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Mineral Data:

Click here to view Quartz data

Locality Data:

Click here to view Munka deposit, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden

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Nearest other occurrences of Quartz

58.5km (36.4 miles)

Kallak iron ore deposit, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

58.6km (36.4 miles)

Rakten, Ultevis, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

64.3km (40.0 miles)

Sörhårås, Ultevis, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

66.8km (41.5 miles)

Laisvall Mine, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden

70.2km (43.6 miles)

Stuor-Njåske, Ultevis, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

76.0km (47.2 miles)

Flakaberget, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

76.2km (47.3 miles)

Pajeb Muitunisjaure, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden

87.3km (54.2 miles)

Ruoutevare, Jokkmokk, Norrbotten County, Sweden

92.2km (57.3 miles)

Andreas prospect, Sulitjelma Copper Mines, Sulitjelma, Fauske, Nordland, Norway

92.4km (57.4 miles)

Kong Oscar Mine, Sulitjelma Copper Mines, Sulitjelma, Fauske, Nordland, Norway


Reference Search (possible matching items)

Stein, Holly J. (2006) Low-rhenium molybdenite by metamorphism in northern Sweden: Recognition, genesis, and global implications. Lithos, 87 (3) 300-327 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2005.06.014 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Low-rhenium molybdenite by metamorphism in northern Sweden: Recognition, genesis, and global implications...samples from two small Mo districts in northern Sweden trace a 150 m.y. Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian...Svecofennian anatexis in northern Sweden. The Kåtaberget Mo–(Cu, F) deposit is located in the Moskosel granite...at 1875 F 6 Ma. The Allebuoda (Björntjärn) and Munka Mo–(W) deposits in the Rappen district are represented...suggest that Mo–(W) mineralization in northern Sweden is not intrusion-related, but the local product
Walser, G., Einarsson, Ö. (1982) The geological context of molybdenum occurrences in the Southern Norrbotten Region, Northern Sweden. Geologische Rundschau, 71 (1) 213-229 doi:10.1007/bf01825038 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Molybdenum Occurrences in the Southern Norrbotten Region, Northern Sweden By G. WALS~a, Lule~, and {3. EINARSSON...Zusammenfassung Aus dem Gebiet des siidlichen Norrbotten (Nord-Schweden) wird eine Molybd~in~Provinz ...age is described from the Southern Norrbotten region (Northern Sweden). This province occurs at the margin...molybdbne d'~ge Prot6rozoique moyen de la r6gion du Norrbotten m6ridional (Su6de septentrionale). Cette province...Survey of Sweden, S-951 28 Luleh, Sweden, and Dr. O. EINARSSON, Geological Survey of Sweden, S 980 60