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Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (5) 291-296 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763491 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derby, N . H., 0 3 0 4 1 ( P A R T III)...(black) ; Greenockite coating sphalerite (yellow); Gypsum; Hydrozincite on calamine (White powder and efflorescence);...Vanadinite; Hemimorphite; Chalcedony; Anhy­ drite; Aragonite. Bleiberg/Kreuth. About 15 Ms. in this area. St...(Geodes). General-Tourmaline (yellow and black). VII STYRIA (Steiermark) Alt/Ausee. In N W corner of province...amethyst); Anhydrite; "Fasersalz". Bad Ausc-e. Gypsum; Mirabilite; Dopplerite (in peat beds); Anhydrite
Pohwat, Paul W. (2015) Connoisseur's Choice: Aragonite. Rocks & Minerals, 90 (2) 164-175 doi:10.1080/00357529.2015.997155 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
DC 20013 pohwatp@si.edu AR AGONI TE PART 1: ARAGONITE FROM WESTERN EUROPE T here are many collecting...of classic localities is aragonite, this column’s featured mineral. Aragonite is an orthorhombic mineral...mineral with point group 2/m 2/m 2/m. Aragonite occurring as untwinned crystals is rare; its normal occurrence...stalactitic. As mentioned, twinned crystals of aragonite are common. Repeated twinning on {110} yields...examples are the most familiar to collectors. Aragonite may display polysynthetic lamellae and striations
(1899) Catalogue and Price List of Minerals. Roy Hopping Catalog/List
mineral, "At were of large, prisms, of this mine have been obtained, more Note. - Galena offer...in the specimens Dundasite, bunches samples Mine, of occurs lode. beautiful white large more...originally Cornish mining ceeding by colour, Mine fractures of great the mineral often Mount ...extremely some rarely Anglesite. Embolite, back Mine. with minute of small of capping gossan the...lead have with bases, hexagonal prisms and gypsum From thousand the this number these phantom
(2023) Gypsum. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Gypsum CaSO4 • 2H2 O c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point...caves. Association: Halite, celestine, calcite, aragonite, anhydrite, dolomite, sulfur. Distribution: The...several mines in the Eisleben–Mansfeld–Sangershausen district, Saxony-Anhalt, and from near Königslutter, Lower...Saxony. At Bex, Valais, Switzerland. In Austria, from Aussee, Styria, and Hall, Tirol. At Zaragoza, Zaragoza...cave complex in the Naica Pb–Ag mine, and also in the San Antonio mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua. Large
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (4) 219-225 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763468 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L East Derry, N . H . 0 3 0 4 1 IV S A L Z...e old emerald Venediger and Hohe Tauern form the Mine is about 7 M i from Habach. T h e trail leaves the...Alpenrose going E and then N . The crystalline Alps. Mine is a few hundred yards beyond the I f we come in...Across the valley is an old foot of cliff. copper mine, 2 M i S from the main Kapruntal. Extensive work...has radioactive count and patients are placed in mine as treatment. Fluorite. Passelstollen Gastain. Fluorite
Boegel, Hellmuth (1971) A Collector's Guide to Minerals and Gemstones. Thames and Hudson. Book
times, and there is evidence of at least one flint mine dating from this period. Finely worked and polished...derives its name from the saltmining district of Hallstatt in Upper Austria, where many prehistoric finds have...Law etc. (cf. also pyrite, p. 92; quartz, p. 127; gypsum, p. 177; feldspar, p. 242, etc.). A twinned crystal...higher degree of symmetry, as is the case in aragonite or chrysoberyl (Pl. 12, (p. 64). In both cases...it may also occur as the orthorhombic mineral, aragonite. Strictly speaking these are two different mineral
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
give rise to various other minerals, such as aragonite or geyserite. In places where hot solutions and...affect the neighbouring calcite, changing it into gypsum or into a whole series of other sulphates. Opals...in its chemical composition. Rock salt, sylvine, gypsum, calcite and some iron ores, such as chamosite...modifications, e.g. diamond — graphite, calcite — aragonite, pyrite — marcasite, quartz — cristobalite — tridymite...soft, yielding environment, such as crystals of gypsum in soft clay. Crystals may also develop freely
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
give rise to various other minerals, such as aragonite or geyserite. In places where hot solutions and...affect the neighbouring calcite, changing it into gypsum or into a whole series of other sulphates. Opals...in its chemical composition. Rock salt, sylvine, gypsum, calcite and some iron ores, such as chamosite...modifications, e.g. diamond — graphite, calcite — aragonite, pyrite — marcasite, quartz — cristobalite — tridymite...Bj I I I 14 rhodonite axinite a II o gypsum wolframite ntanite augne orthoclase barytes
Morrill, Philip (1972) Mines and Minerals of Austria. Rocks & Minerals, 47 (3) 147-151 doi:10.1080/00357529.1972.11763446 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
MINES AND MINERALS OF AUSTRIA By P H I L I P M O R R I L L EastDerry, N. H. 03041 This data was accumulated...These operations are on leased land and trips to Austria. While it may be the most not open to the general...two or more until a more rounded text results. Austria is defined here as what is localities. presently...mineral museums of torically, within recent times, Austria in­ which the best is the Natural History cluded...overlapping sheets. These parts but the Koflach area in Styria are show every little trail, ski trail, castle
(2019) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 165. Universität Innsbruck. 22-95 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
University of Graz, Universitaetsplatz 2, A-8010 Graz, Austria 2 OREA, Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology...of Sciences, Hollandstrasse 11-13, A-1020Wien, Austria e-mail: christian.ademeit@student.tugraz.at The...of Vienna, Althanstraße 14 (UZA II), 1090 Wien, Austria Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography...Leoben, Peter-Tunner-Straße 5, A-8700 Leoben, Austria Department of Geology, Shahid Chamran University...University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, A-8010, Graz, Austria e-mail: thomas.angerer@uibk.ac.at 1 2 Sphalerite
Števko, Martin, Sejkora, Jiří (2019) Nesquehonite from the Pezinok-Kolársky vrch antimony deposit, Malé Karpaty Mts. (Slovak Republic) Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie, 27 (2) 370-374 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
lansfordite up to 18 mm in size associated with aragonite, gypsum, brandholzite and hörnesite. Its refined unit-cell...nesquehonite is No. 1 Tunnell at Nesquehoning anthracite mine, Nesquehoning near Lansford, Pennsylvania, USA,...nesquehonite are Brosso pyrite mine in Piedmont (Campostrini 2001) or Cogne iron mine in Aosta Valley, Italy...Italy (Fenoglio 1935), Suonion mine No. 19 in Lavrion District, Greece (Giester et al. 2000), Sommergraben...Sommergraben near Leoben in Styria, Austria (Meixner 1950), Mt. Moore in Western Antarctica (Vennum 1986), Eibengrotte
Burchard, Ulrich, Bode Rainer (1986) Mineral Museums of Europe. Walnut Hill Publishing Co. Book
Frontcover Upper left: The observatory at Kremsmunster. Austria. which houses the mineral collection. Upper right:...mineralogical cabinet of the convent at Kremsmunster, Austria. The . specimens a~e displayed m baroque furniture...important mineralogical museums in Western Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany (Federal...half are in Germanspeaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The reasons for this are partly...universities, 14 by town or city councils, 13 by district councils or regional boards, and 16 form part
(2023) Aragonite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
Aragonite CaCO3 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Orthorhombic, pseudohexagonal...Group: Trimorphous with calcite and vaterite. Aragonite group. Occurrence: Converts to calcite over geologic...component in altered ultramafic rocks. Association: Gypsum, sulfur, celestine (evaporite deposits); pumpellyite...the Erzberg, near Eisenerz, Styria, and from Leogang, Salzburg, Austria. On the Spitzberg, Hořenz, near...Cumbria, England. Fine examples at the Touissit mine, near Oujda, and from Tazouta, near Sefrou, Morocco
Palache, Charles, Berman, Harry, Frondel, Clifford (1951) The System of Mineralogy (7th ed.) Vol. 2 - Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Ect. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Book (volume)
Huron, and Lambton in Ontario. Alter. Anhydrite, gypsum, polyhalite, celestite, dolomite, quartz, hematite...100. Found at several mines in the Huantajaya district, calcite, embolite, cerargyrite, bromyrite, iodyrite...as at Caracoles in Antofagasta, the Huantajaya district in Tarapaca, and especially Chanarcillo in Atacama;...Obtained in notable amounts in the Broken Hill district. New South Wales (bromian pt.). In the United...Tombstone, Cochise County, Arizona; in the Rand district and in the Calico and Barstow mines, San Bernardino
Bauer, Jaroslav (1974) A Field Guide in Colour to Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. Octopus Books. Book
its chemical con1position. Rock salt. sylvine, gypsum, ..:alcitc' and sorne iron ores, such as chamosice...niodifications, e.g. diamond - graphite, calcite - aragonite, pyrite - marcasite, quartz - cristobalite - tridymite...rhodonite albite V "' orthociase '--....v gypsum wolframite V :.0 e _: e .. .. Cx o- -= ...soft) yielding environment, such as crystals of gypsum in soft clay. Crystals may also develop freely...180°) occur quite frequently, e.g. in cassiterite gypsum) and fluorite. In so1ne cases the growth of twin
Kouřimský, Jiří (1994) Minerals and Rocks - A Magna Field Guide. Harvey's Bookshop Ltd, Wingston. Book
felspars, mica, gypsum, augite, hornblende, wolframite) (3) orthorhombic (aragonite, antimonite, marcasite...ideal model shows. Thus we find perfect crystals of gypsum in clays, of garnet and magnetite in various shales...Various crystal twins: a) gypsum, b) orthoclase (so-called Carlsbad Twin), c) aragonite. A single crystal is...intergrowths, we distinguish contact twins (gypsum, aragonite), and interpenetrated twins (fluorite). Crystal...mineral of identical chemical composition. Thus, aragonite (orthorhombic 16 calcium carbonate CaCQs) changes
(3) orthorhombic felspars, mica, gypsum, augite, (aragonite, antimonite, marcasite, barytes, topaz)...ideal model shows. Thus we find perfect crystals of gypsum in clays, of garnet and magnetite in various shales...Various crystal twins: a) gypsum, b) orthoclase (so-called Carlsbad Twin), c) aragonite. A single crystal is...inter- growths, we distinguish contact twins (gypsum, aragonite), and interpenetrated twins (fluorite). Crystal...mineral of identical chemical composition. Thus, aragonite (orthorhombic 16 calcium carbonate CaCO;) changes
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. Book
do Sul, Brazil * 12.5 x 10 x 10.5 em Page 252: Gypsum rosette, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba...even though they do contain fibrous crystals of aragonite secreted by the organisms. But there are exceptions...A CHANGING PLANET 11 Vanadinite, San Carlos district, Chihuahua, Mexico * 8 x 4 x 2 cm Mineral Species...resulting in well-formed collectible crystals such as gypsum (page 252) and epidote (page 221). Solid crystal-filled...mineral’s physical properties in order to identify Gypsum it. Many minerals have very characteristic physical
Kouřimský, Jiří (1994) Minerals and Rocks - A Magna Field Guide. Harvey's Bookshop Ltd, Wingston. Book
Guide MINERALS AND ROCKS A Magna Field Guide MINE LS AND ROCKS By Dr. Jifi Koufimsky Illustrated by...felspars, mica, gypsum, augite, hornblende, wolframite) (3) orthorhombic (aragonite, antimonite, marcasite...ideal model shows. Thus we find perfect crystals of gypsum in clays, of garnet and magnetite in various shales...Various crystal twins: a) gypsum, b) orthoclase (so-called Carlsbad Twin), c) aragonite. A single crystal is...intergrowths, we distinguish contact twins (gypsum, aragonite), and interpenetrated twins (fluorite). Crystal
apophyllite 102, 102, 103 aquamarine 92, 92 aragonite 45, 45 cassiterite 34 disthene 79 dolomite 44...greenockite 11 greenovite 81 grossularite 78 gummite 36 gypsum 62 halides 20 halite 20 halotrichite 60 hambergite...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...sulphur mines of Romagna, Italy, in association with gypsum and celestite. In Sicily, on the other hand, particularly
Kourimsky, Jirí, Naglova, Zdenka (1975) A colour guide to familiar Minerals and Rocks. Octopus Books, London. Book
felspars, mica, gypsum, augite, hornblende, wolframite) (3) orthorhombic (aragonite, antimonite, marcasite...ideal model shows. Thus we find perfect crystals of gypsum in clays, of garnet and magnetite in various shales...Various crystal twins: a) gypsum, b) orthoclase (so-called Carlsbad Twin), c) aragonite. A single crystal is...intergrowths, we distinguish contact twins (gypsum, aragonite), and interpenetrated twins (fiuori te). Crystal...mineral of identical chemical composition. Thus, aragonite (orthorhombic 16 calcium carbonate CaCO3 ) changes
Tait, Kimberly (2012) Gems and Minerals: Earth Treasures from the Royal Ontario Museum. 256pp. Book
do Sul, Brazil * 12.5 x 10 x 10.5 cm Page 252: Gypsum rosette, Red River floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba...even though they do contain fibrous crystals of aragonite secreted by the organisms. But there are exceptions...periods of stability PLANET | 114 San Carlos district, Chihuahua, Mexico * 8 x 4 x 2 om are uncommon...resulting in well-formed collectible crystals such as gypsum (page 252) and epidote (page 221). Solid crystal-filled...new ones are being discovered every year. How Gypsum can we tell them apart? The first step a mineralogist
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
68 apophyllite 102, 102, 103 aquamarine 92, 92 aragonite 45, 45 arduinite l 19, 121 argentite I0 argentojarosite...greenockite 11 greenovite 81 grossularite 78 gummite 36 gypsum 62 halides 20 halite 20 halotrichite 60 hambergite...59 zippeite 62 zircon 77, 78, 78 zoisite 88 THE MINE LKINGDOM All physical bodies in Nature can be...or slightly rotated Vitreous. Like glass 3 THE MINE Class I: native ·elements Chemical elernents found...especially near Ki1nberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimber/ite
De Michele, Vincenzo (1972) The World of Minerals. Orbis Publishing Ltd. Book
68 apophyllite 102, 102, 103 aquamarine 92, 92 aragonite 45, 45 arduinite 119, /2/ beudantite 58 corundum...greenockite I1 greenovite 81 grossularite 78 gummite 36 gypsum 62 halides 20 halite 20 halotrichite 60 hambergite...especially near Kimberley); diamonds from the Kimberley mine are embedded in ultrabasic blue rock called kimberlite...carats, equal to 621 grams) was found at the Premier Mine; named the Cullinan diamond, it was presented to...sulphur mines of Romagna, Italy, in association with gypsum and _celestite. In Sicily, on the other hand, particularly
O'Donoghue, Michael (1990) Rocks and Minerals. Dragon's World Ltd, Limpsfield. Book
museum quality but many minerals can be found on mine dumps or can be purchased or traded. After introducing...Gottlob Werner (1750-1817), a German geologist. Gypsum (Chihuahua, Mexico) ._23- As mineralogists studied...minerals are cubic. Fluorite is a common example. Aragonite (Utah, USA) 27 Crystals Crystal Morphology...Quartz 6 Feldspar 5 Apatite 4 Fluorite 3 Calcite 2 Gypsum 1 Talc All that the scale tells us is that mineral...in native copper and silver; wedge-shaped, as in gypsum; spear-shaped, as in descloizite. Many minerals