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(2023) Lotharmeyerite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
116.16(3)° Z=2 X-ray Powder Pattern: Ojuela mine, Mapimí, Mexico. 2.557 (100), 3.414 (90), 3.175 (90)...(2) 47.0 18.7 14.2 11.4 8.4 99.7 (1) Ojuela mine, Mapimí, Mexico; by electron microprobe, total Fe as...by moisture evolution analyzer. Mineral Group: Tsumcorite group, lotharmeyerite subgroup. Occurrence: In...goethite. Distribution: From the Ojuela mine, Mapimí, Durango, Mexico. Name: Honors Julius Lothar Meyer...Lotharmeyerite, a new mineral from Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Mineral. Record, 14, 35-36. (2) (1983) Amer
(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology .................................... 32 Sidebar: First Discovery of Adamite at Ojuela................................ 43 Sidebar: Purple...find in the San Judas chimney, Level 6, of the Ojuela mine. Houston Museum of Natural Science collection;
Cairncross, Bruce (2017) Connoisseur's Choice: Tsumcorite, Tsumeb Mine, Namibia. Rocks & Minerals, 92 (5) 454-463 doi:10.1080/00357529.2017.1331397 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Johannesburg, South Africa brucec@uj.ac.za TSUMCORITE Tsumeb Mine, Namibia I t is fitting that Tsumeb should...species named in its honor, but two: tsumebite and tsumcorite. The latter species is the subject of this Connoisseur’s...this issue’s The Where of Mineral Names column. Tsumcorite is named after the Tsumeb Corporation, and the...development, growth, and ultimate closure of the mine in 1996. Tsumeb Corporation Limited (TCL) was founded...World War II, when the Tsumeb mine was put up for sale. Prior to this the mine was owned by Otavi Minen–
(2023) Tsumcorite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Pb(Zn, Fe3+ )2 (AsO4 )2 (OH, H2 O)2 Tsumcorite c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal...[(OH)0.70 (H2 O)1.17 ]Σ=1.87 . Mineral Group: Tsumcorite group. Occurrence: A rare secondary mineral...mimetite, smithsonite, goethite, quartz (Puttapa mine, Australia). Distribution: From Tsumeb, Namibia...In Germany, from the Michael mine, Weiler, near Lahr, and the Clara mine, near Oberwolfach, Black Forest;...the Rappold mine and a dump on the Roter Berg, Schneeberg, Saxony. In Mexico, from Mina Ojuela, Mapimı́
(1996, Summer) World Display - Reference. Mineral Lists. Paul A. Lowe Catalog/List
SPC. D or RF £12 4. N AT I V E COPPER.Wolserine Mine,Keweenaugh Peninsula-Michigan-USA Pure flattish...stalatitic matrix. Very pretty RF or D TN. £6 23. TSUMCORITE,Tsumelo.Namibia.Africa Orangey yellow powdery...powdery coating obscuring reddish brown xtIline tsumcorite covering a pinkish dark grey matrix Excellent example...matrix. Attractive RF SPC. C £5 26 PECTOL/TE,JefTrey Mine,Asbestos,Quebec.Canada. Exquisite milky white acicular...Interesting RF SPC C 42 MIMETITEDOLONIITE.Nlina Ojuela,Nlapiini,Durango.Nlexico Gorgeous lemon yellow
Roberts, A. C., Cooper, M. A., Hawthorne, F. C., Criddle, A. J., Stirling, J. A.R. (2002) Sewardite, CaFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2, the Ca-analogue of carminite, from Tsumeb, Namibia: description and crystal structure. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 (4) 1191-1198 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.40.4.1191 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
gangue collected from the 31st level of the Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia, as platy to compact anhedral to...black botryoidal masses of an intergrowth of two _tsumcorite_-group minerals. Individual fragments are between...infrared spectroscopy, crystal structure, Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia. SOMMAIRE La sewardite, dont la...échantillon de gangue prélevé au niveau 31 de la mine Tsumeb, à Tsumeb, en Namibie, en plaquettes ou masses...qui contiennent deux minéraux du groupe de la tsumcorite. Les fragments individuels varient de 50 à 100
Brugger, J., Krivovichev, S. V., Kolitsch, U., Meisser, N., Andrut, M., Ansermet, S., Burns, P. C. (2002) Description and crystal structure of manganlotharmeyerite, Ca[Mn3+,◻,Mg]2{AsO4,[AsO2(OH)2]}2(OH,H2O)2 from the Starlera Mn deposit, Swiss Alps, and a redefinition of lotharmeyerite. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 (6) 1597-1608 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.40.6.1597 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
[AsO2(OH)2]}2(OH,H2O)2, is a new member of the tsumcorite group of minerals, of general formula Me(1)Me(2)2(XO4)2(OH...refinement (R1 = 0.025) confirmed isotypy with the tsumcorite structure. The strongest ten lines in the X-ray...116.60(3)°. The nomenclature of members of the tsumcorite group with Me(1) = Ca and X = As (lotharmeyerite...species, lotharmeyerite, structure refinement, tsumcorite group, Starlera Mn deposit, Swiss Alps. SOMMAIRE...H2O)2, est un nouveau membre du groupe de la tsumcorite, dont la formule générale est Me(1)Me(2)2(XO4)2(OH
Magalhães, M. Clara F., Pedrosa de Jesus, Julio D., Williams, Peter A. (1988) The Chemistry of Formation of Some Secondary Arsenate Minerals of Cu(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II) Mineralogical Magazine, 52 (368) 679-690 doi:10.1180/minmag.1988.052.368.12 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
adamite from the Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Mexico, and clinoclase from the Majuba Hill mine, Nevada, USA, were...the reverse is true for material from Potts Gill mine, Cumberland (Claringbull et al., 1959). Cornwallite...Shindamona Hill, Zambia, and from the Majuba Hill mine, Utah (Berbeleac, 1975; Jensen, 1985), but the minerals...is found with cornwallite at the American Eagle mine, Tintic, Utah (Hillebrand and Washington, 1888)...for this copper arsenate suite is the Majuba Hill mine, where the established 683 SECONDARY ARSENATE
(2020) March - April 2020. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
by W. E. Wilson Pink amethyst from the El Choique mine, Patagonia, Argentina ............................Martino & A. Oteiza The Copper World and Mohawk mine, Northeastern San Bernardino County, California......................................... 376 New Mexico Symposium 2019 by C. J. Stefano .................387 COVER: WULFENITE, 11.5 cm, from the Jianshan mine, Ruoqiang County, Kuruktag Mountains, Bayinguoling...WULFENITE with Mimetite, 1.7 cm, from the Rowley mine, Maricopa County, Arizona. Wish Wang collection
Daltry, Vaughan C. (1992) Type mineralogy of Namibia. Bulletin 1. Geological Survey of Namibia Report (issue)
\ \I Cover: The De Wet Shaft, Tsumeb mine (photograph by Dr Gabi Schneider, Geological Survey of Namibia)...Leiteite Thometzekite Fahleite Ludlockite Tsumcorite* Fleischerite Mathewrogersite Tsumebite Gaitite...from the Tsumeb deposit (Namibia) and the Clara mine, Schwarzwald (Germany). At Tsumeb, the phase occurs...zone along 30 Level. The material from the Clara mine is a sulphate-rich variety. 13 --, Type mineralogy...has also recently been described from the Clara mine, Schwarzwald, Germany (Walenta, 1990). The phase
Adiwidjaja, G., Friese, K., Klaska, K.-H., Moore, P. B., Schlüter, J. (2000) The crystal structure of the new mineral wilhelmkleinite – ZnFe3+2(OH)2AsO4)2. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 215 (2) 96-101 doi:10.1524/zkri.2000.215.2.96 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
other hydroxyl arsenate-hydrate minerals like tsumcorite [2]. mapimite [3J, ojwSlaYte [4 J as we1l as...wilhelmkleinite with ideal formula was found in the Tsumeh mine, Na- author (e-mail: wmhfrxxk@lg.chu.es) I Additional...80(2f = 17= 11.259(5 )A ()= 107.74(4) . IOHcO Tsumcorite Pb(Zn. Fe1+. Fe2' )1(As04h(OH)1(H1O)o compounds...CuFe2(OH)c(As04h (tricl.) Mawbyite (PbFe2(OHb(As04!2) Tsumcorite (Fe, Zn at one position) in [A] in wi]helmkleinite...Geben. W.: Crystal structure of tsumcorite, a new mineral from the Tsumeb mine, S. W. Africa. Acta Crystallogr
(2001, October) Mineral News Vol. 17 (10) L. R. Ream Publishing Journal (issue)
Dennis Beals reports that the Fresnillo District, Mexico is not closed like I wrote last month, although...Fine Minerals selection, barite from the Meikle Mine complex from the Great Basin Minerals selection...Australia, tel., 03-9314-9612) had several spessartine Mine ral News 2 crystals from Broken Hill, New South...had a good selection of the most incredible Acif Mine. Mibladen. Morocco vanadinites. These were all the...Law Twin Quartz Information W New Mexico Greetings fro m New Mexico! Re. your Japan Law Twin Quartz Localities
(1982) May - June 1982. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 13 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
wulfenite and other minerals from the Bwlch-Glas mine, Central Wales ....................151 by R.S.W... telephone: COVER: ADAMITE from the Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mex­ ico; collected in 1981. The group...component of an oxidized zinc ore from the Waryriski mine, near Bytom (Upper Silesia, Poland). These authors...Reinerit Zn3(A s03)2 ein neues Mineral der Tsumeb Mine Siidwestafrika. Neues Jahrbuch fu r Mineralogie...investigation of unusual zincian dolomite from the Waryriski mine (Upper Silesia). Mineralogia Polonica, 3, 67-70
(2020) March - April 2020. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
by WE. Wilson Pink amethyst from the El Choique mine, Pata gonia, Argenti na ..........................RECORD MARCH-APRIL 2020 The Copper World and Mohawk mine, Northeastern San Bernardino County, California......................................... 376 New Mexico Symposium 2019 by C. J. Stefano .................1 COVER: WULFENITE, 11.5 cm, from the Jianshan mine, Ruoqiang County, Kuruktag Mountains, Bayinguoling...WULFENITE with Mimetite, 1.7 cm, from the Rowley mine, Maricopa County, Arizona. Wish Wang collection
(1977) Tsumeb!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 8 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
The research chapter is a gold mine (or perhaps we should say a copper mine) of data; a trio of new species...compilations but, until now, no such work has hohnite, tsumcorite, kegelite, otavite, and many more. Min­ appeared...of others. Geochemists will be puzzling for some (mine included) and look at some facts. time over the...surrounded on all sides (ex­ Tiger, Arizona; the Palermo mine, New Hampshire; and a new cept the ocean side) by...of rare mineral to rise. Who knows how long the mine will continue to operate? species at Tsumeb. In
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
a bolcite crystal. Boleo, Baja Califomia Sur, Mexico. Drawing by R. Peter Richards. Preface As I writc...TUFAN Uzbelcskii Geologicheskii Z/111mal VGZ de Mexico, fnslitulo de Geologia Boletin UNAMIGB Universidad...Abernathyitc, K[(UO 2 )(AsO,)](HP) 3, tet., Fumerole No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain. on the southeast flank of the...104(3). 326-328 □ Achavnlitc, FcSe, hex .. Cacheuta Mine. Ccrro de Cacheuta. Sierra de Cacheuta. Mcndoza...Artrocitc, Ivigtul cryolitc deposit. Ivittuut municipality. southwest Wi tgreenl Greenland. 73. 1492, ZK
(1980, March) Mineral Lists. Richard W. Barstow Catalog/List
all times. MARCH 1980 1. ADAMITE . Minn Ojuela , ~lapimi , Mexico. Specimen A: Two hemispheri cal pale yell... 2xli1-X1-~- " , £4 .7 5p 6 . ALTA ITE. Hilltop Mine , Orga n Co. , New MexiCL, U.S.A . Rich Si lv e...APAT ITE variety FRANCOLITE . Devon Gr e3t Consols Mine , ncar Tov i stock , Dev on. Lustrous co lourless...si zc , £1.00 each . 15. NATI VE ARSENIC . KUSQ Mine , ';8 U, SQmwak . Wry fino greyish we!!l f ormed...16. ARSENOPYRITE . Santa Eulali a , Chihuahua , Mexico . 8right Si l very s harp c r yst a l s to 8 mm
(2003) The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (3). The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Cd-bearing phosphate mineral from the Gold Quarry mine, Eureka County, Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Minerals for Collectors. Specializing in Arizona, Mexico & Worldwide Classics. We Buy Collections. 1248...baritebill@aol.com Secretary Virgil Lueth, New Mexico Tech, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801 505-835-5140...recovered from the dumps of this small mine. Local collectors reworked the mine dumps many times in search of...about 325 meters southwest of the Bishop manganese mine. The locality was early on referred to as a “copper
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43... at the Questa mine, Taos co., New 1994. Abernathyite K2[(UOJ 2l(AsO_J2]•6HzO Mexico, at Kellogg, Shoshone...Harding Co .. South Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald...weakly = = l = = = = brerete, Zacatecas, Mexico. In small crystals at Jachymov, Bohemia, Czech...mainly in crystals to 5 cm at the Himmelsftirst mine, Freiberg, both Saxony, Germany. In the subtropical
(1979) March - April 1979. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 10 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Articles Famous mineral localities: The Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Q u ebec...............................telephone: COVER: ADAMITE from the Ojuela mine near Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Collection of Wayne and Dona... famous mineral localities: The JeffreyAsbestos, Mine Quebec by J. D. Grice and R. Williams The National...crystals of exceptional quality from the Jeffrey mine at A s b e s t o s ,Qare to be found in collections...collections throughout the world and have made this mine one of Canada’s best known mineral localities. In addition
(1991) November - December 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
by R. Z. Kothavala Rare minerals of the Kombat mine, Namibia ................................ 421 by....439 by S. Petrussenko Minerals of the Beltana mine, Puttapa, South A ustralia 449 by P. Elliot Columns...ichigan 49930 (906) 482-9560 Michigan native copper; mine owner; wholesale, retail 411 Museum o f Geological...striking a deal with the quarry owner for the rights to mine specimens. Sparse sprays of cavansite encountered...for granting Bhale and his colleagues the right to mine and remove cavansite, the bonanza in the main quarry
(2023, November) Rocks & Minerals Vol. 98 (6) Informa UK Limited Journal (issue)
v/Dec2023 1. 98, No.6 - - - - - - - - ROCKS & MINE 12.95US12.95US 12.95US12.95CAN IIUJ ., . vww.tandfonlirie...tandfonlirie .com/vram MIM MUSEUM Vesuvianite Jeffrey Mine. Val-des-Sources. Les Sources RCM, Es t rie, Quebec...Maine Mineral & Gem Museum, ME John Rakovan New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, NM Consulting...Museum of Natural History, CA Virgil W. Lueth, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, NM...Windmountainite: Wind Mountain, Otero County, New Mexico Derek D. V. Leung and Andrew M. McDona ld 566
(1978) November - December 1978. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 9 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
locality. Pyromorphite from on old locality—rhe Sherman mine, Burke, Idaho. A small lot of miniatures and hondsize...specimens— 15to15 to 15to500. Liebigite from rhe SchwarTzwalder mine, Golden, Colorado. Well-formed, bright yellow-green...Woo Feature articles Libethenite from the Rokana Mine, Zambia...........................................Mineralogical Notes Tilasite from the Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey 385 by F. J. Parker Tveitite...November— December, 1978 UBETHENITE from the Rokana Mine, Zambia by Stanley P. Korowski and Cor W. Notebaart
(1977) Pegmatite Issue #1. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 8 (2) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
................78 by Pete J. Dunn The snowbird Mine, Montana’s Parisite Loca lity.....................by Anthony Robert Kampf The Harding Mine, Taos County, New Mexico......................... 115 by Richard...Geochemistry of fluorapatite from Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico, U.S.G. Prof. Paper 650-D, D84-D93. 79 TABLE...fluorapatite Grant mine, Buckingham, Quebec, Canada greenish gray fluorapatite Ritchie mine, Portland, Ontario...dark violet fluorapatite Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico yellow fluorapatite Franklin, New Jersey green
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
On a spectacular find of crocoite in the Adelaide mine, Dundas, Tasmania (by A. H. Chapman) 3:111-113 ADOLFSSON...AJO Famous mineral localities: the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona (by W. J. Thomas & R. B. Gibbs) 14:283-298...ALLEN, GEORGE B. --and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE...Allgood, C. Williams: Ramsdellite from the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALLGOOD, ROBERT W. -with G...the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALMA Famous mineral localities: the Home Sweet Home mine, [near Alma