3-85977-002-0 Copyright by Wepf & Co., Basel Printed in Switzerland Buchdruckcrci Birkhauser AG, Basel inTIWNRI...Luzern; Jos. (t) und Anton Imhof, Ried b. Brig und Binn; P. Indergand, Goschenen; A. und 0. Jochum, Poschiavo;... . . . . . . . . Fundgebiet 5 : Baltschiedertal-_Goms_-Urserental (H. A. Stalder) Fundortgruppen 5 a bis...ist aus den Daten von MELGEREI nicht abzulesen. Albite sind weitverbreitete Mineralieri vieler Fundortgruppen...Oligoklas aufzufassen. WEIBEL (1958) hat einige Albite a nalysiert und festgestellt, da8 sie sehr rein |
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. |
Book |
KCay [(Be,Al)SiOro]s Val Giuv, Graubinden, Switzerland aquamarine colourless, white pearly transpar...in ore veins ALBITE Na[Al1Si,03] (Felspar Family) Intschitobel near Amsteg, Switzerland monoclinic...in druses in alpine cracks, in ore veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite ADULARIA K[AI1Si3;05]...(Felspar Family) (Felspar Family) Grimsel, Switzerland Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Italy triclinic cf....ANDESINE Constituent of Na[Al1Si,O.] Ca[Al,Si,O.} (albite + anorthite) triclinic (Felspar Family) Esterel |
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. |
Book |
MILARITE KCa[(Be,Al)Si4Oluh Vai Giuv, Graubitnden, Switzerland tabular crystals, frequent twin striation monoclinic...jord, Norway ALBITE NalAlSi O.l ( Felspar Family Intschitobel near Amsteg. Switzerland barytes 101...in druscs in alpine cracks, in orc veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite ADULARIA KlAlSi...KlAlSi.OJ (Felspar Family) Grimscl, Switzerland colourless, white, grey white, reddish vitreous, 6 pearly...ANDESINE Constituent of Na[AlSiaO,J Ca[Al.Si,O.) (albite r anorthite) (Felspar Family) Estercl, France |
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. |
Book |
developed. 14 I, chakanthite kyanlte rhodonite albite V "' orthociase '--....v gypsum wolframite...in druses in alpine cracks, in ore veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite Name & Chem. Formula...Graubunden, Switzerland EUDIDYMITE NaBe [OH Si301 J Langesundsfjord, Norway - ALBITE Na[A1Si3 0,J...Intschitobel near Amsteg, Switzerland ADULARIA K[AlSi 30i] (Felspar Family) G rimsel, Switzerland - rock constituents...ANDESINE Constituent of Na[A1Si3 0 8 ] Ca[Al2Si20 8 l (albite + anorthite) (Felspar Family) Esterel, France |
Bugge, Carl (1917) Kongsbergfeltetes geologi. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 82 |
Report (issue) |
fra Danas "A System of Mineralogy" Lokalitet Fleschhorn: Si02 AI20a Fe O Mg O Ca O 58,18 pct. 3,17 11...mentioned quartz, barytic feldspar, barite, axinite, albite, clorite, zeolites and bitumene. Professor VoGT |