Mindat.org (original) (raw)

Cinnabar from

Venus zone, Mayo mining district, Yukon, Canada

Locality type: Prospect
Species: Cinnabar
Formula: HgS
Validity: Believed Valid
Mineral Data: Click here to view Cinnabar data
Locality Data: Click here to view Venus zone, Mayo mining district, Yukon, Canada
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID: 1509953
Long-form Identifier: 1:3:1509953:0
GUID (UUID V4): b61565a5-b8cc-43f3-b268-f546e30c9625
Kovacs, N., (2014) Carlin-style gold mineralization in the Yukon Territory, Canada, Venus Zone, Einarson Property, Anthill Resources Ltd (BSC honours, Memorial University of Newfoundland).
Reference Search (possible matching items)
**Ransom, Jay Ellis (1964) Fossils in America. Harper & Row, New York.**Bookfossil accumulations lie in a valuable mineralized zone in one locality, their occurrence elsewhere is a...opening new mining and collecting possibilities. For this reason, geologic maps used by mining geologists...Egyptian rulers were sending organized prospecting and mining expeditions into the Arabian Desert, the Sinai...achieved enduring fame as the world’s greatest mining engineer, metallurgist, and mineralogist of his...America from the Latin fodere, “to dig up.” Being a mining engineer, he used the new term for everything