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Dusmatov, Vyacheslav D. (2003) A.E. Fersman's contribution to the systematic collection of the mineralogical museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. New Data on Minerals, 38. 135-141 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
scientific activity, after each trip to any region of Russia and Europe, brought interesting mineralogical material...since 1905, he visited open pits of Podolsk, stone_quarry_ of Dorogomilovo, outcrops of Khoroshevo and Myachkovo...where has collected ratoffkite1 (earthy fluorite), quartz, ferriallophane, shanyavskite, beraunit, calcite...magnesium silicates collected by him in the Nizhniy Novgorod province. These are mainly palygorskite and spherosiderite...vacations, has collected from the Kurtsy stone_quarry_, near the summer residence of Golovninsky (Kastel)
(1996) Fish assemblages in the Tournaisian-Viséan environments of the East European Platform, in Recent Advances in Lower Carboniferous Geology. Special Publication, 107. Geological Society of London. 387-415 doi:10.1144/gsl.sp.1996.107.01.28 Report (chapter)
Sciences, 123 Profsoyuznaya Street, 117647, Moscow, _Russia_Abstract: New fish material, including microremains... Kaluga and Ryasan regions) and northwestern (Novgorod region) parts of the Moscow Syneclise, and the...vertebrates. Tournaisian fishes from the central part of Russia were first described in the second half of the...Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (PIN). Systematic description Phylum Vertebrata...Upper Vis6an, Polotnyany Zavod quarry, Kaluga Region, Central Russia. From STROGEN, P., SOMERVILLE,I
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I. (2003) New acquisitions of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum Russian Academy of Sciences (1997–2001) New Data on Minerals, 38. 101-112 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
species are represented by more than 100 specimens.Quartz and calcite are almost always the best represented...was no exception: there were 190 newly acquired quartz specimens and 165 samples of calcite. In addition...addition to previously collected Russian_quartz_ specimens, new rock crystal druzes were collected from Alpine...Astaf’yevskoe deposit. Yu. Pustov donated pseudodipyramidal quartz crystals of about 1 cm long on hedenbergite and...cleaved green (due to hedenbergite inclusions) quartz crystals on an andradite crust from Dal’negorsk
Gorbachev, B. F. (1983) Kaolin-bearing geologic associations. International Geology Review, 25 (8) 882-889 doi:10.1080/00206818309466780 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Only shows known Prosyanovskoye Polozhskoye_Borovichi_Platformal Late (activation) No kaolin-bearing...primarily quartzkaolinite (dickite), _quartz_-pyrophyllite,_quartz_-sericite, and intermediate types, are...refractory clay rocks in the _Borovichi_-Lyubitin region (Novgorod district) is of such an origin. It should...metasomatites of Such geologic conditions, on the whole,_quartz_-kaolinite (dickite) or quartzcontribute to the
Moisseeva, Marina L. (2003) Petr A. Kochubei and His Mineral Collection in A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum. New Data on Minerals, 38. 89-98 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
contribution to development of engineering and industry in Russia. P.A.Kochubei participated actively in organization...Nerchinsk (Koksharov, 1852–1855). Now Zgurovka, Kiev oblast'. The contemporaries marked P.A. Kochubei to «turn... physician, one of initiators of toxicology in Russia, founder of the journal «Arkhiv sudebnoi meditsiny...Partnership) that became the largest oil firm in Russia (Bol'shaya Rossiiskaya…, 2001–2002). 16 Engel'gart...specimens. In the nineteenth century, mining in _Russia_developed rapidly, new deposits were being discovered
Sigov, A. P. (1961) STRATIGRAPHIC AND CORRELATIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRIGENOUS COMPONENTS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. International Geology Review, 3 (10) 907-916 doi:10.1080/00206816109473839 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
uniform: among rock-building minerals prevailed quartz, kaolin, partly hydromicas. Among accessories the...kaolin weathering, all rock-forming minerals, save quartz, are almost completely decomposed, with various...aqueous solution. Thus, all rocks, except for vein quartz, quartzite, and some siliceous varieties, are fully...area is made solely of granites with a series of quartz veins. The granite weathering crust is represented...represented by kaolin clay with grains of primary quartz. The_quartz_ veins have undergone disintegration through
Vikulova, M.F., Zvyagin, B.B. (1968) Influence of formation conditions of clayey rocks on development and alteration of structural characteristics in clay minerals. International Geology Review, 10 (10) 1128-1137 doi:10.1080/00206816809474982 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
regarded as pseudocells. group IX). In many fractions quartz was present 2. By triclinic-monoclinic (groups...which have been intensively transformed in situ (Borovichi fireclay phase, fluviatile sandy rocks; the Turbovo...example in the fireclays found in shaft workings at Borovichi (samples IV-630a, 649 1 and 649 2). In the samples
Shabad, Theodore (1951) Geography of the USSR - A Regional Survey. Columbia University Press, New York. Book
more arbitrary. Thus, it appears that Murmansk Oblast is sometimes also included within the European...part of the European North. Similarly, Gor’kiy Oblast may fall within the Central Industrial Region rather...disposition awaits the Japanese peace treaty, Kaliningrad Oblast (northern East Prussia), which is to be definitely...the framework of the book were the 1947 election district data supplied by John V. Grauman, of the American...will manifest itself in the creation of a separate oblast for that region, as was the case during the Second
(1995) World of Stones 8. "Plus" Ltd. Publishing Journal (issue)
"WORLD OF STONES Publishing" Box 162, 103050 Moscow, _Russia_Tel/fax: (7-095) 2033574 Color separation: l'ervaya...Printed i n P PA " L e o To l s t o y " , Tu l a , Russia. Or. 1520. 3 0 0 0 copies. Cover 1 Calcite crystal...with the rudiments of mineralogy and vistepite.Russia. It includes collections of Moscow while at the...superior "visual aids" for the minerals, such as quartz, calcite, gypsum, trons of the arts and sciences...exhibition of minerals and largest one to be found in Russia (about 1 seum from 1930 to 1950. In the 1930s,
Shimkin, Demitri B. (1953) Minerals - A Key to Soviet Power. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Book
RESEARCH CENTER STUDIES 1. Public Opinion in Soviet Russia: A Study in Mass Persuasion by Alex Inkeles 2...Social Change by Barrington Moore, Jr. 3. Justice in Russia: An Interpretation of Soviet Law by Harold J. Berman...Piezoelectric Quartz Crystals, and Strontium 282. IX THE DEVELOPMENT AND POTENTIALS OF_RUSSIA_ 'S MINING...emery, diamonds, fluorspar, micas, piezo-electric quartz crystals and strontium. A number of important minerals...excluding some 20 per cent additional produced in North Russia by the Main Administration of the Northern Sea
Chukhrov, F.V. (1977) Genetic relationship between karst bauxites and chemogenic eluvium. International Geology Review, 19 (9) 1009-1020 doi:10.1080/00206817709471103 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
86:1.0 5.66:1.00 15.18:1.00_Quartz_, calcite, Quartz, he- Quartz, dol- Quartz, goethkaollnite, goethite...Calcite, hydromica, hematite. goethite, kaolinite, quartz. magnetite Si02, 19-43% A12C-3, and 2-17% Fe203...apparently also flowed into the basins of the Borovichi region ( RSFSR) and the Pripyat lowland (BSSR)
(1991) Iron and Steel Works of the USSR. Metal Bulletin Books, Worcester Park. Book
rnsscosecrececccckrcnteretceneeceteeetes ceere cree 34_Novgorod_ RegionalEnterprise cv. ccsscvs-cossdcecs vases...Bogdanovichsky Refractory Production Amalgamation_Borovichsky_ Retractory Works ©sere ee sccs cuscasees otcacesn...Address Zheleznogorsk-llimsky, Nizhneilimsky District, Irkutsk Region, 665680. Management ee V.N.Khohlov...mine, etc._BOROVICHSKY_REFRACTORY WORKS Address 18 Koltsov Street, Borovichi, Novgorod Region, 174402...WORKS Address Pos. Christoforovka, Krivorozhsky District, Dnepropetrovsk Region, 322807. Management Works
Ault, W.U, Kulp, J.L (1959) Isotopic geochemistry of sulphur. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 16 (4) 201-235 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(59)90112-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Purcell gabbroic sill From diorite in Dandy Mino From quartz monzonib From monzonite From gabbro 22.26 -2...Disseminated in olivinepyroxene rock From emery _quarry_associated with garnet, biotite, and serpentine...Penn. Cornwall, Penn. Cornwall, Penn. Broad Run Quarry, Fairfax Quadrangle, Virginia South America Argentina...North with disseminated sphalerita chalcopyrite, quartz, clay and carbonates, galena crystals up to 2 mm...Gold Mine, Darwin _District_Hardy Gold Mine, Darwin _District_Elba Mine, Wankie _District_C.S.C. Mine, Marandelles
(1999, June) Gems & Gemology Vol. 35 (2) Gemological Institute of America Journal (issue)
white surface contamination seen in the trade is quartz dust, which contaminates some polishing compounds...evaporates from the surface of an emerald, the 1.54-R.I. quartz dust left behind would gradually become visible...calcic plagioclase (andesine-labradorite) but no_quartz_. Other major constituents include amphibole, vermiculite...part of the serpentinite body are interbedded with quartz lenses that are accompanied by accumulations of...dolomitic limestones and graphitic gneisses with quartz veins and pure graphite, together with widespread
Strogen, P., Somerville, I. D., Jones, G. I. I. - Eds. (1996) Recent Advances in Lower Carboniferous Geology. Special Publication Vol. 107. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
Urswick Limestone Formation of the southern Lake District, northern England vii 1 23 35 51 65 83 97...Carboniferous chondrichthyans of the South Urals, _Russia_HARPER, D. A. T. & JEFFREY, A. L. Mid-Dinantian...came from points as far apart as western Ireland, Russia to the foot of the Ural Mountains, and the southern...significant Dinantian strata were represented- Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom...>Chalcopyrite >Honeyblende Shalerite >Barite - _Quartz_Hydrothennal FerroanDolomite I Late Dolomite/
Palmer, Crystal S. - Ed. (1986) GEOREF Thesaurus and Guide to Indexing (4th ed.) American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA. Book (edition)
Yenisei River SW of Krasnoyarsk in Khakass Autonomous_Oblast_. BT Russian Republic USSR SA SA SA BT N460000N503000...silicates BT minerals SA chalcedony SA gems SA_quartz_use as level use 2 or 3 term included use on...Bihar SA West Bengal Peninsula Ajmer City and district in central. BT Rajasthan Akchagylian Europe...Village in Taldy Kurgan Oblast in SE. BT Kazakhstan Aktyubinsk City and oblast in NW. BT Kazakhstan USSR...USSR Akzhal Town in E Semipalatinsk Oblast in E. BT Kazakhstan USSR aluminum Al-Qusayr use Kosseir Al-OQusetr
(1955) Annotated bibliography of the bauxite deposits of the world. Bulletin Vol. 999. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b999 Report (volume)
Toronto. Cement, Mill, and Quarry ___.________ _ Cement, Mill, and Quarry Chicago. Centralblatt , See...Mmmg vVorld Seattle Mme and Quarry Eng _______________ _ Mme and Quarry Engmeermg London Mme1 ac;ao e...Gotha SERIALS 15 Pit and Quarry _____________________ _ Pit and Quarry Chicago Preuss Gcol Landesanst...__ _ Przemys Chemwzny Warsaw_Quarry_ ____________________________ _ Quarry and Surveyors' and Contractors'...L.A. Bam.Ite mmmg m Arkansas Cement, Mill, and Quarry, v 27, no 2, p 39-40, 1925 The mmmg operatwns of
Bukanov, V.V. (2006) Russian Gemstones Encyclopedia. Granit. Book
Malyshem. Russia (JSC). Fragment from the .4Jr.berRoom. 340 mfll. Catherine Palace, SPb .. Russia (TT•V)...YS). Composition ""Fishem:a11··.165 111111.SPG .. Russia (HF). Back cot·er photo: Florentine mosaic ··a·rd··... SPb., Russia (TTV). Endpapers: Map of the USSR. 11:osaicpanel, 4.5x6 Tll. 1937, SPb., Russia (CM). The...Tsarskoe Seto, SPb., Russia (TTV). Page I: ""Firebird"'.garne!S. bril/iams, gold. SPb .. Russia (RS). Page 2:....~1ur:inka. Ural Mts., Russia (UM). Page 3: ·'Artis1··. 180 mm. SPG .. Russia (AG). Page 4: Floremine
Nalivkin, D. V. (1973) Geology of the U.S.S.R.. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Book
widely understood. By the 16th and 17th centuries in Russia the mining industry was already flourishing. Numerous...together the growing volume of geological knowledge of Russia. Fortunately outstanding geologists, namely the...Russian geologists. In 1845 the monograph Geology of Russia appeared, the first volume of which (geology) was... PRE-REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD 5 System was first recognized in Russia in the second volume. Now the first volume has...provinces became the most carefully studied region of Russia. The majority of research carried out between 1840-80
Shimomura, Ruth H. - Ed. (1989) GEOREF Thesaurus and Guide to Indexing (5th ed.) American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA. Book (edition)
River SW of Kras¬ noyarsk in Khakass Autonomous_Oblast_. BT Russian Republic BT USSR abandoned mines Term...central Armenia. BT Armenia BT USSR agate Variety of quartz. IN Includes use on level 3 under minerals(l) framework...minerals SA amygdules SA chalcedony SA gems SA _quartz_age Before 1983, also included use on level 2 under...Arab Emirates BT Arabian Peninsula Ajmer City and district in central Raja¬ sthan, NW India. BT Rajasthan...SA upper Tertiary Akchatau Town in SE Karaganda oblast in E central Kazakhstan. BT Kazakhstan BT USSR
(1893) The Mineral Industry Vol. 2. Scientific Publishing Company Journal (volume)
in every import¬ Prospector Miner ant mining district in the world, who keep its readers informed on...reached by lake or railway than any other mineral district of the continent. Important discoveries made every...for “ Blue Book ” Map of the Zinc-Lead Min¬ ing District. Price, §1.00. 1 AMMERS, t. l., v Mining Engineer...1876-1891. Japan; Mexico.—Production 1521-1892.Russia.—Production 1814-1891. South Africa.—Production...California; in Cuba; in Canada—Uses—Chile—New Zealand—_Russia_—United Kingdom—Uses—Prices. MICA. Composition—
Betekhtin, A. (1966) A Course in Mineralogy. Peace Publishers, Moscow. Book
.................................... ' 301 11. Quartz G ro u p ........................................different composition: light-coloured feldspar, grey quartz, and black mica (biotite). Magnetite (magnetic...and smelting. Other minerals (diamond, asbestos, quartz, feldspars, micas, gypsum, soda, mirabilite, etc...works influenced generations of mineralogists. In Russia the beginning of mineralogy as a science is linked...the Senate a project for the collection all over _Russia_of “ various sands, various stones, various clays
Vinogradov, A. P. - Ed. (1966) Chemistry of the Earth's Crust Vol. 1. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Book (volume)
Switzerland and Germany. Despite the police regime in Russia at that time, the youths at the St. Petersburg...family, his father's friends, school, and trips in Russia and abroad — all these in combination had a tremendous...Vernadskii made ” [Village community in tsarist Russia, a relic of the ancient social structure. ] **...Kristallographie". In 1890 Vernadskii returned to Russia. His trip had left a tremendous impression on him...the experimental trend in science. Trips through_Russia_ and abroad became obligatory. In short, Vernadskii's
Armstrong, Augustus K., Mamet, Bernard L. (1977) Carboniferous microfacies, microfossils, and corals, Lisburne Group, Arctic Alaska. Professional Paper 849. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp849 Report (issue)
admixtures or beds_Quartz_ silt and shale, fine-grained siltstone: cherty_Quartz_ silts, siltstones and...algal mats Clastic sediments, rare Only some quartz sand admixtures Clastic and carbonate sediment...five figures joining specimens from Brankamshall Quarry 62 CARBONIFEROUS MICROFACIES, MICROFOSSILS,...Etheridge. Monograph Silurian fossils, Girvan district, p. 23. 107 1890. Girvanella W cthered. Geol...Etheridge. Monograph Silurian fossils, Girvan district, p. 23. Carboniferous taxa included in the genus
(1992) The Times Atlas of the World - Family Edition (2nd ed.) Times Books, London. Book (edition)
developing rapidly in recent years. STATUS: Islands of _Russia_AREA: 16,575 sq km (6,400 sq miles) POPULATION:...Kaliningrad (K6énigsberg) district, a territorial exclave belonging to Russia. The whole country consists...and all of northern Asia, the Russian Federation (Russia) displays an enormous variety of landforms and...pipelines link Siberia to refineries further west in Russia and elsewhere in Europe. Russia’s extraordinary...regions: Norrland, the northern forested the Lake_District_of the centre | south; the southern uplands