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Meixner, Heinz, Angel, Franz, Awerzger, Arnold, Kuschinsky, A. (1953) Die Magnesitlagerstätte Millstätter Alpe bei Radenthein (Mit 2 Textfiguren und den Beilagen 9 und 10) [The Millstätter Alpe magnesite deposit near Radenthein (With 2 text figures and supplements 9 and 10)]. Carinthia II, 143_63. 98-118 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Kärnten, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Die Magnesitlagerstätte Millstätter Alpe bei Radenthein...Diese sehr bedeutende Magnesitlagerstätte gehört der Österreichisch-Amerikanischen Magnesit A. G., die...Seilbahn verbunden. Radenthein liegt auf 738 m Seehöhe, der Seilbahn-Endpunkt auf rund 1500 m. Radenthein kann...auch von Spittal a. d. Drau über den Millstätter See her erreicht werden. Zum „Bruch", wie der Magnesitbergbau...zur Kolonie, der für den Bergbaubetrieb geschaffenen Siedlung in 1450—1500 m Höhe. Der Talkessel, in
Oxburgh, E.R. (1968) The Eastern Alps—a geological excursion Guide. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 79 (1) 47 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(68)80024-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gilgen Windows Alps-The Hallein District I . Alps-The Hallein District II . Alps-The Lammertal and Gosau...Styrian Erzberg at Eisenerz .,. Day 12: Veitsch Magnesite _Mine_-Vienna .,. Day 13: The Flysch and Calcareous...74 81 85 91 95 99 108 112 113 121 125 ABSTRACT: An itinerary and outcrop description is given for thirteen...Hallein, near Salzburg, the next five on Spittal, in Carinthia, and the last two on Leoben and Vienna respectively...cro ss-sect ion (D ay 10) Sect ion a t Eisene rz mine nea r Leob en (Day II ) Tecton ic map of the a rea
Exel, Reinhard (1993) Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs. Eigenverlag R. Exel. p.1-447. Book
wirtschaftliche Bedeutung • Geologie der ~~gerstätten • Geschichte der mineralogischen Erforschung Osterreichs...Sammlungswesen und Mineralienhandel mit Lexikon der Mineralien Österreichs 12 Tabellen und 80 Abbildungen...REINHARD EXEL, Jahrgang 1947. Studium der Erdwissenschaften an der Universität Innsbruck. Praktische Arbeiten...Umweltgeologe bei der Südtiroler Landesregierung in Bozen, als Lagerstättengeologe bei der Geologischen Bundesanstalt...Bundesanstalt in Wien und als Betreuer der mineralogisch-petrographischen Sammlungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z...e old emerald Venediger and Hohe Tauern form the Mine is about 7 M i from Habach. T h e trail leaves the...Alpenrose going E and then N . The crystalline Alps. Mine is a few hundred yards beyond the I f we come in...clude emeralds, aquamarine, possibly the valley is an outcrop of green beryl. N H W has superb deep blue...( N H W ) . Across the valley is an old foot of cliff. copper mine, 2 M i S from the main Kapruntal.
Prochaska, Walter (2016) Genetic concepts on the formation of the Austrian magnesite and siderite mineralizations in the Eastern Alps of Austria. Geologia Croatica, 69 (1) 31-38 doi:10.4154/gc.2016.03 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of the Austrian magnesite and siderite mineralizations in the Eastern Alps of Austria Walter Prochaska...Department of Geological Sciences, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 31-38 9 Figs. doi: 10.4154/gc.2016.03 ABSTRACT...online February 29, 2016 Keywords: siderite, magnesite, mineralizing fluids 1. INTRODUCTION A consanguineous...consanguineous origin of the sparry siderite and magnesite mineralizations of the Eastern Alps has been repeatedly...of these deposits. The siderite as well as the magnesite mineralizations of the Eastern Alps exhibit m
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (3) 147-151 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763446 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L EastDerry, N. H. 03041 This data was accumulated...These operations are on leased land and trips to Austria. While it may be the most not open to the general...two or more until a more rounded text results. Austria is defined here as what is localities. presently...mineral museums of torically, within recent times, Austria in­ which the best is the Natural History cluded...map that is on the folder around Hiittenberg in Carinthia. Mica of each map. The map numbers appear (phlogopite)
Boegel, Hellmuth (1971) A Collector's Guide to Minerals and Gemstones. Thames and Hudson. Book
for within several months they asked me to render an opinion as to its suitability for translation and...neglecting the truly important European localities. As an amateur handbook, this one makes no pretense at being...method of indicating increasing quality by the use of an increasing number of exclamation points within parentheses...version are truly those intended in the original. As an outgrowth of this study a number of errors in the...renditions are all the more remarkable because he is an ardent amateur mineral collector and is therefore
Frimmel, Hartwig E.E., Niedermayr, Gerhard (1991) Strontium isotopes in magnesites from Permian and Triassic strata, Eastern Alps. Applied Geochemistry, 6 (1) 89-96 doi:10.1016/0883-2927(91)90065-w Journal (article/letter/editorial)
-Petrogr. Abteilung, Burgring 7, A-1014 Wien, Austria (Received 14 August 1989; accepted in revised form...diageneticmetasomatic magnesite formation by Mg-rich pore solutions. The depositional environment of the _magnesite_-bearing...7139). Coarser grained recrystallized magnesite and magnesite veins show a distinct increase in their...fluids of Eoalpine age. The findings of these magnesite occurrences, which have been affected only by...similar genetic model is proposed for the first magnesite mineralization in those Paleozoic strata, but
(2019) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 165. Universität Innsbruck. 22-95 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
folgen alle Zusammenfassungen der Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen der MinPet 2019. Nach dem Abstract...alle Tagungsbeiträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge der ErstautorInnen angeführt. Informationen zu Tagung...identification of coesite, garnet, diopside and magnesite inclusions and polymineralic (touching) coesite-diamond...University of Graz, Universitaetsplatz 2, A-8010 Graz, Austria 2 OREA, Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology...of Sciences, Hollandstrasse 11-13, A-1020Wien, Austria e-mail: christian.ademeit@student.tugraz.at The
Schneider, Hans-J. - Ed. (1983) Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68988-8 Book
Salt miners at work in the Diirrnberg-Hallein mine (1756) (see also comment on copyright page) Mineral...work in the Durrnberg-Hallein mine (1756). Oil painting in the ancient mine office at Hallein Salzburg....Werkstiitter (1708-1772) on the occasion of a visit to the mine by the Prince Bishop Sigmund III. of Salzburg on...At the top of the painting and on the steps are mine surveyors and a miner at work. Note the romantic...heldatBled/Yugoslavia 3-7, 1977, held at Leoben/ Austria 5-10,1981, held at Berchtesgaden/Bavaria, FRG
(2018) November - December 2018. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 49 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 Articles Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria ................................ ....COVER: STRONTIANITE, 9 cm, from Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria. Fine Minerals International specimen...SHOWS TABULAR BLUE BERYL ON TOURMALINE DEO DARRAH MINE, NEAR PATTA GUZAR, BADAKSHAN, AFGHANISTAN 6CM TOM...STEPHANIE@STONETRUST.COM Obtrdorf an dtr Laming ~ tyria, austria Thomas P. Moore Peter Huber 2709...net Rohe-Wand-Gasse 18 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria huber@mineral.at Just outside the village of Oberdorf
Oxburgh, E. R. (1968) The Geology of the Eastern Alps. The Geologists' Association. Book
ester, Bsex CONTENTS FORE\,VQRD page ,·Ii 1 An outline of tl1c Geology of the Central Eastern Alps...n1ingling of amateurs and profe . ional~ ymbolises an altrui m tl1at fosters advancement and diffusion...11accou11t of tl1c geology of the ar\!a ,,i~itcd and an itinerary of tl1e m.c~ting. l1a c b ·en publi'ihcd... • Proceedingsof the GE·OLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION An Outline of the Geology of the Central Eastern Alps...Tl1c Ea,tcrn Alp, c'\tcnd about 500 kalomctrc- in an ca~l-\\ t dinxtt0n; at the Upp r Rhine they p.1,
Frimmel, H. (1988) Strontium isotopic evidence for the origin of siderite, ankerite and magnesite mineralizations in the Eastern Alps. Mineralium Deposita, 23 (4) 268-275 doi:10.1007/bf00206407 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ankerite and magnesite mineralizations in the Eastern Alps H. Frimmel Institut fiir Geologie der Universitfit...Universitfit Wien Abstract. Metasomatic magnesite, siderite and ankerite mineralizations within Paleozoic sediments...Vis6an platform carbonates of the Veitsch nappe and an epigenetic hydrothermal model for the siderites and...Kessen et al. 1981). Metasomatic siderite and magnesite mineralizations in marine carbonates of the Northern...ratios and possible significance in ore minerals (magnesite, ankerite and siderite) and their host rocks.
(1855) Part II. Miscellaneous. Journal of the Geological Society, 11 (1) doi:10.1144/gsl.jgs.1855.011.01-02.68 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from Hierlatz, H A U E R On some ............ Austria, PETERS on the Tertiary Chelonia of . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 46 41 40 24 37 43 26 40 Carinthia, LIPOLD on the Lead-bearing R o c k s of Lower.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dolomite of Monte Salvatore, HAYER on some Fossils from... . . . . . . . . . . . . _... FOETTERLE. Oil Magnesite, and the Economic Production of Sulphate of Magnesia...FORBES and DAHLL. Mineralogical Researches in the District around Arendal and Krageroe in Norway . . . .
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
characteristic forms, it is rather difficult even for an expert to classify them. For this reason typical...mirror (reflection ) plane. 2. The axis of symmetry is an imaginary line passing through the centre of the...tetrad and hexad axes according to the number of times an identical face is displayed during rotation through...crystal. The result is an assemblage of interlocking crystals in irregular clumps called an aggregate. In rock...display such typical striations that they may serve as an important clue for identification. Characteristic
(1909) Mineralogical chemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts, 96. doi:10.1039/ca9099605408 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
notes on the genesis and synthesis of colloidal magnesite, on the phenomenon of View Article Online MINERALOGICAL...naturaI colloidal molybdenum sulphide (jordisite). Magnesite results from the weathering of serpentine or peridotite...the colour of the mineral can be easily effected. An experiment is described in which the author covered...secondary L. J. S. hsmatite. Two New Magnesite Occurrences in Carinthia. KARLA. REDLTCH (Zeitsch. prakt.... 456-458).-0n account of its economic value, magnesite is much sought for i n t h e Eastern Alps. The
(1996) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 141. Universität Innsbruck Journal (volume)
Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft II Band 141 Herausgegeben von der Österreichischen...Vereinsjahr 1995 Eigenverlag 1996 Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Band...gung der Schweizerischen M i neralogi­ schen und Petrograph ischen Gesellsc haft (SMPG) und der Öster­...d ie größten ophiolitischen Chromitlage rstätten der Welt Trommsdorff, V.: Petro logie laboratory Alps:...tetraedrite-te nna ntite i n the Devonian Schwaz-Dolomite , N-Tyrol, Austria Ba ngoura, M . : Verg leichende mi nera
Hyrsl, J., Niedermayr, G. (2003) Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse in Quarz. [Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz]. Bode Verlang GmbH. Book
Kochbuch, in dem 'alle' Kochgerichte und Leckereien der Welt zusammengefasst sind ... So stellen die ausgewählten...• 8 er U'arz ist eines der häufigsten e of the most frequent ineralien der Erdkruste und the crust of...Earth, h'er a, ichtige gesteinsbildende ere • orms an important Komponente in den meisten compo of igneous...ja spannendes Hobby dar. Das vorliegende Buch soll an imiere n, sich eser Materie eingehender zu beschäftigen...Jahrhundert im Quarz beobachteten Einschlüsse. Und einer der bedeutendsten amerikanischen Privatsammler um eben
Morteani, G., Moeller, P., Schley, F. (1982) The rare earth element contents and the origin of the sparry magnesite mineralizations of Tux-Lanersbach, Entachen Alm, Spiessnaegel, and Hochfilzen, Austria, and the lacustrine magnesite deposits of Aiani-Kozani, Greece, and Bela Stena, Yugoslavia. Economic Geology, 77 (3) 617-631 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.77.3.617 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sparry Magnesite Mineralizationsof Tux-Lanersbach,EntachenAim, SpiessnSgel, and Hochfilzen,Austria,and the...feature is attributedto long-rangemobilizationof magnesite. The tectonicstructureof the graywackezoneand...dehydrationreactionsand equilibratedwith calcite and dolomite, penetrateddolomite-bearing sheetsat highertemperatures...ascent.The dolomite of the highertectonicunitswastherebymetasomatically alteredto magnesite. Sucha regional...(SP) within the graywackezone (Grauwackenzone), Austria,and that of Lanersbach(LA) at the borderof the
Gramaccioli, C. M. (1975) Minerali Alpini e Prealpini Vol. 2. Istituto Italiano Edizioni Atlas S.p.A, Bergamo. Book (volume)
anfiboli e pirosseni. dolomia, roccia formata da dolomite, cioe da car­ bonate di calcio e magnesia. forma...trova anche alla Wansdorfer Hiitte (Krimmlertal, Austria), spesso associata a cuoio di monte. Johan nsenite...localita, a questo p roposito, si trova i n Ca­ rinzia (Alpe Sau) ; rocce vicine alle tipiche eclo­ giti sono...lontano da Vipiteno. Anche nelle pegmatiti di Spittal sulla Drava ( Carinzia) si hanno bei cristalli...mente Sondalo in Valtellina e la Valle di Ultimo (Alpe Seefelder) nell'Alto Adige. Anche l'ipersteno [
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
characteristic forms, it is rather difficult even for an expert to classify them. For this reason typical...mirror (reflection) plane. 2. The axis of symmetry is an imaginary line passing through the centre of the...tetrad and hexad axes according to the number of times an identical face is displayed during rotation through...crystal. The result is an assemblage of interlocking crystals in irregular clumps called an aggregate. In rock...display such typical striations that they may serve as an important clue for identification. \ i 11 ;l
Schroll, E. (1990) Die Metallprovinz der Ostalpen im Lichte der Geochemie. Geologische Rundschau, 79 (2) 479-493 doi:10.1007/bf01830640 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
479-493 I Stuttgart 1990 Die Metallprovinz der Ostalpen im Lichte der Geochemie The metal province of the Eastern...Erzmineralisationen und Mineralvorkommen in der Metallprovinz der Ostalpen wird yon der lithostratigraphischen Geochemie...geochemisches Datenmaterial, wie auf den Geochemischen Atlas der Republik Osterreich, und auf Isotopenuntersuchungen...hinweisen. Es wird versucht, eine zeitliche Gliederung der Mineralisationsereignisse zu geben. mobilisation...such as the Geochemical Atlas of the Republic of Austria, and isotope investigations, perferably of lead
Neinavaie, H., Thalmann, F., Ataii, B., Beran, A. (1989) Wolframite- and scheelite-bearing carbonate rocks of the Nock mountains, Austria: A new type of tungsten mineralization in the Eastern Alps. Mineralium Deposita, 24 (1) doi:10.1007/bf00206716 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
scheelite-bearing carbonate rocks of the Nock mountains, Austria: A new type of tungsten mineralization in the Eastern...AG, A-8790 Eisenerz, Austria 2 Institut fiir Mineralogie und Kristallographie der Universit/it Wien, A-t010...A-t010 Vienna, Austria Abstract. A new type of tungsten deposit was discovered in the Eastern Alps at...at the Mallnock, Nock mountains, Austria. The mineralization is restricted to concordant layers of carbonate...coarse-grained Fe-magnesite (siderite 15) rocks (average W content ca. 0.9 wt%); fine-grained dolomite marbles
Pohwat, Paul W. (2015) Connoisseur's Choice: Aragonite. Rocks & Minerals, 90 (2) 164-175 doi:10.1080/00357529.2015.997155 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
collect by mineral chemistry—silver minerals are an example of this. Then there are locality collectors...aragonite, this column’s featured mineral. Aragonite is an orthorhombic mineral with point group 2/m 2/m 2/m...aragonite on calcite, 10.3 cm across, from the Agrigento mine, Agrigento, Agrigento Province, Sicily, Italy. In...medicine and in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. An interesting historical note involves the use of powdered...Alston Moor (Tindle 2008). The Yorkshire Silverband mine, Cronkley Fell, Durham, has produced interesting
Klemm, D. D., Schneider, H. J. - Eds. (1977) Time- and Strata-Bound Ore Deposits. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-66806-7 Book
Institut fiir Allgemeine und Angewandte Geologie der Universitit, LuisenstraBe 37, 8000 Miinchen 2, FRG...Hans-Jochen Schneider Institut fiir Angewandte Geologie der Freien Universitat WichernstraBe 6, 1000 Berlin 33...English language, certainly for some of the authors an additional labour. The editors are indepted to all... Hans-J. Schneider Yo aera ior ; eiety See) an, eet Phy SEAS gather Wihibitp R ll atgeraed vores...in China. J. Pereira. With 19 Phase Boundaries as an Instrument for Metal Concentration in Geological