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Galuskina, Irina O., Galuskin, Evgeny V., Pakhomova, Anna S., Widmer, Remo, Armbruster, Thomas, Krüger, Biljana, Grew, Edward S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dzierażanowski, Piotr, Murashko, Mikhail (2017) Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group (sapphirine supergroup) mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel– natural analogue of the SFCA phase. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29 (1) 101-116 doi:10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2589 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
sapphirine supergroup; crystal structure; Raman; dorrite; ferrites; SFCA; SFCAM; pyrometamorphism; Hatrurim...Å3], the tetrahedral Fe3þ-dominant analogue of dorrite, Ca4(Mg3Fe3þ9)O4(Si3Al8Fe3þ)O36 [a = 10.505(3)...formula Ca4(Mg3Fe3þ9)O4[Fe3þ9Si3O36] by analogy with dorrite (Grew et al., 2008). However, this formula is not...with CNMNC-IMA recommendations. By extension, the dorrite formula should also be changed to Ca4Mg2Fe3þ10O4[(Al10Si2)O36]...end-member formula. 2. Background Minerals of the _dorrite_–khesinite series, including a single composition
Sharygin, Victor V., Lazic, Biljana, Armbruster, Thomas M., Murashko, Mikhail N., Wirth, Richard, Galuskina, Irina O., Galuskin, Evgeny V., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Britvin, Sergey N., Logvinova, Alla M. (2013) Shulamitite Ca3TiFe3+AlO8 - a new perovskite-related mineral from Hatrurim Basin, Israel. European Journal of Mineralogy, 25 (1) 97-111 doi:10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2259 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Later the same process was reconstructed for Nabi Musa, another locality in the Hatrurim Formation (Sokol...spurrite-merwinite facies. They occur in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. The Hatrurim Basin (approximately 5 km to southeast...extending along the a axis. aenigmatite-rhönite-dorrite group (Scarlett et al., 2004). eschweizerbart_xxx...Hatrurim Basin. Dorrite and ‘‘malakhovite’’ (Si-poor members of the aenigmatite-rhönite-dorrite group, Grew...identified in a melilite-larnite rock from the Nabi Musa combustion complex, Hatrurim Formation (Sokol
Sharygin, V.V. (2015) Mayenite-supergroup minerals from burned dump of the Chelyabinsk Coal Basin. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 56 (11) 1603-1621 doi:10.1016/j.rgg.2015.10.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
CaFe12O19, “grandiferrite” CaFe4O7, and 3+ 3+ “dorrite phase” Ca2(Fe3+ 5 Mn0.5Mg0.5)(Si0.5Fe5.5)O20) and...Mg)(Fe,Mn3+)4O7 Harmunite (aciculite) CaFe2O4 “Dorrite phase” Ca2(Fe3+5Mn3+0.5Mg0.5)(Si0.5Fe3+5.5)O20...formed of Ca-ferrite (“grandiferrite”) and/or “dorrite phase” and cuspidine (± anhydrite ± fluorellestadite);...cuspidine, larnite, rusinovite, magnesioferrite, “dorrite phase” and Ca-richer silico-ferrites are present...1992)), “grandiferrite”, harmunite (“aciculite”), “dorrite phase” and halogen-bearing silico-ferrites (mayenite-supergroup
Galuskin, E. V., Kusz, J., Armbruster, T., Galuskina, I. O., Marzec, K., Vapnik, Y., Murashko, M. (2013) Vorlanite, (CaU6+)O4, from Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. American Mineralogist, 98 (11) 1938-1942 doi:10.2138/am.2013.4548 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
fluorellestadite-fluorapatite series, Dor = Fe3+-analog of dorrite. aggregates (Figs. 3a and 3b) often overgrowing... fluorapatitefluorellestadite, Fe3+-analog of dorrite, barioferrite, and ferric spinel represented by...strongly oxidizing conditions. The presence of _dorrite_-like miner- als and also previous investigations...Kozmenko, O. (2010) Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: new implications for a mud volcanic origin
Sharygin, Victor V. (2019) A hibonite-spinel-corundum-hematite assemblage in plagioclase-clinopyroxene pyrometamorphic rocks, Hatrurim Basin, Israel: mineral chemistry, genesis and formation temperatures. Mineralogical Magazine, 83 (1) 123-135 doi:10.1180/mgm.2018.138 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Izokh et al., 2010). Fe-rich corundum, hibonite, _dorrite_-like minerals, Mn-Al-rich hematite and magnesioferrite...FeAlO3 and a _dorrite_-like phase (Sharygin and Sokol, 2017); hematite + Al-rich magnetite + _dorrite_-like phase...Gazeevite, BaCa 6(SiO4)2(SO4)2O, from Israel and the Palestine Autonomy, South Levant, and from South Ossetia...CaFe 2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. American Mineralogist...thiocuprate from Jabel Harmun, Judean Desert, Palestine Autonomy, Israel. Mineralogical Magazine, 81,
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I., Cámara, Fernando, Gagne, Olivier C., Uvarova, Yulia (2016) New Mineral NamesAradite and ZadoviteChlorkyuygenite, Fluorkyuygenite, FluormayeniteChubaroviteCryobostryxiteFerriakasakaite-(La) and Ferriandrosite-(La)Ferro-pedriziteFlamiteFlinteiteFluorchegemiteFluor-tsilaisiteGatedaliteKononoviteMendigiteNabimusaite. American Mineralogist, 101 (7) 1709-1716 doi:10.2138/am-2016-nmn101714 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
cuspidine, and hematite. Accessory minerals are _dorrite_-khesinite, barioferrite, walstromite, barite, gurimite...Jabel (Mount) Harmun near the village Nabi Musa, Judea Desert, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy. Later this...named for its type locality near the village of Nabi Musa. Type material is deposited in the Museum of Natural
Khoury, Hani Nicola, Sokol, Ella V., Clark, Ian D. (2015) CALCIUM URANIUM OXIDE MINERALS FROM CENTRAL JORDAN: ASSEMBLAGES, CHEMISTRY, AND ALTERATION PRODUCTS. The Canadian Mineralogist, 53 (1) 61-82 doi:10.3749/canmin.1400071 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
fluorapatite, fluorellestadite, spurrite, fluormayenite, dorrite, brownmillerite, srebrodolskite, periclase (Zn-...indicative of combustion metamorphism are minor: dorrite [Ca2(Mg2Fe3+4) (Al4Si2O20)], lime (CaO), relicts...FluormayeniteFluorkyuygenite Ca2UO5 (?) Lakargiite (U-bearing), Dorrite, Periclase, Barite Si- and F-bearing hydrated...CaUO4, Ca2UO5, Ca3UO6, Lakargiite (U-bearing), Dorrite, Brownmillerite, (Ca,Cd)O Zincite, Cassiterite...KOZMENKO, O. (2010) Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: new implications for a mud volcanic origin
Khoury, H. N. (2015) Uranium minerals of central Jordan. Applied Earth Science, 124 (2) 104-128 doi:10.1179/1743275815y.0000000005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and the highlands overlooking the Dead Sea to the West (Fig. 1). Department of Geology, The University...along the Jordan Rift, which is located *60km to the West of the Daba – Siwaqa area (Bender 1968; Powell 1989;...fluorapatite, fluorellestadite, spurrite, fluormayenite, dorrite, tilleyite, brownmillerite, perovskite, shulamitite...Fluorellestadite Nagelschmidtite Silicates Larnite Dorrite Wollastonite Parawollastonite Anorthtite Orthoclase...pyrometamorphic larnite rocks of the Jabel Harmun, Palestine Autonomy, Israel, Mineralogical Magazine, 78,
Sokol, Ella, Kokh, Svetlana, Sharygin, Victor, Danilovsky, Victoria, Seryotkin, Yurii, Liferovich, Ruslan, Deviatiiarova, Anna, Nigmatulina, Elena, Karmanov, Nikolay (2019) Mineralogical Diversity of Ca2SiO4-Bearing Combustion Metamorphic Rocks in the Hatrurim Basin: Implications for Storage and Partitioning of Elements in Oil Shale Clinkering. Minerals, 9 (8) 465 doi:10.3390/min9080465 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mainly found at the top of the Mesozoic sequence west of the Dead Sea rift, in Negev and Judean Deserts... hydrocarbon gases, and micro-oil mostly to the west, toward the Mediterranean Sea [72]. Consequently...a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Nabi Musa 29 30 31 10 AG-27b AG-19b 5.20 3.10 6.30 0...2019, 9, 465 17 of 61 Table 5. Cont. Locality Nabi Musa Sample V Cr Mn Co Ni Cu Zn As Rb Sr...bitumen-bearing calcareous rocks from Hatrurim Basin and Nabi Musa MZ areas, Pama career, Ta’alat Hayamim borehole
Khoury, Hani N., Sokol, Ella V., Kokh, Svetlana N., Seryotkin, Yurii V., Kozmenko, Olga A., Goryainov, Sergey V., Clark, Ian D. (2016) Intermediate members of the lime-monteponite solid solutions (Ca1−xCdxO, x = 0.36–0.55): Discovery in natural occurrence. American Mineralogist, 101 (1) 146-160 doi:10.2138/am-2016-5361 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Dead Sea-Jordanian Transform located ~60 km to the west of the Daba-Siwaqa area (Bender 1968; Powell and...hydrogarnets, marble Spurrite, Brownmillerite, Dorrite, Partially hydrated or hydroxylated fluormayenite...and Cr6+-bearing precursor minerals from the Nabi Musa Mottled Zone complex, Judean Desert. American