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Parker, R. L., Stalder, H. A., de Quervain, F., Niggli, E., Graeser, St. (1973) Die Mineralfunde Der Schweiz (2nd ed.) Verlag Wepf & Co., Basel. Book (edition)
3-85977-002-0 Copyright by Wepf & Co., Basel Printed in Switzerland Buchdruckcrci Birkhauser AG, Basel inTIWNRI...Luzern; Jos. (t) und Anton Imhof, Ried b. Brig und Binn; P. Indergand, Goschenen; A. und 0. Jochum, Poschiavo;... . . . . . . . . Fundgebiet 5 : Baltschiedertal-_Goms_-Urserental (H. A. Stalder) Fundortgruppen 5 a bis...ist aus den Daten von MELGEREI nicht abzulesen. Albite sind weitverbreitete Mineralieri vieler Fundortgruppen...Oligoklas aufzufassen. WEIBEL (1958) hat einige Albite a nalysiert und festgestellt, da8 sie sehr rein
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
KCay [(Be,Al)SiOro]s Val Giuv, Graubinden, Switzerland aquamarine colourless, white pearly transpar...in ore veins ALBITE Na[Al1Si,03] (Felspar Family) Intschitobel near Amsteg, Switzerland monoclinic...in druses in alpine cracks, in ore veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite ADULARIA K[AI1Si3;05]...(Felspar Family) (Felspar Family) Grimsel, Switzerland Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Italy triclinic cf....ANDESINE Constituent of Na[Al1Si,O.] Ca[Al,Si,O.} (albite + anorthite) triclinic (Felspar Family) Esterel
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
MILARITE KCa[(Be,Al)Si4Oluh Vai Giuv, Graubitnden, Switzerland tabular crystals, frequent twin striation monoclinic...jord, Norway ALBITE NalAlSi O.l ( Felspar Family Intschitobel near Amsteg. Switzerland barytes 101...in druscs in alpine cracks, in orc veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite ADULARIA KlAlSi...KlAlSi.OJ (Felspar Family) Grimscl, Switzerland colourless, white, grey­ white, reddish vitreous, 6 pearly...ANDESINE Constituent of Na[AlSiaO,J Ca[Al.Si,O.) (albite r anorthite) (Felspar Family) Estercl, France
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
developed. 14 I, chakanthite kyanlte rhodonite albite V "' orthociase '--....v gypsum wolframite...in druses in alpine cracks, in ore veins quartz, albite, pericline, titanite, chlorite Name & Chem. Formula...Graubunden, Switzerland EUDIDYMITE NaBe [OH Si301 J Langesundsfjord, Norway - ALBITE Na[A1Si3 0,J...Intschitobel near Amsteg, Switzerland ADULARIA K[AlSi 30i] (Felspar Family) G rimsel, Switzerland - rock constituents...ANDESINE Constituent of Na[A1Si3 0 8 ] Ca[Al2Si20 8 l (albite + anorthite) (Felspar Family) Esterel, France
Bugge, Carl (1917) Kongsbergfeltetes geologi. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 82 Report (issue)
fra Danas "A System of Mineralogy" Lokalitet Fleschhorn: Si02 AI20a Fe O Mg O Ca O 58,18 pct. 3,17 11...mentioned quartz, barytic feldspar, barite, axinite, albite, clorite, zeolites and bitumene. Professor VoGT