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Cairncross, Bruce (2016) Connoisseur's Choice: Ajoite, Messina Mine, Musina, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Rocks & Minerals, 91 (5) 426-433 doi:10.1080/00357529.2016.1193697 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Johannesburg, South Africa brucec@uj.ac.za AJOITE Messina Mine, Musina, Limpopo Province, South Africa I t...originating from the Messina mine in South Africa. (Note that the town where the mine existed was originally...originally named Messina but was renamed Musina after the 1994 political dispensation in South Africa. The registered...registered mine name remains Messina.) Since the early 1950s, the Messina mine has produced spectacular...original type-locality specimens from the New Cornelia mine, Pima County, Arizona, in the United States have
Perchuk, L. L., van Reenen, D. D., Smit, C. A., Boshoff, R., Belyanin, G. A., Yapaskurt, V. O. (2008) Role of granite intrusions for the formation of ring structures in granulite complexes: Examples from the Limpopo belt, South Africa. Petrology, 16 (7) 652-678 doi:10.1134/s0869591108070023 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Granulite Complexes: Examples from the Limpopo Belt, South Africa L. L. Perchuka, b, c, D. D. van Reenenb...PO Box 524, 2006 Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa e-mail: dirkvr@uj.ac.za c Institute of Experimental...four such structures from the Central Zone of the Limpopo complex, which were formed during granulite exhumation...within the whole area of the Central Zone of the Limpopo complex. This implies that the rocks were metamorphosed...Neoarchean stage of the development of the Limpopo granulite complex. Local mineral equilibria and fluid inclusions
(1991) May - June 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
0026-4628 ‘Continued on p. 247 Articles The Outlaw mine, Nye County, Nevada ..............................J. P. Cassedanne & L. Barreto The Messina mining district, South A frica .............................Valley Road Watsonville, California 95076 The Outlaw mine has long been known as an occurrence o f rare and...benjaminite, fo r which it is the type locality. The mine has been idle fo r more than 60 years, and because...More than 30 minerals have been identified from the mine and studies continue on the sulfosalt mineralogy
(2016) Berezovsk, Russia!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
net Famous Mineral Localities: The Berezovsk District, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia .....................quartz in the Artonvilla mine, Messina District, Limpopo Province, South Africa .........................know, we supplied a DVD on the famous Pederneira mine with the May-June issue. This DVD is a supplement...staff of the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington on October 1, 1957, as Assistant Scientific... and he was in constant demand as a speaker at local clubs and societies. Three of his most popular talks--delivered
Perchuk, L.L., van Reenen, D.D., Varlamov, D.A., van Kal, S.M., Tabatabaeimanesh, , Boshoff, R. (2008) P–T record of two high-grade metamorphic events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa. Lithos, 103 (1) 70-105 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.09.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphic events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa L.L. Perchuk a,b,c , D.D. van Reenen...Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow District, 142432, Russia Department of Geology, University...Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa Received 11 September 2006; accepted 3 September...different D/M events in the Central Zone of the Limpopo high-grade (HG) terrain, which previously had been...data with the following conclusion: the CZ of the Limpopo Complex was subjected to three superimposed tectono-metamorphic
Rajesh, H.M., Belyanin, G.A., Van Reenen, D.D. (2018) Three tier transition of Neoarchean TTG-sanukitoid magmatism in the Beit Bridge Complex, Southern Africa. Lithos, 296. 431-451 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2017.11.018 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
magmatism in the Beit Bridge Complex, southern Africa H.M. Rajesh, G.A. Belyanin, D.D. Van Reenen PII:...magmatism in the Beit Bridge Complex, southern Africa. The address for the corresponding author was captured...magmatism in the Beit Bridge Complex, southern Africa H.M. Rajesh1*, G.A. Belyanin2, D.D. Van Reenen2...Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa T 1 CR IP *Corresponding author. Telephone:...Bridge AN Complex terrane of the Limpopo Complex in southern Africa. These include the smaller ~2.65-
(2018, December) Geobulletin Vol. 61 (4) Geological Society of South Africa Journal (issue)
Medical Geology 24 The Waterberg’s first platinum mine 26 Thermal remote sensing for mineral and hydrocarbon...Tanzania Mineral Scene 44 Ajoite from Messina Mine, South Africa The Geotraveller 46 Geology and Mining... Box 91230 Auckland Park 2006 Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: +27 11 358 0028 e-mail: info@gssa.org.za...for Geoscience Private Bag X112 Pretoria South Africa 0001 Tel : + 27 (0) 12 841 1149 General Fax:...CORNER RUSTENBURG & CARLOW ROADS, MELVILLE, SOUTH AFRICA. Classifieds Front Cover: The Cradle of Humankind
Laurent, Oscar, Martin, Hervé, Doucelance, Régis, Moyen, Jean-François, Paquette, Jean-Louis (2011) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of high-K “sanukitoids” from the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Implications for geodynamic changes at the Archaean–Proterozoic boundary. Lithos, 123 (1) 73-91 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.12.009 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
“sanukitoids” from the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Implications for geodynamic changes...intrusive in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (Limpopo Province, South Africa). It is made up of large volumes...2007) within the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, in South Africa. The goal of this study is twofold:...boundary. 2. Geological setting 2.1. The Limpopo Belt The Limpopo Belt (Fig. 1) is a ~ 650 km-long and ~200...high-grade granulitic terrane, outcropping in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. It corresponds to a
Saggerson, E.P, Turner, L.M (1976) A review of the distribution of metamorphism in the ancient Rhodesian craton. Precambrian Research, 3 (1) 1-53 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90002-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Department of Geology, University of Natal, Durban (South Africa) (Received August 15, 1973, revision accepted...margin particularly within the Zambezi and the Limpopo belts. The distribution of the associated early...development were due to thermal highs centred on the Limpopo mobile belt and possibly the Zambezi belt. INTRODUCTION...of the international metamorphic map of southern Africa b a s e d o n t h e c o n c e p t o f m e t a m...post-Shamvaian. (4) The granites and granitic gneisses. (5) Limpopo Group metasediments. ANCIENT BASEMENT RELICS --
Jacobsen, J. B. E., McCarthy, T. S., Laing, G. J. (1976) The copper-bearing breccia pipes of the Messina district South Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 11 (1) 33-45 doi:10.1007/bf00203093 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Copper-Bearing Breccia Pipes of the Messina District South Africa J. B. E. Jacobsen and T. S. McCarthy...Johannesburg, South Africa G. J. Laing The Messina (Tvl.) Development Company (Pry.) Limited, Messina, South...South Africa The Messina Copper Mines comprise a group of breccia pipes, disseminated replacement andfissure...emplaced within high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Limpopo mobile belt. Breccia pipes as well as associated...recognised in the M e s s i n a district near the northern border of South Africa. Of these, three are mineralized
Chetty, T. R. K., Kehelpannala, Wilbert (2021) Atlas of deformed and metamorphosed rocks from proterozoic orogens. Elsevier. Book
214 222 228 233 Proterozoic orogens of Southern Africa 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 v Mahanadi shear zone Nagavali-Vamsadhara...Aravalli-Delhi Orogenic Belt 2.5.1 Introduction 2.5.2 South Delhi Terrane 2.5.3 Sandmata Terrane 2.5.4 Sirohi...References Introduction The Limpopo Belt The Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt The Mahalapye Complex 4...Proterozoic orogens of India, Sri Lanka, Botswana, South Africa, East Antarctica, and Western Australia. All...Antarctica, Western Australia and some parts of the Limpopo Belt. We thank profusely the Geological Survey
Jacobsen, J. B. E., McCarthy, T. S. (1976) An unusual hydrothermal copper deposit at Messina, South Africa. Economic Geology, 71 (1) 117-130 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.71.1.117 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
An UnusualHydrothermal CopperDepositat Messina, South Africa J. B. E. JACOBSEN' ANDT. S. •{CCARTHY Abstract...ne passingthrough the Artonvilla mine. The orebodiesin the district include breccia pipes, fissure deposits...the latter being best developedin the Artonvilla mine, where four separatelodesare developed. The EmeryLodeis...sequenceof complexly foldedmetasediments of the Limpopo Group. Table 1 showsa broad outline of the regional...regional stratigraphic sequence and lithologyaround Messina. Rocks in the immediatevicinityof the minesrevealgranulite
Hor, A.K., Hutt, D.K., Smith, J.V., Wakefield, J., Windley, B.F. (1975) Petrochemistry and mineralogy of early Precambrian anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southern Africa. Lithos, 8 (4) 297-310 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(75)90013-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Precambrlan anorthositic rocks of the Limpopo belt, southem Africa. Lithoa ~8, ~97-310. T w o sections...l~e anorthosite ,complex' were examined at Messina. South Afdca and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock...in stratigraphic order show that alkalies a t Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites...decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends...Fe-rich. also like the Fiskenaesset ones. The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous
Buick, Ian S., Hermann, Jörg, Maas, Roland, Gibson, Roger L. (2007) The timing of sub-solidus hydrothermal alteration in the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt (South Africa): Constraints from titanite U–Pb geochronology and REE partitioning. Lithos, 98 (1) 97-117 doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.02.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
hydrothermal alteration in the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt (South Africa): Constraints from titanite U–Pb geochronology...the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa Received 9 September 2006; accepted 13 February... Abstract In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies...Titanite; Geochronology; Retrogression; Central Zone; Limpopo Belt 1. Introduction Titanite is a particularly...metabasite from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa) that has been hydrothermally altered
Barton, J.M. (2003) The geology of the area surrounding the Venetia kimberlite pipes, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: A complex interplay of nappe tectonics and granitoid magmatism. South African Journal of Geology, 106 (2) 109-128 doi:10.2113/106.2-3.109 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
surrounding the Venetia kimberlite pipes, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: A complex interplay of nappe tectonics...Auckland Park 2006, South Africa e-mail: jmb@na.rau.ac.za W.P. Barnett Premier Mine, P.O. Box X1015, Cullinan...Cullinan 1000, South Africa e-mail: wayne.barnett@debeersgroup.com E.S. Barton DeBeers Geoscience Center...Center, P.O. Box 82232, Southdale 2135, South Africa e-mail: erika.barton@debeersgroup.com M. Barnett1...2006, South Africa Present address: Gemcom Africa (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 411689, Craighall 2024, South Africa
Sawkins, F. J., Rye, R. O. (1979) Additional geochemical data on the Messina copper deposits, Transvaal, South Africa. Economic Geology, 74 (3) 684-689 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.3.684 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Chamberlin, R. M., 1974, Geology of the Council Rock district, Socorro Country, New Mexico: M.S. thesis, Nexv...Geology and ore deposits of the Magdalena mining district, New Mexico: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 200...thehighlydeformed, granulitegrade metamorphic rocks of the Limpopo Mobile The Messinacopperdepositshavebeenthe subject...deposits, villa mineat the easternextremityof the district,all of the samples.Basedlargelyon investigations...Sample 74-M-3 _Mine_• Artonvilla Generation• Late 74-M-23 Artonvilla Very 74-M-5 Messina Early Mineral
Key, Roger M., Litherland, Martin, Hepworth, John V. (1976) The evolution of the archaean crust of northeast Botswana. Precambrian Research, 3 (4) 375-413 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(76)90028-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Rhodesian Craton, and part of the Limpopo Mobile Belt in the south. The cratonic area includes the whole...developed in the Limpopo Mobile Belt, is imposed throughout the whole area. The Limpopo Belt cuts across...across the area in the south as a large ductile shear zone and affects rocks largely similar to those of...although anorthosites are not known outside it. The Limpopo Belt has its own style of deformation -- interference...cataclasis. Metamorphism is similar throughout Limpopo Mobile Belt and Craton, each event being recognized
Windley, B F, Bishop, F C, Smith, J V (1981) Metamorphosed Layered Igneous Complexes in Archean Granulite-Gneiss Belts. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 9. 175-196 doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.09.050181.001135 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
belt of northwest Scotland and the Limpopo belt of southern Africa (Table 1) are in different sub-belts...Malagasy Sakeny Boulanger 1959 Limpopo, southern Africa Messina layered intrusion Hor et al1975,...1974, J. D. Sills et ai, in preparation Limpopo, southern Africa Neshuro complex and Chingwa-Ma-Karorro...1973), Labrador (Bridgwater et al 1975), and the Limpopo belt (Barton et al 1977b). Metamorphic ages are:...West Greenland 3.6 to 3.8 Ga B.P., Labrador 3.6, Limpopo 3.86 ± 0.12; younger gneisses, West Green­ land
(2020) Montreal Mine!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
M ontreal Mine! L L The Mineralogical Record MAY–JUNE 2020 • VOLUME 51 • NUMBER 3 • $25 & Wayne...gemgypsy@bellsouth.net MAY–JUNE 2020 Articles The Montreal mine, Iron County, Wisconsin ........................... 487 COVER: BARITE, 6.5 cm, from the Montreal mine. David and Karen DeBruin collection, ex Muscatine...cm on vesuvianite from the Crazy Sphinx mine, Helena District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Collected...world-class realgar specimens from the Royal Reward mine, Green River Gorge, King County, Washington. The
Tsunogae, T., Miyano, T., Ridley, J. (1992) Metamorphic P-T profiles from the Zimbabwe Craton to the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe. Precambrian Research, 55 (1) 259-277 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(92)90027-l Journal (article/letter/editorial)
P - T profiles from the Zimbabwe Craton to the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe T. Tsunogae a, T. Miyano a and J...P - T profiles from the Zimbabwe Craton to the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe. In: D.D. van Reenen, C. Roering...Ashwal and M.J. de Wit (Editors), The Archaean Limpopo Granulite Belt: Tectonics and Deep Crustal Processes...profiles in the eastern and western parts of the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe, were examined on the basis of mineralogic...Craton adjacent to the northern boundary of the Limpopo Belt is calculated to be 650-680°C for amphibolite
Kröner, A (1999) Single zircon ages for granitoid gneisses in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Southern Africa and geodynamic significance. Precambrian Research, 93 (4) 299-337 doi:10.1016/s0301-9268(98)00102-8 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
gneisses in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Southern Africa and geodynamic significance A. Kröner...Geoscience, P.O. Box 620, Pietersburg 0700, South Africa d Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University...throughout the Central Zone (CZ) of the Limpopo mobile belt, South Africa define three broad age groups, namely...metamorphism previously dated at 2027±6 Ma in the Messina area. The second period of granitoid magmatism...the Northern and Southern Marginal Zones of the Limpopo belt. Broad contemporaneity of extensive granitoid
(2015, October 15th) The Rainbow of Africa Gem & Mineral Collection. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5236. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
RAINBOW OF AFRICA GEM & MINERAL COLLECTION Front Cover: Gems from the Rainbow of Africa Collection... Heritage Signature® Auction #5236 The Rainbow of Africa Collection Gems & Minerals October 15, 2015 | New...Signature® Internet Session 2 Heritage Auctions Design District Annex 1518 Slocum Street • Dallas, TX 75207 (HERITAGELive...RAINBOW OF AFRICA COLLECTION You have in front of you our presentation of the Rainbow of Africa Collection:...The mineral riches of Africa are not the only things making up the Rainbow of Africa Collection. For the
du Plessis, G., Jonck, G. J., Kruger, R. (1997) Potential low-grade iron ore deposits in metamorphosed banded iron formations, Northern Province, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 32 (4) 362-370 doi:10.1007/s001260050102 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphosed banded iron formations, Northern Province, South Africa Received: 4 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 January...ore would be quite unique in a South African context as South Africa is well endowed with high-grade...the largest integrated steel manufacturer in South Africa, employs a 40-year raw materials resource plan...0001, South Africa G.J. Jonck Pilot Plant, Iscor Ltd, PO Box 450, Pretoria 0001, South Africa Sishen...potential of low-grade iron ore occurrences in South Africa. This was to ensure reserves in the long term
(2020) Mineral Collections in Texas III. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (6.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Euclase, 2.3 cm, from the Gachalá mine, Guavió-Guatéque mining district, Boyacá Department, Colombia. Gail...cm, from Stak Nala, Haramosh Mountains, Skardu district, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Zach Goodman collection;...Budd photo. Tanzanite, 7.6 cm, from the Merelani mine near Arusha, Tanzania. Barry & Beth Kitt collection;...Fluorite on quartz, 13 cm, from the Yaogangxian mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. The...Spodumene (variety kunzite), 9 cm, from the Urucum mine, Galiléia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Gus & Jane Eifler
McCarthy, T. S., Jacobsen, J. B. E. (1976) The mineralizing fluids at the Artonvilla copper deposit; an example of a silica-deficient, alkaline hydrothermal system. Economic Geology, 71 (1) 131-138 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.71.1.131 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
replacementcopperorebodiesknown as the Artonvilla mine, Messina,South Africa. Gangue and ore minerals exhibit a distinct...through albite-chalcopyrite-bornite-chlorite, albite-_epidote_-chlorite-specularite-born- ite-chalcocite to ...on in the Emery Lode copper deposit, Artonvilla mine, was described to speculariteand finally goeth...edby an outersericiteand inneralbite-chlorite-epidote and a central chlorite-prehnite-analcite-quartz...inclusions nature of its source. in quartz from Messina (F. J. Sawkins,pers. comA fluid of this composition