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Cook, Robert B. (2009) Brochantite Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (1) 48-53 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.1.48-53 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico T here once was a time when most green acicular copper minerals...originating at what was then known only as the Blanchard mine, Bingham, New Mexico. Oh, for those simpler times...Blanchard mine has been selected for this issue. Brochantite, a simple hydrated sulfate of copper with the...and can be contacted at the addresses above. 48 copper deposits found in arid regions. Common accessory...from the weathered zones of deposits containing copper sulfides at depth. It occurs sparingly at the old
Francis, Carl A. (2003) The Szenics Collection of Contemporary Chilean Minerals: A New Addition to the Harvard Mineralogical Museum. Rocks & Minerals, 78 (1) 46-51 doi:10.1080/00357529.2003.9926691 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from the MantD Cuba mine; 9.6 cm high. u d for shortdisplays. A x M a n of copper m h d s will k exhibited...scalaah4d d d t e crystal from the Rodc sia inbe new h de Oto will support the calcite theme of the Chimati...suites &om only fke Chilean mines. M&a Elena md Pedro de VUivia are typical of the nitme deposits that...r ~ y s m mines. l Suites fmm the hlifia and Manto Cuba mines provide exmplas of sclpper.:c; knring tourmaline...w o rnolybtlenite specimens from " W t i a g ~ Chile:' . kt13w e e " sands of other$ preserved in che
Cook, David C., Kirk, Wendy L. (2007) Minerals and Gemstones - 300 of the Earth's natural treasures. Thunder Bay Press. Book
Wendy L. l(irl< THUNDER BAY - - P· R·E·S·S San Diego, California THUNDER BAY P R E· S S Thunder...Advantage Publishers Group 5880 Oberlin Drive. San Diego. CA 92121 -4794 w1V1v.thunderbaybooks.com Copyrighl...carried out using a fi ngernail (hardness 2-2.5), a copper coin (hardness 3) or a steel knife (hardness 5...ELEMENTS Copper opper has a characteristic reddish colour darkened by a coating of black copper oxide....weathering produces a covering of green copper carbonate. Native copper is quite rare, but the metal is easily
Cook, David C., Kirk, Wendy L. (2007) Minerals and Gemstones - 300 of the Earth's natural treasures. Thunder Bay Press. Book
Wendy L. l(irl< THUNDER BAY - - P· R·E·S·S San Diego, California THUNDER BAY P R E· S S Thunder...Advantage Publishers Group 5880 Oberlin Drive. San Diego. CA 92121 -4794 w1V1v.thunderbaybooks.com Copyrighl...carried out using a fi ngernail (hardness 2-2.5), a copper coin (hardness 3) or a steel knife (hardness 5...ELEMENTS Copper opper has a characteristic reddish colour darkened by a coating of black copper oxide....weathering produces a covering of green copper carbonate. Native copper is quite rare, but the metal is easily
(2003) Indian Zeolites and Related Species. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
History Mining Background India is a vast and densely populated country with a history of mining going...(the Golconda district in the princely state of Hyderabad, now Andhra Pradesh; a district located between...between the Mahanadi and Godavari valleys; and a district around Panna in the old region of Bundelkand, now...in the early 1800’s at Padyur in the Coimbatore district of Tamilnadu. Exceptionally deep blue aquamarine...deposits (lead, iron, silver, gold, zinc, chromium, copper, titanium, tantalum, manganese, beryllium, lithium)
(2006) November - December 2006. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 37 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
accorded special varietal names all their own. Copper impurities, for example, can impart a blue or green...Tsumeb which owes its color to the presence of copper was called “herrerite” (named after the local Herero...indicative of its valence. In the case of copper impurities, if the copper was in the +1 state it would be “cuproan... which is +1 for copper and +2 for cobalt, the “-ian” suffix applying to +2 copper and +3 cobalt. Confusing...stockbroker, died Wednesday April 12, in Villa de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. He was 75