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, (2004) Abstracts. Applied Earth Science, 113 (2) 125-168 doi:10.1179/aes.2004.113.2.125 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
involves veining and hydrofracturing. At Rogerley Mine, centimetric Simplified geological map of the Alston...showing localities studied: 1. Tynebottom Mine; 2. Smallcleugh Mine; 3. Wellheads Hush; 4. West Rigg open-cut;...open-cut; 5. Eastgate Cement Works quarry; 6. Rogerley Mine; 7. Scordale (Hilton and Merton Mines) B130 Applied...limestone. Brecciation is also seen at Tynebottom Mine. Here, angular, dark, fine-grained, silicified limestone...major factor, (e.g. the Fe deposits and Smallcleugh Mine); those where both metasomatism and open-space-filling
Howie, R. A. (1980) (C. J.) Dixon. Atlas of Economic Mineral Deposits. London (Chapman and Hall Ltd.), 1979. 143pp., 53 maps and diagrams (in 3 colours) Price £35.00. Mineralogical Magazine, 43 (329) 685-686 doi:10.1180/minmag.1980.043.329.25 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
nickel deposits of New Caledonia, the Nsuta manganese mine (Ghana), Malaysian tin deposits, the beach-sands...field on the Colorado Plateau, the Laisvall lead-zinc deposits (Sweden), the Picher lead-zinc field of the...the Tri-State district, the zinc, lead, and baryte deposits of the Silvermines district of Ireland, the...felsic magmatic environments, covers the Helen iron mine north of Lake Superior, the pyritic deposits of...the Kosaka district, Japan, the Almaden mercury mine, the Maclntyre-HoUinger gold-quartz veins (Ontario)
Dill, Harald G., Berner, Zsolt A. (2014) Sedimentological and structural processes operative along a metalliferous catena from sandstone-hosted to unconformity-related Pb-Cu-Zn deposits in an epicontinental basin, SE Germany. Ore Geology Reviews, 63. 91-114 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.04.024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the Earth´s crust, as exemplified by deposits in Sweden (Christofferson et al., 1979; Grip, 1978; Kendrick...with little Zn and Cu minerals and accompanied by baryte and carbonate minerals forming the gangue of the...fine-grained dolomite and siliciclasts (Fig. 11f). Baryte is a common constituent in these K feldspar-enriched...green and red marly clay as it was mined at Freihung mine. Under the petrographic microscope and scanning...amounts of ankerite, siderite, calcite and baryte. Baryte contains up to 1.74 wt. % SrSO4. Pyrite and
Ridge, John Drew (1984) Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in Europe Vol. 1 - Northern Europe including examples from the USSR in both Europe and Asia. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Book (volume)
explain the ideas of those who have worked on it (and mine, where they differ from those readily available...other three, are arranged from north to south. For Sweden, a general summary of the metallogeny of that country...the one that contains the iron ores of central Sweden in which the numerous ore bodies are of a few 5...come the deposits in the province of Norrbotten, Aitik, Laisvall, and Kiruna-Gällivare, that are not in...countries: Ireland England Scotland 3 7 1 Wales Norway Sweden 1 7 17 Finland Poland USSR 12 2 30. These 80
Fontbote, Lluís, Boni, Maria - Eds. (1994) Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Ores. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-03054-7 Book
controls to mineralization in the Silvermines area, County Tipperary, Ireland. In: Andrew CJ, Crowe RWA, Finlay...paleohydrologique des gisements stratiformes de plomb, zine, baryte, fluorite du type "Mississippi Valley". In: Brown...seventh quadrennial IAGOD symposium held in Luleä, Sweden. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp 59-66 Russell MJ...the oil-field brines. The transport of the Laisvall (Sweden) ores by such fluids was proposed by Riekard...deposits, such as Friedensville, Elmwood and the Young Mine are sphaleriterich deposits, with very little galena
Olerud, Svein, Ihlen, Peter M. - Eds. (1986) Metallogeny associated with the Oslo Paleorift. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning - Avhandlingar och uppsatser. Serie Ca - Vetenskapliga uppsatser 59 Report (issue)
aa, 16H7 . t Oretlt. ft /Mm# »f.i Falu copper mine has been continuously mined for more than 900 years...traditions in Scandinavia and Finland. In Bergslagen, Sweden, numerous mines produced Cu, Fe and Ag already...copper was mined from 1644 until recently. The first mine in Finland was the Ojamo iron ore deposit, which...northern Sweden such as the Kiruna iron ores, the sulphide ores in the Skellefte district, the Laisvall Pb-mine...Pb-mine and the Aitik Cu-Au mine. The sulphide ores in the Outokumpu district and in the Vihanti-Pyhäsalmi
LeHuray, A. P., Caulfield, J. B. D., Rye, D. M., Dixon, P. R. (1987) Basement controls on sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits; a Pb isotope study of Carboniferous mineralization in central Ireland. Economic Geology, 82 (7) 1695-1709 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.82.7.1695 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
AllenResults woodWest, Clongownagh,and Newcastle(County Dublin), have the classicreplacementand breccia...variationsin galenasfrom the highest most of the sulfur. mine level at Navan, In the lower four levels at ... its or in the sandstone-hosted Laisvall deposit of deposits. Sweden. Acknowledgments Summary Carbonate-hosted...inclusiondatafrom p. 133. Silverminesbase-metal-baryte deposits,Ireland: Inst. Mining Moorbath, S., 1962...galenafrom the Laisvallsandstone lead-zinc deposit, Sweden: ECON. GEOL., v. 76, p. 2042-2046. Roedder,E.
Johnsson, Erik - Ed. (2013) 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, 4. Conference Proceedings (Volume)
Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Meeting was organised by the Geological Survey of Sweden with assistance from Uppsala University, Stockholm...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9. 1882 pp. Suggested citation...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9, 1450–1452. This publication
(1996, September) The Russell Society Newsletter 29. The Russell Society Journal (issue)
mineral which I had enquired about from that kindly mine of info rmation which was Peter. He was always willing...Comish minerals. Phoenix was, perhaps, his favourite mine. His collection of Cornish minerals and mining memorabilia...Sunday 11 August, and the October trip to Sedling Mine is on Sunday 6 October. In most cases a species...the South/ North-West Branches visit to Florence Mine, Egremont, and this was very enjoyable. A few members...Bay at 2.30pm. Over the border into neighbouring Sweden are found the largest iron ore deposits in Europe
where either the mineral itself, e.g. asbestos, baryte, or the oxide or some other compound derived from...communities to be plunged into unemployment because a mine or mines have become unprofitable, a need to earn...4 Rank Commodity 23 24 25 Fluorite Feldspar Baryte 26 Titania 27 28 Asbestos Fuller's earth 29...for, and hence the price of, the mine product, well in advance of mine development. A useful recent discussion...producers have spent vast sums of money on exploration, mine development and production but have paid too little
Melezhik, V. A., Lindahl, I., Pokrovsky, B., Nilsson, L. P. (2000) Sulphur source and genesis of polymetallic sulphide occurrences of the Ofoten district in the Central-North Norwegian Caledonides: evidence from sulphur isotopic studies. Mineralium Deposita, 35 (5) 465-489 doi:10.1007/s001260050256 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Introduction The Ofoten region is situated in the county of Nordland, northern Norway (Fig. 1a). The region...et al. (1979) to model the Laisvall sandstone-hosted Pb±Zn deposit in Sweden. However, Romer (1992) has...and laboratory work was supported by the Nordland County Programme, Projects 2543.00 (IL, LPN, VM) and 2705...metamorphosed Precambrian Fe±Pb±Zn±Cu sulphides and baryte at Aggeneys and Gamsberg, South Africa. Min Mag...Studies on the genesis of the Laisvall sandstone lead±zinc deposit, Sweden. Econ Geol 74: 1235±1285 Romer
Parnell, J., Kucha, H., Landais, P. - Eds. (1993) Bitumens in Ore Deposits - Special Publication of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits No. 9. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-85806-2 Book
netic Relationships of Vein Pyrobitumen in the Panel Mine, Elliot Lake Uranium District, Ontario, Canada J... For example, in the lead-zinc deposit at Laisvall, Sweden, sulphides were precipitated when sulphate-rich...compositions of galena from the Laisvall Sandstone lead-zinc deposit, Sweden. Econ Geol 76:2042-2046 Simoneit...of epi-impsonite; migrabitumen from an iron ore mine, Nammen, NW Germany (incident light, glycerine immersion)...weathering cracks; migrabitumen from an iron ore mine, Nammen, NW Germany (incident light, oil immersion)
Mitchell, A. H. G., Garson, M. S. (1981) Mineral Deposits and Global Tectonic Settings. Academic Press, London. Book
material, together with brittle white precipitates of baryte and amorphous silica coating tube walls of honeycomb...Carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits Carbonate-hosted baryte and fluorite deposits Preservation potential HE...Tectonic Setting BMineral Deposits 1 Hydrothermal baryte on the San Clemente Fault Zone 2 Preservation potential...pyroxenes and amphiboles, apatite, magnetite, baryte and zircon. Carbonatite complexes are generally...occur as xenoliths in young alkaline volcanics, and _baryte_-fluorite mineralization is associated with the
Ridgway, J. M. (1983) Silver. Mineral Dossier 25. Mineral Resources Consultative Committee Report (issue)
Fig 8 United Kingdom production of silver, by county: 1861-1870 85 Table l World primary silver resources...silver-containing batteries 80 Table 10 United Kingdom mine production of silver: 1851-1982 83 Table 11 United...86 Table 13 World mine production of silver: 1821-1981 87 Table 14 World mine production of silver...of world silver mine production: 18661870 and 1980 89 Table 16 World and UK mine production of silver...of world total requirements. About 75% of world mine production of silver is obtained as a by-product
(1981) Economic Geology - Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume. The Economic Geology Publishing Company. Book
base of the Complex (Vermaak, 1976). At the Atok mine, platinoid minerals tend to occur at the boundaries...and ore de¬ posits of the Jerome area, Yavapai County, Arizona: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 308, 185...Rye, D. M., and Rye, R. O., 1974, Homestake gold mine; I. Stable isotope studies: Econ. Geol., v. 69,...E., 1976, The Merensky Reef at the Atok platinum mine and its environs: Econ. Geol., v. 71, p. 249-260...Mannard, G. W., 1975, The geology of the Kidd Creek Mine: Econ. Geol., v. 70, p. 80-89. 41 ORE-FORMING
Siivola, Jaakko (ed.) (1980) Metallogeny of the Baltic Shield. Proceedings of the symposium held in Helsinki, Finland, June 12-21, 1978. Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande Vol. 307. Geological Survey of Finland Journal (volume)
Rudyard: Volcanism and iron ores in the Precambrian of Sweden 25 Gorbunov, G. I.: Association between Precambrian...basis of geostructural areas extending to Finland, Sweden and Norway; these include the Archean folded structures...Bj0rnevann occur on both sides of a synform, Bj0rnevann Mine lies at the northern crest" of the synform with...eposits (e. g . Souvrarappat, Porsanger). Repparfjord mine is a disseminated lowgrade copper deposit with chaleopyrite...Stratabound (Hyo li thus zone) Pb-Zn-baryte 2. Fissure vein Pb -Zn-baryte SVECO- Granulites (in part reworked
Maynard, J. Barry (1983) Geochemistry of Sedimentary Ore Deposits. Springer New York. doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-9493-8 Book
likely candidates are the Alum Shale (Cambrian) of Sweden and the Vpper Devonian shales of the eastern V...consumption of large amounts of energy from off-site. In Sweden, considerable oil was produced between 1941 and...(Martinsson 1974, p. 254-258). Plans had been made to mine a million tons per year as of 1979 (Frietsch and...transgressive sequence of sandstones and shales, the Laisvall Group, was deposited (Willden 1980, p. 96-98)...1978, Goldhaber and others 1978). In the Benevides mine, the U is found in a typical roll-front at the boundary
(1952, April 1st) Mining World Vol. 14 (4) Miller Freeman Journal (issue)
in this issue Kennecott’s Oswaldo Zinc Mine Page 20 ’ Contractors Prefer Eimcos — for loading underground...jobs handled by Tournadozers at this Belgian Congo mine. In addition to their Tournapulls and Tournadozers...(93 miles) from the nearest railroad siding to the mine in 5 hours. Their 5 Tournadozers made the 150-km...by a 186 h.p. Tournadozer. In this section of the mine, this 1 Tournadozer efficiently serves 4 Tournapulls...and Tournadozers ig are stripping overburden at mine section No. 1. This box cut is approximately au
(1990, March) Mineralogical Abstracts Vol. 41 (1) The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and the Mineralogical Society of America Journal (issue)
PA K I S TA N , PORTUGAL, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, TURKEY. Editors J. M. HADFIELD P...Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, 104 05 Stockholm 50. Sweden: PD. DR. W. B. STERN. Mineralog.-Petrograph. Institut...Lagache, M. (M.L.), France Lindqvist, B. (B.L.), Sweden Love, L.G. (L.G.L.), Gt. Britain Markgraf, S.A...some mafic dykes west o f Lake Vattern, southern Sweden. G. Ljungstcdt, Geologiska (Amen:lige:is i Stockholm...dolerite dykes o f north central Vastergotland. S Sweden. seem t o be composed o f two age groups, according
(1992) Mineral Industries of Europe and the USSR. Vol 3. Minerals Yearbook 1990, Bureau of Mines. Report (Issue volume)
nations of the European Free Trade Association (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Austria, and Switzerland);...Bauxite duction Priтагу metal Copper Mine Refined Lead Mine Refined Market Economy Countries: European...(EFTA) 4,292 2,861 Austria Finland Iceland Norway Sweden 12,901 Switzerland Subtotal Total, Market Economy...specified) Mineral fuels Industrial minerals Zinc Mine Refined Nitrogen (N content Cement of ammonia)...Association (EFTA) Austria Finland Iceland Norway Sweden Switzerland Subtotal 18 50599. 27 175... 4,903
(1990) Summary results of the Glens Falls CUSMAP project, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Bulletin Vol. 1887. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1887 Report (volume)
Elements in the Vicinity of Mount Ascutney, Windsor County, Vermont Leslie J. Cox CHAPTER 0 Carbonate-Hosted...and Heavy-Mineral Concentrates from the Orange County Copper District, East-Central Vermont John F. Slack...Orange County (Vt.) copper district, which includes the area surrounding the old Elizabeth mine. In the...difficult to separate, completely, their thinking from mine. I also wish to thank Norman Hatch, Douglas Rankin...1964, Taconic stratigraphy in northern Washington County. New York: Geological Society of America Bulletin
Shaw, M. H., Gunn, A. G., Rollin, K. E., Styles, M. T. (1994) Platinum-group element mineralisation in the Loch Ailsh alkaline igneous complex, north-west Scotland. Mineral Reconnaissance Programme Report 131. British Geological Survey Report (issue)
the stratiform base-metal deposits at Laisvall and Vassbo in Sweden (Tegengren, 1962). At Loch Ailsh, the...samples were found to contain small amounts of baryte, presumably related to the late base-metal mineralisation...1962. The Vassbo lead ore deposit in ldre, western Sweden and its geological setting. Sveriges Geologiska
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the annual reports of the Raw Materials Group (Sweden). A bridge between classical mining data and metallogenic...Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore Barite (baryte) Bassanite Bastnaesite Bazzite Becquerelite Behoite...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized
Dill, Harald G. (2010) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits: Mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. Earth-Science Reviews, 100 (1) 1-420 doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.011 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
the annual reports of the Raw Materials Group (Sweden). A bridge between classical mining data and metallogenic...Axinite-(Mg) Azurite Baddeleyite Bariopyrochlore Barite (baryte) Bassanite Bastnaesite Bazzite Becquerelite Behoite...hanging wall. During a subsequent mining period, the mine was re-opened to recover sideritic parts of the...you look for a mine look near a _mine_”. This includes the imperative “if you look for a mine look for smelting...also for the chrome diopside found at Outukumpu mine, a mineral that is first and foremost recognized
Johnsson, Erik - Ed. (2013) 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, 3. Conference Proceedings (Volume)
Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Biennial SGA Meeting 12–15 AUGUST 2013, UPPSALA, SWEDEN Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world...Meeting was organised by the Geological Survey of Sweden with assistance from Uppsala University, Stockholm...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9. 1882 pp. Suggested citation...Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9, 1450–1452. This publication