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(2023) Apjohnite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
22H2 O Apjohnite c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group:...Republic. In the USA, in Alum Cave, Sevier Co., Tennessee; at Alum Point, Salt Lake Co., Utah; from Creede...halotrichite group: the crystal structure of apjohnite. Mineral. Mag., 40, 599–608. All rights reserved
Bullock, Kenneth C. (1981) Minerals and mineral localities of Utah. Bulletin 117. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Report (issue)
CALITI ES OF UTAH by Kenneth C. Bullock UTAH GEOLOGICAL AND MINERAL SURVEY a division of the UTAH DEPARTMENT...JANUARY 1981 MINERALS AND MINERAL LOCALITIES OF UTAH by Kenneth C. Bullock Nature displays her most...State of Utah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 County Listings.... . . . . . . 1 Chapter II. Mining Districts of Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . 4 Mineral Localities Listed by County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Palache, Charles, Berman, Harry, Frondel, Clifford (1951) The System of Mineralogy (7th ed.) Vol. 2 - Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Ect. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Book (volume)
cobaltocalcite, chalcocyanite, metastrengite, soda alum) they further have subscribed completely to the...89A, 468 (1914). HALITE [NaCl]. Common or Rock Salt. Muriate of Soda, Sodium Chloride. Kochsalz, Steinsalz...Southwest Africa. Enormous deposits are found in the Salt Range in the Punjab, sulfates of potassium, various... In the United States, large bedded deposits of salt occur in the Salina formation of the Upper Silurian...over a wide area in central and western New York. Salt also occurs near Cleveland, Ohio, and extensive
Beste, Bob (2014) Location Guide for Rockhounds in the United States (4th ed.) Vol. 4 - Part IV - South Dakota through Wyoming. Book (volume)
Pennington Co. At 7,242’ this peak is the highest point in America east of the Rocky Mts. Cambrian rocks...beds, excavations, etc.Selenite roses. BRULE COUNTY AREA: in the Oacoma zone of the Pierre Fm. On Elm...gray Barite rosette up to 5 or 6 inches. CAMPBELL COUNTY MOUND CITY, W to the Missouri R., regional hillsides...gravels, etc.petrified wood, wood opal. CORSON COUNTY LITTLE EAGLE:  area ridges, slopes, stream beds...Guide for Rock Hounds in the United States CUSTER COUNTY AREA: The November Mine, 1.2 mi. SE of the Needles
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...always included in text, except in the cases of the USA, UK, and the provinces Ontario and Quebec in Canada...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald Mts., in the...California, in fine crystals in talc near Wenatchee Lake, Chelan co., Washington, also at Sulzer, Prince
Shepard, Charles Upham (1857) A Treatise on Mineralogy (3rd ed.) Hezekiah Howe & Co., New Haven. Book (edition)
Nitre , 4. Soda Nitre, 5. Sal-Ammoniac, 6. Common Salt , 7. Sylvine, 66 8. Mascagnine, Section B. EFFLORESCENT...Borax , 67 6. Phosphammonite, (S.) 7. Glauber Salt, 8. Epsomite, Beud. . 9. Copperas, 10. White...11. Blue Vitriol, 12. Nickel Vitriol, Hunt, 13. Alum , 14. Reussin , Karsten , 69 15 Thenardite , Casa... if their temperature is elevated to a certain point. On this ac count, it becomes necessary to fix the...the two lines forming the angle, supposing the point of their meeting to be in the centre of the circle
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Bolivia; (center, right) topaz, Thomas Mountains, Utah; (lower /eft) rnodochrosite, N’Chwaning mine, South...Lincoln. Encyclopedia of minerals Sagiiache County Pu blic Library Saguache , Colorado DEMCO For...Photo Editor: Wendell E. Wilson Library Saguache County Public Saguache, Colorado VAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD...trigonal. Class: Classes are designated by their point group symmetry. Note that as mineralogists we use...monoclinic crystals. The monoclinic holohedral point group symmetry is 2/m and the one symmetry direction
Roberts, Willard Lincoln, Campbell, Thomas J., Rapp, George Robert Jr. (1990) Encyclopedia of Minerals (2nd ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Book (edition)
Bolivia; ( center, right) topaz, Thomas Mountains, Utah; (lower le ft) rhodochrosite, N'Chwaning mine, Sou...Willard Lincoln. Encyclopedia of minerals ~~cbe County Public Library Saguache, Colorado OEMCO For Refere...trigonal. Class: Classes are designated by their point group symmetry. Note that as mineralogists we use...monoclinic crystals. The monoclinic holohedral point group symmetry is 2/m and the one symmetry direction...elements; mathematically synonymous with point group; each of the 32 point groups are characterized by a symbol
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
rhombohedral symmetry exists. 2) Crystal Classes, Point Group Symmetry, and Symmetry Notations (KH, Ch....thirty-two combinations known as crystal classes or point groups, those combinations constrained by the requirerepetition...requirerepetition to symmetries of order 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6. Point groups Descriptions of Mineral Species xxiii...are | and k, h, which for face A it. for given point group and is distinctive to cular perpendi position...structure the rotation and nents yielding centered point group may combine with translational compo components