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Oxburgh, E.R. (1968) The Eastern Alps—a geological excursion Guide. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 79 (1) 47 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(68)80024-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Gilgen Windows Alps-The Hallein District I . Alps-The Hallein District II . Alps-The Lammertal and Gosau...74 81 85 91 95 99 108 112 113 121 125 ABSTRACT: An itinerary and outcrop description is given for thirteen...Hallein, near Salzburg, the next five on Spittal, in Carinthia, and the last two on Leoben and Vienna respectively...rstrasse-e-cross-secticns (Day 6) Lonza Kopfl ; south-west of Mallnitz, Mo lltal (Day 7) Kaponig Graben : north-east...Geologists' Association 1966 Field Meeting in Austria. The form of the orig inal Guide has been retained
CLIFF, R. A., DROOP, G. T. R., REX, D. C. (1985) Alpine metamorphism in the south-east Tauern Window, Austria: 2. Rates of heating, cooling and uplift. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 3 (4) 403-415 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.1985.tb00327.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphism in the south-east Tauern Window, Austria: 2. Rates of heating, cooling and uplift R. A....At high structural levels, published data indicate an age >35 Myr for the metamorphic climax. In contrast...Key-words: Alps; Gcochronology; Tauern Window. Austria; thermal history; uplift rates INTRODUCTION The...Three main tunnel segments link adjoining valleys at an altitude close to 1600 m, this provides a continuous...in the tunnels. In the central part of the section an updomed mass of Zentralgneis. the Gosskern, occurs
(1974, May) Der Aufschluss Vol. 25 (5) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. Journal (issue)
E er ~ Aufschluss 5 Zeitschrift fur die Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie Jahrgang 25 Mai 1974 Quan-Doppelender...Geologic Herausgeber und Verlag : Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e. V. Sitz:...Uber die bemerkenswertesten Mineralvorkommen in der Umgebung von Heiligenblut 246 Bilcherschau 296...ilungen der VFMG Elnlegeblatt: Bezirksgruppen der VFMG und Tausch-Ecke Geschaftsstelle der VFMG: 69...konto der VFMG-Geschaftsstelle: Scheckamt Kolo 98 910-507 Glrokonto cier VFMG Nr. 29.6222.05 bel der Heidelberger
(1998) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 143. Universität Innsbruck Journal (volume)
Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft II Band 143 1998 Mitteilungen der Österreichischen...Riegelnik, Piaristengasse 19, A- 1 080 Wien Printed in Austria MITI.ÖSTERR.MINER.GES. ill (1998) INHALT Originalarbeiten...: Mineralvorkommen in den riphäischen Grauwacken der Oberlausitz, Sachsen s. 75 Nesbitt B . : Crustal...Universitäten (Auszüge) Angerer P.: Strukturuntersuchungen an Amidosulfsat-Tetrahydraten mit zweiwertigen Kationen...Geochemie der Paragneise und der Amphibolite der Liegendserie der Gföhler Einheit zwischen der Donau und
Exel, Reinhard (1993) Die Mineralien und Erzlagerstätten Österreichs. Eigenverlag R. Exel. p.1-447. Book
wirtschaftliche Bedeutung • Geologie der ~~gerstätten • Geschichte der mineralogischen Erforschung Osterreichs...Sammlungswesen und Mineralienhandel mit Lexikon der Mineralien Österreichs 12 Tabellen und 80 Abbildungen...REINHARD EXEL, Jahrgang 1947. Studium der Erdwissenschaften an der Universität Innsbruck. Praktische Arbeiten...Umweltgeologe bei der Südtiroler Landesregierung in Bozen, als Lagerstättengeologe bei der Geologischen Bundesanstalt...Bundesanstalt in Wien und als Betreuer der mineralogisch-petrographischen Sammlungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums
(1993) Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-84640-3 Book
Karl-Franzens-Universitat HeinrichstraBe 26 A-8010Graz Austria ISBN-13 :978-3-642-84642-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-84640-3...The Alps are an arched mountain chain stretching 1500 km between Vienna and Graz in Austria and Genova...be used by specialists, but that it may serve as an introduction to one aspect of the complex and fascinating...and the patient work of the reviewers has made such an enterprise possible. Our warmest thanks go, therefore... University) who agreed to collaborate as an author at an early stage. Besides the reviews presented
Lobitzer, Harald, Csäszär, Geza, Daurer, Albert - Eds. (1994) Jubiläumsschrift 20 Jahre Geologische Zusammenarbeit Österreich-Ungarn [Anniversary publication 20 years of geological cooperation between Austria and Hungary] Vol. 1. Geologische Bundesanstalt. Book (volume)
are given in German language. Vorwort der Direktoren Vorwort der Herausgeber Elöszö Directors' Preface...Tabelle und 9 Tafeln . 19 PASCHER, G.: Das Neogen der Mattersburger Bucht (Burgenland). Mit 4 Abbildungen...RÖGL, F. & SEEMANN, R.: Geologie und Sedimentologie der Fundstelle miozäner Insekten in Weingraben (Burgenland...Burgenland, Österreich). Mit 1 Abbildung und 8 Tafeln 71 der neogenen Meeresspiegelschwankungen im Wiener und...Abbildungen 93 KÖKAY, J.: Stratigraphische Revision der unter- und mittelmiozänen Bildungen des Beckens von
Palinkaš, Ladislav A., Šoštarić, Sibila Borojević, Palinkaš, Sabina Strmić (2008) Metallogeny of the Northwestern and Central Dinarides and Southern Tisia. Ore Geology Reviews, 34 (3) 501-520 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2008.05.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
model several decades ago greatly contributed to an integrated interpretation of ore deposit genesis...Northwestern–Central Dinarides and Southern Tisia. The Dinarides, an orogenic belt positioned between the Adria microplate...Northwestern and Central Dinarides The Dinarides are an orogenic belt stretching 700 km along the northeastern...Pannonian and Durmitor nappes locally achieved _epidote_–amphibolite grade, while granitoids in the South...the Mt. Velebit area (Herak, 1986). In these areas, an unknown Variscan basement is overlain by Moscovian
(2014) The transition from Variscan collision to continental break-up in the Alps: insights from the comparison between natural data and numerical model predictions. Special Publication, 405. Geological Society of London. 363-400 doi:10.1144/sp405.11 Report (chapter)
high-temperature metamorphism during Permian–Triassic time. An active extension is required to obtain model predictions...successive convergent and divergent plate dynamics; an example is how vestiges in the AarGotthard massifs...of a Proterozoic oceanic crust forged manifolds in an active margin during Caledonian, Variscan and Alpine...Southalpine basement shows a dominant imprint under epidote amphibolite- to greenschistsfacies conditions up...particles and with aligned chloritoid is preserved as an internal foliation within a staurolite (St) porphyroblast
(2009) Upper and lower crustal evolution during lithospheric extension: numerical modelling and natural footprints from the European Alps, in Extending a Continent - Architecture, Rheology and Heat Budget. Special Publication, 321. Geological Society of London. 33-72 doi:10.1144/sp321.3 Report (chapter)
and mantle and its rheological behaviour is that of an incompressible viscous fluid controlled by a power...Bs, blueschist facies; E, eclogite facies; EA, _epidote_–amphibolite facies; A, amphibolite facies; G, granulite...in the gabbro country rocks (#11b in Table 1) and an intermediate T assemblage characterizes the aureole...asthenospheric mantle sources. This interpretation indicates an important role of the mantle in the generation of...these two domains acted as a hanging wall during an asymmetric lithospheric thinning which, according
Amstutz, G. C., Goresy, A. El, Frenzel, G., Kluth, C., Moh, G., Wauschkuhn, A., Zimmermann, R.A. - Eds. (1982) Ore Genesis. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68344-2 Book
Zimmermann Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universitat Heidelberg 1m Neuenheimer Feld 236, 6900...professional colleagues, friends, and students - owe an immense measure of gratitude to him for his guidance...of fast changing methods of publishing this is not an easy task, and we hope, together with the publisher...negatively affect the overall qUality. The selection of an appropriate title for a book of this type is not...that time (p. Ramdohr, Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Lagerstattenkunde, in Fortschr. d. Min., Krist.,
Amstutz, G. C., Goresy, A. EI, Frenzel, G., Kluth, C., Moh, G., Wauschkuhn, A., Zimmermann, R.A. - Eds. (1982) Ore Genesis - The State of the Art - A Volume in Honour of Professor Paul Ramdohr on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday With Special Reference to His Main Scientific Interests - Special Publication of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits No. 2. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Book
Zimmermann Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universitat Heidelberg 1m Neuenheimer Feld 236, 6900...professional colleagues, friends, and students - owe an immense measure of gratitude to him for his guidance...of fast changing methods of publishing this is not an easy task, and we hope, together with the publisher...negatively affect the overall qUality. The selection of an appropriate title for a book of this type is not...that time (p. Ramdohr, Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Lagerstattenkunde, in Fortschr. d. Min., Krist.,
(1980) Geology of the European Countries - Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Dunod. Book
Geology of the european countries Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Treland, The Netherlands, Switzerland...editing the guidebooks. Each guide-book includes an introduction to the geology of the country visited...and they have been grouped in four volumes : @ Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands...Organizing Committee of the Congress, has written an introduction to the geology of Europe offering a...Geological Congress Geology of the european countries Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands
(1980) Geology of the European Countries - Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Dunod. Book
Geology of the eu _ ropean countries ' •' Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, . Ireland, The Netherlands...editing the guidebooks. Each guide-book includes an introduction to the geology of the country visited...and they have been grouped in four volumes : • Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands...Organizing Committee of the Congress, has written an introduction to the geology of Europe offering a...GeologiAustria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands
Rutten, M. G. (1969) The Geology of Western Europe. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Book
different approach, if not to differences in philosophy. An important factor in this difference is that European...correlated with the stage names of time-stratigraphy. An irksome influence in European stratigraphy has moreover...main object in writing this book has been to produce an overall picture of the geology of western Europe...a single geologist could write about Das Antlitz der Erde (SuEss, 1885, 1888, 1901), are over. Western...out. I have tried to select those papers which give an up-to-date picture of the state of our knowledge
Flügel, Erik (2010) Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks (2nd ed.) Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03796-2 Book (edition)
edition to be necessary, but they all believed that an update of the references on the CD going with the...hoped to include an additional chapter with plates that would provide the reader with an expanded range...in the book contain a short summary of the topic. An –> sign leads the reader to the figures on the plate...controls of carbonate sedimentation and provides an overview on the most common fossils found in thin...starts with and introductory chaper (Chap.1) and an overview of modern carbonate deposition (Chap. 2)
Ring, U., Wernicke, B. - Eds. (2009) Extending a Continent - Architecture, Rheology and Heat Budget. Special Publication Vol. 321. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
The Aegean Sea is another well-known example of an orogen that has been extremely modified by large-scale...over the region of surface geothermal activity gives an effective heat-flow of c. 860 mWm2: a value many...degrees of partial melting of a mixed source including an enriched mantle lithosphere component and assimilatedmelted...continental drift, believed that thrust faults were an expression of crustal contraction, and there was...twentieth century (Holmes 1965), whose author was an early exponent of continental drift and mantle convection
Haas, János (2013) Geology of Hungary. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21910-8 Book
et al. 2001). The aim of this volume is to present an updated version of the previous edition of “Geology...in the last decade. The authors attempted to give an outline of the main features of the geology and geohistory...institution for 25 years between 1882 and 1908 and played an outstanding role in organising the geologic mapping...region. This concept postulated a crystalline massif, an autochthonous craton, located beneath the Mesozoic–Cenozoic...departments were active in five universities; however, an organised education of professional geologists had
Nichols, Gary, Williams, Edward, Paola, Chris (2007) Sedimentary processes, environments, and basins: a tribute to Peter Friend. Special Publication 38. The International Association of Sedimentologists Report (issue)
F. Sandrelli Facies architecture and cyclicity of an Upper Carboniferous carbonate ramp developed in a...Creation and preservation of channel-form sand bodies in an experimental alluvial system, 555 B.A. Sheets, C...International Association of Sedimentologists seemed an appropriate forum, and the meeting being held in...thanks from a number of people who have benefited from an association with Peter, whether as doctoral students...Paola who have worked with Peter on many projects. An enthusiasm for collaboration has always been a hallmark