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(1856) Part II. Miscellaneous. Journal of the Geological Society, 12 (1) doi:10.1144/gsl.jgs.1856.012.01-02.59 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fossil Fish of Austria, HECKEL on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....e r Austria, HINGERAU on the Lignites of the . . . . . . IIECKEL. On the Fossil Fish of Austria . . ...HIN6ERAU. On the Lignites of the Hausruck, Upper Austria . . . . HOCHST~.TT~R. On the Geology of the Environs...Wurtemberg, OPPEL on some . . . . . . . . Kainaeh, Styria, ROLLE on the Lignite of . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 On Piauzite from Styria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hubberten, H.-W., Katz-Lehnert, K., Keller, J. (1988) Carbon and oxygen isotope investigations in carbonatites and related rocks from the Kaiserstuhl, Germany. Chemical Geology, 70 (3) 257-274 doi:10.1016/0009-2541(88)90097-6 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
carbonatite field (Taylor et al., 1967; Deines and Gold, 1973; Hoefs, 1973; Javoy et al., 1986). In addition...oxygen and meteoric water during eruption. Deines and Gold (1973) related the variations in carbonatites to...carbonatites complexes (Deines and Gold, 1973; Suwa et al., 1975 ). Deines and Gold (1973) offer three possible...isotope ratios of the carbonatite (cf. Deines and Gold, 1973). 5.2.3. Alteration Another process which...during eruption (Conway and Taylor, 1969; Deines and Gold, 1973). Although it is possible to explain the shift
Abstracts, zur Tagung MinPet 2021 (Wien, 19., -. 21. September 2021) (2021) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 167. Universität Innsbruck. Journal (article/letter/editorial)
University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria Present address: Geoscience Center, Georg-August-University...5020 Salzburg, Austria 4 Department of Hard Rock Geology, Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38...Vienna, Austria 5 NAWI Graz Geocenter, University of Graz, Heinrichstraße 26, 8010 Graz, Austria e-mail:...Mineralogy and Petrography, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria e-mail: max.albertus@student.uibk.ac.at 1 The...TUNGSTEN MINERALIZATION AT LIENZER SCHLOSSBERG, EASTERN TYROL, AUSTRIA: EVIDENCE FROM MICRO-TEXTURES AND
(2007) Hengist Magazin 2. Kulturpark Hengist Journal (issue)
Einleitung im Gasthaus Draxler in Wildon wurde der Schlossberg erklommen und der bestens ausgewiesene Fachmann...einer etwa zweistündigen Wanderung, die über den Schlossberg bis zum Murspitz führte, fand sich die Gruppe...Samstag, dem 25. August, standen der Wildoner Schlossberg und der Buchkogel im Mittelpunkt der Wanderung... Tauerngold im Murschotter Gernot Peter Obersteiner Gold in und an der mittleren Mur? In einer örtlichen...eine Einführung in sein spannendes Hobby. Gold in der Mur Gold, normalerweise im Gestein eingeschlossen
(2019) Hengist Magazin 2. Kulturpark Hengist Journal (issue)
in Lang unter Anleitung von Heimo und Lukas Urban Gold gewaschen. Von 5. bis 8. August standen Walderlebnistage...Ministerialengeschlecht, das sich nach den Burgen am Wildoner Schlossberg zubenannte, die Geschichte der Steiermark im...übte am Landtaiding Die Herren von Wildon Schlossberg und Markt Wildon. Kupferstich, 1681. seine Gerichtsbarkeit...Dienstmannen der Wildonier saßen. Der Wildoner Schlossberg sollte für das folgende Jahrhundert der Hauptsitz
Hackenberg, Michael (2003) Bergbau im Semmeringgebiet. Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 24. 5-97 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Einmündung Pitten/Schwarza) – Pitten incl. Schlossberg – Pittenfluss aufwärts bis Wanghof N Aspang –...erster Linie Hüttrach (Arsenik) erzeugt, wenn es auch Gold auf der Lagerstätte gibt. 1541 zeichnete er mit...Cu Kupfer allg. CuK sulfidisches Kupfer Au ged. Gold (Elektrum) Mt Magnetit Py Pyrit Hm Hämatit Hg Zinnober...Ganstrintagbau. • Mineralbestand Graphit, ged. Kupfer, ged. Gold, ged. Silber, Chalkopyrit, Pyrit, Tetraedrit, Arsenopyrit...Wahrscheinlichkeit wurde in früher Neuzeit im Preinbach Gold gewaschen. Die Voraussetzungen dafür sind vorhanden
(1970) Subject Index to Volume 55. American Mineralogist, 55 (11-12) 2160-2192 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Molybdenite (Frondel, Judith W , et a/.) I l-12 1857 Austria Geochemistry Deutsch Altenburg, calcite l1-12 2ll8...sJ . , J r . ) Mineralogy Dolomite, magnesite, Styria, Oberdorf, Trieben (Schindler, Peter, et al.) I...(Hak, J., et al.\ 7-8 1083 Nepheline, Briix, Schlossberg,phonolite (Brown, F H.) 9-10 1670 Pyrope, Bohemia...11-12 1932 Geochennistry Geochemistry Colcite Austria,DeutschAltenburg,organic rnaterials,eicosylalcohol...2ll4 Manganese Distibution Dolomite, Switzerland, Austria, Nevada, Mn2+ (Schindler, Peter, et al.\ l1-12
Proddow, Penny, Fasel, Marion (2004) With this Ring - The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Jewelry. Bullfinch Press, New York. Book
the design evolved into exquisite rings made of gold and gems. a wig a Ha GPR RAN eAS wah ® Sometimes...fifteenth through the seventeenth centuries, the gold ring had two rectangular gems on top, usually a...elaborate. Set on top of a wide gold band was a miniature temple of gold and colorful enamel with a Moorish...seventeenth-century Italy. The Irish adopted it, re-created it in gold, and named it after the fishing village. Frequently...stone and two side stones set in silver on a slender gold band. It was during this time that a second ring
(1893) Proceedings of the Chemical Society, Vol. 9, No. 122. Proceedings of the Chemical Society (London), 9. 73pp. doi:10.1039/pl8930900073 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
“The limits of accuracy of gold bullion assaying, and the losses of gold incidental to iLJJBy T. K. Rose...Some of the causes of the errors in the assay of gold bullion by hhe ordinary method are referred to,...23/10/2014 16:49:15. 74 difference in weight between the gold existent in the assay piece originally taken and...finally obtained ; i t is the algebraical sum of the gold lost and the silver remaining undissolved by the...1000. If attention be paid t o these points, the gold i n bullion OF a high degree of purity can be determined
(2002, December) Geonieuws Vol. 27 (10) Mineralogische Kring Antwerpen Journal (issue)
mineral species from Felbertal, Salzburg province, Austria * EUR. J. MINERALOGY 13(6), 12.01 1009-1012 Mineral... december 2002 175-176 Pacific Mineral Museum Gold Show 181-186 Collector profile : Ralph clark *...aus bester Hanglage : die Grube "Consolidirter Schlossberg" bei Johannisberg, Geisenheim/Rhein 31-37 Dryhead...other sites in SE New Brunswick 3 Zalesiite from the Gold Hill mine, Utah 4 Norstrandite from the St.Lawrence
Beck, Richard, Weed, Walter Harvey (1905) The Nature of Ore Deposits Vol. 2. The Engineering and Mining Journal, New York and London. Book (volume)
' This Kupferschiefer is cases. lean in this district, carrying only 1.4% of copper, and no silver,...fissures known as 'rucken' in the Mansfeld copper district also contain occasional nickelite, together with... known examples of this type is the cobalt district of Schneeberg, in Saxony, a mountainous region...present. Besides quartz-cobalt veins the Schneeberg district contains quite a 3 variety of vein types, which...Schneeberg, cally important deposits of the entire district. the veins are so crowded together in an area
(1856) Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Vol. 7. Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt Journal (volume)
Verdienste um die Wissenschaft zu geben. Eine in Gold gepragte, mit seinem Bildnisse gezierte Medaille...eS als das Geeignetste erkannt, eine Medaille in Gold priigen zu lasscn, die in der letzten diesjahrigen...H a i d i n g e r , eine Erinnerungsmedaille in Gold gepragt und ein AIbun\ mit den XVH ♦ autognip...abweichenden Verhaltnisse der _ Gebirge von Gratz, Voitsberg, Landsberg, Schwanberg u. s. w., deutet darauf...Braunkoblenlager zu Rosenthal bei Koflacb, nahe bei Voitsberg, Gratzer Kreis in Steiermark (Ritter v. Pittoni
(1996, Fall/Autumn) Sonorensis Vol. 16 (2) Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Journal (issue)
Euro­ pean City of Culture), Chester and the Lake District. Plans also include hosted visits co such splendid...specimen i s worth. Gold and silver values are measured by metal content, and a fine gold specimen is worrh...worrh several rimes the value of the gold it concains. Bue a specimen can be valuable even though it contains...Park, they once ,vere mined extensively for copper, gold, silver, lead and ocher metallic elements. Scattered...Mountain. of rocks. These magmas carried rhe copper-, _gold_-and silver­ bearing siliceous Au ids chat eventually
(2002) Tourmaline. extraLapis English 3. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
This 24 cm wide "schorl" specimen from Tyrol, Austria was part of the Gigot D'Orcy collection and is...and in association with volcanic and sedimentary gold deposits. Tourmaline can thus be found in almost...streak: yellow-brown; luster: vit­ district Corinthia in Austria and Slovenia, dravite is a reous to...and Parafba, Brazil; Sahatany Valley pegmatite district in Madagascar; Nigeria; Namibia; Nuristan Valley...Valley, Afghanistan and the Malkhan district in Russia's Transbaikal region have been the source of many
Rabeder, Gernot, Pacher, Martina, Withalm, Gerhard (2010) Early Pleistocene Bear Remains from Deutsch-Altenburg (Lower Austria) Mitteilungen der Kommission für Quartärforschung [Communications of the Commission for Quaternary Research] Vol. 17. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Report (volume)
PLEISTOCENE BEAR REMAINS FROM DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG (LOWER AUSTRIA) DIE ALTPLEISTOZÄNEN BÄREN VON DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG...PLEISTOCENE BEAR REMAINS FROM DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG (LOWER AUSTRIA) DIE ALTPLEISTOZÄNEN BÄREN VON DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG...der Wissenschaften, Postgasse 7, A-1010 Wien, Austria. Layout und Satz: Dr. Gerhard Withalm, Weilburgstraße...http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at F.A.C.E. Projektträger: AUSTRIA Fossil Animals Research Center Lunz am Se of...Pleistocene Bear Remains from Deutsch-Altenburg (Lower Austria) von / by Gernot Rabeder1), Martina Pacher2) &
(1923, January 24th) The Jewelers' Circular Vol. 85 (26) The Jewelers' Circular Publishing Company Journal (issue)
best of its kind. The Larter Knife with 14 K Green Gold Sides and the IXL Wostenholm or Stellite Movement...the future have already been outlined above. Gold Lorgnettes Fashionable Among Brazil- jan Girls...accessories. The goods most in demand are 1/10 12 K. gold frames and temples and Par. 95, same act, as manufactures...nez. There is also a fair demand for 1.10 14 K. gold. The latter is only handled by a very few houses...have 1/10 12 K. or 1/10 14 K. gold temples. Others are one half gold and one half tor- Sullivan’s
(1895, April 10th) The Jewelers' Circular Vol. 30 (10) The Jewelers' Circular Publishing Company Journal (issue)
customers. ARE YOU ONE! HIGHEST MARKET ‘RATESPOR OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Ww. W. OLIVER, Manufacturer, 1483 Niagara...SILVERWARE, Makers of 808-810 Greenwich St., Fine Gold Fewelry, 238 Mulberry Street, AIKIN., Newark...CALL S +2 o* 7x. re) ter OXIDIZED or US. ROMAN GOLD FINISH, PATENT PANELED METAL CEILINGS Shows a...machinery, (10) gold foundries, (11) manufacture of locks and safes, (12) gold beating, (13) gold, silver and...falls to below three francs in the manufacture of gold chains, common tinware, musical instruments, buttons
Liebener, Leonhard, Vorhauser, Johann (1852) Die Mineralien Tirols. Wagner'schen Buchhandlung. Book
Chromeisen. Glimmer, zweiaxiger. Chromglimmer. Gold. 1 Granat. Chrysolith. Cölestin. Graphit. Datolith...und nach Turmalin in 112 GOLD. Syn : Hexaedrisches Gold, M. Gediegen Gold. Oro nativo. Kristallsystem...Meistens werden die Stuffen geröstet, wo dann das Gold nach Verflüchtigung des Arsenikkieses deutlicher...Man erkennt dieses Verfahren an den Stuffen 113 Gold. durch das matte Aussehen des Gesteines, weil sowohl...in Adern im Chloritschiefer. 2. Wippthal, Schlossberg zu Matrei. Gleiches Vorkommen wie vor ; nur
(1905) The Mineral Industry Vol. 14. The Engineering and Mining Journal Journal (volume)
N. State Mine Inspector, Idaho. Lead in Idaho. Gold and Silver in Idaho. Brinsmade, Robert B. Professor...City. Gold Mining in Nevada. Collins, George E. Consulting Mining Engineer, Denver, Colo. Gold and Silver...Buxton & Big Bonanza Mines, Lead, South Dakota. Gold Mining in South Dakota. Douglas, James. President...Engineering J ournal. and Mining Coal and Coke. Gold and Silver. Iron and Steel. Hofman, H. O. Professor...C. Consulting Mining Engineer, London, England. Gold Mining in Western Australia. Hutchins, J. P. Consulting
(1899) Index of subjects. Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts, 76. doi:10.1039/ca8997605919 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
thioantimonite (POUGET), A., ii, 663. Coal from Austria (JOHN and EICEI. LETTER), A., ii, 493. pyroarsenite...B-Colliidine. See 4 -Methyl-ðylestimation of silver, gold, and mercury pyridine. inpresence of (KOLLOCK),...52. (LEWIS), A., ii, 561. estimation of silver, gold, and mercury artificial (MOROZEWICZ), A., ii, 762...(ROGERS), A,, ii, 667. Xorphotropic relations of gold tellurides (HOBBS),A., ii, 493. Cuprons. See under...(LIEBERMARN and aSand BB-Dimethylsuccinicacids, SCHLOSSBERG), A., i, 372. cyano-, ethylic salts ; hydrolysis
(1927, February 16th) The Jewelers' Circular Vol. 94 (3) The Jewelers' Circular Publishing Company Journal (issue)
detail. JEWELERS’ as the pouches with platinum, gold or silver tops or mountings carved from ivory,...rainbow in the beaded bags with the platinum or gold mountings and they adopt the all black or the black...of publicity is sales. In our own case, sales of gold and filled jewelry and diamond jewelry in December...Platinum exports dropped considerably but exports of gold and silver manufactures, other than plated ware...50 per cent over the preceding year. Exports of gold plated articles also increased but silver plated
(1908, August 26th) The Jewelers' Circular Vol. 57 (4) The Jewelers' Circular Publishing Company Journal (issue)
GRADE on account FINISH _GOLD_-FILLED of the beautiful finish. the gold is somewhat the only method...Every retailer should grade, We Oval and Office _gold_-filled, Make and Square, embossed. and New ...103 State St. “6IN- i ‘ y | OF High Grade Gold Filled Chains, Lockets and Bracelets 7 eee — ...The Finest FACTORY of the Original GOLD Solid All are Gold Fronts Stamped S. & - 26, 1908 &...Your THE SALE Jobber BY for S. JOBBERS & C. GOLD NEW FRONT GOODS BRIGGS PATENT The ALL Pins
Dallmeyer, R.D., Franke, W., Weber, K. - Eds. (1995) Pre-Permian Geology of Central and Eastern Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77518-5 Book
Salzburg Hellbrunnerstr. 34lIII 5020 Salzburg Austria P.A. FLOYD Department of Geology University of...Salzburg Hellbrunnerstr. 34/III 5020 Salzburg Austria H.J. FRANZKE Geologisches Institut Leibnizstr...Graz Austria G. FUCHS Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien Rasumowsky-Gasse 23 - 25 1030Wien Austria P. ...Salzburg Hellbrunnerstrasse 34lIII 5020 Salzburg Austria H. KREUZER Bundesanstalt fUr Geowissenschaften...Geologie und Palaontologie Heinrichstr. 26 8010 Graz Austria Z. MisAR Department of Geology Charles University
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
Hill Quarries, near Parramatta, in the Sydney district (Chalmers, 1968). It also forms colorless, transparent...occurs in Tertiary basalt at Clermont; the Morinish gold field, northwest of Rockhampton; and with thomsonite...in Tertiary basalt at Mount Bell, in the Moina district (Chalmers, 1968). Analcime is found along the...chabazite, cowlesite, phillipsite, and thomsonite. AUSTRIA Styria: Colorless trapezohedra of analcime, up to...basalt on Ubekendt, at Naqerdlok, in the Umanak district (B0ggild, 1953). In eastern Greenland, transparent
Tschernich, Rudy W. (1992) Zeolites of the World. Geoscience Press, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. 567pp. Book
Hill Quarries, near Parramatta, in the Sydney district (Chalmers, 1968). It also forms colorless, transparent...occurs in Tertiary basalt at Clermont; the Morinish gold field, northwest of Rockhampton; and with thomsonite...in Tertiary basalt at Mount Bell, in the Moina district (Chalmers, 1968). Analcime is found along the...chabazite, cowlesite, phillipsite, and thomsonite. AUSTRIA Styria: Colorless trapezohedra of analcime, up to...basalt on Ubekendt, at Naqerdlok, in the Umanak district (B0ggild, 1953). In eastern Greenland, transparent