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Graeser, Stefan (1998) Alpine Minerals: A review of the Most Famous Localities of the Central Swiss Alps. Rocks & Minerals, 73 (1) 14-32 doi:10.1080/00357529809603057 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland and Mineralogical Institute of the University CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland Probably...announcement forbidding the excavation of crystals in the area of cattle pastures. The first attempt to denote...excavations in GalloRoman sites in southern Switzerland (Canton Valais, Binn) several crystal treasures were discovered...in several large natural history museums in Switzerland and abroad were assembled (for example, the outstanding...occurring in cavities of rocks within a restricted area will increase with the number of rock types with
Picazo, S., Manatschal, G., Cannat, M., Andréani, M. (2013) Deformation associated to exhumation of serpentinized mantle rocks in a fossil Ocean Continent Transition: The Totalp unit in SE Switzerland. Lithos, 175. 255-271 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2013.05.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Continent Transition: The Totalp unit in SE Switzerland S. Picazo a,⁎, G. Manatschal b, M. Cannat a,...peridotites of the Totalp unit near Davos (SE Switzerland), and we propose that the Totalp unit is formed...Weissert, 1985). These sequences did not exceed _prehnite_–pumpellyite metamorphic facies conditions, and...some of these outcrops, in particular in SE Switzerland, it has been shown that the ultramafic rocks were...the Totalp unit located north of Davos in SE Switzerland. In contrast to the Platta and Tasna nappes,
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
only about distance from a better known town in the area but also about the administrative regional units...common terms are not abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and...quartz crystals, all Spain. With scolecite and prehnite in tholeitic dolerite at St.-Pandelon, near Dax...SwitzerlandItaly, overlooking Binntal, Valais canton, Switzerland, also crystals in Obersulzbachtal Valley...Kaltenberg mine, Turtmanntal Valley, Valais canton, Switzerland. In individual crystals to 1 mat Djida
Manatschal, Gianreto, Sauter, Daniel, Karpoff, Anne Marie, Masini, Emmanuel, Mohn, Geoffroy, Lagabrielle, Yves (2011) The Chenaillet Ophiolite in the French/Italian Alps: An ancient analogue for an Oceanic Core Complex?. Lithos, 124 (3) 169-184 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.10.017 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
characterized by the crystallization of albite, prehnite, pumpellyite, actinolite and epidote (Lewis and...emplaced onto the exposed faulted material. In the area between Chenaillet and Grand Charvia (Fig. 2; see...From there, it can be traced northwestwards to the area of Le Souréou, were mantle rocks and ophicalcites...rocks is sharp and can be mapped across the whole area without any evidence of a strong Alpine overprint... serpentinites and peridotites from surrounding area. For the location of samples in the sedimentary
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
portions of the flow to be deposited in another area that may be hotter or cooler. Alteration of volcanic...chemical composition and pH. The minerals in this area are commonly the same in all the open spaces. In...pathways for the fluids to circulate. The large surface area of breccia cavities and vesicles commonly reacts...metamorphism occurs when the heating covers a broad area. It is ,dif.. ferentiated from 'burial metamorpbism...Volcanic rocks that lave been heated over a wide area by a large mass of magma develop zones of minerals
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
portions of the flow to be deposited in another area that may be hotter or cooler. Alteration of volcanic...chemical composition and pH. The minerals in this area are commonly the same in all the open spaces. In...pathways for the fluids to circulate. The large surface area of breccia cavities and vesicles commonly reacts...metamorphism occurs when the heating covers a broad area. It is ,dif.. ferentiated from 'burial metamorpbism...Volcanic rocks that lave been heated over a wide area by a large mass of magma develop zones of minerals
(1980) Geology of the European Countries - Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Dunod. Book
Republic of Germany, . Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom • 1 DF • IV 0 I ' '~ \,...Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom • Denmark, Finland, Iceland...Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom Published in cooperation with... . . . . TERTIARY BEDS OF THE INN VALLEY IN THE AREA OF KUFSTEIN-W0RGL . . . . . . . THE MOLASSE ZONE...ZONE BETWEEN THE RIVERS SALZACH AND INN AND THE AREA OF AMSTETTEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jervis, Guglielmo (1873) I tesori sotterranei dell'Italia descrizione topografica e geologica di tutte le localita nel Regno d'Italia [The underground treasures of Italy topographical and geological description of all the locations in the Kingdom of Italy] Vol. 1 - Regione Della Alpi. Book (volume)
magnetite ; ivi. Apatite, associata ad epidoto e prehnite ; nel monte Ovarda , detto pure da alcuni la Novarda...lamellare , associata ad asbesto, idocrasia , prehnite , taico ed epidoto ; ivi. Epidoto color verde...aciculare raggiata , associata a prehnite e mica verde ; ivi. Prehnite bianco-giallastro , raggiata a cresta...associata a quarzo, talco, ecc .; ivi . Epidoto; ivi. Prehnite globuliforme a struttura raggiata, entro schisto...all'analisi : oro 0,00005 , argento 0,000345. Prehnite; presso il ghiacciaio di Lys nel Monte Rosa ,
Hintze, Carl (1897) Handbuch der Mineralogie Vol. 2 - Silicate und Titanate. Verlag Von Veit & Comp., Leipzig. Book (volume)
verwachsen auf der Südscite des Fluelapasses am Schwarzhorn bei Davos ; ähnlich auch am Parpaner Rothhorn...localité certaine ", „ provenant probablement du Valais", welcher die Formen MTPlon , (029), y (211), (323)...,,La propriété électrique que les cristaux de prehnite acquièrent par la chaleur, s'exerce dans le sens...roche argileuse, qui lui sert de base.“ 3 ,,La prehnite de France a été trouvée vers l'an 1782 , par le...plutôt à croire qu'elle doit être associée à la prehnite." * Vergl. S. 474 Anm . 3 und S. 475 Anm . 1