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(1956) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 31 (5) 246-258 doi:10.1080/00357529.1956.11767681 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
masses of arsenopyrite were mined for their gold content at Gold Hill, Boise Co., Idaho. Shepard, in his...got a permanent job with a gravel company who was just opening up a new pit. Now isn't that a tough job...tourmaline. This comes from the gravel pit. "The owner of the gravel pit doesn't mind an occasional rock...want a mob like at Muscatine, Iowa. I live at the pit in a trailer house and collectors who wish to do...County close to the Hamilton County line; the gravel pit is close by, just over the line in Hamilton County
Barrios, S., Merinero, R., Lozano, R., Orea, I. (2015) Morphogenesis and grain size variation of alluvial gold recovered in auriferous sediments of the Tormes Basin (Iberian Peninsula) using a simple correspondence analysis. Mineralogy and Petrology, 109 (6) 679-691 doi:10.1007/s00710-015-0399-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Morphogenesis and grain size variation of alluvial gold recovered in auriferous sediments of the Tormes...techniques it is difficult to determine whether the gold particles present at fluvial placers have come from...of this would be useful in prospecting for larger gold deposits. The aim of the present work was to test...to determine the single or multisource origin of gold particles at different sites in the Tormes Basin...lode and placer gold deposits that have been exploited since ancient times. Today, gold nuggets (usually
(1950) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 25 (5) 272-279 doi:10.1080/00357529.1950.11768319 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
quartz, mica (biotite, muscovite) obsidian and gold??? Who would suppose that Colorado, the most mountainous...Can anyone supply information on the occurrence? District oí Columbia—On a recent visit to Washington, the...R & M recently about 6 lbs. of pebbles from the gravel beds of Bellevue, Jackson Co., Iowa. Among the...carefully the pebbles picked up on a trip to a gravel pit, if you have the time, but bring home also a...with a little gold. W e have a heavy clay here that carries quite a bit of "flowers of gold," according
(1956) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 31 (9) 462-475 doi:10.1080/00357529.1956.11767728 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
specimen consisting of tiny, yellow grains of native gold in dark brown limonite—small, greenish, radiating...of calcite and quartz are found in the Rogers gravel pit (which is more like a huge quarry) just north...Fortville, Ind. Mr. Johansen works in a sand and gravel pit in Hamilton Co., Ind., near Fortville which is...4 9 ) . H e sent us a number of pebbles from the pit, two of which were nicely polished, one is reddish...Rock Creek Park, about one-half mile north of the District of Columbia. I found it where a hill is being
(1868) V.—On the Gold-fields (?) of South Africa. Geological Magazine, S. 1 Vol. 5 (54) 561-563 doi:10.1017/s0016756800197092 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gregory—Gold in South Africa. 561 would have estimated it to •within five or ten pounds in five minutes...Africa is an imposture—a Bubble scheme. V . — O N THE _GOLD_-ITELDS (?) OF SOUTH AFEICA. By JAMES R. GREGORY...from the copper mines in Namaqualand, in which the gold is imbedded and associated with silicate of copper...north and west of Natal, the question is whether the gold is in sufficient quantity to pay for the labour...auriferous district " Gold diggings" and " Gold fields," when really not ten ounces of gold have as yet
(1868) Notices of Memoirs. Geological Magazine, S. 1 Vol. 5 (54) 563-569 doi:10.1017/s0016756800197109 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the place whence it had been brought—an ancient gravel-pit about three miles from the village of Old or...exposed is about eight feet in height, and the gravel contains broken flints, angular and sub-angular...from the Oolitic limestone and ironstone of the district, and rounded pebbles, composed for the. most part...high lands in the county. In the section of the gravel, I found the mass of incrusted plants from which...dimensions inwards were Diagram-section of side of Gravel-pit near Old, Northamptonshire, showing' position
(1959) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 34 (5) 210-218 doi:10.1080/00357529.1959.11766761 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Alabama, was famous over 100 years ago for its gold mines. The gold was found chiefly in placers. Records have...have it that very fine specimens of native gold in whitish quartz were found, some as float and some in...color) have been found in the Silver Mountain district, Alpine Co., Calif. COLORADO-"Prof. Richard M...octahedra in quartz from the Mica Lode, Royal Gorge District, (Fremont Co. ), Colorado. The garnet ranges in...(Litchfield Co.), Conn., have large garnet gravel pits, which gravel is used for top dressing on all the dirt
(1987) Mines and mineral producers active in California during 1986. Special Publication 93. California Division of Mines and Geology Report (issue)
(1977) Mining and mineral operations in the North-Central States - A Visitor Guide. Bureau of Mines. Book
value, are coal, petroleum, stone, and sand and gravel. The State ranks first in the Nation in production...second in stone production, fourth in sand and gravel production, and fourth in coal output. Coal was...Midwest Div. of Vulcan Materials Co. has a sand and gravel plant 1 mile east of Crystal Lake, on U.S. Highway...approximately 42 miles northwest of Chicago’s Loop area. The pit was opened in the early 1940’s, and a modern plant...in I LEGEND 1— Limestone quarry 2— Sand and gravel plant 3— Limestone quarry 4— Limestone quarry S—
Chandler, R.H., Leach, A.L., Young, A.C. (1907) Excursion to Crayford and Dartford Heath. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 20 (2) 122-126 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(07)80023-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Station at 3 p.m., and walked towards the great gravel pit at \Vansant on the northern edge of Dartford...seen in siM just below the working floor of the pit. A small patch of Tertiary pebbles, resting on the...entirely removed by denudation, upon the Chalk. Wansant pit shows no brick-earth, but false-bedded sands and...Sand at 90 ft. O. D. The top layer of _gravel_-" Dartford Heath gravel" of commerce-consists chiefly of sub-angular...the same level as the Swanscombe and Galley Hill gravel spreads; contemporaneous and, originally, continuous
Pfeil, John J., Leavitt, Alysia J., Wilks, Maureen E., Azevedo, Sandra, Hemenway, Lynne, Glesener, Kathryn, Barker, James M. (2001) Mines, Mills, and Quarries in New Mexico. Book
operator must register the mine, mill, smelter, pit, quarry or other operation with MMD on a form provided...Surface Estate: Same Chaves County ▲1 1-MESA Sand & Gravel J. W. Jones Construction Co. 8800 Susan AVE. SE...USGS Quad: Mesa Mineral Estate: Federal ▲2 OSUNA PIT Other Western Mobile New Mexico, Inc./LaFarge Corp...Albuquerque, NM 87197 Surface Estate: Same ▲2 2 Gravel/Base Course J. W. Jones Construction Co. 8800 Susan...88267 Surface Estate: Same ▲3 SHAKESPEARE PIT Sand & Gravel/Base Course/Crushed Rock Calmat Co of New
(1896) Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 14 (10) doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(96)80082-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Necess ity for Competent Geo logical Sur veys of Gold M ines. (llllIsb·ated.) By NICOL BROWN, F.G .S....H. WINWOOD, M.A., F.G.S. (llillstrated) "Pebbly Gravel" from Goring Gap to the Norfolk Coast. By A E...."/fl.) ... Excursion to the Tattingstone Crag District of Suffolk, June 6th, 1896. (li/llstrated.) ....face PLATE I.-Sketch-Map and Sections of Henley District Section near Innertkirchen ... Section from Morcote...(Gibson's Pit), showing furrows in stratified gravel 155 'Section at Hanwell (Macklin's Pit), showing
Beste, Bob (2014) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (4th ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Georgia through Montana. Book (volume)
first real Gold Rush in America occurred in Georgia following two simultaneous discoveries of Gold by Negro...Dahlonega in Lumpkin Co. Not only was placer and lode gold found in abundance here and elsewhere, but the early...found and are still being occasionally washed out of gold pans. Many other gem crystal species occur in pegmatite...been actively prospected for gold since colonial times, and the modern gold panner should concentrate his...his efforts in the known _gold_-bearing areas. Lode deposits usually consist of Quartz veins in solid rock
Adams, M.J., Pearl, Christopher A., Mccreary, Brome, Galvan, Stephanie (2014) Short-term occupancy and abundance dynamics of the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) across its core range. Open-File Report 2014-1230. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr20141230 Report (issue)
environment for statistical computing: Vienna, Austria, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, accessed...Borrow Pit Pond East Oxbow Fourmile, Cherry Creek Beaver Pond Gold Lake Gold Lake Bog Pond Gravel Pit Pond...1 Lava Lake Pond 2 Lava Lake Pond 3 LDR 62RD Gravel Pit LDR 62RD Oxbow Little Cultus Lake/Marsh Little...North BLM Borrow Pit Ponds LaPine HS and BLM Fourmile Gold Lake Gold Lake Gravel Pit @ 97 and Paulina...Parsnip Temp pond above Main Beaver Pond Pit East of Rt 46 Pit West of Rt 46 Pond SE of Crane Prairie Reservoir
Desborough, G.A., Raymond, W.H., English, B.L., Christian, R.P. (1988) Snake River gold in Idaho; distribution, grain size, grade, recovery, and composition. Open-File Report Vol. 1988 (88-352) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr88352 Report (issue)
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Snake River gold in Idaho: distribution, grain size, grade, recovery...and fineness of gold........................................ Flotation recovery of gold........................................................ Minidoka gold placers along the Snake River in Blaine and Power............................ Composition of native gold and hydrothermal amalgam...................... Summary...Some placer gold localities along the Snake River in Idaho.... Silver content of native gold from reference
(1956) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 31 (11) 574-584 doi:10.1080/00357529.1956.11767750 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
"This rock comes from my dad's gravel News on Mineral Occurrences.' pit on the outskirts of Bogalusa (Wash"The...number of specimens were received. from his father's pit, as we need items One was a loose colorless xl (no...through the Copper Country in Michigan and the district just east of Sault Ste Marie in Ontario, and can...noted Little Pipestone District, of Jefferson Co., Mont. MINNESOTA—From a gravel pit at Hopkins, (Hennepin...the Charlotte Observer relative to the old Phoenix gold mine located about 6 miles S.E. of Concord, Cabarrus
KONIZESKI, R. L. (1957) PALEOECOLOGY OF THE MIDDLE PLIOCENE DEER LODGE LOCAL FAUNA, WESTERN MONTANA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 68 (2) 131 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1957)68[131:potmpd]2.0.co;2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
distribution of modern habitat Tertiary sediments from Gold Creek through 147 Drummond 140 Middle Pliocene Deer...of the area, especially on the Butte-Silverbow district. Billingsley (1915) presents an excellent discussion... PHYSICAL GEOLOGY W| 0 139 from Lost Creek to Gold Creek (Fig. 2). Its surface merges with the Clark... Tertiary Sediments from Gold Creek through Drummond Dissection of the Gold Creek to Drummond terrace...mid-valley the east-valley unconsolidated grits. These gravel pits expose up to 30 feet of well-washed include
(1960) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 35 (3) 114-122 doi:10.1080/00357529.1960.11766575 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
a vein of gold near Dahlonega, Georgia, along with Mr. Charles Connor. "There really is gold in 'them...hills'! I know, because I worked in some of the gold mines in that area in the early 1930's, and have..."Dahlonega is an Indian name meaning 'streets of gold' and I was told that before the streets around 'The...was not unusual to find gold nuggets there after a heavy rain. A visit to the Gold Museum at Dahlonega is...in the sun as the pyrite looked green, blue, and gold. Most of the specimens were not top quality, however
Ferguson, S. A., Freeman, E. B. (1978) Ontario Occurrences of Float, Placer Gold, and other Heavy Minerals. Mineral Deposits Circular 17. Ontario Geological Survey Report (issue)
placer 229 gold, of and Al Ferguson, Ontario float, Stewart A. occurrences of placer gold, and NATURAL...Circular 17 ONTARIO OCCURRENCES OF FLOAT, PLACER GOLD, AND OTHER HEAVY MINERALS by S.A.Ferguson and...Stewart A. Ontario occurrences of float, placer gold, and other heavy minerals (Ontario Geological Survey...Natural Resources, 1978. ISBN 0-7743-5522-0 1. Gold ores--Ontario. 2. Heavy minerals--Ontario. |. ...Survey MDC if credit is given. Placer 17, 214p. Gold, and It is recommended Other Heavy that Minerals;
Hewitt, D.F. (1969) Geology and scenery, Peterborough, Bancroft and Madoc area. Guidebook GB03. Ontario Geological Survey Report (issue)
summer and winter accommodation throughout the district. There are many lakes, and fishing is good. Many...45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 5 1. 52. 53. 54. 55. Gravel pit exposing the interior of the Omemee esker. Burleigh...Moira Lake. Norwood esker ridge, near Norwood. Open pit of Marmoraton iron mine. (viii) FIGURES Page 1... the area has produced fluorspar, talc, pyrite, gold, lead and marble. The talc and marble industries...industries continue to operate today. The first gold mine to be discovered in Ontario was found at Eldorado, just
(1950) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 25 (9) 496-507 doi:10.1080/00357529.1950.11768384 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
level. Site: Arizona's Hillside mine, producer of gold, silver, lead, and zinc. The source of the uranium...elevation. "This was once a placer gold mining region. Some rich _gold_-silver-copper-lead ores have been...1 to iy2 x 2 inches in size) have been found in gravel at Emmetsburg and Graettinger, both in Palo Alto...Among the localities are Blue Earth Co. (State gravel pit on State Highway 83, between Judson and Cambria)...; Watonwan Co. (near St. James) ; Winona Co. (gravel pit north of Winona). MISSISSIPPI: Ironstone concretions
Baxter, James W., Reinertsen, David L. (1988) The Minerals of Illinois: An Overview. Rocks & Minerals, 63 (3) 194-200 doi:10.1080/00357529.1988.11761837 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Upper Mississippi Valley Zinc-Lead District 42 0 THE MINERALS OF ILLINOIS: Mining Districts 10 70...50 m. 0 10 20 30 40 SO 00 Illinois Fluorspar District Holocene and Wisconsinan J2_-~-_-_-_- C a h...Henry w i n d b l o w n sand, a n d sane sand and gravel outwash. Formation combined alluvium Wisconsinan...Wisconsinan). Glacial till w i t h some sand, gravel, and silt. G r o u n d moraine G l a s f o r d...o r m a t i o n , glacial till with some sand, gravel, and silt; age assignments of some units is uncertain
Beste, Bob (1996) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (2nd ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Illinois to North Dakota. Book (volume)
jasper, rare alluvial Diamond. THEBES: c area gravel deposits, pits, bars of the Mississippi R.⎯agate...0.8 mi. on Rte. 1 from Rte. 146 jct., then W on gravel rd. 2 mi. to the Mahoning Mine No. 3, on dumps⎯Fluorite...during gold panning operations in the regional streams that produced small quantities of Gold. In the...stream sands, especially of Greenhorn Cr., placers Gold; e rd. and RR cuts throughout Co., stream beds,...Martinsville in Johnson Co.) ⎯Hematite, Magnetite, placer Gold, Pyrite, Ilmenite, Corundum, Garnet, Diamond, Zircon
Beste, Bob (2005) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (3rd ed.) Vol. 2 - Part II - Illinois through North Dakota. Book (volume)
jasper, rare alluvial Diamond. THEBES: c area gravel deposits, pits, bars of the Mississippi R.⎯agate...0.8 mi. on Rte. 1 from Rte. 146 jct., then W on gravel rd. 2 mi. to the Mahoning Mine No. 3, on dumps⎯Fluorite...during gold panning operations in the regional streams that produced small quantities of Gold. In the...stream sands, especially of Greenhorn Cr., placers Gold; e rd. and RR cuts throughout Co., stream beds,...Martinsville in Johnson Co.) ⎯Hematite, Magnetite, placer Gold, Pyrite, Ilmenite, Corundum, Garnet, Diamond, Zircon
(1957) World News on Mineral Occurrences. Rocks & Minerals, 32 (1) 11-25 doi:10.1080/00357529.1957.11766859 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
at the Holland mine in Washington Camp Mining District near Nogales, Santa Cruz Co., Ariz ARKANSAS—"Last...showing a part of an old abandoned titanium II pit and the other showing part of the barite pits."—letter...Melanterite coating cellular gypsum (from the titanium pit). 11. Tiny brassy-yellow, striated pyrite cubes in...good subscribers, showed us one of the finest xled gold specimens we ever saw. The specimen was about 11/2...x 1^2 inches in size and came from the Red Ledge gold mine in Washington, Nevada Co., Calif. The Red Ledge