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Cairncross, Bruce (2016) Connoisseur's Choice: Ajoite, Messina Mine, Musina, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Rocks & Minerals, 91 (5) 426-433 doi:10.1080/00357529.2016.1193697 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Johannesburg, South Africa brucec@uj.ac.za AJOITE Messina Mine, Musina, Limpopo Province, South Africa I t...originating from the Messina mine in South Africa. (Note that the town where the mine existed was originally...originally named Messina but was renamed Musina after the 1994 political dispensation in South Africa. The registered...registered mine name remains Messina.) Since the early 1950s, the Messina mine has produced spectacular...original type-locality specimens from the New Cornelia mine, Pima County, Arizona, in the United States have
(1991) May - June 1991. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 22 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
0026-4628 ‘Continued on p. 247 Articles The Outlaw mine, Nye County, Nevada ..............................J. P. Cassedanne & L. Barreto The Messina mining district, South A frica .............................Valley Road Watsonville, California 95076 The Outlaw mine has long been known as an occurrence o f rare and...benjaminite, fo r which it is the type locality. The mine has been idle fo r more than 60 years, and because...More than 30 minerals have been identified from the mine and studies continue on the sulfosalt mineralogy
(2016) Berezovsk, Russia!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
net Famous Mineral Localities: The Berezovsk District, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia .....................quartz in the Artonvilla mine, Messina District, Limpopo Province, South Africa .........................know, we supplied a DVD on the famous Pederneira mine with the May-June issue. This DVD is a supplement...staff of the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington on October 1, 1957, as Assistant Scientific... and he was in constant demand as a speaker at local clubs and societies. Three of his most popular talks--delivered
(2020, November) The Mineralogy Society of Hong Kong Newsletter Vol. 16 (11) Journal (issue)
16 卷第 11 號, 2020 年 11 月 Visit to the Gemstone District of Hong Kong 參觀香港紅磡寶石區後記 By: Dougal Pitt Several...quartz with green Epidote and red Piemontite from Messina Mine in South Africa and a few unusual snow white...with Epidote and Piemontite from Messina Mine, S.Africa(Eva Chung specimen) 來自南非 Messina 礦的經典礦種,水晶內含斜矽鋁銅礦共生綠廉石和紅廉石。...material looks very much like that found at the Chibuku Mine in Chiredzi in Zimbabwe. The sceptre quartzes were...Story,參加者有 機會見到她的收藏品,同時有一些特色礦物出售。 在其藏品中,最特別的要數來自南非 Messina 礦的 經典礦物:內含斜矽鋁銅礦水晶共生綠色綠廉石和 紅色紅廉石,另外還有雪白色玉髓共生紫水晶標
Lauf, Robert J. (2011) Collector's Guide to the Epidote Group. Rocks & Minerals, 86 (5) 444-457 doi:10.1080/00357529.2011.602297 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
3+ 3+ Piemontite Ca2(Al,Mn ,Fe )3Si3O12(OH) Monoclinic occupy each site in the 3+ 3+ _Piemontite_-(Sr) CaSr(Al...Epidote Epidote-(Pb) Epidote-(Sr) Mukhinite Piemontite _Piemontite_-(Sr) Manganipiemontite-(Sr) Ca Ca Ca Ca...manganipiemontite-(Sr); strontiopiemontite is now _piemontite_-(Sr); and androsite-(La) is now manganiandrosite-(La)...niigataite for the type locality, in the Itoigawa-Ohmi district, Niigata Prefecture, in central Japan (Miyajima...in a sample of pumpellyite rock from the Wakasa district, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. The host rock consisted
Cook, Robert B. (2002) Connoisseur's Choice: Epidote. Rocks & Minerals, 77 (5) 328-332 doi:10.1080/00357529.2002.9925655 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
minerals including zoisite, the allanites, and piemontite, is a dominant member of the epidote group. The...collect­ ed from veins exposed along State Highway 229 south of Martinsville, Henry County, Virginia. The U.S...Colorado localities as the Calumet iron mine, Turret district, Chaffee County (squat, dark green crystals...sites, including copper mines of the Seven Devils district, Adams County, where sharp lustrous crystals to...scheelite, and titanite at the Washington Metals mine at Cedonia, Stevens County. Epidote specimens have
Sinisi, Rosa, Mongelli, Giovanni, Perri, Francesco, Rizzo, Giovanna (2018) The braunite (3Mn2O3·MnSiO3)-rich mineralization in the metasedimentary succession from southern Apennines (Italy): Genesis constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 94. 1-11 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.01.014 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Braunite Piemontite Mn ore Mineralizing fluid Southern Apennines ...quartz, Mn oxi-hydroxides and Mn-rich epidote (piemontite). Petrographic observations revealed that the...oxi-hydroxides and quartz. During metamorphism, piemontite also formed where altered phyllosilicates are...mineralization sampled at the entrance of an abandoned mine (Mormanno village, near Mt. Cerviero). The petrographic...2c and d). Where present, the Mn-rich epidote (piemontite) coexists with opaque minerals and quartz (Fig
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
alteration of different kinds of stacking of layers, local defects, etc.). For this reason, the interpretation...Lavrion, Greece (6) and Cu-poor adamite from Ojuela mine, Mexico (7) IR spectra of acid salts (silicates...freedom per unit cell and qi and qj are deviations of local coordinates (i.e. lengths of chemical bonds and...frequencies of normal vibrations are determined by local force parameters of these bonds (see, e.g. Loghinov...Arsenato-Borates Sussexite 29 Mn2+BO2(OH) Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description:
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) Reg. No. 1953/000441/07 The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing editor:...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) 1953/000441/07 Reg. No. The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Hyrsl, J., Niedermayr, G. (2003) Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse in Quarz. [Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz]. Bode Verlang GmbH. Book
negative Kristalle") aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine im Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. Aus der...negative crystals") from the Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. From the...type parageneses are also known from North and South America. In North America particularly from the...carry quartz with „oil" inclusions. For a long time local collectors designated them „smoky quartz" as the...(Skapolith?) in Rauchquarz aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander Co., North Carolina, USA. Starky, pseudomorph
Respino, Daniele (2022) Minerali d'Italia Vol. 2. Giove Editrice srl. Book (volume)
Monte Amiata. Mines and minerals in the Mining district of Monte Arniata. In: Principe P., Lavorini G...suo ingresso si riparavano talora delle pecore, e Mine du Labyrinthe (miniera del labirinto), a causa dello...Minerals 1/'oWNITM1T'~r~s c:cm Dundasite San G:ovanni Mine, Punta della Torre. Iglesias. Carbon:a-lgles:as...è hJpelocalihJdella braunite (oltre che della piemontite) ovvero del principale minerale oggetto di coltivazione...vale la pena di evidenziare la braunite e la piemontite di Prabornaz (senza dimenticare la mitica romeite
Daltry, V. D. C. (1997) Mineralogy of South Africa: Type-Mineral Species and Type-Mineral Names. Handbook 15. Geological Survey of South Africa Report (issue)
SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA MINERALOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA:... COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA Scientific Editor R.D. Dixon Linguistic and...Council for Geoscience (Geological Survey of South Africa), 280 Pretoria Street, Silverton, Pretoria or........................... 69 5.1 Overview of South African Occurrences ..............................LAYEREDSUITE,BUSHVELDCOMPLEX.... 111 MINERALOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA: TYPE-MINERAL SPECIES AND TYPE-MINERAL NAMES
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (1962) Rock-Forming Minerals (1st ed.) Vol. 1 - Ortho- and Ring Silicates. Longman. Book (volume)
Zoisite Clinozoisite, Epidote 185 . - .193 Piemontite 194 Allanite 211 LAWSONITE.221 PUMPELLYITE...Azores where it was believed to have occurred in a local volcanic rock, but it was probably obtained from...Forsterite, crystalline limestone, Mogok Mining District, Burma (Adams and Graham, 1926). Olivine, with...Olivine, forsterite—mica—magnetite rock, Vostochyni mine, Ensky, U.S.S.R. (Sobolev, 1947). Olivine, tuff..., 1926. On some minerals from the Ruby mining district of Mogok, Upper Burma. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada
(2001) Val Graveglia. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 32 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Number Five Articles The Val Graveglia m anganese district, Liguria, I t a ly .............................RHODOCHROSITE crystals to 1.6 cm, from the Uchucchacua district, Huanuco depart­ ment, Peru. (See vol. 28, no...Commonwealth of Independent States, China, and from South Africa, Brazil, Australia, India and Gabon. The largest...largest high-grade ore deposits are located in the South African Republic, accounting for about 80% of the...Northern Italy. 1— Cassagna mine 2—Gambatesa mine 3— Molana quarry 4— Molinello mine 5— Monte Bardeneto prospect
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
Meta/lurgical and Mineralogical Society o/ South Africa Journal of Chemical Phy ics Journal cif the...and Proceedings of the Royal Socief) 1 of Ne,v South Wales JPSJ Journal of rhe Physical Society of...Cand CSPG Pennskiye gubemskiye wdomo.sti (Perm district ga=elle) Pl,ilosopl,ical Maga=ine Periodico de...Abernathyitc, K[(UO 2 )(AsO,)](HP) 3, tet., Fumerole No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain. on the southeast flank of the...104(3). 326-328 □ Achavnlitc, FcSe, hex .. Cacheuta Mine. Ccrro de Cacheuta. Sierra de Cacheuta. Mcndoza
Ridge, John Drew (1976) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the USSR) and Australasia. Pergamon Press. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-02747-8 Book
t a t e d Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of t h e U S S R ) a n d Australasia...him. I have tried to include all ore districts in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the U.S.S.R.)> and Australasia...incluir todos los distritos mineros conocido en Africa, Asia (con exclusion de la Union Soviética), y...Greenland. This volume covers mineral deposits in Africa, Asia exclusive of the U.S.S.R., and Australasia...Philippines, and Japan are included with Asia. In South Africa, the deposits are arranged by prov­ inces, in
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
On a spectacular find of crocoite in the Adelaide mine, Dundas, Tasmania (by A. H. Chapman) 3:111-113 ADOLFSSON...AJO Famous mineral localities: the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona (by W. J. Thomas & R. B. Gibbs) 14:283-298...ALLEN, GEORGE B. --and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE...Allgood, C. Williams: Ramsdellite from the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALLGOOD, ROBERT W. -with G...the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALMA Famous mineral localities: the Home Sweet Home mine, [near Alma
(2002) Butte, Montana. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 33 (1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
COVELLITE crystal cluster, 3 cm across, From the Leonard mine, Butte, Montana. Frederick H. Pough collection;...Tucson Mineralogical Symposium on the Minerals of Africa: Abstracts Chairmen: Robert B. Cook & Susan Erickson...the Butte mining camp, especially in the Kelley mine, was just full of vug holes . . . the holes, some...located in Butte, at the site of the old Orphan Girl mine. . . . So wrote a trainee miner, Jerry Dolph, concerning...an underground stope at Butte, Montana’s Kelley mine in the early 1970’s (Dolph, 1994). The wonderful
Boegel, Hellmuth (1971) A Collector's Guide to Minerals and Gemstones. Thames and Hudson. Book
times, and there is evidence of at least one flint mine dating from this period. Finely worked and polished...culture, derives its name from the saltmining district of Hallstatt in Upper Austria, where many prehistoric...size of crystal (barely 0.2 carat) shown below. South Africa. Below right Coarsely foliated graphite. Rap;edara...is famous in the oxidation zone at Tsumeb, SW. Africa. The oxidation zone, however, is impoverished in...exhausted today, such as the silver of Mexico and South America, and the copper of Rio Tinto, Spain. Frequently
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 Book (edition)
Mineral Descriptions Molybdenite in Graphite; Bogala Mine, Sri Lanka 51 Copper, native Synonym(s): Cuivre...grey); North Mine (North Broken Hill Mine; NBH Mine), Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales, Australia;...vein in jasper (red internal reflections); Madenköy Mine, Çayeli, Rize Province, Black Sea Region, Turkey...argentite reaction rim (greenish grey; arg); Monte Narba Mine, San Vito, Cagliari Province, Sardinia, Italy; PPL...matrix (dark grey); Himmelsfürst Mine, Brand-Erbisdorf, Freiberg District, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Germany
(2009) May - June 2009. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 40 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
crystal cluster, 3 cm across, from the Machacamarca mine (Viboras Vein), near Colavi, Potosí Department,...gold specimens to 3.8 cm, from the Santa Elena district. F. John Barlow collection; Wendell Wilson photo...Quonset hut building at the Pima County Fairgrounds south of the city. The show has evolved into a month-long...F. Williams (1842–1922) Diamonds Republic of South Africa Gardner F. Williams is known primarily as the...the author of The Diamond Mines of South Africa (1905), from which this illustration is taken. Williams
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
talc vug in 1997, is 1.7 cm long (Marty, 2004 ). AFRICA widely in Litchfield County, where good crystals...and pegmatitic environments. In the mid- l 970s, local historian-collector William J. Brunet set out to...Mount Malosa, Chilwa alkaline province, Zomba district. "Illite" is the name of a series of incompletely...which they called the Bentley Lake Road occurrence, south of Bancroft. Sharp, flattened rhombohedral ilmenite...Springfield show ( 1995: 582). Madawaska [Faraday] mine near Bow Lake, Hastings County. Some of the world's
Russell, Henry (2002) Encyclopedia of Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones. Thunder Bay Press. Book
paradamite, which was first identified at the Ojuela Mine in Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, and confirmed as a...great chain iN mountains that forms the backbone of South America. However, it occurs in many other parts.... ha . * evident along the western seaboard of South America. Left: Andesite is fine-grained, but some...@ Switzerland @ Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah, United States \ nhydrite...@ Austria ¢ England ¢ Italy @ Pennsylvania and South Dakota, United States Ne of calcium that also
(2003) Mexico [III]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mineral Localities: The Erupción/Ahumada Mine, Los Lamentos District, Chihuahua, Mexico ....................Front Cover WULFENITE from the Ahumada mine, Los Lamentos District, Chihuahua, Mexico; 6.6 cm across. Norm...gathering around a natural amphitheater amid the mine buildings and headframes in order to hear what we...Mexico-II having been devoted to the famous Ojuela mine). Covered here are four more important and prolific...and Arizona Company, then managed the New Cornelia mine at Ajo with great success. While still working for