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Frietsch, Rudyard (1980) The ore deposits of Sweden. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 306. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
Survey of Finland Bulletin 306 The ore deposits of Sweden by Rudyard Frietsch Geologinen tutkimuslaitos...Survey of Finland, Bulletin 306 THE ORE DEPOSITS OF SWEDEN by RUDYARD FRIETS CH with one figure in the text...ESPOO 1980 Frietsch, R. 1980. The ore deposits of Sweden. Geological SlIrvey Bulletin 306. 20 pages and...figure. 0/ Finland, The metallogenie provinces of Sweden are reviewed. The Precambrian deposits include...the iron, sulphide and tungsten ores of Central Sweden, the sulphide ores of the Skellefte district, the
Frietsch, R., Papunen, H., Vokes, F. M. (1979) The ore deposits in Finland, Norway, and Sweden; a review. Economic Geology, 74 (5) 975-1001 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.5.975 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
nickel-coppermine at four countries: Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Vammala was increasedand the first planswere...FINLAND, AND NORWAY, VOKES AND _SWEDEN_--A REVIEW Fit;. 1. The Vuonos mine in the Outokumpu district Finland...operativein 1976, 30 were extractingiron ores. The Sweden productionof iron ore was30.526 million metric...180,000 ORE DEPOSITS IN FINLAND, NORWAY, AND SWEDEN F•G. 2. Special geophysical methods are called...("Slingram") measuringcrew at work in northern Sweden. Photo: _•. Hesselborn) 977 978 FRIETSCH, PAPUNEN
Rickard, D. T., Willden, M. Y., Marinder, N. E., Donnelly, T. H. (1979) Studies on the genesis of the Laisvall sandstone lead-zinc deposit, Sweden. Economic Geology, 74 (5) 1255-1285 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.5.1255 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Studies on the Genesis of the Laisvall Sandstone Lead-ZincDeposit,Sweden D^vm T. RICKARD, M. Y. WILLDI•N...-E. •IARINDER, AND T. H. DONNELLY Abstract The Laisvall deposit in Swedish Lappland is one of a series...area was accompaniedby minimal disturbanceof the Laisvall autochthonous sediments.Disruptionof the alum...precluded. The minerals of the ore associationinclude galena, sphalerite, calcite, fluorite, and barite. They... No definitive paragenesiscan be unraveled at Laisvall. The m'nerals are comlnonly mutually exclusive
Gee, David G., Andréasson, Per-Gunnar, Lorenz, Henning, Frei, Dirk, Majka, Jarosław (2015) Detrital zircon signatures of the Baltoscandian margin along the Arctic Circle Caledonides in Sweden: The Sveconorwegian connection. Precambrian Research, 265. 40-56 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.05.012 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Baltoscandian margin along the Arctic Circle Caledonides in Sweden: The Sveconorwegian connection David G. Gee a,∗...University, Uppsala, Sweden Department of Geology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden c Stellenbosch University...through the Scandinavian Caledonides, located in Sweden along the Arctic Circle at 66–67◦ N, provides a...least) to that in the Himalayas. Farther north, in Norrbotten (66–69◦ N), profiles through the Scandes, though...crosses the Caledonides from the thrust front near Laisvall, northwestwards, via Jäkkvikk, to the Nasafjäll
Romer, R. L. (1992) Sandstone-hosted lead-zinc mineral deposits and their relation to the tectonic mobilization of the baltic shield during the Caledonian orogeny?a reinterpretation. Mineralogy and Petrology, 47 (1) 67-85 doi:10.1007/bf01165298 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Department of Economic Geology, Lulefi University, Sweden With 3 Figures Received June 19, 1992; accepted...present erosional front of the Caledonides, contain galena and sphalerite cementing fractures and pore space...fluidffihrende lithologische Einheit bedingt. Introduction Galena and sphalerite cementing quartz sandstones form...Sandstone-hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits Lead-zinc deposits at Laisvall, Vassbo, and Osen (Fig. 1) occur in sandstones...belonging to the Lower Allochthon (Grip, 1978). Laisvall. Late Vendian and Cambrian autochthonous sediments
(2020) Chapter 20 Lower thrust sheets in the Caledonide orogen, Sweden: Cryogenian–Silurian sedimentary successions and underlying, imbricated, crystalline basement. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 50. Geological Society of London. 495-515 doi:10.1144/m50-2018-7 Report (chapter)
20 Lower thrust sheets in the Caledonide orogen, Sweden: Cryogenian–Silurian sedimentary successions and...Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden 2 Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural...Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden *Correspondence: david.gee@geo.uu.se Abstract:...lower thrust sheets in the Caledonide orogen of Sweden, comprise a mega-duplex of Cryogenian–Silurian...the Caledonide orogen in the northwestern part of Sweden, comprising predominantly Cryogenian–Silurian sedimentary
Saintilan, Nicolas J., Spangenberg, Jorge E., Samankassou, Elias, Kouzmanov, Kalin, Chiaradia, Massimo, Stephens, Michael B., Fontboté, Lluís (2016) A refined genetic model for the Laisvall and Vassbo Mississippi Valley-type sandstone-hosted deposits, Sweden: constraints from paragenetic studies, organic geochemistry, and S, C, N, and Sr isotope data. Mineralium Deposita, 51 (5) 639-664 doi:10.1007/s00126-015-0627-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
model for the Laisvall and Vassbo Mississippi Valley-type sandstone-hosted deposits, Sweden: constraints...previously proposed two-fluid mixing model for the Laisvall (sphalerite Rb-Sr age of 467 ± 5 Ma) and Vassbo...deposits hosted in Ediacaran to Cambrian sandstone, Sweden. Premineralization cements include authigenic monazite...fluorapatite, and anatase in the Upper Sandstone at Laisvall, reflecting anoxic conditions during sandstone...Switzerland 3 Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Box 670, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden 4 Division of Geosciences
Saintilan, Nicolas J., Schneider, Jens, Stephens, Michael B., Chiaradia, Massimo, Kouzmanov, Kalin, Wälle, Marküs, Fontboté, Lluís (2015) A Middle Ordovician Age for the Laisvall Sandstone-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposit, Sweden: A Response to Early Caledonian Orogenic Activity. Economic Geology, 110 (7) 1779-1801 doi:10.2113/econgeo.110.7.1779 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Middle Ordovician Age for the Laisvall Sandstone-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposit, Sweden: A Response to Early Caledonian...Department 5 Institute Survey of Sweden (SGU), Box 670 SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden of Civil, Environmental and...Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich, Clausiusstrasse...the proposed main feeder fault systems at the Laisvall deposit were used to obtain an absolute age determination...front of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Sweden. Residue and leachate fractions of each separate
Johansson, Aake (1983) Lead isotope composition of Caledonian sulfide-bearing veins in Sweden. Economic Geology, 78 (8) 1674-1688 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.78.8.1674 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
IsotopeCompositionof CaledonianSulfide-BearingVeins in Sweden z•KEJOHANSSON Ore ResearchGroup,Geological Institution...Institution,StockholmUniversity,S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract The isotopiccomposition of lead in galenafrom...Caledoniansulfidedeposits in Swedencanbe divided of oreleadsin Sweden, Wickmanet al. (1965)estab- into four groups:(1)...Pb-Znimpregnations arefoundin late Precambrian agein Sweden,but comparisonis madewith the com- or Cambriansandstones... 1674 Pb ISOTOPE COMPOSITION, SULFIDE VEINS, SWEDEN 15' 20* i I 1675 SjGngeli-Romb•k 68ø window
Saintilan, Nicolas J., Stephens, Michael B., Spikings, Richard, Schneider, Jens, Chiaradia, Massimo, Spangenberg, Jorge E., Ulianov, Alexey, Fontboté, Lluís (2017) Polyphase vein mineralization in the Fennoscandian Shield at Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall along the erosional front of the Caledonian orogen, Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 52 (6) 823-844 doi:10.1007/s00126-016-0698-0 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall along the erosional front of the Caledonian orogen, Sweden Nicolas J. Saintilan...Abstract The Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall deposits in Sweden are calcite-fluorite-sulfide vein deposits...basement rocks in the Fennoscandian Shield. At Laisvall, basement-hosted veinlets occur beneath Ediacaran...Järvsand, and NNW– SSE and NNE–SSW to NE–SW at Laisvall. At Åkerlandet and Järvsand, fractures acted as...horizontal extension. At Järvsand, the calcitefluorite-galena veins formed along R-Riedel shears related to the
Schrijver, K. (1992) Basinal brines and groundwaters as possible metal carriers in the formation of sandstone-hosted lead-zinc deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 27 (2) doi:10.1007/bf00197093 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
worldclass sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits (Laisvall, Sweden; Yava, Nova Scotia, Canada) and a few similar...zinc). According to Rickard (1983, p. 449) "[The _Laisvall_-type deposits] are genetically related to carbonate-hosted...writer). In this paper it is argued that not all _galena_-cemented sandstones are "sandstone-lead deposits"...at least partially sandstone-hosted Lansing Lead Mine and Dresbach Lead Diggings in the Upper Mississippi...criteria of P.B. Barton (in personal communica- _Galena_-cemented sandstones, occurring on several continents
Christofferson, H. C., Wallin, B., Selkman, S., Rickard, D. T. (1979) Mineralization controls in the sandstone lead-zinc deposits at Vassbo, Sweden. Economic Geology, 74 (5) 1239-1249 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.74.5.1239 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Controls in the Sandstone Lead-Zinc Depositsat Vassbo,Sweden H. C. CHRISTOFFERSON, B. \¾ALLIN, S. SELKMAN, AND...alization in the Vassbo region of west-central Sweden is concentratedin two deposits,Vassbo and Guttusj;5...who had followed the Vassbo deposit in central Sweden, have a probable age between over most of its long...sandstonecontainingabout Subsequently, the openingof the mine, together with more drilling, provided more information...sequence.We do, howThe Vassbo deposit, in west-central Sweden, is ever, introduce the term "Vassbo formation"
Rickard, David T., Coleman, Max Laurence, Swainbank, Ian (1981) Lead and sulfur isotopic compositions of galena from the Laisvall sandstone lead-zinc deposit, Sweden. Economic Geology, 76 (7) 2042-2046 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.76.7.2042 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
COMPOSITIONS LEAD-ZINC OF GALENA FROM THE LAISVALL DEPOSIT, SWEDEN DAVID RICKARD, Ore ResearchGroup...StockholmsUniversitet,Box6801, 11386 Stockholm,Sweden MAX COLEMAN, AND IAN SWAINBANK IsotopeGeologyUnit...filament. relatedleadandsulfurisotopiccompositions of galena givenby 2 a of repeated in the Laisvalldepositfor...depositconsists essentiallyof two highly stratabound galena,sphalerite,barite,calcite,fluorite usingfactorscalculatedfrom...1. For aø7pb/aø4Pb - aø•Pb/2ø4Pb Nine samplesof galena from the Laisvaltdeposit similar parametersare
Saintilan, N. J., Stephens, M. B., Lundstam, E., Fontbote, L. (2015) Control of Reactivated Proterozoic Basement Structures on Sandstone-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits along the Caledonian Front, Sweden: Evidence from Airborne Magnetic Data, Structural Analysis, and Ore-Grade Modeling. Economic Geology, 110 (1) 91-117 doi:10.2113/econgeo.110.1.91 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sandstone-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits along the Caledonian Front, Sweden: Evidence from Airborne Magnetic Data, Structural...2Geological 3Department Survey of Sweden (SGU), Box 670, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden of Civil, Environmental and...Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden 4Boliden AB, SE-776 98 Garpenberg, Sweden Abstract Strata-bound, nonstratiform...nonstratiform, epigenetic _galena_-sphalerite-cement mineralization in Ediacaran-Cambrian sandstone, including...including the previously mined deposits at Laisvall and Vassbo, occurs along the eastern erosional front
, (2004) Abstracts. Applied Earth Science, 113 (2) 125-168 doi:10.1179/aes.2004.113.2.125 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
involves veining and hydrofracturing. At Rogerley Mine, centimetric Simplified geological map of the Alston...showing localities studied: 1. Tynebottom Mine; 2. Smallcleugh Mine; 3. Wellheads Hush; 4. West Rigg open-cut;...open-cut; 5. Eastgate Cement Works quarry; 6. Rogerley Mine; 7. Scordale (Hilton and Merton Mines) B130 Applied...Great Limestone. Similarly at Smallcleugh, cubic galena (up to 5 cm), locally intergrown with abundant...limestone. Brecciation is also seen at Tynebottom Mine. Here, angular, dark, fine-grained, silicified limestone
Romer, R. L. (1990) Lead mobilization during foreland metamorphism in orogenic belts: Examples from northern Sweden. Geologische Rundschau, 79 (3) 693-707 doi:10.1007/bf01879209 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphism in orogenic belts: Examples from northern Sweden By R. L. ROMER~Lule~t*) With 6 figures Zusammenfassung...Econ. Geol., Lule~i University, S-951 87 Lule~t, Sweden Manuscript received: 21.9. 89; accepted: 9.4.90... 1989a, 1989b), lead represents an In northern Sweden, the continent collision be- indicator which can...from northern Sweden 17.0 I ( ~ 16.E - - f I I Phanerozoic sandstone-hosted galena deposits ( Laisvall...Laisvall type ) Phanerozoic calcite/quartz galena ve,ns Phanerozoic massive sulfide deposits in Caledonian
Öhlander, B., Ingri, J., Ponté, C. (1993) Lead isotopes as tracers of lead pollution from various sources: an example from northern Sweden. Applied Geochemistry, 8. 67-70 doi:10.1016/s0883-2927(09)80013-9 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
from various sources: an example from northern Sweden B. OHLANDER and J. INGRI Department of Economic... S-95187 Lulea, Sweden and C. PONTER SGAB-Analys, Box 801, S-95128 Lulea, Sweden Abstract-The surface...is combustion of gasoline, and ore from the Laisvall mine which is processed in the smelter Ronnskarsverken...sediments. The results show unequivocally that Laisvall Pb is not the source of the pollution. The enrichment...Metallic Pb is produced from the mineral galena, PbS. Because galena contains no U or Th, its Pb isotope composition
Eilu, Pasi - Ed. (2012) Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Fennoscandia. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 53 Report (volume)
deposits and all metallogenic domains in Norway, Sweden, Finland and NW Russia. Deposits and metallogenic...Finland, Norway, Russia (VSEGEI and SC Mineral) and Sweden. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Special Paper 53...Alakurtti Korpilombolo Cu Salla Jokkmokk 68° N Sweden Co REE Kemijärvi Fe ISBN 978-952-217-174-0...Finland, 40 in Norway, 40 in Russia, and 41 in Sweden. These include 24 areas that cross international...Province), black shale-hosted U (alum shales in Sweden), mafic intrusion-hosted Ti-Fe±V (Tellnes), mafic
Kendrick, M.A., Burgess, R., Harrison, D., Bjørlykke, A. (2005) Noble gas and halogen evidence for the origin of Scandinavian sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (1) 109-129 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.045 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
investigated in three deposits from Scandinavia; Laisvall, Vassbo and Osen. The deposits studied are hosted...from across the paragenetic sequence: sphalerite, galena, pyrite, fluorite and barite, of impregnation and...splits of the same samples. 3 He/4He values at Laisvall and Osen are highly radiogenic, 0.02 Ra, and the...elevated with maximum values of ⬃0.1 cm3cm⫺3 in Laisvall fluorite and sphalerite. The high 40Ar/36Ar values...sediments that host sandstone Pb-Zn ore deposits. Laisvall, mined from 1942 to 2000, is the largest deposit
Johansson, Aake (1984) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on some Caledonian sulfide-bearing veins in Sweden. Economic Geology, 79 (7) 1736-1748 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.79.7.1736 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
StableIsotopeStudieson SomeCaledonian Sulfide-BearingVeins in Sweden AM JoiaNssoN Ore ResearchGroup, GeologicalInstitution...GeologicalInstitution,StockholmUniversity,S-106 91 Stockholm,Sweden Abstract Sulfurisotopemeasurements havebeenmadeon...andin the probablyautochthonous amountsinclude galena, sphalerite,pyrite, chalcobasementof the Sjangeli-Rombak...50 1736 STABLEISOTOPESIN CALEDONIAN VEINS IN SWEDEN 15' 1737 20 ø I I 150 km o i i i S•eken-... + + STABLE ISOTOPES IN CALEDONIAN VEINS IN SWEDEN +• • +•, • ++ + ++ ++ 1789 havebeenp
Lindblom, Sten (1986) Textural and fluid inclusion evidence for ore deposition in the Pb-Zn deposit at Laisvall, Sweden. Economic Geology, 81 (1) 46-64 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.81.1.46 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
InclusionEvidencefor Ore Deposition in the Pb-Zn Deposit at Laisvall,Sweden STEN LINDBLOM Ore ResearchGroup,GeologicalInstitute...GeologicalInstitute,StockholmUniversity,S-10691 Stockholm,Sweden Abstract Laisvallis a sandstone-hosted lead-zincdepositon...coolgroundwaterin the poroussandstone. Introduction LAISVALL,situatedin northwesternSweden,hasbeen secondpart...paper to formulatea modelfor ore depositionat Laisvall. one of the principallead producersof Europe...productionstartedin 1946. The originalreserveshave Laisvall, situated at the easternborder zone of the been
Gavelin, Sven, Parwel, A., Ryhage, R. (1960) Sulfur isotope fractionation in sulfide mineralization. Economic Geology, 55 (3) 510-530 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.55.3.510 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
pyrrhotite,arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphaleriteand galena. In both casesthe sulfide mineralization is associatedwith...the crossesto sulfates. In columnV: square ----galena;filledcircle= brownsphalerite;opencircle-- yellow...MINES, SWEDEN Analysis Mineral no. Locality Typeoforeorrock $ i6 Arsenopyrite Bollden Mine Dense...mineralization) --0.9 17 Chalcopyrite Boliden Mine (from the same Dense compact arsenopyrite ore (first... 18 Arsenopyrite 16) Boliden Mine 22 Selenocosalite Bollden Mine --0.3 of mineralization) 23
Billström, Kjell, Broman, Curt, Schneider, Jens, Pratt, Warren, Skogsmo, Göran (2012) Zn-Pb Ores of Mississippi Valley Type in the Lycksele-Storuman District, Northern Sweden: A Possible Rift-Related Cambrian Mineralisation Event. Minerals, 2 (3) 169-207 doi:10.3390/min2030169 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Type in the Lycksele-Storuman District, Northern Sweden: A Possible Rift-Related Cambrian Mineralisation...SE-10405, Sweden Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm SE-10691, Sweden; E-Mail:...Mineral AB, Björkaverken, Glanshammar SE-705 97, Sweden; E-Mail: Goran.Skogsmo@omya.com * Author to whom...in the Lycksele-Storuman ore district, northern Sweden, are hosted by Paleoproterozoic basement near the...The mineralisation type, containing sphalerite, galena, calcite and fluorite, is confined to veins and
Widerlund, Anders, Roos, Per, Gunneriusson, Lars, Ingri, Johan, Holmström, Henning (2002) Early diagenesis and isotopic composition of lead in Lake Laisan, northern Sweden. Chemical Geology, 189 (3) 183-197 doi:10.1016/s0009-2541(02)00131-6 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
isotopic composition of lead in Lake Laisan, northern Sweden Anders Widerlund a,*, Per Roos b, Lars Gunneriusson...Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden Department of Radiation Physics, The Jubileum Institute...Institute, Lund University, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden c Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Luleå University...87 Luleå, Sweden d Envipro Miljöteknik AB, Repslagaregatan 19, SE-582 22 Linköping, Sweden Received...diagenesis; Lead isotopes; Pore-water; Lake Laisan; Laisvall 1. Introduction Sediments are the repository
Ncube, A. N., Amstutz, G. C. (1981) Studies on the genesis of the Laisvall sandstone lead-zinc deposit, Sweden; discussion. Economic Geology, 76 (7) 2047-2052 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.76.7.2047 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
2047-2065 STUDIES ON THE GENESIS OF THE LAISVALL _SWEDEN_--A 2047 SANDSTONE LEAD-ZINC DEPOSIT, DISCUSSION... 2). and of the possiblemode of origin of the Laisvall Simplegrading ore in sandstone. Their treatment...bedding, served in drift 716, Nadok Malmen (Laisvall mine) simplegrading,currentbedding,ripple marks;and...into (or in) a sedimentarybasinthat existedat Laisvall; thefirstphasewouldhavebeenduringthedeposition...at the crossing pointbetweendrifts9 and96, Laisvall mine. They consistof pointedtonguesof dark gray,