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(1977) Europe Issue. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 8 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Lengenbach Mineral Locality, Binna Valley, Valais, Switzerland............................................Imhof Famous Mineral Localities: Lengenbach, Switzerland 275 by Stefan Graeser Rare Earth Minerals in...Bochum-Querenburg, West Germany Eric Offermann Arlesheim, Switzerland photomicrography: Julius Weber Mamaroneck, New...g e n b a c h q u a rry , B in n a V a lle y , Valais, S w itz e rla n d (see a rtic le s in th is issue...have been formed in the last few years. The Oslo Area club (Oslo og Omegn Geologiforening) has its own
Graeser, S. (1968) Lead isotopes and minor elements in galenas and sulphosalts from Binnatal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 4 (5) 384-392 doi:10.1016/0012-821x(68)90068-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sches Institut, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland Received 6 May 1968 Lead isotope compositions...galenas and sulphosalts from Binnatal (Ct. Wallis, Switzerland). Isotope compositions yielded model ages ranging...composition we may distinguish 4 or 5 different galena groups. These groups are the result of mixtures...geodes in a mostly "sugary", white dolomite of Triassic age. This dolomite represents the sedimentary cover...Monte Leone nappe. There are several different dolomite layers passing through the valley in N E - S W
Graeser, Stefan (1969) Minor elements in sphalerite and galena from Binnatal. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 24 (2) 156-163 doi:10.1007/bf00376888 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
156--163 (1969) Minor Elements in Sphalerite and Galena from Binnatal Relations to Coloration Problems...of 23 sphalerites and galenas from Binnatal, Switzerland, have been determined. Most of these samples...content, it is possible to distinguish several galena types; a similar grouping has been found by lead...quarry in Binnatal (or Binnenthal), Kt. Walhs, Switzerland, the locality and its minerals have been studied...occurring in geodes in a mostly sugary, white dolomite of Triassic age. Many of these minerals - - as
Swennen, R., Viaene, W. (1990) Lithogeochemical patterns around Pb-Zn mineralizations in Dinantian carbonate rocks of (eastern) Belgium. Mineralium Deposita, 25 (4) doi:10.1007/bf00198994 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
synclinorium where Pb-Zn mineralizations occur. In this area a relation may exist with the metallogenetic district...existence of disseminated sulfide minerals (sphalerite, galena and pyrite) and Zn-bearing goethite (mainly pseudomorphs...in prospecting for Pb-Zn mineralizations in this area. The aim of this paper is to document lithogeochemical...and Swennen (1986). The Dinantian sequence in this area can be subdivided into four lithological units (from...reflect subtidal sedimentation conditions; 2. a dolomite sequence (locally up to 300 m thick). These dolomites
(1963) Geology of the Dubuque North quadrangle, Iowa-Wisconsin-Illinois. Bulletin Vol. 1123. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1123c Report (volume)
Shale Member...________________________ Pecatonica Dolomite Member. _____ ________ McGregor Limestone Member________...Member_________________________ Ion Dolomite Member..____________________. Galena Dolomite._______________________________...Wisconsin-Illinois-Iowa zinc-lead district, is an area of about 37 square miles in Iowa, 17 square miles...St. Peter Sandstone and consists of limestone, dolomite, and shale and ranges in thickness from 52 to...in ascending order: Glenwood Shale, Pecatonica Dolomite, McGregor Limestone, and Quimbys Mill. The Decorah
Willman, Harold Bowen (1943) High-purity dolomite in Illinois. Report of Investigations 90. Illinois State Geological Survey Report (issue)
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS — No. 90 HIGH-PURITY DOLOMITE IN ILLINOIS BY H. B. WiLLMAN PRINTED BY AUTHORITY...REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS — No. 90 HIGH-PURITY DOLOMITE IN ILLINOIS BY H. B. WiLLMAN PRINTED BY AUTHORITY...of high-purity dolomite 10 Discussion of terms 13 Character of high-purity dolomite Coral 14 . ... Kankakee area 30 Sag 37 Bridge area CONTENTS— Continued Page Chicago Heights area 39 Stony...Stony Island area Romeo . area 41 Hinsdale area New Lenox 40 . area 45 Manhattan area . LaGrange
Krey, Frank, Lamar, J.E. (1925) Limestone resources of Illinois. Bulletin 46. Illinois State Geological Survey Report (issue)
Origin and distribution — — of limestone and dolomite in Illinois. General statement Chapter III. The...of tests General requirements of limestone and dolomite used in various types of roads Water-bound macadam...Du Page County Ill 113 113 Shipping quarry Outcrops mainly of local importance Grundy County 113...sites Local quarries Kendall County Local quarries Outcrops of local importance Lake County La Salle County...County Shipping quarries Local quarries Outcrops from which rock for local use may he secured Lee County
Smith, Arthur E., Fay, Robert O., Lobell, Joe (1997) Oklahoma: Mineral Locality Index. Rocks & Minerals, 72 (4) 252-264 doi:10.1080/00357529709605050 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
brochantite, and sphalerite. 0 k,,,ama, a state with an area of almost 70,000 square miles, is not known as the...counties. In addition, the TriState zinchead mining area, active for more than one hundred years, extends...southeastern Oklahoma. Only relatively recently has this area been seriously exploited by recreational and commercial...of this type of locality is the copper mineral outcrops in the Permian red beds. Joe Lobell’s (1986) article...R.11W, plus others, Permian-age Cedar Springs Dolomite and Flowerpot Shale: malachite (Fay 1962, 1964)
Fisher, Daniel Jerome (1925) Geology and mineral resources of the Joliet Quadrangle. Bulletin 51. Illinois State Geological Survey Report (issue)
Chapter I. Introduction Location and extent of the area Purpose and scope of the report Field work and acknowledgments...series Middle Ordovician system St. Peter sandstone _Galena_-Platteville formation Upper Ordovician system Richmond...Edgewood formation Kankakee formation Niagaran dolomite 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 23 23 23 23...Sulphides Pyrite Marcasite — Concluded. 49 49 49 Galena and sphalerite 49 Oxides Quartz Limonite Carbonates...Carbonates 49 49 50 50 Calcite 50 Dolomite 50 — Chapter IV. Post-Silurian, pre-Glacial history Chapter
Bookstrom, Arthur A., El Komi, Mohamed, Christian, Ralph P., Bazzari, Maher A. (1990) An evaluation and geochemical survey of the Farah Garan East Prospect, Southeast Asir, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Open-File Report Vol. 1990 (90-421) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr90421 Report (issue)
Farah Garan East prospect are pyrite, tennantite, galena, and sphalerite. These are sparsely and erratically...erratically distributed in west-dipping beds of dolomite, _dolomite_-talc breccia, and carbonate-sericite phyllite...rocks, all of Precambrian age. Concordant beds of dolomite and carbonate-sericite phyllite are interlayered...bodies of _dolomite_-talc breccia that crop out near the north and south ends of the dolomite beds are interpreted...hot-spring vent breccias. Aprons of exhalative dolomite thin laterally outward from these vents. Discordant
Thompson, R. M., Gower, J. A. (1954) A magnesium borate from Isere, France, and Swift River, Yukon Territory, with x-ray powder data for some anhydrous borates. American Mineralogist, 39 (5-6) 522-524 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
In addition to these minerals, monazite, zircon, galena and chalcopyrite have been identified. AcrwowtBocMENTS...thesis, Unirers'ity of British Columb,ia,1952). This area lies in the southeastern Yukon Territory between...settlement in the area. A magnetite-pyrrhotite deposit in limestone and dolomite outcrops on the east bank...noted in a gangueof serpentine,diopside, calcite, dolomite, chlorite, and clinohumite. Ludwigite needlesabout
Schwartz, George M. (1936) The Geology of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Bulletin 27. Minnesota Geological Survey Report (issue)
GEOLOGY OF THE MINNEAPOLISST. PAUL METROPOLITAN AREA BY GEORGE M. SCHWARTZ MINNEAPOLIS. 1936 THE U...detailed data on various geologic phases of the area in and near Minneapolis and St. Paul. The immediate...Engineer v vi GEOLOGY OF THE MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL AREA of St. Paul, was much interested in the work and...Chronological List of Publications on the Geology of the Area.................................................... ~ GEOGRAPHY OF THE MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL AREA, by RICHARD HARTSHORNE . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeev, Nikita, Burlow, Rick, Tessalina, Svetlana (2017) The Paroo Station Mine supergene lead deposits, Western Australia: Geological and geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 80. 564-593 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.07.017 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
synchronously with the MVT prospects in the Teague area in the Earaheedy Basin approximately 120 km to the...collapse quartz-clay breccia unit marking the dolomite weathering front; (2) - the contact of siltstone...dissolution, volume reduction, and oxidation of the galena and (minor) sphalerite, as well as leaching out...mineralisation remain puzzling and some of genetic aspects area debatable due to a lack of information. We provide...studied based on 11 samples of the Yelma dolomite from five outcrops at slopes of the Magellan Hill and from
Smith, R. C. II (1977) Zinc and lead occurrences in Pennsylvania. Mineral Resource Report M72. Pennsylvania Geological Survey Report (issue)
furnished old reports on the Milesburg Gap and New Galena prospects. J. E. Baker Company's geologist, L....author with sampling in the active Friedens ville area; exploration geologist Charles G. Van Ness furnished...John Clauser (Edison quarry and especially New Galena), Thomas O'Neil (a generous selection from Lime...through the trace-sphalerite occurrences in the York area. IV Drs. Jacob Freedman and John W. Price of...drill site), and R. L. Schmiermund (Keystone mine area base map). Donald T. Hoff of the William Penn Memorial
Swart, D., Dippenaar, M.A., Van Rooy, J.L. (2019) Mechanical and hydraulic properties of residual dolomite and wad. South African Journal of Geology, 122 (3) 379-388 doi:10.25131/sajg.122.0024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Mechanical and hydraulic properties of residual dolomite and wad D. Swart, M.A. Dippenaar and J.L. Van...reserved. Abstract The properties of residual dolomite, sometimes termed wad, are variable and uncertain...represents the insoluble residue after dissolution of dolomite and is commonly found in the Neoarchaean Malmani...of South Africa. Results concur that residual dolomite is not typically dispersive, has low density that...sinkholes can possibly occur. Introduction Residual dolomite, occasionally termed ‘wad’ when possessing certain
El-Shatoury, H. M., Whelan, James A. (1970) Mineralization in the Gold Hill mining district, Tooele County, Utah. Bulletin 83. Utah Geological Survey Report (issue)
. . . . . . . . Geologic map of Rodenhouse Wash area, showing occurrence of berylliferous quartz-carbonate-adularia...,,/ ~ '\ 20 CO. 30 , ~y;~ 'I. ........ AREA OF INDEX Scale in Miles Improved road - - - Unimproved...EI-Shatoury.J../ and J. A. Whelan..L! ABSTRACT area is composed of a highly dissected group of hills...of Gold Hill village is 5,321 feet. The Gold Hill area is bounded on the east by the Great Salt Lake Desert...Mountain whose highest elevation is 7,541 feet. The area is characterized by an interior drainage system
(1957) Magnesium resources of the United States--a geologic summary and annotated bibliography to 1953. Bulletin Vol. 1019. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1019e Report (volume)
_.._.__..__-____....__..__.-.-._______________ Dolomite...._._._-__.._-._-___._----.__..___-_.____.___...404 405 408 409 410 411 412 413 IV CONTENTS Dolomite Continued Indiana____________________________...compounds are sea water and sea-water bitterns, dolomite, magnesite, brucite^ and inland brines. Brines...now common practice to substitute dolomite for lime. The dolomite furnishes the necessary lime and additional...United States principally as a replacement in dolomite. Its chief use is as a refractory material in
(1954) Fluorspar deposits of Utah. Bulletin Vol. 1005. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1005 Report (volume)
5. 6. Geologic map of the Cougar Spar-Blue Bell area, Beaver County, Utah. . ..,. <-. Geologic plans...sizeable tonnages of fluorspar from pipes in faulted dolomite and rhyolite porphyry. From 1918 to 1924 the Silver...Star district near Milford, in the Monarch (Staats) area 47 miles west of Milford, and in the Indian Peak...Utah-Nevada State line. In Juab County the fluorspar area is in the Thomas Bange in, the center of the county...Quartz locally fills openings in fluorite and the dolomite wall rock in the Thomas Range district; in some
Lamar, John Everts, Willman, Harold Bowen, Fryling, Charles Frederick, Voskuil, Walter Henry (1934) Rock wool from Illinois mineral resources. Bulletin 61. Illinois State Geological Survey Report (issue)
DuQuoin area 23 Freeburg area Gale-Grand Tower area 28 JoDaviess-Stephenson County area 39 31 ...LaSalle area Workability of deposits uncertain 65 Blue Island area 65 East 83 St. Louis area Elgin-...Aurora area 89 Kankakee area Lemont area 97 95 Oregon area 99 Pontiac area 100 Valmeyer area 102...Thornton area 104 Utica area 105 104 109 Workability of deposits uncertain 109 Divine area Milan...Milan area Chapter III Woolrock and sub-woolrock deposits Woolrock deposit — 110 in less economically favorable
Shapiro, Lewis H., Gries, John Paul (1970) Ore deposits in rocks of Paleozoic and Tertiary age of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota. Open-File Report Vol. 1970 (70-300) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr70300 Report (issue)
Mines of the Deadwood Mining District ....... 106 Galena Mining District ................. 107 4.41 ...Geology of the Galena Mining District ....... 108 4.43 Lead-Silver Mines of the Galena Mining District...District . . 109 4.44 Gol'd Mines of the Galena Mining District ..... 117 Garden-Ma itland Mining District...127 4.62.1 Lead-Blacktail Area ............ 127 4.62.2 Yellow Creek Area ............. 130 Ragged...CONTENTS - Con't. 4.8 4.9 Page 4.74.1 Dacy Area ................. 147 4.74.2 Deadwood Standard
(1954) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 4 (4) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
France, Canada, Germany, Holland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.A. ASSAYERS BANK to OF the ENGLAND...larger size rock sections. Specimens up to 8" by 6'" area can be cut quickly andeconomically. Thismodel can...Plate I Photomicrographs of Rocks from Broken Hill Area . facing p. 356 Plate II Photomicrographs of...of Broken Hill a narrow ESB-trending tongue of dolomite, with subordinate bands of siliceous and argillaceous...angles a north-westerly plunging syncline in the dolomite. They strike in a general direction between N
Thorne, A. M., Seymour, D. B. (1991) Geology of the Ashburton Basin, Western Australia. Bulletin 139. Geological Survey of Western Australia Report (issue)
Creek Dolomite, Duck Creek Gorge. Alternating beds of stromatolitic and non-stromatolitic dolomite (dark...24 CHAPTER 3 CHEELA SPRINGS BASALT AND WOOLY DOLOMITE Page Cheela Springs Basalt ........................................................... Wooly Dolomite ................................................42 CHAPTER 5 DUCK CREEK DOLOMITE AND JUNE HILL VOLCANICS Duck Creek Dolomite .............. ...........Creek Dolomite ........................... Relic evaporite textures in the Duck Creek Dolomite .....
Jabłońska, Mariola, Janeczek, Janusz, Smieja-Król, Beata (2021) The Impact of Ambient Atmospheric Mineral-Dust Particles on the Calcification of Lungs. Minerals, 11 (2) 125 doi:10.3390/min11020125 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed...of a person living in the Los Angeles, California area [17]. The life-time accumulation of mineral dust...individuals residing for a long time (>60 years) in an area of high ambient particle concentrations retain much...particles compared to long-term residents of an area of low ambient pollution levels. The mineral composition...[22] in Vancouver, Paoletti et al. [23] in the Rome area, and Stettler et al. [18] in Cincinnati, Ohio. The
Beaty, David W., Landis, Gary P., Thompson, Tommy B. - Eds. (1990) Carbonate-Hosted Sulfide Deposits of the Central Colorado Mineral Belt. Economic Geology Monograph 7. Economic Geology Publishing Company Report (issue)
marmatite with minor gale na and quartz. W hite dolomite fills some ,·ugs. Late narrow veinlets of quartz...hrownis11-gray dolomite sand matrix , locally cemented or veined with ferroan dolomite. rv1oose mine,...Leadville Dolo1nite: Geochemisti·y of the Leadville Dolomite (Mississippian), central Colorado ..............ore-bearing b e ds in the Leadville Dolomite, Leadville-Gilman area .....................................which an estin1ated 50,000 people 1noved into th e area (Blair, 198 0). These so-called " Fifty-Niners"
Ridge, John Drew (1976) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the USSR) and Australasia. Pergamon Press. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-02747-8 Book
Paleozoic beds in the Azegour dis­ trict; their outcrops are grouped in four principal bands that strike...the west side, they are anticlinally folded in the area between the two summits of the Aborji Mountain....changes begin in the schists. Carbonates in this area are, however, even more strongly affected. The schists...unmineralized marble, is a band of quartzitic dolomite containing chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and traces...certain, however, that the rocks of the Azegour area underwent deformation, plutonic intrusion, contact