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Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (5) 291-296 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763491 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derby, N . H., 0 3 0 4 1 ( P A R T III)...Calcite Xls (very fine); Plombocalcite X l s ; Limonite; Marcasite Xls; Ilsemannite (Xline blue-black...Altenberg-Hematite. Wochein-Limonite (Geodes). General-Tourmaline (yellow and black). VII STYRIA (Steiermark) Alt/Ausee...to enter is difficult to se­ cure. Mountain and mine can be seen to the S of the village. Siderite X...Argonite (blue); Dolomite (ferroan) ; Ankerite; Cinnabar; Hematite; Goeth­ ite; Vordernberg. Calcite. Kraubat
Boegel, Hellmuth (1971) A Collector's Guide to Minerals and Gemstones. Thames and Hudson. Book
times, and there is evidence of at least one flint mine dating from this period. Finely worked and polished...derives its name from the saltmining district of Hallstatt in Upper Austria, where many prehistoric finds have...supplied by the mineral kingdom: minium, cinnabar, and limonite (ochre). The black color was soot. By Egyptian...Pseudomorphs of limonite after pyrite are common, since pyrite readily decomposes into limonite (see p. 92)...radiate from a common center (hematite or reniform limonite, Pls. 13, p. 73, and 21 , p. 101). Easily crumbled
Burchard, Ulrich, Bode Rainer (1986) Mineral Museums of Europe. Walnut Hill Publishing Co. Book
Frontcover Upper left: The observatory at Kremsmunster. Austria. which houses the mineral collection. Upper right:...mineralogical cabinet of the convent at Kremsmunster, Austria. The . specimens a~e displayed m baroque furniture...35; Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 199; Joanneum Graz 183; N. Widemann, Merzhausen 38 . Copyright 1986...Copenhagen 68; Bild und Tonarchiv, Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz 182, 184, 185; R. Bode 101,102, 117,118, 124/125...important mineralogical museums in Western Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany (Federal
Kouřimský, Jiří (1994) Minerals and Rocks - A Magna Field Guide. Harvey's Bookshop Ltd, Wingston. Book
are quite common in nature. Thus we come across limonite in a perfectly bounded crystal form of pyrite...malachite after pure copper or after azurite, limonite after siderite, etc. Sometimes one mineral changes...may also originate in some other manner, such as limonite and opal — which originate by deposition from...internal structure (haematite, limonite, magnetite, chromite, cinnabar). Colourless minerals are minerals...on the surface of the mineral (e.g. haematite, limonite). The colour of minerals differs greatly when
are quite common in nature. Thus we come across limonite in a perfectly bounded crystal form of pyrite...malachite after pure copper or after azurite, limonite after siderite, etc. Sometimes one mineral changes...may also originate in some other manner, such as limonite and opal — which originate by deposition from...internal structure (haematite, limonite, magnetite, chromite, cinnabar). Colourless minerals are minerals...on the surface of the mineral (e.g. haematite, limonite). The colour of minerals differs greatly when
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
chrysocolla /05, 106 chrysolite 75 chrysotile /07, 108 cinnabar 12, /3 clinochlore 106 clinozoisite 88 cobalt...32, 33 opal, precious 32, 33 opal, wood 32, 33 limonite 37 linarite 59, 60 orthite 88 liebigite 53 ...trigonal); sg 13.59. It is found in liquid drops in cinnabar at Idrija (Yugoslavia), some mines on Mount Amiata...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to
Kourimsky, Jirí, Naglova, Zdenka (1975) A colour guide to familiar Minerals and Rocks. Octopus Books, London. Book
are quite common in nature. Thus we come across limonite in a perfectly bounded crystal form of pyrite...malachite after pure copper or after azurite, limonite after siderite, etc. Sometimes one mineral changes...may also originate in some other manner, such as limonite and opal which originate by deposition from water...internal structure (haematite, limonite, magnetite, chromite, cinnabar). Colourless minerals are minerals...on the surface of the mineral (e.g. haematite, limonite). The colour of minerals differs greatly when
Beck, Richard, Weed, Walter Harvey (1905) The Nature of Ore Deposits Vol. 2. The Engineering and Mining Journal, New York and London. Book (volume)
' This Kupferschiefer is cases. lean in this district, carrying only 1.4% of copper, and no silver,...fissures known as 'rucken' in the Mansfeld copper district also contain occasional nickelite, together with... known examples of this type is the cobalt district of Schneeberg, in Saxony, a mountainous region...present. Besides quartz-cobalt veins the Schneeberg district contains quite a 3 variety of vein types, which...Schneeberg, cally important deposits of the entire district. the veins are so crowded together in an area
Kouřimský, Jiří (1994) Minerals and Rocks - A Magna Field Guide. Harvey's Bookshop Ltd, Wingston. Book
Guide MINERALS AND ROCKS A Magna Field Guide MINE LS AND ROCKS By Dr. Jifi Koufimsky Illustrated by...are quite common in nature. Thus we come across limonite in a perfectly bounded crystal form of pyrite...malachite after pure copper or after azurite, limonite after siderite, etc. Sometimes one mineral changes...may also originate in some other manner, such as limonite and opal which originate by deposition from water...internal structure (haematite, limonite, magnetite, chromite, cinnabar). Colourless minerals are minerals
Moore, Thomas P. (2018, May 7th) What's New in the Mineral World? 49. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Report (issue)
Veszelyite on hemimorphite, 3.6 cm, from the Laochang mine, Gejiu County, Yunnan Province, China. Mintreasure... from a locality which he gives as the Laochang mine, Gejiu County, Yunnan Province, China. Some very...gave “Dulong” as the mine name, gave “Laochang” as the name of a town and not of a mine, and put the whole...==== Bournonite, 2.6 cm, from the Yaogangxian mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. John...Yaogangxian mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. Bournonite from the Yaogangxian mine has been
chrysocolla 105, 106 chrysolite 75 chrysotile /07, 108 cinnabar 12, /3 clinochlore 106 clinozoisite 88 cobalt...precious 32, 33 libethinite 65, 65 liebigite 53 limonite 37 opal, wood 32, 33 rutile 33, 33 orpiment...trigonal); sg 13.59. It is found in liquid drops in cinnabar at Idrija (Yugoslavia), some mines on Mount...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to
Tomas, Herbert Henry, MacAlister, Donald Alexander (1909) The Geology of Ore Deposits (1st ed.) Edward Arnold, London. Book (edition)
part in all the folding and faulting that the district may undergo ; and if in the mass form of a bed...reference to the original structure of of the district, the area. mining districts occupy disturbed...veins in albite diorite dykes in the Ready Bullion Mine, Alaska, appear to have been formed in Some of the...contraction-fissures in greenstone, and at the Haile Mine, South Carolina, in joints traversing diorite dykes...number as simple fracturing, are produced. Where a district has been subjected to shearing, the metalliferous
Tomas, Herbert Henry, MacAlister, Donald Alexander (1920) The Geology of Ore Deposits (2nd ed.) Edward Arnold, London. Book (edition)
the folding and and if in the faulting that the district may undergo form of a bed, its outcrop will be...not conform to the outcrops of the rocks of the district, fracture, or with little some but will follow...veins in albite diorite dykes in the Ready Bullion Mine, Alaska, appear to have been formed in Some of the...contraction-fissures in greenstone, and at the Haile Mine, South Carolina, in joints traversing diorite dykes...as simple fracturing, are produced. Where a district has been subjected to shearing, the may have deposited
Svenek, Jaroslav, Pros, Ladislav (1987) A Field Guide in Colour - Minerals. Octopus Books, London. Book
(alpha quartz), corundum, tourmaline, haematite, cinnabar, proustite, pyrargyrite, graphite, and native...in nature; exampies include the pseudomorphs of limonite after pyrite or siderite, of malachite after native...normally white but which is coloured brown by limonite when decomposed; the whitish dehydrated encrustations... and besides iron sulphates, pure sulphur and limonite, it also produces sulphuric acid. This dissolves...'Copper Belt' in Zaire and Zambia; and in Bura-Bura Mine, Australia. Sedimentary copper is found in schists
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z...e old emerald Venediger and Hohe Tauern form the Mine is about 7 M i from Habach. T h e trail leaves the...Alpenrose going E and then N . The crystalline Alps. Mine is a few hundred yards beyond the I f we come in...Across the valley is an old foot of cliff. copper mine, 2 M i S from the main Kapruntal. Extensive work...has radioactive count and patients are placed in mine as treatment. Fluorite. Passelstollen Gastain. Fluorite
Svenek, Jaroslav, Pros, Ladislav (1987) A Field Guide in Colour - Minerals. Octopus Books, London. Book
(alpha quartz), corundum, tourmaline, haematite, cinnabar, proustite, pyrargyrite, graphite, and native...in nature\ examples include the pseudomorphs of limonite after pyrite or siderite, of malachite after native...normally white but which is coloured brown by limonite when decomposed; the whitish dehydrated encrustations... and besides iron sulphates, pure sulphur and limonite, it also produces sulphuric acid. This dissolves...'Copper Belt' in Zaire and Zambia; and in Bura-Bura Mine, Australia. Sedimentary copper is found in schists
Švenek, Jaroslav (1987) Minerals. Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd, London. Book
in nature; examples include the pseudomorphs of limonite after pyrite or siderite, of malachite after native...normally white but which is coloured brown by limonite when decomposed; the whitish dehydrated encrustations... and besides iron sulphates, pure sulphur and limonite, it also produces sulphuric acid. This dissolves...‘Copper Belt’ in Zaire and Zambia; and in Bura-Bura Mine, Australia. Sedimentary copper is found in schists...Jachymov and Pyibram, Czechoslovakia; Schladming, Austria; Baia Sprie, Romania; Kongsberg,Norway; Borgofranco
(2018) November - December 2018. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 49 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 Articles Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria ................................ ............STRONTIANITE, 9 cm, from Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria. Fine Minerals International specimen, now...SHOWS TABULAR BLUE BERYL ON TOURMALINE DEO DARRAH MINE, NEAR PATTA GUZAR, BADAKSHAN, AFGHANISTAN 6CM TOM...STEPHANIE@STONETRUST.COM Obtrdorf an dtr Laming ~ tyria, austria Thomas P. Moore Peter Huber 2709 East Exeter...net Rohe-Wand-Gasse 18 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria huber@mineral.at Just outside the village of Oberdorf
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
serpentine, and the golden-yellow pyrite into brown limonite. As a result of the weathering of pyrite sulphuric...from one mineral, e.g. malachite, azurite, or limonite from chalcopyrite. Dripstone caves are another...crystal yet their composition corresponds to that of limonite. This is the result of a partial or complete exchange...interesting minerals can also be found on heaps of mine refuse, but never enter abandoned shafts or caves...Formula Origin of Specimen in ore veins, nat. in cinnabar deps. cinnabarite MERCURY 1— 3 (Quicksilver)
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
chrysocolla 105, 106 chrysolite 75 chrysotile 107, 108 cinnabar 12, 13 clinochlore I06 clinozoisite 88 cobalt...76, 109, 11 l libeth inite 65, 65 liebigite 53 limonite 37 linarite 59, 60 liroconite 74 lithiophilite...59 zippeite 62 zircon 77, 78, 78 zoisite 88 THE MINE LKINGDOM All physical bodies in Nature can be...or slightly rotated Vitreous. Like glass 3 THE MINE Class I: native ·elements Chemical elernents found...trigonal); sg 13.59. I t is found in liquid drops in cinnabar at Tdrija (Yugoslavia), son1e n1ines on Mount
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
serpentine, and the golden-yellow pyrite into brown limonite. As a result of the weathering of pyrite sulphuric...from one mineral, e.g. malachite, azurite, or limonite from chalcopyrite. Dripstone caves are another...crystal yet their composition corresponds to that of limonite. This is the result of a partial or complete exchange...interesting minerals can also be found on heaps of mine refuse, but never enter abandoned shafts or caves...Similar Minerals 2 3 4 5 in orc veins, in cinnabar d
(1920, November) From the Private Collection of M. I. Morgenthau. Catalogue of Mineral Specimens Displayed in the new Mirror Store Catalog/List
Quartz, Japan Gnlena on Ruby Jack. Toplin, Mo. Cinnabar, crystallized, Tr;nily, Calif. Fluorite, yellow...Mammoth, Arizona. Pyrargyrite, crystallized, Samson Mine, Harz, Germany Cuprite on Native Copper, very fine... Malachite, Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Malachite, Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona Native Silver...Silver, Aspen, Colo., Mollie Gib­ son Mine, one of the greatest Silver Mines ever discovered. Native...Calcite, Golden, N. M. Gold Leaf on Quartz, Burdette Mine, Nevada Co., Cal. Agatized Wood, Adamana, Arizona
(1950) Quicksilver deposits of Chile. Bulletin Vol. 964. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b964e Report (volume)
_____-_______________ Hematite______________________________ _Limonite_-____________________________________________ Magnetite...________________________________________ Los Mantos _mine_--_.-___-_--_____-____-_____-_-_---_____-_Champurria...topographic map of the Punitaqui quicksilver Page district, Coquimbo, Chile___________--____--_________ In...pocket 21. Geologic map of the 170 level, Los Mantos mine, Punitaqui, Chile____________________________________________...pocket 22. Geologic map of the 250 level, Los Mantos mine, Punitaqui, Chile___________________________________________
(1899) Catalogue and Price List of Minerals. Roy Hopping Catalog/List
mineral, "At were of large, prisms, of this mine have been obtained, more Note. - Galena offer...in the specimens Dundasite, bunches samples Mine, of occurs lode. beautiful white large more...originally Cornish mining ceeding by colour, Mine fractures of great the mineral often Mount ...extremely some rarely Anglesite. Embolite, back Mine. with minute of small of capping gossan the... 'holy fallen filled with the olivine it district: from or at regarded The moderate a at high
Schneider, Hans-J. - Ed. (1983) Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68988-8 Book
Salt miners at work in the Diirrnberg-Hallein mine (1756) (see also comment on copyright page) Mineral...work in the Durrnberg-Hallein mine (1756). Oil painting in the ancient mine office at Hallein Salzburg....Werkstiitter (1708-1772) on the occasion of a visit to the mine by the Prince Bishop Sigmund III. of Salzburg on...At the top of the painting and on the steps are mine surveyors and a miner at work. Note the romantic...heldatBled/Yugoslavia 3-7, 1977, held at Leoben/ Austria 5-10,1981, held at Berchtesgaden/Bavaria, FRG