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Menez, J., Botelho, N. F. (2017) Ore characterization and textural relationships among gold, selenides, platinum-group minerals and uraninite at the granite-related Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Central Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 81 (3) 463-475 doi:10.1180/minmag.2016.080.101 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
uraninite at the graniterelated Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Central Brazil J. MENEZ * AND N. F. BOTELHO...Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil [Received 16 February 2015; Accepted 21 March 2016;...have been reported in the northeastern part of Goiás State since the beginning of the 18th Century. The...Formation. In the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, the mineralization is hosted in _muscovite_-quartz mylonite in...silicified shear zone near the contact between biotite-muscovite granite and paragneiss of the Ticunzal Formation
(2023) Kalungaite. Handbook of Mineralogy. Mineralogical Society of America Report (issue)
X-ray Powder Pattern: Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante town, Goiás State, Brazil. 1.838 (100), 1.172...30.33 . 100.00 (1) Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante town, Goiás State, Brazil; average of 8 electron...Occurrence: In a hydrothermal gold deposit in quartz-_muscovite_-rich zones of a mylonite cutting peraluminous...chalcopyrite, muscovite, quartz, tourmaline, magnetite. Distribution: From the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante...Cavalcante town, Goiás State, central Brazil. Name: For the Kalunga people, a community of descendants of
Botelho, N. F., Moura, M. A., Peterson, R. C., Stanley, C. J., Silva, D. V. G. (2006) Kalungaite, PdAsSe, a new platinum-group mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Goiás State, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 70 (1) 123-130 doi:10.1180/0026461067010318 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
platinum-group mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Goiäs State, Brazil N. F. BOTELHO1,*, M...GeocieÃncias, Universidade de BrasõÂlia, DF, 70910-900 Brazil 2Department of Geological Sciences and Geological...discovered in the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante town, GoiaÂs State, Brazil. It occurs in a quartz-muscovite...quartz-muscovite mylonite, related to a peraluminous granite, in platy anhedral aggregates along foliation...sperrylite and padmaite. Gangue minerals are muscovite, quartz and rare tourmaline and magnetite. Kalungaite
Piilonen, P. C. (2006) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 91 (8) 1452-1457 doi:10.2138/am.2006.470 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Challacolloite was described from the Challacollo silver mine, south east of Iquique, Atacama desert, northern...discussed in the publication. At the Challacollo mine, it occurs intergrown with cotunnite (PbCl2) and...powder X-ray diffraction pattern for the Challacollo mine sample (Philips X’pert powder diffractometer, CuKα...platinum-group mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante, Goi’s State, Brazil. Mineral. Mag., 70, 123–130...mineral from the Buraco do Ouro gold mine, Cavalcante town, Goi’s State, central Brazil. The gold deposit
Cuadros, Federico A., Botelho, Nilson F., Fuck, Reinhardt A., Dantas, Elton L. (2017) The peraluminous Aurumina Granite Suite in central Brazil: An example of mantle-continental crust interaction in a Paleoproterozoic cordilleran hinterland setting?. Precambrian Research, 299. 75-100 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.07.029 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
peraluminous Aurumina Granite Suite in central Brazil: an example of mantle-continental crust interaction...peraluminous Aurumina Granite Suite in central Brazil: an example of mantle-continental crust interaction...peraluminous Aurumina Granite Suite in central Brazil: an example of mantlecontinental crust interaction...Ribeiro, Asa Norte, CEP 70910-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil Abstract Peraluminous granites and tonalites/granodiorites...the Ticunzal Formation and display a magmatic _muscovite_±biotite± garnet assemblage and discrete graphite
(2007, December) Mineral News Vol. 23 (12) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
crystals nor any noteworthy accessory minerals save muscovite and minor pyrite. Of these prospects, Bayley (1904)...some of the Garland County mines. I also planned to do some Magnet Cove collecting but the rain twice wiped...from which mine they came. Most will have forgotten but often will give you a guess I usually do not press...erroneous detailed location data. The Sweet Surrender mine near Story is located near the northwest end of...Show. We might have done better buying a bucket of mine run quartz and cleaned it at home. These run from
Atencio, Daniel (2023) Type Mineralogy of Brazil. Solaris Cultural Publications. Book
TYPE MINERALOGY OF BRAZIL: A Book in Progress, besides the currently valid mineral species described...MINERALOGY OF BRAZIL A Book in Progress ~APESP FUNOA(:AO DE .MCl'AAO ..4PfSQUISA DO ESTA.DO DE .$AO...Tavares Bastos, 41 - Perdizes Siio Paulo - SP - Brazil - CEP 05012-020 Phone (5511) 96905-5468 Cover:...Carlos Cornejo. DANIEL ATENCIO TYPE MINERALOGY OF BRAZIL A Book in Progress Crystal structure of brazilianitc...Paulo, 2023 DA,"-;IEL ATENCIO- TYPE MINERALOGYOF BRAZIL TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 Preface by Carlos Cornejo
(2007, May) Mineral News Vol. 23 (5) Excalibur Mineral Corp. Journal (issue)
mountains now, but there are many old mines and mine dumps to attract the mineral collector. The range...Rouse, 1974), the secondary minerals of the Travonia Mine in the Boulder Creek District near Maxville (French...and of the secondary minerals of the Scratch Awl Mine near Philipsburg (French, 2005). Some of us who...of the Chemical Bond.] Typical covalent compounds do not conduct electricity because all the electrons...MineralSpecies,photo by Jeffrey Scovil May 2007 Mine or Deposit Chauvai Mineral News 5---- Geologic
Prichard, Hazel M., Knight, Robert D., Fisher, Peter C., McDonald, Iain, Zhou, Mei-Fu, Wang, Christina Y. (2013) Distribution of platinum-group elements in magmatic and altered ores in the Jinchuan intrusion, China: an example of selenium remobilization by postmagmatic fluids. Mineralium Deposita, 48 (6) 767-786 doi:10.1007/s00126-013-0454-7 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
concentrated mainly in pentlandite. In contrast, Pt and Au do not partition into BMS and instead form discrete...serpentinization as for example in the Bacuri complex in Amapa Brazil (Prichard et al. 2001) in the Shetland ophiolite...Musonoï Mine, DRC Harz Mts, Germany Předbořice Czech Rep. Serra Pelada, Brazil Milotaite Cavalcante Brazil...Kalungaite (PdAsSe) padmaite (PdBiSe) Gongo Soco MG Brazil Chrisstanleyite Pd8Hg3Se9, Pd5(Hg,Sb,Ag)2Se6 (Pd...Hg)5Se4 Sudovikovite palladseite Itabira MG Brazil Cauê MG Brazil Sudovikovite (PtSe2), palladseite , Pd-Pt-Se
Cornejo, Carlos, Bartorelli, Andrea (2009) Minerals & Precious Stones of Brazil. Solaris Cultural Publications, São Paulo. Book
BARTORELLI ::• . . .. MINERALS & PRECIOUS STONES OF BRAZIL Sponsored by: VALE MINISTER.IO DA CULTURA ©...Crystal of multicolored tourmaline (84 x 26 mm), Lavra do Sapo, Ferruginha, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais...(Camara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brazil) Cornejo, Carlos .Minerals & precious stones of Brazil. Carlos Cornejo...pedras preciosas do Brasil Bibliography 1. Gemology 2. Geology 3. Minerals - Brazil 4. Minerals- Classification... Mineralogy 6. Mineralogy - Brazil - History 7. Precious stones - Brazil I. Bartorelli, Andrea. II. Title
Pracejus, Berhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (1st ed.) Elsevier. Book (edition)
Pseudotetragonal Layered Structures [Si4O10]4- and others Muscovite VIII/H.10-70 860 VIII/H.11-00 Biotite 862 Chamosite...mineral, although in many cases, Environment these do not cover all possible genetic conditions. Reflection...bireflectance. Isotropic minerals, such as pyrite or galena, do not show bireflectance. Anisotropic minerals possess...Isotropic minerals, such as pyrite or galena, generally do not show anisotropy (although some exceptions are...(yellowish white), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // Anhedral electrum
Pracejus, Bernhard - Ed. (2014) The Ore Minerals Under the Microscope (2nd ed.) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/c2012-0-01360-9 Book (edition)
prepared as polished sections, which I was able to do in the lapidary of the Earth Science Department at...settings are specified, although in many cases, these do not cover all possible genetic conditions. Type...Group and both possess a strong bireflectance (as do the other members of the group). PPL, XPL The polarisers...reflections. Isotropic minerals, such as pyrite or galena, do not show bireflectance. Left: Radial tungstenite...preferred crystallographic orientations (axes) and do not find the time to fill interior gaps. In cases
Hyršl, Jaroslav, Bernard, Jan (2013) Minerals and their Localities - Supplement - Minerals described since 2004. Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
MINE andtheir LOCALITIES JAN H. BERNARD AND JAROSLAV HYRSL INERALS DESCRIBED SINCE 2004 MINERALS...dist., China Fluomatromicrolite, x 25111111, Naipa mine, Mozambique Daliranite, 5111111, Zarshouran Au-As...Domafov, Czech Rep. Juangodoyite, 60111111, Santa Rosa mine, Chile Back cover photo: Ho/fertile on hematite...piment pseudomo,phs after realga,; 75 mm, Palomo mine, Pen, Page 3: Stepite on arsenic, 45 111111,Jachymov...2(4) - 4.0(6) - 2.58(10) - 2.04(5). At the Kiura mine, Saiki City, Oita pref., Japan. IMA 2012-101. Adolfpateraite
Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (2008) Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species 2008. The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Book (edition)
of The Fleischer s Glossary of Mineral Species, I do so with somc sadness. On September 18, 2007, my Teacher...Thomas Armbrusler (Switzerland). Daniel Atcncio (Brazil). Malcolm Back (Canada), Henry L. Barwood (USA)...Abernathyitc, K[(UO 2 )(AsO,)](HP) 3, tet., Fumerole No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain. on the southeast flank of the...104(3). 326-328 □ Achavnlitc, FcSe, hex .. Cacheuta Mine. Ccrro de Cacheuta. Sierra de Cacheuta. Mcndoza...AgardJte-(Ce), CeCu.(AsO4)i(OH).-3H1O, hex., Clara mine, central Black Forest, Gennany,A1ifSS(2004),17-23
(2017) Critical mineral resources of the United States—Economic and environmental geology and prospects for future supply. Professional Paper 1802. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1802 Report (issue)
rare-earth elements, and antimony in China; niobium in Brazil; and platinum-group elements in South Africa and....B3 Graph showing dates associated with all the mine sites on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s...production, U.S. apparent consumption, and U.S. mine production of antimony from 1900 to 2012............................F2 Graph showing world cobalt mine and refinery production and apparent consumption.....................F2 Graph showing world cobalt mine production from 1950 to 2011...................