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Mineral Data:

Click here to view Libethenite data

Locality Data:

Click here to view Manto Cuba Mine, San Pedro de Cachiyuyo mining district, Diego de Almagro, Chañaral Province, Atacama, Chile

Data Identifiers

Mindat Occurrence Record ID:


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Nearest other occurrences of Libethenite

39.5km (24.5 miles)

San Samuel Mine ("San Manuel Mine"), Carrera Pinto, Cachiyuyo de Llampos mining district, Copiapó, Copiapó Province, Atacama, Chile

62.6km (38.9 miles)

Salvador Mine (Damiana mine), El Salvador mining district, Diego de Almagro, Chañaral Province, Atacama, Chile

72.4km (45.0 miles)

Los Azules mine, Quebrada San Miguel, Copiapó, Copiapó Province, Atacama, Chile

73.1km (45.4 miles)

San Miguel prospect, Los Azules mine, Quebrada San Miguel, Copiapó, Copiapó Province, Atacama, Chile

89.2km (55.4 miles)

Dos Adrianas Mine, Tierra Amarilla, Copiapó Province, Atacama, Chile


Reference Search (possible matching items)

Cook, Robert B. (2009) Brochantite Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico. Rocks & Minerals, 84 (1) 48-53 doi:10.3200/rmin.84.1.48-53 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Universitesi] at 20:25 14 March 2016 Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico T here once was a time when...originating at what was then known only as the Blanchard mine, Bingham, New Mexico. Oh, for those simpler times...fine brochantite from the abovementioned Blanchard mine has been selected for this issue. Brochantite, a...with langite and posnjakite occurs in the Ecton mine, Montgomery County (Smith 1978); and brochantite...upper workings of the Stonehill or Woods copper mine, Randolph County, Alabama (Cook and Smith 1982)
(2006) November - December 2006. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 37 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
stockbroker, died Wednesday April 12, in Villa de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. He was 75...rush, and the early 1900’s saw several attempts to mine the property commercially. From 1952 to 1971 the...the property, and attempts during the 1990’s to mine the land (to my knowledge, this latter information...information on recent attempts at commercial mining is available nowhere else). Throughout the book, readers...fine contribution to the literature of diamond mining, and certainly picks up where Kidwell’s article