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Galuskin, Evgeny V., Galuskina, Irina O., Gfeller, Frank, Krüger, Biljana, Kusz, Joachim, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dulski, Mateusz, Dzierżanowski, Piotr (2016) Silicocarnotite, Ca5(SiO4)(PO4), a new ,,old'' mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel, and the ternesite–silicocarnotite solid solution: indicators of high-temperature alteration of pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, Southern Levant. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28 (1) 105-123 doi:10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2494 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Dead Sea rift area on the territories of Israel, Palestine and Jordan. New data on morphology, composition...harmunite CaFe2O4 (Galuskina et al., 2014a), khesinite Ca4(Mg3Fe3þ9)O4(Si3Fe3þ9) O36 (Galuskina et al...Southern Levant in the territories of Israel, Palestine and Jordan. The pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim-Complex...thick lens of larnite pseudoconglomerate on the west slope of Har Parsa Mt. (Fig. 4A). Ternesite porphyroblasts...following localities: Nahal Darga, Jabel Harmun, Nabi Musa, Ma’ale Adummin (Judean Mts., Palestinian Autonomy)
Galuskina, Irina O., Galuskin, Evgeny V., Pakhomova, Anna S., Widmer, Remo, Armbruster, Thomas, Krüger, Biljana, Grew, Edward S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Dzierażanowski, Piotr, Murashko, Mikhail (2017) Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group (sapphirine supergroup) mineral from the Negev Desert, Israel– natural analogue of the SFCA phase. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29 (1) 101-116 doi:10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2589 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
J. Mineral. 2017, 29, 1–16 Published online Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group...7-9, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia Abstract: Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3þ10O4(Fe3þ10Si2)O36, is a new member...the rhönite group of the sapphirine supergroup. Khesinite was discovered in thin veins of paralavas within...Electron-microprobe analysis of the holotype khesinite gives the following empirical formula for 40 oxygens...132Fe2þ0.098)S12[(Fe3þ6.827Al2.506Si2.667)S12O40]. Khesinite is black to dark brown. It has semi-metallic lustre
Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Panikorovskii, Taras, Galuskina, Irina, Galuskin, Evgeny (2018) Dynamic Disorder of Fe3+ Ions in the Crystal Structure of Natural Barioferrite. Minerals, 8 (8) 340 doi:10.3390/min8080340 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
intergrowths with hematite, magnesioferrite, khesinite, and harmunite. The empirical formula of the barioferrite...Fe3+ -bearing gehlenite, magnesioferrite, and khesinite, are rock-forming minerals in this paralava (Figure...intergrowths with hematite, magnesioferrite MgFe2 O4 , khesinite Ca4 Mg2 Fe3+ 10 O4 (Fe3+ 10 Si2 )O36 (often with...aggregate composed of magnesioferrite, hematite, and khesinite with lamellar barioferrite crystals. Labels: Bfr—barioferrite...Bfr—barioferrite, magnesioferrite, hematite, and khesinite with lamellar barioferrite crystals. Labels: Bfr—barioferrite
Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Hatrurim Basin, Israel) and Judean Mountains (Nabi Musa, Palestinian Autonomy) [10,11]. Contrary to the...accessory minerals of this paralava are vorlanite, khesinite, magnesioferrite, trevorite, dellafossite, tenorite...21 minerals of this paralava are vorlanite, khesinite, magnesioferrite, trevorite, dellafossite, tenorite...CaFe2 O4 —A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Am. Mineral. 2014...; Kozmenko, O. Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: New implications for a mud volcanic origin
Williams, P. A., Hatert, F., Pasero, M., Mills, S. J. (2014) New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2014, CNMNC Newsletter No 21. Mineralogical Magazine, 78 (4) 797-804 doi:10.1180/minmag.2014.078.4.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
2014-032 Dzierżanowskite CaCu2S2 Near Nabi Musa, Judean Desert, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel (31º46’N..., Hughes, J.M., Marty, 802 IMA No. 2014-033 Khesinite 3+ Ca4(Mg3Fe3+ 9 )O4(Fe9 Si3)O36 Gurim anticline..., Dzierżanowski, P. and Murashko, M. (2014) Khesinite, IMA 2014-033. CNMNC Newsletter No. 21, August
Galuskina, Irina O., Galuskin, Evgeny V., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Prusik, Krystian, Stasiak, Marta, Dzierżanowski, Piotr, Murashko, Mikhail (2017) Gurimite, Ba3(VO4)2 and hexacelsian, BaAl2Si2O8 – two new minerals from schorlomite-rich paralava of the Hatrurim Complex, Negev Desert, Israel. Mineralogical Magazine, 81 (4) 1009-1019 doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.147 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
kalsilite, cuspidine, aradite, zadovite and khesinite. Gurimite and hexacelsian form elongate crystals...as the Fe3+analogue of synthetic phase SFCAM, khesinite, 3þ Ca4(Mg2Fe3þ 10 )O4[(Fe10 Si2)O36] (Galuskina... kalsilite, cuspidine, aradite, zadovite and khesinite in isolated oval polymineralic inclusions 1–2...highway linking Jerusalem with the Dead Sea and Nabi Musa. Physical and optical properties Gurimite and...Ye., Dzierżanowski, P. and Murashko, M. (2017) Khesinite, 3þ Ca4(Mg2Fe3þ 10 )O4(Fe10 Si2)O36, a new rhönite
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I., Cámara, Fernando, Gagne, Olivier C., Uvarova, Yulia (2016) New Mineral NamesAradite and ZadoviteChlorkyuygenite, Fluorkyuygenite, FluormayeniteChubaroviteCryobostryxiteFerriakasakaite-(La) and Ferriandrosite-(La)Ferro-pedriziteFlamiteFlinteiteFluorchegemiteFluor-tsilaisiteGatedaliteKononoviteMendigiteNabimusaite. American Mineralogist, 101 (7) 1709-1716 doi:10.2138/am-2016-nmn101714 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
and hematite. Accessory minerals are dorrite-khesinite, barioferrite, walstromite, barite, gurimite,...Jabel (Mount) Harmun near the village Nabi Musa, Judea Desert, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy. Later this...named for its type locality near the village of Nabi Musa. Type material is deposited in the Museum of Natural
Sharygin, Victor V. (2019) A hibonite-spinel-corundum-hematite assemblage in plagioclase-clinopyroxene pyrometamorphic rocks, Hatrurim Basin, Israel: mineral chemistry, genesis and formation temperatures. Mineralogical Magazine, 83 (1) 123-135 doi:10.1180/mgm.2018.138 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gazeevite, BaCa 6(SiO4)2(SO4)2O, from Israel and the Palestine Autonomy, South Levant, and from South Ossetia...CaFe 2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. American Mineralogist..., Dzierzanowski, P. and Murashko, M. (2017a) Khesinite, Ca 4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhonite-group...thiocuprate from Jabel Harmun, Judean Desert, Palestine Autonomy, Israel. Mineralogical Magazine, 81,...chemistry of combustion metamorphic rocks in Nabi Musa fossil mud volcano. Russian Geology and Geophysics
Sokol, Ella, Kokh, Svetlana, Sharygin, Victor, Danilovsky, Victoria, Seryotkin, Yurii, Liferovich, Ruslan, Deviatiiarova, Anna, Nigmatulina, Elena, Karmanov, Nikolay (2019) Mineralogical Diversity of Ca2SiO4-Bearing Combustion Metamorphic Rocks in the Hatrurim Basin: Implications for Storage and Partitioning of Elements in Oil Shale Clinkering. Minerals, 9 (8) 465 doi:10.3390/min9080465 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mainly found at the top of the Mesozoic sequence west of the Dead Sea rift, in Negev and Judean Deserts... hydrocarbon gases, and micro-oil mostly to the west, toward the Mediterranean Sea [72]. Consequently...a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Nabi Musa 29 30 31 10 AG-27b AG-19b 5.20 3.10 6.30 0...2019, 9, 465 17 of 61 Table 5. Cont. Locality Nabi Musa Sample V Cr Mn Co Ni Cu Zn As Rb Sr...bitumen-bearing calcareous rocks from Hatrurim Basin and Nabi Musa MZ areas, Pama career, Ta’alat Hayamim borehole
Galuskin, Evgeny V., Galuskina, Irina O., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Zieliński, Grzegorz (2023) Discovery of “Meteoritic” Layered Disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cr, Ag) in Terrestrial Rock. Minerals, 13 (3) 381 doi:10.3390/min13030381 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in pyrometamorphic the territories of Israel, Palestine, and(Mottled Jordan [20–23]. The “Classic” genetic...rift in substance the territories of Israel, Palestine, and Jordan [20–23]. “Classic” of theSea bitumen...Vapnik, Y.; Dzierażanowski, P.; Murashko, M. Khesinite, Ca4 Mg2 Fe3+ 10 O4 [(Fe3+ 10 Si2 )O36 ], a new...; Kozmenko, O. Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: New implications for a mud volcanic origin
Vapnik, Yevgeny, Palchik, Vyacheslav, Galuskina, Irina, Banasik, Kamila, Krzykawski, Tomasz (2018) Mineralogy, chemistry and rock mechanic parameters of katoite-bearing rock from the Hatrurim Basin, Israel. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 147. 322-330 doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.06.020 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Ye., Dzierzanowski, P., Murashko., M., 2017. Khesinite, 503 Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group..., 2010. 576 Combustion metamorphism in the Nabi Musa dome: New implications for a mud 577 volcanic
Galuskina, Irina O., Pekov, Igor V. - Eds. (2019) New Mineral Species and Their Crystal Structures. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03897-689-9 Book
CaFe2 O4 : A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Am. Miner. 2014...BaCa6 (SiO4 )2 (SO4 )2 O, from Israel and the Palestine Autonomy, South Levant, and from South Ossetia...thiocuprate from Jabel Harmun, Judean Desert, Palestine Autonomy, Israel. Miner. Mag. 2017, 81, 1073–1085...carbonate-silicate xenolith was revealed at the north-west slope of the volcano within dacite lava. This xenolith...Complex located in the territories of Israel, Palestine and Jordan. The holotype specimen is an altered