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(1986) Vein Type Uranium Deposits (Report of a Working Group on Uranium Geology) IAEA TECDOC 361. International Atomic Energy Agency Report (issue)
Arjcplog-Arvidsjaur-Sorsele uranium province , Northern Sweden ............................................ 21...of uranium deposits at the Pitch Mine, Saguache County, Colorado .......................................GENESIS WITHIN THE _ARJEPLOG_-ARVIDSJAUR-SORSELE URANIUM PROVINCE/ NORTHERN SWEDEN U. Halemus, J.A.T....Geological Company Luleâ Sweden Abstract URANIUM GENESIS WITHIN THE _ARJEPLOG_-ARVIDSJAUR-SORSELE URANIUM...PROVINCE, NORTHERN SWEDEN The _Arjeplog_-Arvidsjaur-Sorsele uranium province in Northern Sweden repre- sents
Dahlkamp, Franz J. (2016) Uranium Deposits of the World - Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78554-5 Book
582 582 583 583 583 583 584 584 585 Chapter 17 Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Region/Ranstad Deposit, South Sweden 17.2 Östersund Region, Central Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 17.3 Ånge Region, Central Sweden .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Western Central Sweden . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 _Arjeplog_-Arvidsjaur-Sorsele Region, North Sweden . . . . .... . . . 17.5.1 Arjeplog District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Eilu, Pasi - Ed. (2012) Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 53 Report (volume)
deposits and all metallogenic domains in Norway, Sweden, Finland and NW Russia. Deposits and metallogenic...Finland, Norway, Russia (VSEGEI and SC Mineral) and Sweden. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Special Paper 53...Alakurtti Korpilombolo Cu Salla Jokkmokk 68° N Sweden Co REE Kemijärvi Fe ISBN 978-952-217-174-0...Finland, 40 in Norway, 40 in Russia, and 41 in Sweden. These include 24 areas that cross international...Province), black shale-hosted U (alum shales in Sweden), mafic intrusion-hosted Ti-Fe±V (Tellnes), mafic
Cuney, Michel, Kyser, Kurt - Eds. (2008) Recent and not-so-recent developments in uranium deposits. Short Course Series 39. Mineralogical Association of Canada Report (issue)
Gantour, (Morocco), Al-Abiad (Jordan), Randstat (Sweden) Arizona Strip (USA) Yeelirrie (Australia), Langer...reach 400 ppm, such as in the Ranstad deposit in Sweden. Exploration for black shale deposits is currently...are European countries (France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden), Japan and USA, but they mine virtually no U....accessory minerals such as zircon, apatite, monazite, titanite, allanite and uraninite. Granite and pegmatites...episyenite from the high-K calcalkalic Bohus Granite of Sweden (Gerasimovsky et al. 1997), the slightly U–Th–REE
Dahlkamp, Franz J. (1993) Uranium Ore Deposits. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-02892-6 Book
Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate)lBavaria, and at Billingen/Sweden. In Saxony, approximately 110 t of uranium were...started in 1898 in the Paradox Valley, Montrose County (now Uravan Mineral Belt), yielding annually about...Brazil; 9 10 Igaliko Fjord, Greenland; 11 _Arjeplog_-Arvidsjaur, Sweden; 12 Armorican Massif, France; 13 Massif...area, USA. Surficial type (6); ( .. ) 1a Stevens County, USA - Okanagan Valley region, Canada; Ib Pryor...Blanca, Mexico; 3 Cotaje, Bolivia; 4 Duobblon, Sweden; 5 Karamazarsky, Uzbekistan; 6 Pribalkhashky, Kazakhstan;
Ridge, John Drew (1984) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Europe Vol. 1 - Northern Europe including examples from the USSR in both Europe and Asia. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Book (volume)
other three, are arranged from north to south. For Sweden, a general summary of the metallogeny of that country...the one that contains the iron ores of central Sweden in which the numerous ore bodies are of a few 5...these three come the deposits in the province of Norrbotten, Aitik, Laisvall, and Kiruna-Gällivare, that...countries: Ireland England Scotland 3 7 1 Wales Norway Sweden 1 7 17 Finland Poland USSR 12 2 30. These 80...and by the Directors of the Geological Surveys of Sweden and Norway. Stanislaw Dzujynsiki and Marie Sass-Gustkiewicz
(2009) World Distribution of Uranium Deposits (UDEPO) with Uranium Deposit Classification. IAEA TECDOC 1629. International Atomic Energy Agency Report (issue)
61 2.12.2. Geologic setting of Ranstad deposits, Sweden ..................................... 61 2.12.3...deposits, Sweden.......... 61 2.12.4. Uranium resources and production from Ranstad deposits, Sweden........Examples include the uraniferous alum shale in Sweden 7 and Estonia, the Chatanooga shale (USA), the...Associated minerals include monazite, zircon, apatite, titanite, occasionally pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, molybdenite... 2.12.2. Geologic setting of Ranstad deposits, Sweden The black shale formations that host uraniferous
Burns, Peter C., Finch Robert - Eds. (1999) Uranium: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and the Environment. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 38. Mineralogical Society of America Report (volume)
dating that produced ages of 321 million years and titanite ("sphene") with ages of 700 million years. At...associated with thorite, quartz, K-feldspar, aegerine, titanite, tinaksite, apatite, and dalyite. The translucent...recently described from the Jomac mine in San Juan County, Utah (Vochten and Deliens 1998) Blatonite occurs...contains uraninite and uranothorite from Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China, yingjiangite is associated...uranyl molybdate, tengchongite, from Tengchong County, Yunan province, China, where it occurs in a migmatitic