1975) Indication from the Tertiary Basin in SE Styria (Austria). With 2 Text-Figures, 7 Tables and 12 Plates...K/Ar Age of the Tertiary Volcanics of Southeastern Styria and Southern Burgenland. With6Text-Figuresand5Tables...(Phytoplankton) from the Pannonian of the Vienna Basin (Austria) and Possibilities of Correlations with the Central...planktonic gastro pods from the Middle Miocene of Austria and Hungary. With 5 Text-Figures and 3 Plates FUCHS...Studies on Selected Samples of the Gosau Group in Austria. With 1 Text-Figure and 5 Plates 107 SIEGL-FARKAS |
Langthaler, K. J., Raith, J. G., Cornell, D. H., Stein, H. J., Melcher, F. (2004) Molybdenum mineralization at Alpeiner Scharte, Tyrol (Austria): results of in-situ U?Pb zircon and Re?Os molybdenite dating. Mineralogy and Petrology, 82 (1) 33-64 doi:10.1007/s00710-004-0048-2 |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
Molybdenum mineralization at Alpeiner Scharte, Tyrol (Austria): results of in-situ U–Pb zircon and Re–Os molybdenite...and Geophysics, University of Leoben, Leoben, Austria 2 Geology Department, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg...and occur in E–W trending normally sub-vertical quartz veins with adjacent thin discontinuous garnetand...Kremstalstraße 32, A-4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria 34 K. J. Langthaler et al. emplacement age of...western part of the Tauern Window in northern Tyrol, Austria (Fig. 1). It is located at about 2800 m altitude |
(2001) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 146. Universität Innsbruck |
Journal (volume) |
Piaristengasse 1 9, A- 1 080 Wien Printed in Austria MITI.ÖSTERR.MINER.GES. 146 (2001) INHALT MinPet...schist cover and the eclogite zone (Tauern Window, Austria) S.3 1 Brandstätter F.: Kathodolumineszenz-Untersuchungen...Zs., K6thay K., Bali E., Zajacz Z. & Szab6 Cs.: Quartz and feldspar s. 1 5 3 xenocrysts in mafic lavas...mantle-derived chromitites from the Eastern Alps, Austria: a combined multi-disciplinary study Marton 1,...Szab6 Cs.: Fluid inclusions study s. 1 83 . in quartz, apatite and nepheline from Ditrau alkaline massif |
von Quadt, Albrecht, Gebauer, Dieter (1993) SmNd and UPb dating of eclogites and granulites from the Oberpfalz, NE Bavaria, Germany. Chemical Geology, 109 (1) 317-339 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(93)90078-w |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
the drill site of the KTB, is exposed in a large quarry (Busch, 1970). Besides the dominant and tectonically...geologicalmaps of the samplingareas of Kalvarienberg (b) and the serpentinite quarry at Winklarn (c) (modified accordingto...accordingto Busch, 1970). quartz +_kyanite ___zoisite is never fully preserved (O'Brien et al., 1990)...to the ultramafic/mafic rock association in the quarry at Winklarn (WIN), serpentinites and variably retrograded...biotite-plagioclase gneisses ,-, 1.5 km to the NW of the Winklarn quarry. However, opposite to the situation at Winklarn |
Meiburg, Peter - Ed. (1979) Geologie und Mineralogie des Warsteiner Raumes. Aufschluss Sonderband 29. Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e. V. |
Report (issue) |
Geologie des Warsteiner Sattels und seiner näheren Umgebung ................................ . Stratigraphie...im Warsteiner Karbonatgebiet und seiner näheren Umgebung,Gangausbildungund Mineralführung . . . . . . ...soll, mag dieser Band auch zu Exkursionen in die Umgebung Warsteins anregen, die für Geologie-Studenten...g auf den Warsteiner Sattel und dessen nähere Umgebung zu beschränken,dafür jedoch der Breite der geowissenschaftlichen...Geologie des Warsteiner Sattels und seiner näheren Umgebung Von Claus-Die.ter CLAUSEN und Klaus LEUTERITZ |
(1981, February) Lapis Vol. 6 (2). Christian Weise Verlag GmbH |
Journal (issue) |
brauche, sind Beschreibungen von Fundstellen in der Umgebung meines Heimatortes, die ich schnell und leicht...Uc Schemnitz g Lageskizze von Schemnitz und Umgebung. a d Berybaumuseum (ehem. Kammerhofl, Fre i I...Jahrhunderts gibt. Weitere Bergbaudenkmciler in der Umgebung von Schemnitz werden ebenfalls vom Slowakischen...Einsturzkrater; eindrucksvolle Pingen und Ausbisse in der Umgebung des Theresienschachtes; schlieBlich die Uberreste...und der St. Katharinen-Kirche, darilber der Kalvarienberg (ein Basalthilgel mit Wallfahrtskirche) und |
(2016) May - June 2016. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 47 (3) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. |
Journal (issue) |
Albite, 11.2 cm, from the La Marina mine, Muzo District, Boyaca Department, Colombia. See the article...Zodac, jade expert Louis Zara, Doris Biggs, Francon quarry specialist Don Doell, mineral dealer Hugh Ford...beautiful specimens of Schemnitz scepter and skeletal quartz, drusy amethyst, wire silver, acanthite, pyrargyrite...Hodrusa-Hamre (in the Banska Stiavnica mining district) is also the type locality for hodrusite. V INTRODUCTION...historical events before 1920, we will use the older district name of Schemnitz in accordance with the literature |
(1980, November) Der Aufschluss Vol. 31 (11) Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. |
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Sommertagung , w obei das gastfreundliche Wunsiedel und Umgebung nur mit M ühe diese Me nschenmenge aufnehmen konnte...specimens, etc. 200 vari eties of garnet, agates, quartz, etc „ beads necklaces and many more items. For...(27-2), ,,Alte Mauer" bei Ramersbach (27-3), Kalvarienberg südlich Ahnveiler (27-4). Sie sind alle als...aufragen. Auch Tab.: K-Ar-Basaltalter im Ahrtal und Umgebung Probe n- Lokalität N r. top. Blatt h K-ArAlter...Ramersbach 25 78 000 55 97 150 36±1 27-4 Kalvarienberg 25 77 400 56 00 475 36±3 2571900 55 98 200 |
(1995) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Vol. 140. Universität Innsbruck |
Journal (volume) |
The crysta lline mi nerals stishovite, coesite, quartz with the microc rysta lline and water contain ing...ussatine and mela nophlog ite . Para morphs of quartz after other sil ica minerals are mentioned . Prof.... Free silica on earth predominantly occurs as quartz, which makes up 1 2- 1 4 wt o/o of the crust. lt...as e . g . slag, g lasses or 2 moon rocks bear quartz only as rarity and only if Na + , Ca + o r preferably...present d urin g crystal lization . I n these cases quartz can crystal l ize and persist well above its so |
(1938) Contributions to the geology of the Rhenish Schiefergebirge. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 49 (1) 1 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(38)80033-x |
Journal (article/letter/editorial) |
GEOLOGICAL AND PETROGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS IN THE DISTRICT OF THE LAACHER SEE. By Professor K. Chudoba VIII...concordantly on the Revin beds, consists of banded _quartz_-phyllites and light grey thin bedded quartzites...into rocks of a peculiar character, in which clear quartz grains are seen in a sericitic groundmass. Von...characteristic of the Upper Siegenian of the Monschau district. Further investigations are necessary to determine...and passes in some places into a small grained quartz conglomerate. The facies of the beds is such that |
Dill, Harald G. (2015) The Hagendorf-Pleystein Province: the Center of Pegmatites in an Ensialic Orogen - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 15. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18806-5 |
Book |
constituents the three rock-forming minerals feldspar, quartz and mica, which in places develop mega-crystals...material extracted from pegmatites is feldspar, quartz and mica, and only a tiny fraction of pegmatites...shared by Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Austria, has been focused on these industrial minerals...is not yet exhausted as far as the high-purity quartz at the core of the pegmatite is concerned. In comparison...only the largest concentration of feldspar and quartz of its kind in Central Europe but also a mineralogical |
Ramsay, Andrew Crombie, Bristow, Henry W., Bauerman, Hilary, Geike, Archibald (1859) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology (2nd ed.) Museum of Practical Geology, London. |
Book (edition) |
Bristow, icitli notes by A. C. Ramsay Flint Chert .. Quartz and silicified wood .. - FLINT, &c., described...Forest - 106 Altered Cambtian rocks (Llanberis) and quartz porphyry - 110 Altered Carboniferous rocks and...(near Builth) St. David's, Pembrolceshire Intrusive Quartz porphyry (Llanberis) tact with it Greenstone Dykes...pebbles, and covering ice-polished limestone, in the quarry of Baumann, about three quarters of a mile north...the surface of the lower glacier of tlie Aar. 25.-QuARTZ, polished, in place at tl1e upper glacier of the |
Washington, H.S. (1917) Chemical analyses of igneous rocks published from 1884 to 1913, inclusive, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses. Professional Paper 99. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp99 |
Report (issue) |
the specimen so low that 10 or more per cent of quartz must be analyzed is representative of the rock...them may be mentioned the analyses of the Butte quartz monzonite, (No. 5, I. 4. 3. 3 and Nos. 6, 7, 8...composition for the more brittle minerals, such as quartz and the feldspars, will be reduced to powder first...oxide. that In S. Ztlloski's study of the amount of quartz in granites (Tschermak's MineraL 11fltthcll., vol...granites is notably richer in feldspar relatively to quartz and dark minerals than the coarser portion of the |
(1896) Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie 2. Schweizerbart |
Journal (issue) |
Be h m e i F.: Geologi~cher Führer durch die Umgebung der Stadt Go/:lar am Harz einscbliesslich Hahnenklee.... . . . . . . (:ieologi~chcr Führer durch die Umgebung der Stadt Harzburg einschliesslich l lsenburg... T. G.: Supplementary Kote on the ~ arhorongh District . 421 230 364 452 452 62 339 130 323 338 57...Structnre du Bassin houiller du Hainaut da.ns le District du Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brigbam...u e km an, S. S.: Tbe Bajocian of the Sherborn district, its Relation to subjacent and superjacent Strata |
Brongniart, Alexandre (1807) Traité élémentaire de minéralogie Vol. 1 - avec des applications aux arts : ouvrage destiné à le̓nseignement dans les lycées nationaux. Chez Deterville, Paris. |
Book (volume) |
exemple la manière d’obtela forme primitive du quartz, etc. j nir 2.6. , Les formes primitives étant...secondaires. C’est ainsi que tous les cristaux de quartz des environs de Neuilly appartiennent à la variété..., même. toujours la d’être rayés par eux. quartz transparent cristal- dont et la dureté, dans...corindon rouge du corindon bleu , le quartz limpide des quartz noir, rouge jaune , bleu. Si cette séparation... le minéral offre dans sa cas- du verre. (Le quartz.) On nomme cassure longitudinale, celle qui est |