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Belley, Philippe M., O'Neil, Jonathan, Hattori, Keiko (2016) Spinel and Aspidolite from the Des Cèdres Dam Occurrence, Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Québec, Canada. Rocks & Minerals, 91 (5) 448-452 doi:10.1080/00357529.2016.1113465 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Notre-Dame-du-Laus Québec, Canada T he Parker mine in Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Québec, is well known among...microanalysis (EPMA) at the University of Ottawa. Amphibole species are named according to the classification...Aspidolitephlogopite intergrowth in forsterite (Fo) with magnesite (Mgs), zone 2. Backscattered electron image. Canadian...skarns at the Highway-5 road cuts, Wakefield, Québec), an igneousrelated origin is not a suitable explanation...sparsely. Zone 2 consists of massive forsterite with magnesite, spinel, and zoned phlogopite-aspidolite crystals
Baidya, Abu Saeed, Paul, Jyotirmoy, Pal, Dipak C., Upadhyay, Dewashish (2017) Mode of occurrences and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan, India: insight into the ore-forming process. Ore Geology Reviews, 80. 1092-1110 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.08.032 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
   Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan...Dewashish, Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the KolihanChandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan...1016/j.oregeorev.2016.08.032 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication...MANUSCRIPT Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan...MANUSCRIPT Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan
Rezvukhin, Dmitriy I., Alifirova, Taisia A., Golovin, Alexander V., Korsakov, Andrey V. (2020) A Plethora of Epigenetic Minerals Reveals a Multistage Metasomatic Overprint of a Mantle Orthopyroxenite from the Udachnaya Kimberlite. Minerals, 10 (3) 264 doi:10.3390/min10030264 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
of Vienna, Althanstraße 14/UZA2, Vienna 1090, Austria; taisia.alifirova@univie.ac.at Correspondence:...species of epigenetic origin have been identified in an orthopyroxenite from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite...clinopyroxene, phlogopite, tetraferriphlogopite, amphibole-supergroup minerals, serpentine-group minerals, talc)...Siberian craton 1. Introduction Epigenetic minerals are an important source of information on the nature of...geological setting and kimberlites of the Udachnaya mine (Daldyn field, Yakutian diamondiferous province
Horváth, L., Gault, R.A., Pfenninger-Horváth, E., Poirier, G. (2019) Mont Saint-Hilaire: History, Geology, Mineralogy - Special Publication No. 14. The Canadian Mineralogist. Book
for future investigation. This book will serve as an excellent introduction for future generations of...discovered and described from new finds and from an accumulated repository of partially studied (unnamed)...case of the island of Laven in the Langesundfjord District of Norway. Interestingly, and in contrast to its...the mineralogy of Mont Saint-Hilaire, along with an extensive bibliography. Some of the mineral descriptions...minerals, a glossary, a table of relative rarity, an index of authors of mineral descriptions, and a chronological
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
Edenville, large, fine crystals of spine!, titanite, amphibole and pyroxene have been found since the early 19th...Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series of incompletely...COLUMBIA Ice River complex. The Ice River complex is an intrusive body of alkaline igneous rocks where sodalite...Springfield show ( 1995: 582). Madawaska [Faraday] mine near Bow Lake, Hastings County. Some of the world's...ilmenite specimens have come from an unusual calcite vein-dike occurrence with an exposure very near, indeed
Hyršl, Jaroslav, Bernard, Jan (2013) Minerals and their Localities - Supplement - Minerals described since 2004. Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
MINE andtheir LOCALITIES JAN H. BERNARD AND JAROSLAV HYRSL INERALS DESCRIBED SINCE 2004 MINERALS...dist., China Fluomatromicrolite, x 25111111, Naipa mine, Mozambique Daliranite, 5111111, Zarshouran Au-As...Domafov, Czech Rep. Juangodoyite, 60111111, Santa Rosa mine, Chile Back cover photo: Ho/fertile on hematite...piment pseudomo,phs after realga,; 75 mm, Palomo mine, Pen, Page 3: Stepite on arsenic, 45 111111,Jachymov...2006, with a few corrections of the text and with an appendix containing new minerals described in 2004--2006
Franza, Annarita, Mattes, Johannes, Pratesi, Giovanni - Eds. (2022) Collectio Mineralium - The catalog of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II’s mineralogical collection. Firenze University Press, Firenze. doi:10.36253/978-88-5518-494-6 Book
36253/fup_best_practice) All publications are submitted to an external refereeing process under the responsibility...This edition—curated by Firenze University Press—is an expression of the commitment of our University, and...Museum System, whose staff also contributed with an opening essay. The Florentine academic tradition...newspaper Wienerisches Diarium reported in detail on an elaborately orchestrated visit by the rising generation...Habsburg dynasty elite to the Lower Hungarian mining district around Banská Štiavnica (Schemnitz, Slovakia):
Seo, Jieun, Choi, Seon–Gyu, Park, Jung–Woo, Whattam, Scott, Kim, Dong Woo, Ryu, In–Chang, Oh, Chang Whan (2016) Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the Yonghwa phoscorite–carbonatite complex, South Korea, and genetic implications. Lithos, 262. 606-619 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.08.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
10.1016/j.lithos.2016.08.006 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication...phoscorite–carbonatite complex occurs as an isolated individual body with an inclined pipe shape within the Precambrian...mainly of olivine, apatite, magnetite, carbonates, amphibole, and phlogopite, and can be subdivided into two...kbar, and XCO2 = 0.2. Afterward, melts underwent an evolution to the D late stability fields of ma...et al., 2004). These rocks are important from both an economic and scientific point of view. IP Economically
Ružička, Peter, Bačík, Peter, Moravčík, Juraj (2015) Metamorfný vývoj tremolitových mramorov z Ostrej pri Hnúšti (Stolické vrchy, Slovensko) [Metamorphic evolution of tremolitic marble from Ostrá near Hnúšťa (Stolické vrchy, Slovakia)]. Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze, 23 (1) 46-59 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Welch M. D. (2012) Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup. Am. Mineral. 97, 2031-2048. Hillier S....study of the Hnúšťa - Mútnik talc-magnesite and Miková - Jedľovec magnesite deposit (Western Carpathians,...Kováčik M., Madarás J., Koděra P., Hraško Ľ. (2004) Magnesite and talc origin in the sequence of geodynamic...von Karbonatkörpern des Kristallinikums der Klenovec - Subzone der Veporiden. Geol. Zbor. Geol. Carpath...dravite from metacarbonate rocks of the Mútnik magnesite - talc deposit, Hnúšťa, Slovakia. N. Jb. Miner
Raymond, Loren A., Merschat, Arthur, Vance, R. Kelly (2016) Metaultramafic schists and dismembered ophiolites of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite of northwestern North Carolina, USA. International Geology Review, 58 (7) 874-912 doi:10.1080/00206814.2015.1129515 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
quartz-deficient, locally talc-, chlorite-, and/or Mg-_amphibole_-bearing TC-amphibolites. Some workers divide TC-amphibolites...containing assemblages with olivine, anthophyllitic amphibole, Mg-hornblende, Mg-actinolite, cummingtonite,...four retrograde metamorphic events overprinted on an early high-grade imprint. The known metaultrabasic...bodies are composed predominantly of various amphibole and chlorite schists (e.g. Larabee 1966; Rankin...Williams (1983) subdivision of chlorite- and _amphibole_-dominated metaultramafic rock bodies, Todd-type
(2022, January) Mogok. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 53 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Washington (for quartz and pyrite) and the Rock Candy mine in British Columbia (for fluorite and barite). Income...common minerals has fueled his uncommon lifestyle as an itinerant mineral collector and dealer. He limits...locations, including the Little Gem amethyst scepter mine in Montana, the Fluorita Dulcita prospect in Arizona...forthcoming memoir: Vugged! The Adventuresome Life of an Itinerant Geologist, is currently being edited for...Lode, the California Mother Lode and the Homestake mine. Every known type of miner’s candlestick is illustrated
Larsen, Alf Olav, Kjærnet, Torfinn - Eds. (2019) Norsk Mineralsymposium 2019. Norsk Mineralsymposium Journal (volume)
Kristiansen and Hans Christian Olsen Pollucite - an old, new mineral to Norway 116 Roy Kristiansen...krystaller, ofte opptil 3 - 7 cm lange, dels opptil 10 cm _an_- til euhedrale krystaller (Fig. 10). Mineralet er...av chalkopyritt innesluttet i yttrofluoritt, og der hvor disse inneslutningene kommer i nærheten av sprekker...millimteter innesluttet i de andre primære mineralene. Der hvor slike krystaller er i kontakt med hulrom har...selve Hellemobotn, men omtrent 600 moh, på kanten der fjellområdet vest for Hellemobotn stuper ned i Hellemofjorden
Gil, Grzegorz, Bagiński, Bogusław, Gunia, Piotr, Madej, Stanisław, Sachanbiński, Michał, Jokubauskas, Petras, Belka, Zdzislaw (2020) Comparative Fe and Sr isotope study of nephrite deposits hosted in dolomitic marbles and serpentinites from the Sudetes, SW Poland: Implications for Fe-As-Au-bearing skarn formation and post-obduction evolution of the oceanic lithosphere. Ore Geology Reviews, 118. 103335 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103335 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103335 This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance...dolomite/antigorite precursor, and newly formed amphibole/clinopyroxene; e) change of the Fe oxidation state...in gemological and archeological practice, because an assignment to a specific genetic group is crucial...is a dolomite-related nephrite deposit, hosted in an Fe-As-Au-bearing skarn (Gil et al., 2015a), which...geological unit (cf. Gil et al., 2015a), make this an excellent locality for novel isotopic studies on
Santos, M.S., Cruz, Simone C.P., Lobato, L.M., Mandetta, P., Burgos, C.M. (2022) Structural and hydrothermal evolution of the shear-zone-related iron-oxide enrichment in metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the intracontinental araçuaí orogen: The case of the espírito santo iron deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 140. 103719pp. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103719 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103719 This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance...Araçuaí-West Congo Orogen. Mafic schist, quartz-, _amphibole_- and carbonate itabirites, as well as a carbonate-silicate...structural top towards the SW. These structures have an Sn-1 // Sn foliation represented by compositional...quartz-rich and amphibole itabirites hydrothermal magnetite is richer in REE than an early-stage magnetite...INTRODUCTION The Araçuaí-West Congo Orogen (Fig. 1) is an Ediacaran-Cambrian orogenic system developed between
Minakawa, Tetsuo, Sano, Sakae (2017) Rocks and minerals of the Sekigawa River. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 123 (7) 515-531 doi:10.5575/geosoc.2017.0025 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
forsterite. 4) Layered chromitite from the Akaishi Mine. 5) Chromian diopside is the gangue mineral in the...brilliant green crystal in kammererite. This is a new amphibole that was recently discovered at Mt. Higashiakaishi...chlorite. 13) Polished sample showing large euhedral magnesite crystals (brownish rectangles) in fine-grained...amphibolite. Omphacite is rich in kosmochlor. The amphibole is a chromium-bearing edenitic hornblende. 24)... This indigo-blue mineral (arrow) is a sodic amphibole of the glaucophane-riebeckite series. Here it
Pokrovsky, Oleg S. - Ed. (2017) Dolomite - Formation, Characteristics and Environmental Impact. Nova, New York. Book
the dolomite problematics, this chapter presents an extensive review on groundwater regime of karst aquifers...prerequisite for the crystallisation of double carbonates. An important information given in this chapter is that...coupled dissolution-crystallization reactions as an important prerequisite for dolomite-like mineral...water supply for present and future demands requires an adequately managed utilization of the regionally...formations in the northwest of the Arabian Plate, an outline of the paleogeographic situation of the region
(2016) The Journal of Gemmology Vol. 35 (4) Gem-A Journal (issue)
deposit weigh 0.29–2.53 ct and were characterized for an article appearing in this issue (see pp. 294–306)...Ltd. (Ramat Gan, Israel) released DiaPix Jewelry, an “all in one video imaging machine” that captures...Thailand released two Lab Updates: ‘Cymrite: 272 An unusual jade imitation’ and ‘Some uncommon features...Jadeite On 7 October 2016, President Obama signed an Executive Order terminating the Burma Sanctions programme...loan from private collections. Under development is an accompanying mobile app that visitors can download
Barkov, Andrei Y., Korolyuk, Vladimir N., Barkova, Larisa P., Martin, Robert F. (2019) Double-Front Crystallization in the Chapesvara Ultramafic Subvolcanic Complex, Serpentinite Belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Minerals, 10 (1) 14 doi:10.3390/min10010014 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
chromian spinel, implying rapid crystallization of an almost unfractionated melt. On average, the whole-rock...with magmas of up to 30–35% MgO. The UCF rock yields an anomalously low molar MgO/SiO2 value, close to that...bodies may well have formed(Figures by injection an ultramafic magma, derived from a common mantle3 graniticof...following units (bottom to top; this study): _amphibole_-olivine zone (IV), central dunite zone (II), olivine-bearing...sill-like bodies may well have formed by injection of an ultramafic magma, derived fromofaof common source
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (2013) An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals (3rd ed.) Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. doi:10.1180/dhz Book (edition)
3751723/9780903056434_frontmatter.pdf by guest An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals Third Edition...Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Deer, W. A. An introduction to the rock-forming minerals. – 3rd...Cataloging-in-Publication Data Deer, W. A. (William Alexander) An introduction to the rock-forming minerals/W. A. Deer...Celestine, Gypsum, Anhydrite Carbonates Calcite, Magnesite, Siderite, Dolomite, Aragonite, Strontianite Phosphates...Aegirine-augite, Spodumene 102 Wollastonite 132 Amphibole group 137 171 Anthophyllite–Gedrite, Cummingtonite–
Chen, Xin, Xu, Rongke, Schertl, Hans-Peter, Zheng, Youye (2018) Eclogite-facies metamorphism in impure marble from north Qaidam orogenic belt: Geodynamic implications for early Paleozoic continental-arc collision. Lithos, 310. 201-224 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.04.005 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1016/j.lithos.2018.04.005 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication...terrigenous-dominated forearc marine basin rather than an intracontinental basin environment, further evidence...Liu et al., 2015b; Zhang et al., 2016a). Zircon is an important mineral that allows researchers to interpret...2008a). Therefore, these rocks either experienced an early oceanic subduction stage prior to continental..., 2013; Song et al., 2014a), or they represented an oceanic ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT slice in the continental-oceanic
Klonowska, I., Janák, M., Majka, J., Froitzheim, N., Kośmińska, K. (2016) Eclogite and garnet pyroxenite from Stor Jougdan, Seve Nappe Complex, Sweden: implications for UHP metamorphism of allochthons in the Scandinavian Caledonides. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (2) 103-119 doi:10.1111/jmg.12173 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
eclogite is inferred from inclusions of zoisite and amphibole in garnet, which are stable at lower pressure...plagioclase symplectites after omphacite, growth of amphibole replacing these symplectites, and of titanite...recognized from replacement of pyroxene and garnet by amphibole. The results show that eclogite was metamorphosed...Van Roermund, 2004). The processes leading to such an evolution are not well understood but potentially...Norrbotten Tsäkkok lens4 BS 1.0 The SNC represents an allochthon that can be traced for 1400 km along the
Ferrero, Silvio, Godard, Gaston, Palmeri, Rosaria, Wunder, Bernd, Cesare, Bernardo (2018) Partial melting of ultramafic granulites from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Constraints from melt inclusions and thermodynamic modeling. American Mineralogist, 103 (4) 610-622 doi:10.2138/am-2018-6214 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
retrograde symplectites at contacts between garnet and amphibole. Garnet contains two generations of melt inclusions...inclusions are <30 μm in size, secondary, and contain amphibole, feldspars, and zoisite. Type 2 inclusions appear...crystallization products of a melt that coexisted with an immiscible CO2-rich fluid. The nanogranitoids were...melting degrees in the presence of biotite and amphibole as reactants. Keywords: Nanogranitoids, partial... conditions, and products—has been the target of an extensive experimental campaign over three decades
Fitros, Michalis, Tombros, Stylianos F., Kokkalas, Sotirios, Kilias, Stephanos P., Perraki, Maria, Skliros, Vasilios, Simos, Xenofon C., Papaspyropoulos, Konstantinos, Avgouropoulos, George, Williams-Jones, Anthony E., Zhai, Degao, Hatzipanagiotou, Konstantin (2020) REE-enriched skarns in collisional settings: The example of Xanthi's Fe-skarn, Rhodope Metallogenetic Massif, Northern Greece. Lithos, 370. 105638pp. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105638 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1016/j.lithos.2020.105638 This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance...bars, at temperatures of ~ 345º to ~ 400ºC, from an almost pH neutral, saline, Ce-bearing, heterogeneous...activity of Ca of the skarn-forming ore fluid in an extensional setting. ro This model can be used...top of Variscan continental crust. The LTU displays an Eocene to Oligocene metamorphic overprint at upper...Cretaceous (Krenn et al., 2010; Moulas et al., 2013). An Eocene to Oligocene volcanosedimentary sequence (VSS)
Chukanov, Nikita V., Chervonnyi, Alexandr D. (2016) Infrared Spectroscopy of Minerals and Related Compounds. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25349-7 Book
changes of relative band intensities) may be seen in an ATR spectrum due to the dependency of the penetration...spectroscopy using pulverized samples dispersed in an immersion medium should be considered as the preferred...absorb much humidity from the air. This leads to an increased background in the ranges 1600–1700 and...for crystals of organic compounds with weak van der Waals intermolecular interactions. As a rule, phase...ones recorded for samples dispersed as suspension in an inert liquid (e.g. Nujol). Nujol, or paraffin oil
(2021) Mineralogical Almanac Vol. 25 (3) Journal (issue)
; ·• •';._ i.: Smithsonite; 12.5 cm, Kelly mine, Socorro County, NM, Riley Owen Photo Mineralogical...tables. This issue of the MineralogicalAlmanacis an overviewfocused on mineralogy of the famous Vishnevye...eastern slope of the South Urals in the Kasli district, Chelyabinsk oblast, Russia (Fig. I) 100 km NW...Ural Railway. Mountains cr~L--+L~ I .(_,~azaw:;;an ,607, i:, This is a submeridional ridge approximately...of the Yishnevye Mountains niobium deposit. The district geology, age relationships of rocks, petrography