systems like the Mactung (Canada) and Pogo (Alaska) deposits [85,86]. All porphyry
(1947) Bibliography of North American geology, 1944 and 1945. Bulletin Vol. 952. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b952 Report (volume)
of Science A. I. M. E__. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Aardrijksk Aardrijkskundig...Devonian development diagram Direccidn Dissertation district distribution Division Doctoral, Document Doctoral...Meteorological, etc. microscopic, etc. Mimeographed Mineral, Mining mineral resources Mineralogic, etc. Miscellaneous...Brunswick. Agricultural and Industrial Progress in Canada, vols. 24 no. 9, 25 nos. 2, 5, 11, 26 nos. 1, 2...2, 4, 6-7, 9-12, 27 nos. 2-3, 5-12. Montreal, Canada. Alabama Academy of Science Journal vols. 16, 17
Sinkankas, John (1997) Gemstones of North America Vol. 3. Geoscience Press, Inc., Tucson, AZ. Book (volume)
necklace is 45 cm (18 in.) long. BOTTOM GROUP. Deep, spinel red oligoclase feldspar (5.04 ct), Oregon; and...events to bring the history of North American gem mining up to date. Here, then, is the latest, most complete...and interviews with persons actively engaged in mining gemstones. Pertinent references are furnished throughout...promising diamond fields being vigorously explored in Canada and the United States. Experts agree that in several...kimberlite bodies, most likely in Canada. Systematic large-scale mining of sapphire-bearing gravels in Montana
Nokleberg, Warren J., Bundtzen, Thomas K., Dawson, Kenneth M., Eremin, Roman A., Goryachev, Nikolai A., Koch, Richard D., Ratkin, Vladimir V., Rozenblum, Ilya S., Shpikerman, Vladimir I., Frolov, Yuri F., Gorodinsky, Mary E., Melnikov, Vladimir D., Ognyanov, Nikolai V., Petrachenko, Eugene D., Pozdeev, Anany I., Ross, Katherina V., Wood, Douglas H., Grybeck, Donald, Khanchuk, Alexander I., Kovbas, Lidiya I., Nekrasov, Ivan Ya., Sidorov, Anatoly A. (1996) Significant metalliferous and selected non-metalliferous lode deposits and placer districts for the Russian Far East, Alaska, and the Canadian Cordillera. Open-File Report Vol. 1996 (96-513) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr96513a Report (issue)
Format) formats, and the mineral-deposit and placer district tables in dBase 3/4, FileMaker Pro 2.0, and tab-delineated...GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA SIGNIFICANT METALLIFEROUS AND SELECTED NON-METALLIFEROUS...Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks 3-Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver 4-Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan...Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks; '-Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver; 4-Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan;...brucite, garnet, axinitc. phlogopite, serpentine, spinel, and talc. Interlaycred limestone is metasomatically
(1944, May) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 145 (5) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
i ALFRED M. STAEHLE Publisher ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL Volume 145 H. C. PARMELEE Editor New...Building; Pittsburgh, Po., 738-9 Oliver Building District Managers: New York, T. E. Alcorn, F. W. Roets;...Circulation: change my address on Engineering ond Mining Journal HIGH EFFICIENCY .r< WH.r f t> AND...YORK CITY e»m/deU dtCcUii,. ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL H. C. Parmelee, Editor What Constitutes...contest¬ ing certain unpatented mining locations in a Montana Grazing District, particularly in declaring
Goodfellow, Wayne D. - Ed. (2007) Mineral Deposits of Canada - A Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types, .District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration Methods - Special Publication No. 5. Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division. Book
Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis...Synthesis of Major Deposit-types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration...Exploration Methods Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication No...1. Ore deposits--Canada. 2. Metallogeny--Canada. 3. Physiographic provinces--Canada. 4. Mines and niineral...niineral resources--Canada. 5. Prospecting--Canada. I. Goodfellow, Wayne D. (Wayne David), 1949Il. Geological
Sinkankas, John (1976) Gemstones of North America Vol. 2. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. Book (edition)
interesting facts about the people involved in mining, current price lists of various stones, and numerous...1410 Birchmoum Road Scarborough, Ontario MlP 2E7, Canada V.-\.'- NoSTRA.'-D Rrn,'HOLD AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD...information is included on the persons involved in mining the deposits, with dates and other pertinent information...Emerald Creek garnet area, Idaho 61. Spessartine mining, Ramona, California 62. Amethyst specimens, North... CHAPTER I . Principal Gemstones Diamond in Canada. The hypothesis that alluvial diamonds found around
Sinkankas, John (1997) Gemstones of North America Vol. 3. Geoscience Press, Inc., Tucson, AZ. Book (volume)
and interviews with persons actively engaged in mining gemstones. Pertinent references are furnished throughout...promising diamond fields being vigorously explored in Canada and the United States. Experts agree that in several...kimberlite bodies, most likely in Canada. Systematic large-scale mining of sapphire-bearing gravels in Montana...Albuquerque, NM; Edward Nazelrod, Apache Canyon Mining Co., Baker, CA; Pierre Pare, Korite Minerals, Ltd........................... 90 Figure 18. Yogo Gulch, MT ............................ ..............
(1970) Bibliography of North American geology, 1966. Bulletin Vol. 1266. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1266 Report (volume)
Quebec, Division des Pecheries. Quebec, Quebec, Canada. Adv. Sci. - The Advancement of Science. of Science...Department of Geology Bulletin. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Albertan Geographer - The Albertan Geographer...Geography, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Am. Antiquity- American Antiquity. Society for...Arctic Institute of North America. Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Washington, D. C. Arctic Inst. North America Tech...Tech. Paper Paper. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Arctic Institute of North America Technical Arizona Acad
Traill, R. J. (1983) Catalogue of Canadian Minerals Revised 1980. Paper 80-18. Geological Survey of Canada Report (issue)
GEOLOGICAL SURVEV OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN MINERALS Revised 1980... Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Available i n Canada through authorized bookstore agents...and Services Canada Hull, QuCbec, Canada K I A OS9 and from Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth Street...Street Ottawa, Canada K 1A OE8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public...public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-801 l8E Canada: $10.00 ISBN 0-660-11271-6 Other countries:
Hodges, C.A., Cox, D.P., Singer, D.A., Case, J.E., Berger, B.R., Albers, J.P. (1984) U.S. Geological Survey-INGEOMINAS mineral resource assessment of Colombia. Open-File Report Vol. 1984 (84-345) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr84345 Report (issue)
complex mineralogy (such as the California-Vetas district) would be useful, not only for exploration in...the Eastern Cordillera at the California-Vetas District (Domain 23) (Sillitoe and others, 1982). Undiscovered...successful in exploration of the Viburnum Zn-Pb district of southeast Missouri, U.S.A. (Pratt, 1981). Electromagnetic...to nearby alkaline dikes that occur in the Muzo district. High salinity fluid inclusions suggest temperatures...preliminary ground magnetic survey at a known district should indicate feasibility of using the magnetic
Meng, Lin, Huang, Fei, Gao, Wenyuan, Gao, Rongzhen, Zhao, Fude, Zhou, Yiran, Li, Yongli (2022) Multi-Step Gold Refinement and Collection Using Bi-Minerals in the Laozuoshan Gold Deposit, NE China. Minerals, 12 (9) 1137 doi:10.3390/min12091137 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
carbonaceous shale exposed in the western area of the ore district (Figure 2a).2a). The The late and carbonaceous...carbonaceous shale exposed in the western area of the ore district (Figure Paleozoic gneissic granites (262 (262...OxideDominated NICO Au-Co-Bi (±Cu±W) Deposit, NWT, Canada. Econ. Geol. 2015, 110, 291–314. [CrossRef] Tormanen...reduced-intrusion related gold system (RIRGS); Dublin Gulch, western Canada. Ore Geol. Rev. 2019, 106, 28–55. [CrossRef]... X.Z.; Takasu, A.; Liu, Y.J.; Li, W.M. Zn-Rich Spinel in Association with Quartz in the Al-Rich Metapelites
(1986) Mineral deposit models. Bulletin Vol. 1693. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1693 Report (volume)
modeling. Our colleagues in the Geological Survey of Canada have preceded this effort by publishing a superb...compilation of models of deposits important in Canada (Eckstrand, 1984). Not surprisingly, our models...volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in eastern Canada and for carbonate-hosted zinc in east Tennessee...rock types 133 Cross section through the Kalavos district Cyprus showing relationship of massive sulfide...and J. M. Franklin of the Geological Survey of Canada, and by Ryoichi Kouda, Takeo Sato, and Yukio Togashi
Laznicka, Peter - Ed. (1985) Empirical Metallogeny: Depositional Environments, Lithologic Associations and Metallic Ores - Phanerozoic Environments, Associations, and Deposits - Developments in Economic Geology No. 19B. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-11844-2 Book
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T2N2, Canada ELSEVIER, Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo...Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt...J ■ I p r e s e n t l i m i t of 1 underground mining ■ ■ 1 1 •H CO CO cd •H cd \ i 4-1 •H c ...Batholith near Arequipa, Toquepala-Cerro Verde district; in the centre, Morococha and in the north, Michiquillay)...pyroxene, amphibole, plagioclase, and possibly spinel. Eclogite transformation occurs beneath the depths