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(2016) Berezovsk, Russia!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
net Famous Mineral Localities: The Berezovsk District, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia .....................quartz in the Artonvilla mine, Messina District, Limpopo Province, South Africa .........................know, we supplied a DVD on the famous Pederneira mine with the May-June issue. This DVD is a supplement...staff of the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington on October 1, 1957, as Assistant Scientific... and he was in constant demand as a speaker at local clubs and societies. Three of his most popular talks--delivered
Katz, M.B. (1988) Metallogeny of early Precambrian granulite facies terrains. Precambrian Research, 39 (1) 77-84 doi:10.1016/0301-9268(88)90052-6 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
KATZ School of Applied Geology, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, N.S. W. 2033 (Australia)...sedimentary affiliation are known (Ookiep, W, South Africa). Introduction Areally significant and worldwide...deformation. The Selebi-Pikwe region in the Archaean Limpopo Mobile Belt underwent early granulite facies metamorphism...Selebi-Pikwe, Cu-Ni, Botswana (2) Ookiep, Cu, South Africa (3) Caraiba, Cu, Brazil Ores of felsic (anorthosite)...sedimentary affiliation (7) Gagnon, Canada (8) Messina, South Africa (9) Imataca, Venezuela Manganese concentrations
(2020) Montreal Mine!. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 51 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
M ontreal Mine! L L The Mineralogical Record MAY–JUNE 2020 • VOLUME 51 • NUMBER 3 • $25 & Wayne...gemgypsy@bellsouth.net MAY–JUNE 2020 Articles The Montreal mine, Iron County, Wisconsin ........................... 487 COVER: BARITE, 6.5 cm, from the Montreal mine. David and Karen DeBruin collection, ex Muscatine...cm on vesuvianite from the Crazy Sphinx mine, Helena District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Collected...world-class realgar specimens from the Royal Reward mine, Green River Gorge, King County, Washington. The
Chukanov, Nikita V. (2014) Infrared spectra of mineral species Vol. 1 - Springer Geochemistry/Mineralogy. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7128-4 Book (volume)
alteration of different kinds of stacking of layers, local defects, etc.). For this reason, the interpretation...Lavrion, Greece (6) and Cu-poor adamite from Ojuela mine, Mexico (7) IR spectra of acid salts (silicates...freedom per unit cell and qi and qj are deviations of local coordinates (i.e. lengths of chemical bonds and...frequencies of normal vibrations are determined by local force parameters of these bonds (see, e.g. Loghinov...Arsenato-Borates Sussexite 29 Mn2+BO2(OH) Locality: Gonzen mine, Sargans, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Description:
Hyrsl, J., Niedermayr, G. (2003) Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse in Quarz. [Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz]. Bode Verlang GmbH. Book
negative Kristalle") aus der Emerald & Hiddenite Mine im Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. Aus der...negative crystals") from the Emerald & Hiddenite Mine, Alexander County, North Carolina/USA. From the...(1998) mention protogenetically formed scapolite, anhydrite, biotite, actinolite ("amiant"}, rutile, tourmaline...type parageneses are also known from North and South America. In North America particularly from the...carry quartz with „oil" inclusions. For a long time local collectors designated them „smoky quartz" as the
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) Reg. No. 1953/000441/07 The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing editor:...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Cairncross, Bruce, Mccarthy, Terence (2015) Understanding Minerals & Crystals. Penguin Random House South Africa. Book
Struik Nature (an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd) 1953/000441/07 Reg. No. The Estuaries...Century City, 7441 PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Visit www.randomstruik.co.za and join the Struik...published edition, 2015: Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd Publisher: Pippa Parker Managing...Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa Dr Lynnette Greyling Department of Geological...Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town, South Africa Note: The authors and the publishers cannot
Sawkins, Frederick J. (1990) Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics (2nd ed.) - Minerals and Rocks No. 17. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-08681-0 Book
fruition and where they develop depends on a host of local factors, but the broad environmental controls in...and possibly enrage some of those with first-hand local knowledge. To such people I can only offer an advance...their willingness to share freely of their time and local expertise with an itinerant academic. Without their.................. . 83 The Fresnillo Ag-Pb-Zn District, Zacatecas, Mexico .............................Massive Sulfide Deposits of the BathurstNewcastle District, New Brunswick, Canada Discussion of Tectonic
Schidlowski, Manfred (1973) Sulfur in the precambrian metallogeny. Geologische Rundschau, 62 (3) 840-863 doi:10.1007/bf01820963 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
VACQUIER, V.: Terrestrial heat flow in Lake Malawi, Africa. - J. Geophys. Res., 72, 4221--6, 1967. WEGENER...footwall of the irruptive) have made the Sudbury District the greatest single producer of nickel since the...Muskox, Canada; Stfllwater, Montana; Bushveld, South Africa) are, as a rule, not so conspicuous, staying...for certain sulfide assemblages of the Porcupine District, Ontario; the extremely heavy sulfide sulfur found...notably Southern Africa. A major deposit is mined at T s u m e b , South West Africa, where hydrothermal
Dyni, J.R. (1988) Review of the geology and shale-oil resources of the tripolitic oil-shale deposits of Sicily, Italy. Open-File Report Vol. 1988 (88-270) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr88270 Report (issue)
tripolitic marlstone in the vicinity of the oil-shale mine near Serradifalco, Sicily. .......................--One of several stairway adits to the oil-shale mine near Serradifalco, Sicily. .......................stone foundation of the retort at the oil-shale mine near Serradifalco ................................--Ruins of the retort building at the Serradifalco mine......... 13 Figure 5.--Map of Sicily showing the...the Tripoli formation above the Cozzo Disi sulfur mine near Casteltermini in the northwestern part of the
(2014, May 4th) The Hoppel Collection of Fine Minerals & Gems Auction 3. Heritage Nature & Science Auction 5168. Heritage Auctions Catalog/List
Internet, Fax, and Mail) Heritage Auctions Design District Annex 1518 Slocum Street • Dallas, TX 75207 Sunday...52001-52306 LOT VIEWING Heritage Auctions Design District Annex 1518 Slocum Street • Dallas, TX 75207 Wednesday...directly from the miners at the Elmwood Mine in Tennessee, when the mine was actively producing twenty years... 52002 SZENICSITE with POWELLITE Jardinera No. 1 Mine, Inca de Oro, Chañaral Province, Atacama Region...mineral came from one pocket in the Jardinera No. 1 Mine. That find was roughly one cubic meter in volume
Cairncross, Bruce (2018) Who's Who in Mineral Names: Edgar Donald Mountain (1901–1985) Rocks & Minerals, 93 (3) 276-278 doi:10.1080/00357529.2018.1428868 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
courtesy Department of Geology, Rhodes University, South Africa. Department of Geology University of Johannesburg...PO Box 524, Auckland Park 2006 Johannesburg, South Africa brucec@uj.ac.za Edgar Donald Mountain (1901–1985)...locality is the Bultfontein diamond mine in Kimberley, South Africa, where it was found associated with...1985 in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Apart from his prowess as a geologist, Mountain...ill health. He and his wife then immigrated to South Africa where he took up an academic post as Lecturer
(2019) July - August 2019. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 50 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
involvement in collecting the great Bunker Hill mine pyromorphite bonanza, was born in Spokane, Washington...mined by a Phelps Dodge subsidiary as the Sherwood mine. His career was interrupted by the draft in November...Black Pine mine in Phillipsburg, Montana (the type locality for phillipsburgite), but the mine quickly ran...Norm was hired as a geologist at the Bunker Hill mine, where he worked for more than 16 years. He continued...geologists in the logging of core from the Crescent mine when he suffered a stroke in 2010. But he remained
Dechow, E., Jensen, M. L. (1965) Sulfur isotopes of some central African sulfide deposits. Economic Geology, 60 (5) 894-941 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.60.5.894 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
RhodesiaCopperbelt................................... Mufulira Mine ................................................................................... Roan Antelope Mine ............................................. 909............................ 915 920 922 923 The Mine Series ...........................................Copperbelt.............................................. South of the Copperbelt.................................mineral exploration for RhodesJanSelection Trust Mine Services Ltd., and from 1962 to 1963 he was SeniorGeologistfor
Coetzee, C. B. - Ed. (1976) Mineral Resources of the Republic of South Africa (5th ed.) Department of Mines, Pretoria. Book (edition)
OF OF SOUTH AFRICA MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MINERAL RESOURCES OF REPUBLIC OF THE SOUTH AFRICA...Second World War, and partly as a result of it, South Africa experienced vast industrial expansion. This...official ‘handbook on the mineral resources of South Africa, it has become necessary to revise, or rather...great diversity and magnitude of South African mineral deposits and local mining operations, the Economic...Chamber of Mines of South Africa with Mr G. H. Grange as co-ordinator, and the South, African mining industry;
Kröner, A. - Ed. (1981) Precambrian Plate Tectonics - Developments in Precambrian Geology No. 4. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/s0166-2635(08)x7001-x Book
the Precambrian evolution of North America and Africa are particularly well covered while other shields...University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2001 South Africa A. J. BAER Department of Geology, University...Witwatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, 2001 South Africa J. M. L. BERTRAND Centre Geologique et GBophysique...Geochronology, 110 - Tectonic development, 111 Southern Africa: Rhodesian and Kaapvaal cratons . . . . . . . ...SUCCESSIONS IN THE BARBERTON MOUNTAIN LAND. SOUTH AFRICA Carl R . Anhaeusser 119 123 126 130 137 Abstract
(1955) Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources Vol. 5 (1) Colonial Geological Surveys Journal (issue)
INVESTIGATED IN OUR LABORA TORY .A.PP6 B.A.TESLIMITED .AFRICA HOUSE, KINGSWJlY, LONDON, W .C.2 Telephone : CHA...Is.. • 180° 110° 120° 150" .. Editorial Africa a few years ago played only a small part in the...far-reaching and remarkable developments in ''Africa South of the Sahara.'' have followed within recent...Territories throughout the world, four-fifths are in Africa, where a dozen or more such territories-almost...and international geological conferences held in Africa and elsewhere, and call particular attention to
(2014) Mineral Collections in Texas (A Supplement to the Sept-Oct issue) The Mineralogical Record Vol. 45 (5.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Foote also made several collecting visits to the mine in 1890-1891, and brought back many good specimens...chemist and physicist). In 1895 Niven purchased the mine from its owner, on behalf of Thomas Edison. In the...dozen mines were opened, one of which (the Mariposa mine) produced a wider variety of mercury minerals than...scalenohedral calcite crystals. The Terlingua mercury district, with a few smaller, adjacent districts in Texas...Morgenstern photo. Calcite, 5.8 cm, from the Mariposa mine, Terlingua; Roh Lavinsky (The Arkenstone) specimen
Ridge, John Drew (1976) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the USSR) and Australasia. Pergamon Press. doi:10.1016/c2013-0-02747-8 Book
t a t e d Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Africa, Asia (exclusive of t h e U S S R ) a n d Australasia...him. I have tried to include all ore districts in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the U.S.S.R.)> and Australasia...incluir todos los distritos mineros conocido en Africa, Asia (con exclusion de la Union Soviética), y...Greenland. This volume covers mineral deposits in Africa, Asia exclusive of the U.S.S.R., and Australasia...Philippines, and Japan are included with Asia. In South Africa, the deposits are arranged by prov­ inces, in
(2022, November) Refined Elegance - The Small Treasures of Mineralogy. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 53 (6.1) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
the Unificada mine, Potosi, Bolivia. Top right: Benitoite, 2 cm, from the Benitoite Gem mine, California...N‘Chwaning I mine, Kuruman, South Africa. Bottom right: Mimetite, 2.7 cm, from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia....Record: (1) Stephanite, Husky mine, Canada. (2) Wulfenite, Rowley mine, Arizona. (3) Diaspore twin, Pinarcik...Adelaide mine, Tasmania. (5) Andradite, Antetezambato, Madagascar. (6) Calcite, Mashamba West mine, Congo...(8) Scorodite, Tsumeb mine, Namibia. (9) Shigaite, N’Chwaning II mine, South Africa. v This special supplement
(1932, January) Engineering and Mining Journal Vol. 133 (1) McGraw-Hill Journal (issue)
annum. States, $3 Price per E. FOREIGN C. DISTRICT OFFICES Oruro, Bolivia, Esq. Sucre y Linares...Mining on the Upgrade Economies and Efficiencies in Mine and Plant—I.............. A.H. Hubbell 5 Gold...Secretary Engineering & Mining Journal records mine, quarry is published cae ......... seen McGraw-Hill...countries of the world. London Z This copper mine worked from long before the days of Alexander TODAY...Macedon, Harun al Raschid of Arabia. Today this copper mine of Cyprus ~ } { fah Vg ASS Y( OR So ic aR A
Stracher, G. B. (2005) New mineral occurrences and mineralization processes: Wuda coal-fire gas vents of Inner Mongolia. American Mineralogist, 90 (11) 1729-1739 doi:10.2138/am.2005.1671 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
include the sulfates millosevichite, alunogen, anhydrite, tschermigite, coquimbite, voltaite, and godovikovite...sublimation of coal-Þre gas. Tschermigite and anhydrite formed by the reaction of coal-Þre gas with quartzofeldspathic...China, the United States, India, Australia, South Africa, Russia, and Indonesia (Prakash and Gupta 1999;...almost non-existent. One exception is the Centralia mine Þre in Pennsylvania, where Stracher (2003) reported...is part of the Eerduosi basin, a 10 × 3 km north-south trending syncline located in the northeastern Helan
Columbu, Stefano, Depalmas, Anna, Brodu, Giovanni, Gallello, Gianni, Fancello, Dario (2022) Mining Exploration, Raw Materials and Production Technologies of Mortars in the Different Civilization Periods in Menorca Island (Spain) Minerals, 12 (2) 218 doi:10.3390/min12020218 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Roman age. The cocciopesto seems to derive from local pottery even if some evidence would suggest the...whereas the source of the binder is definitely the local Mg-rich limestone. The house-fort was plastered...hand low-value materials were mainly provided from local or nearby sources (as in the cases of [3,18,19])...19]). However, the supply of geomaterials from local outcrops was not always so easy, as the Minerals 2022...builders to make a choice between the use of the local low-quality materials (more economic) or the supply
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
On a spectacular find of crocoite in the Adelaide mine, Dundas, Tasmania (by A. H. Chapman) 3:111-113 ADOLFSSON...AJO Famous mineral localities: the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona (by W. J. Thomas & R. B. Gibbs) 14:283-298...ALLEN, GEORGE B. --and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE...Allgood, C. Williams: Ramsdellite from the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALLGOOD, ROBERT W. -with G...the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALMA Famous mineral localities: the Home Sweet Home mine, [near Alma
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 Book (edition)
polysynthetic Hedenbergite contact twins spinel law Anhydrite Galaxite yes Gahnite penetration twins α-Quartz... Mineral Descriptions Molybdenite in Graphite; Bogala Mine, Sri Lanka 51 Copper, native Synonym(s): Cuivre...grey); North Mine (North Broken Hill Mine; NBH Mine), Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales, Australia;...vein in jasper (red internal reflections); Madenköy Mine, Çayeli, Rize Province, Black Sea Region, Turkey...argentite reaction rim (greenish grey; arg); Monte Narba Mine, San Vito, Cagliari Province, Sardinia, Italy; PPL