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Selleck, B. W., Carr, P. F., Jones, B. G. (2007) A Review and Synthesis of Glendonites (Pseudomorphs after Ikaite) with New Data: Assessing Applicability as Recorders of Ancient Coldwater Conditions. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 77 (11) 980-991 doi:10.2110/jsr.2007.087 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ABSTRACT: Calcite pseudomorphs after ikaite (glendonite) are associated with coldwater depositional systems...of published data suggests that while Holocene glendonite may provide reliable isotopic records of the...precipitation of later calcite cement within the glendonite structure reduces the significance of the isotopic...indicator of primary depositional conditions. Bulk glendonite samples from the Permian Sydney Basin, Australia...same strata. Handpicked separates of ‘‘primary’’ glendonite and secondary calcite also have a wide range
Shearman, D.J., Smith, A.J. (1985) Ikaite, the parent mineral of jarrowite-type pseudomorphs. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 96 (4) 305-314 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(85)80019-5 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(pseudogaylussite, thinolite, White-Sea hornlets, glendonite, gerstemkorner, gennoishi, fundylite and others)...been found in the skull of a cave bear in a cave lake deposit in Hungary (Haidinger 1841). About the same...Tertiary mudstones near Astoria, Oregon, in the USA. Subsequently, broadly similar pseudomorphs have... 306 D . SHEA R M AN AND A. J. SMITH homlets , glendonite , gersternkomer, gennoishi and fundylite , and...Lahontan ' Basin, Nevada , and the basin of Mono Lake , California. There the pseudomorphs, called thinolite
Huggett, J.M., Schultz, B.P., Shearman, D.J., Smith, A.J. (2005) The petrology of ikaite pseudomorphs and their diagenesis. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 116 (3) 207-220 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(05)80042-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
jarrowite, thinolite, pseudogaylussite, fundylite, glendonite, gesternkorner I Department of Mineralogy, the...Museum, Museum of Natural History, 7884, Viborg County, Denmark "Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering...tufa mounds of the Lahontan and Mono Lake Basins of the western USA (Dana, 1884; Russell, 1885; Shearman...pseudogaylussite, fundylite (Steacy & Grant, 1974), glendonite (David et al., 1905; De Lurio & Frakes, 1999)...from the Mid-Tertiary mudstones in the northwestern USA; Kaplan (1979) on a range of pseudomorphs; Kemper
De Lurio, Jennifer L., Frakes, L.A. (1999) Glendonites as a paleoenvironmental tool: implications for early Cretaceous high latitude climates in Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63 (7) 1039-1048 doi:10.1016/s0016-7037(99)00019-8 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Copyright © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0016-7037/99 $20.00 ⫹ .00 Pergamon...sites of Ca-rich spring discharge into alkaline lake waters (Pauly, 1963; Shearman et al., 1989; Bischoff... 1040 J. L. De Lurio and L. A. Frakes Fig. 1. A glendonite, calcite pseudomorph after ikaite, from the late...Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) seaway and Petermorra Creek glendonite locality. The seaway comprises the Eromanga (EB)...Francis, 1988). Maunder (1995) determined that the _glendonite_-bearing horizon was deposited under bottom-water
Shearman, D.J., Smith, A.J. (1990) Ikaiet, het oorspronkelijke mineraal van de pseudomorfosen van het jarrowiet-type. Grondboor & Hamer, 44 (1) 16-21 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Australië en uit Tertiaire schalie bij Astoria, Oregon, USA. Later werden pseudomorfosen, die in grote trekken...Kwartair in het Lahontan Bassin, Nevada en het Mono Lake Bassin, Californië. Deze laatste, thinoliet genoemd...uit het Midden-Tertiair in het noordwesten van de USA Deze conclusie zal blijken juist te zijn. Er is nog...Pseudomorfosen in de tuffen van de Lahontan en de Mono Lakes Bassins. Kalktuffen, waarvan sommige calcietpseudomorfosen...wijdverspreid rond de bekkens van het Lahontan Meer en het Mono Meer in het noordwesten van Nevada en de aangrenzende
Bischoff, James L., Stine, Scott, Rosenbauer, Robert J., Fitzpatrick, John A., Stafford, Thomas W. (1993) Ikaite precipitation by mixing of shoreline springs and lake water, Mono Lake, California, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57 (16) 3855-3865 doi:10.1016/0016-7037(93)90339-x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
mixing of shoreline springs and lake water, Mono Lake, California, USA JAMES L. BISCHOFF,I SCOTTSTINE...Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 2Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, California State University... Hayward, CA 94542, USA ‘INSTAAR, University of Colorado,Boulder, CO 80309, USA (Received September 2...along the south shoreline of Mono Lake where shoreline springs mix with lake water. Ikaite precipitates...tufa, but most is dispersed by wave action into the lake where it reacts to form gayhrssite ( NarCa(CO~f2
Németh, Péter (2021) Diffraction Features from (101¯4) Calcite Twins Mimicking Crystallographic Ordering. Minerals, 11 (7) 720 doi:10.3390/min11070720 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
arise from twinning. Here the nanostructures of a glendonite, a calcite (CaCO3 ) pseudomorph after ikaite...c-type reflections; ordering; twinning; calcite; glendonite; TEM Features from (1014) Calcite Twins Mimicking...Here TEM is used to study the nanostructure of glendonite, which is a synonym for calcite pseudomorph after...(CaCO3 ·6H2 O), as a result of transformation. Glendonite is commonly associated with cold paleotemperature...from ikaite transformation in marine and alkaline lake environments [17,18]. Studies on the transformation
Swainson, Ian P., Hammond, Robert P. (2001) Ikaite, CaCO3·6H2O: Cold comfort for glendonites as paleothermometers. American Mineralogist, 86 (11) 1530-1533 doi:10.2138/am-2001-11-1223 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Dana to show that ikaite is the precursor of “glendonite_” and “thinolite” and that some of the unusual...ikaite gives strong justification for the use of “_glendonite_” as a paleothermometer, representing near freezing...conditions for water. INTRODUCTION “Thinolite,” “_glendonite,” “jarrowite,” “fundylite,” “gennoishi,” “gersternkõrner...calcite (Shearman and Smith 1985). Of these names, “_glendonite_” is the only term that appears to have been successful... under conditions similar to those in which “_glendonite_” is thought to have formed. This crystal was
Wang, Zhou, Chen, Can, Wang, Jiasheng, Suess, Erwin, Chen, Xiaohong, Ma, Xiaochen, Wang, Guangzhe, Xiao, Shuhai (2020) Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications for Ediacaran climate. Precambrian Research, 338. 105586 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105586 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Pre-proofs Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications...Xiao, Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications...reserved. Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications...Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel 24148...Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97330, USA e Wuhan f Center, China Geological Survey, Wuhan
Whiticar, Michael J., Suess, Erwin, Wefer, Gerold, Müller, Peter J. (2022) Calcium Carbonate Hexahydrate (Ikaite): History of Mineral Formation as Recorded by Stable Isotopes. Minerals, 12 (12) 1627 doi:10.3390/min12121627 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Universität...Keywords: ikaite; calcium carbonate hexahydrate; glendonite; Bransfield Strait; diagenesis; stable isotope;...described by [51–53]. For comparison, two samples of glendonite samples from Spitzbergen and the Canadian Arctic...Furthermore, we report on additional ikaite, glendonite, thinolites, and other pseudomorph samples from...similar microsampling traverses were made on two glendonite samples (calcite pseudomorphs) from Spitzbergen
Tierney, Timothy (1997) Geology of the Mono Basin. Mono Lake Committee, Lee Vining, CA. Book
MONO LAKE COMMITTEE FIELD GUIDE SERIES Rene GEOLOGY OF THE ONO BASIN TIMOTHY TIERNEY iM ere bo...OF THE Mono BAsIN BY TIMOTHY TIERNEY Kutsavi Press Mono Lake Committee Lee Vining, California My deepest...deepest gratitude goes to the Mono Lake Committee for giving me the opportunity to write this book, and...admiration for the researchers who have studied the Mono Basin for over the past century. My task has been...©1997 Mono Lake Committee ISBN#0-9397 16-08-9 ON THE CovER A collage of scenes from the Mono Basin’s
Lu, Zunli, Rickaby, Rosalind E.M., Kennedy, Hilary, Kennedy, Paul, Pancost, Richard D., Shaw, Samuel, Lennie, Alistair, Wellner, Julia, Anderson, John B. (2012) An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 325. 108-115 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.01.036 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sciences, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 13244, USA Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford...Houston, Houston, TX, USA h Department of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA b c a r t i c l...commonly found decomposed into calcite pseudomorphs (glendonite), and is considered to be an indicator of cold...et al., 1997; Hansen et al., 2011) and Mono Lake, California (Council and Bennett, 1993). Second, euhedral...1993. Geochemistry of ikaite formation at Mono Lake, California — implications for the origin of tufa mounds
(2017, June) Mineral News Vol. 33 (6) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
exists as a pseudomorph of the '·1hinol ite" or "glendonite" variety of calcite. CaCOi. lkaite is actua lly...referring to those specimens from the SW US, and glendonite referring to specimens fro m Australia, Russia...(Geology and Min era I Resources o f White Pine County. 1evada). it later enlarged the facility to 150-to...(Tungsten Deposits in the Minerva District. White Pine County. evada), it was opined that extending the upper...ENVELOPES & CORRESPONDENCE Figure 2: A typical " glendonite" from Hunter's Valley, NSW, Austalia, about 7cm
TATENO, Natsuki, KYONO, Atsushi (2014) Structural change induced by dehydration in ikaite (CaCO3·6H2O) Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 109 (4) 157-168 doi:10.2465/jmps.140320 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
time in the sedimentary record (Larsen, 1994). Glendonite, thinolite, jarrowite, fundylite, gennoishi,...(1993) Geochemistry of ikaite formation at Mono Lake, California: Implications for the origin of tufa mounds...Siberia: implications of a venting–related ikaite/glendonite formation. Marine Geology, 204, 129–144. Higashi...carbonate pseudomorph in microbialites from a saline lake. Journal of Paleolimnology, 50, 505–517. Levi–Kalisman
Fraile, Jesús, Calvo, Miguel (2019) Pseudomorphs: when the mineral is not what is was. Mineral Up, 5 (3) 8-30 doi:10.5281/zenodo.3674629 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
would 1986 in Altavista, correspond to a Campbell County, diamond octahedron Virginia, where of up to 8...“pseudogaylussite”. Later Dana used the name “_glendonite_”, derived from Glendon, a farm in Hunter Valley...so-called “thinolites”, found in Quaternary tuffs in the Mono and Lahontan lakes basins in the United States,...Bennet, 1993). The transformation of ikaite into “_glendonite_” involves a very important decrease in volume...pyromorphite, if all the lead Turret district, Chaffee county, Colorado, where came from the pyromorphite, these
Evans, G. (2005) Douglas James Shearman, 1918–2003. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 116 (3) 191-205 doi:10.1016/s0016-7878(05)80041-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
colleagues at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, California; in the UK, the work of Alan Wood (1910-1992)...early in his career at Imperi al College, to the USA , where he visited the laboratories of Francis Pettijohn...classificati on of sandstone, soon after this visit to the USA. Carbonates DOUGLAS JAMES SHEARMAN, 1918-2003...were developed by Gerald Friedman (1959) in the USA and Anthony Dickson (1965) at Queen Mary College... 196 G . EVANS Research Laborat ories, Dallas, USA financed this work. During the first season , the
Purgstaller, B., Dietzel, M., Baldermann, A., Mavromatis, V. (2017) Control of temperature and aqueous Mg 2+ /Ca 2+ ratio on the (trans-)formation of ikaite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 217. 128-143 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.08.016 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
dealing with ACC and ikaite formation in alkaline lake settings, which are characterized by high pH, as...documented. Note, however, that in modern spring and lake environments, the decomposition of seasonally formed...formation of ikaite during the mixing of Mg-rich Mono Lake water ([Mg]aq/[Ca]aq  50) with sublacustrine...Pleistocene littoral sediments, >100 m above the current lake level. In any case, our results revealed the formation...precipitation rates are reached. Thus, the use of glendonite as a valuable indicator for near-freezing temperatures
Lennie, A. R., Tang, C. C., Thompson, S. P. (2004) The structure and thermal expansion behaviour of ikaite, CaCO3. 6H2O, from T = 114 to T = 293 K. Mineralogical Magazine, 68 (1) 135-146 doi:10.1180/0026461046810176 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(1993) Geochemistry of ikaite formation at Mono Lake, California: Implications for the origin of tufa mounds... D.M. and Pickthorn, W.J. (1987) Ikaite, the glendonite precursor, in estuarine sediments at Barrow,...Quaternary tufas and tufa mounds of the Lahontan and Mono Lake Basins, western United States. Bulletin of the
Sánchez-Pastor, N., Oehlerich, Markus, Astilleros, José Manuel, Kaliwoda, Melanie, Mayr, Christoph C., Fernández-Díaz, Lurdes, Schmahl, Wolfgang W. (2016) Crystallization of ikaite and its pseudomorphic transformation into calcite: Raman spectroscopy evidence. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 175. 271-281 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.006 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
with a natural aqueous solution from the polymictic lake Laguna Potrok Aike (51°57'S, 70°23'W) in Patagonia...The oxygen isotope fractionation factor between lake water and calcite transformed from ikaite was found...Laguna Potrok Aike, a lake in Southern Patagonia, Argentina. Water samples from this lake were collected in...chemistry of the lake water analysed by ion chromatography is given in Table 1. The lake water was transported...replacement occurs at 20ºC. 4.3 Implications for glendonite as a lacustrine palaeoenvironmental proxy The
Gussone, Nikolaus, Nehrke, Gernot, Teichert, Barbara M.A. (2011) Calcium isotope fractionation in ikaite and vaterite. Chemical Geology, 285 (1) 194-202 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.04.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
The calcite pseudomorph after ikaite is called glendonite and has been described throughout earth history...1993. Geochemistry of ikaite formation at Mono Lake, California: implications for the origin of tufa mounds
Field, L. P., Milodowski, A. E., Shaw, R. P., Stevens, L. A., Hall, M. R., Kilpatrick, A., Gunn, J., Kemp, S. J., Ellis, M. A. (2017) Unusual morphologies and the occurrence of pseudomorphs after ikaite (CaCO3·6H2O) in fast growing, hyperalkaline speleothems. Mineralogical Magazine, 81 (3) 565-589 doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.111 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Icefields of Alberta, Canada to 20°C in Lechuguilla, USA (Frisia et al., 2002). Calcite can precipitate simultaneously...dendritic spires. These aggregates are akin to the ‘_glendonite_’ and ‘jarrowite’ pseudomorphs after ikaite, more...to variously as ‘thinolites’, ‘jarrowite’ or ‘_glendonite_’ within the literature (e.g. Shearman and Smith...Quaternary tufas and tufa mounds of the Lahontan and Mono Lake Basins, western United States. Geological Society
Lavinsky, Robert, Theo Kloprogge, J. (2017) Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism. Elsevier. Book
would expect 1. INTRODUCTION 51 FIGURE 1.33 A glendonite, calcite pseudomorph after ikaite, from the late...slates all point toward the porphyroblast being glendonite, a pseudomorph of hydrated calcium carbonate...the East African Rift Valley alkaline lakes, e.g., Lake Magadi. The key facts FIGURE 1.39 Plane-polarized...of magadiite layers to form the bedded cherts of Lake Magadi (Eugster, 1969, 1970). The presence of microdubiofossils...sequence has been taken as deposits of an alkali lake or playa complex. The unusually high albite content
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
353-416 257-320 321-384 225-288 137-224 CALIFORNIA ] 273-336 ARIZONA-IV ] 1-102 [ 17 / 1986...Iaria from the Howard-Montgomery quarry, Howard County, Maryland (by J. S. White) 25:53-54 AFGHANISTAN...Iron-manganese phosphates of the Williams pegmatites, Coosa County, Alabama (by P. B. Leavens & T. A. Simpson) 6:66-73...ALICE GLORY HOLE The Alice glory hole, Clear Creek County, Colorado (by T. A. Hanson & W. B. Craft) 18:185187...--and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE MYERS --and
Warren, John K. (2006) Evaporites: Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-32344-9 Book
fan-ephemeral saline lake.] 81 Sabkha Yotvata, Israel.181 Basin and Range playas, USA.182 Salars of South...field-ephemeral saline lake.201 Lake Eyre, Australia.202 Lake Frome, Australia.208 Lake Callabonna, Australia...210 Perennial stream floodplain-perennial saline lake.210 Eolian sabkhas. 211 Sea-margins with elongate...230 Coastal salinas of the Middle East.231 Solar Lake. Gulf of Elat.231 Ras Muhammad Pool, Southern Sinai...saline lakes.238 Great Salt Lake, Utah.239 Mono Lake, California.243 Lake levels and conditions.244 Tufa
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43...abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...always included in text, except in the cases of the USA, UK, and the provinces Ontario and Quebec in Canada...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...lite nephrite, asbestiform actinolite byssolite. _Mono_- coast of North America: Kobuk River Valley, Alaska